The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, June 07, 1855, Image 4

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[From die Georgia Telegraph.] Bnaiwick *md Florida F allroad—Stale Aid Development of Somtfcern Georgia. Mr. Editor:—It is troll known that the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Rrunswick and Florida Railroad Company, was held in the city of Brunswick^ on the 3d inst. The report of the proceedings has been published in several of our newspa pers, and has attracted considerable notice throughout the State. The interest which our citizens generally manifested in this en terprise, is commensurate with its vast im portance ; it being conceded on all sides that there is no work now contemplated within our borders, which, when finished, will be fraught with more beneficial results. Hence its speedy completion is justly looked upon as “a consummation devoutly to be prayed for." But apart from its intrinsic merits, this road, in common with others, commands no little attention, from the fact of its involv ing the great question of State aid to works of Internal Improvement. This subject has, for a long time, agitated the public mind, and no doubt it will be hrought pro- [From the Augusta Constitutionalist.] Decision of ttae Supreme Court on tne Darien Bank Cases. We learn that the Supreme Court has de cided the following points in the cases re cently argued before it at Milledgeville, of the creditors of the Bank of Darien, against the State of Georgia. Recovering from a Rattlesnake Bite. On la^t Wednesday, a little factory boy by the name of Wyatt, was bitten by a rattle snake under the following circumstance.— He thrust his hand into a hollow stump to extract a rabbit, that had fallen in the stump, he felt a slight pain as from the scratch of i a pin on the back of his hand, and upon Clarke & Grubb, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 35 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, o-a-, Are daily receiving, and will keep constantly^ .. lst ’ T1 . , ? t . th ® Stateis n °t liable to pay up withdrawing it, saw that it hied a few drons.! Groceries and Tennessee Produce the unpaid instalments on her subscription IIe told h is associates that there was some- I '" 0Cen *S MIlTeimesseeProduce. t0 OH 6 ' • , «• n . ; thing there besides the rabbit. They went i 40.090 lb* good Bacon Side*. ’ ~d. That the State is not liable to redeem , home immediately and he became vet-v sick I 25.000 lb*' Leaf Lard, any portion of the bills of the bank still R0 that in an hou £ h e looked like dying.- ! outstanding, or of the judgment founded on Whiskev and other 8timu i anta were given up to the point of complete intoxication and he rallied again. His arm was swollen very tight nearly up to his body. Three things it is likely aided his recovery. 1st. The snake had probably expended some of his poison on the rabbit. 2nd. The wound was bills. 3d. That the State was justifiable in for feiting the Charter, and seizing the assets of the Bank and placing them in the Central Bank. 4th. That the State was justifiable in re ceiving, through its agent, the Ceutral ] Very superficial, and 3d tho timely annlica- Bank, the depreciated bills of the ; ^ of 7 he stimulent . We would say all Bank from its debtors, and was not liable > littIe b and b; ones too . Mind how y 0U to the judgment of other creditors of the ; t * hands £ old hollow st . * Bank to account for such collections as if! We had alm08t forgotten to 8ta te that the mad ? 1I ipu U ! r f, nt “ lnds - • ...... 1 rattlesnake was taken alive by one whopos- - th ‘ from the £btoro J Sf the Darien ! messed more boldness than descretion, retain- minently before the next Legislature. In eeiving trom the aeotors ot tne uarien ed ; n CU3tod y f or g 0me hours, and then kill- anticipation of the meeting of that body, it ; ® ank against whom judgment existed, the j ed> jj e measured near tbree f eet ; n ] en gth, is right that the arguments pro and con i depreciated bills of said Bank, in payment. and bad geven rattles.—Sandersville Geor- should be fully discussed through the me- ; such judgments, and she is not liable to , - an dium of the press. Therefore, with your ; account to the creditors for such collections > *' 5,000 lbs Feathers. 125 bushels Dried Apples, 75 “ “ Peaches, 100 bbls Netc Orleans Syrup, 20 hhds Nets Orleans Sugar, 25 sacks Rio Coffee. ALSO, Fresh Garden Seeds, Corn, Oats, Flour, Meal, AND almost every other article sought for by Gastrono mists. They are also prepared to STORE COTTON, and make advances on Cotton when tored with them. Cash orders for any article in their line will meet prompt attention, and they are respectfully solicited. CLARKE & 6RCBB. Atlanta. Feb. 19th. 1855. d&wly. f. SXSOSTJLSJs Ware-House & Commission Merchant, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. FOIl SALE! dsssesrov nermission** Mr” Editor i"* DroDOse' "advoca- 1 tt9 made in current funds. In the town of Liberty, Texas, a fine of' W A J IN , < * rent< ^ that spacious Fire-g; ting in your columns, a judicious system of j . 6th - That the two oldest judgments exist- j |25 is imposed on any individual using pro- ■ ^vh^n^rTtrecr State aid in general, and the claims of the 1D f5 against the Bank hav^ a priority of hen fane language m the hearing of females. Brunswick and Florida Railroad in particu- u P on the assets of the Bank, and that all ■ ^———* lar. This I do from no motives, but those ! the eurrentjunds collected by the State impelling a citizen who feels proud of his ^ rc,m the assets, after deducting expenses, native Stato and takes a lively interest in were rightfully paid to said judgments, all that concerns her welfare. h S this decision, all creditors, .of what- To nroceed then with my self-imposed ever description or class, save the holders of task, I will promise in connection with the '^ 10 , two oldest judgments, the Planter s above enterprise, throe questions are par- and the Bank of the State Judgments, ... *_s._ i are entirely cut off atid excluded; the as sets made subject being wholly insufficient to satisfy those judgments. Thus are the hopes of the holders of more than 8200,000 of bona fide and honest claims against the Bank of Darien, and against ticularlv to be considered: 1st, Is the Road needed ? 2d. Will it pay ? 3d. Ought the State to aid in its con struction ? These questions, the limited space of this article will compel me at present to touch ^ ie ^ate its principal stockholder, and seif- 200 Bags Rio Coffee. 25 Hhds. choice N. O. Sugars. 50 Bbls.Crushed. Powdered and refined Sugara 100 Bbls. prime N. O. Syrup. 50 Bbls. lresh Mackerel. 25 Boxes Cheese. 100 Kegs Nails various sizes. 25 Doz. Painted Pails. 10,000 Libs. Hollow Ware. With a large assortment of Black SmithTools, Dry Goods, j on White-Hall I Storage and Sale of Cotton, Com, Lard Bacon, j and all other produce with which he may be favor- i ed. Having had long experience in the general I trade of Georgia, he flatters himself that ho can : give satisfaction in tho sale of all produce; and ; also in the purchase of all articles which the coun- i try may require. T. DOONAN. December 14,1S54. 69dwtf , E. WILLUMS. WM. M. WILLIAMS. J. JGH.V REEL, Q. E. Williams*: Co., (Successors to J. E. Williams.) General Commission Merchants, and agents for the sale of BACON, LARD, GRAIN, FLOUR, 4c., 4c., I Athenaeum building, Decatur st., near Tr’t House, ■ r—^ — r ~ „ nna Hhitod TmratoP of ita asRPts uttprlv de- ; UOOIS <U BHOeS, XMlM-StOneS, d'C., \ ATLANTA, GEORGIA. upon in a brief and general manner: it is ; ‘ ? ^ Which are offered to the trade at low rates on ac- j SS^Truly thankful for the very liberal patron- my design, however, in subsequent commu- | moiisnea^ ^ ^ ^ u;n v \ commodating term 5 ? by J. T DOANE. j age I have received for the past three years, I re- x ’ Jan. 20, 1855. n34-wtf. ' speetfully solicit a continuance of the same to the I new firm. March 1, *55 J. E. WILLIAMS. New Goods! nications, to take up each topic successively, „ Judgement creditors, bill holders, certi_ and discuss it in cxtcuso, m • ncate of deposite holders, and holders ot The first question as to whether the road ! protested drafts are involved in a common : is needed, is too clear a case to require and utter disappointment. The sole excep- much comment. Many things combine to t ! ons are tke , tu :° judgements above men- give to it an affirmative response. It j 8 i tioned, and the balance coming to them will needed to furnish to the people of Southern b e small. Georgia a ready communication with mar- j can S lve on ^y r ^ e im P or tant | ket, and encourage emigration to the richest ! n*- we understand them to be, i>ut portion of our territory, thereby bringing 1 n . 1 . us , t await the reasoning and the facts un-; into cultivation thousands of acres now co- are published by authority. We . vered with the primeval forest, and mate- j endeavor to give the decision in full, ; rially adding in the way of taxes to the re- > when a PP ears Wlth such comments as it j ceipts of our Stato Treasury. It is demand- I suggests. | Eli Y, would respectfully invite all who wish to ed also, to meet the exigencies of trade and =1 ~V*rch&se to be sure and call at the new Bookstore, 1 IIAVE now in store a large stock of DRY j M C <3REER1, GOODS, adapted to the Spring and Summer \ trade, that I will sell at prices corresponding with I the times. A call and an examination U solicited, i I can and will sell as low as any one for the snmo ; pay. J. X. DOANE. ! May 10, 1855. (wtf. New Bookstore. R. M. HOOKE, Charleston. Chattanooga. McCreery & Hooke, COTTON FACTORS, Commission & Forwarding Merchants, Charleaton, S. C. Strict attention given to the sale of all Country Produce and VI anufactures, to the Receiving and travel, shortening as it will by more than a thousand miles the route between the Gulf States aud the Northern seaboard, and en tirely obviating the danger and loss of time attending’ the circuitous passage by the Florida peninsular. And again, it is want ed as a connecting link in the great chain of Railroads which is designed eventually to counect the waters of the Atlantic and Pa cific. These considerations, with many others that might be enumerated, demon strate conclusively that the building of this Road will supply what has long been felt to be a great desideratum. Mi-. Stephen, a Candidate. It affords us sincere pleasure to announce to the voters of the Eighth Congressional District, that the lion. A. II. Stephens, has, after mature deliberation, determined to be- on Whitehall street, two doors abovo the Post Office, as his terms cannot fail to please. His stock having been bought principally for cash, and se lected mostly by himself in the Northern cities.— He has also a fresh supply of of Fancy Articles, ... , ~ . .. . r, | Watches, Jewelry, Toys, 4c., at the lowest prices, come a candidate for re-election to Congress, j Teacher> and Merchants supplied on the most lib- and so announced himself in a speech in i era i terms. GEORGE DUNHAM. THE subscriber having recently re- j Forwarding of Freight, and to the filling of orders plenised his large and well selected i in this Market. Dec.4, 1854. d*w6m stock of BOOKS AND STATION- EZRA I. MOSES, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANT, Savannah, Ga.‘ this city on Monday evening. lie arrived in this city Monday morning, and had the following hand-bill extensively circulated through the day: lion. Alexander II. Stephens will address his fellow-citizens of Augusta, without dis tinction of party, this evening at 8 o’clock, ; Atlanta, February 7, 1855. [wly.] SCOTT'S PATENT IjITTXiE GIANTT CORN AND COB HILL. RRO 11W ANDERSON. Proj)rietors of Geor gia, Alabama, Middle and Eastern Tennessee. be a great desideratum. in the City Hall, in response to the calls I An!er - nn .. M JbHrhta ICtn ^ ei1 at Regarding then the absolute necessity for thft . have mad c upon him to he a can-1 Nashvme Ur Brown 4 Anderson, the Road as almost a self-evident propoai- , didatc ain for Congress. And by .i. Win<hip.Atlantia, j tion we proceed to consider whether it will \f™ „„,i Orders addressed to us will strongest evidence that when built it will yield a good dividend on the capital invest ed in it. Should further proof of this be required, we need but point to the charac ter of the country through which the line will pass, the inexhaustible fertility of its soil, the variety of its productions, its val uable timber and many other sources of wealth and prosperity. Even were the Roads not to call into cultivation another foot of ground (which is a most improbable supposition) the local traffic and present Native and Adopted Citizens, Catholics i been thoroughly tested, nro portable, onn beset up and Protestants, are invited, one and all. to 1 in half an hour’s time without expense or meehan- atteud. Monday, 28th May, 1855. The result was, that before the hour, the City Hall was filled to its utmost capacity, with a dense mass of citizens, of all classes and parties, anxious to hear what he had to say, and who greeted him most cordially on his arrival. He had but just entered on his speech, when it was suggested to him that a large portion of the audience could not enter the ical aid. The most convenient Mills for team use ever invented. Its mechanical construction in sures durability. No. 2 is offered at $65 complete, ready for at taching the team, and warranted to grind from S to 12 bushels of feed per hour with one horse. No. 3, at $75. will grind 15 bushels per hour. No. 4, at S85, will grind 20 bushels per hour with two horses. BROWN 4 ANDERSON, No. 40, Market st., Nashville. T-nn. Apr21,’55. d3twtf. production of the country along its route I P?™ i,e . auamnee could not enter the would furnish it with ample employment. HaU. and desired that he should speak front This is independent of any future growth j the ste P 9 on the outside, to which lie readily J." .“*>•, f -f b* I resumPli j '«*«> * Groc.rie: freight which will seek this mode of con- | Vr’ , Y, ' repaireu, wnen ne resumeu , owin arUcleB . veyance. If to these items there be supe- i an( * finished his speech by moonlight. ^ i 50 hhds. of New Orleans .su#* Groceries! Groceries! Groceries! T HE undersigned ore now receiving at their store. corner of Hunter and Pryor sts., the stand former ly occupied by J. E.Williams, u lurge and carefully se- consisiiug in part of the fol- \\TlLE pay strict attention to all business entrusted V V to his care. —: REFERENCES :— Messrs. L. Trapraan & Co., ) I li Wardlaw Walker and Burnside, ^Charleston | •* James Adger & Co., ) Hall & Moses, ) v Catliu. Levitt & Co., j-New \orki 14 Purvis, Gladden & Co., New Orleans. ! 44 A. A. Solomons & Co., Savannah.., j •• Hall & Moses, Columbus, j Savannah, October*24th, 1854. 26—dw2m ; PURCHASING^AND SHIPPING j COMMISSION MERCHANT. T HE subscriber will faithfully purchase for and transmit by Railroad, or other conveyance, to his patrons. Provisions, Groceries, 4e., agreeably to order. IIu may be addressed in Atlanta and found at the store of Messrs. Whitney 4 Hunt. REFFERENCES.—Jos.S. Baker, Albany, Ga.; Rev. D. G. Daniel, Thomasville, Ga.: Williams Rutterford, Jr., Amerieus, Ga.: Dr. C. W. Long, Athens, Ga, and any respectable citizen of Atlanta. D. H. SILVEY. Atlanta, Jan. 20., 1855. diwly. WILLIAM LYNN.] j [J. I. SNIDER LYNN & SNIDER, Savannah, Georgia, VV. L. Y N.N & CO., Dalton, Georgia, Forwarding and General Commission TMerchants. Liberal advances on all consignmontB oi Produce. 30d46m. As we could not make any notes, we will • Joo sacks -.f Rio Coffee radded the amount of trarel that will pass : . , . c ioo, of vew Orleans svrui over this line, all apprehensions as to the ! not attempt from memory any sketch of Ins ; U bbi - - - r i Road’s not proving profitable vanish like i remarks, other than to state that he opened the darkness of error before the light of i l*v announcing himself a candidate for re truth : and the only fear that can reasona- cnt0l ;° d a ‘ ® nc ® ,nto * fwcussion bly exist is that one track may not prove : ? 1 ‘f ! )I ' n ' cl l‘ :es t!!e Nothings re- adequate to the immense business which Jteruted the po-.uions of his letter to Col. awaits it 1 nomas, of Libert, answered in his progress, Having said this much to show the exist- . objections which had been urged to that ng necessity for the road, and the absolute f tter Tli r °n K h the press, and appealed to certainty of its becoming eminently a pay- the members of he order, as Southern men, : J_ - ing investment, let us next enquire* whether ! Georgians and Americans, to abandon the | of Pe the State ought to aid in ira construction if 01( ^ er * J 1 jecaUf ' e ot^iect ion able fea-1 West < f Extra Whiskey. 20 tierces of 50 boxe*. of Star anJ Sperm Candle 25 Cigar t. 50 boxes Tobacco. Lc. We intend to keep constantly on hand h 3: -r.vv stoc* aud invite those who are in need of 8.u*U .'u-tieL-.» t give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Feb22wtf. J. J. THRASHER A; CO. Valuable Ptautation lor Sale. 'T'HE subscriber offers for sale bis PLANTA TION in DeKalb county, lying on the waters Peachtree and Peavine creeks, 3J miles Nortli- of Decatur and 3} miles North-East of Ai- GKENYILLE & CO., General Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, 1X7-11.1. attend promptly to any business entrusted - V to them. They also keep an office at Chattanoo ga. Tennessee, and will make purchases for orders of produce at that point. Charles E. Grenvillh, j William F. Sample, Savannah. Chattanooga. Xov. 7. 1854. d&w2m 8FYMORF: B. I.OVF | W',f. WATKIN'?. | R. M. l.OV LOVE, WATKINS & LOVE, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wliiteliall S*t., Atlanta, Ga. REFERENCES: Jno. Stjt.weu ) Me Don* V W Turner) Ca Gartrell & CiLexn 1 Atlanta I. O. McDaniel » Ga against it. It is indeed objected by some that if the Legislature sets the precedent by aiding o?ie. she will have to aid all that apply ; but this by no means follows as a matter of course. Proper discrimination 1 land in consequence of its secrecy. He spoke ! under good fences and necessary buildings for more than an hour, was listened to through- i f ' ar, . nir W- ^lth a good apple orchard. Any person nnf „WI, the mn.t ro S r.oo t fnl nffontiee desirous n purchasing can call on me on tho prem ises or address :no at Decatur. Terms will bo ac- out, with the most respectful attention, and was frequently interrupted by bursts of ap- commoSaUno plause from his auditors. When he had concluded, the Hon. must be exercised in selecting only those j >vn ® n n . e *J aa concjuaea, tne lion. R. roads which deserve assistance While we Ioombs > wl |°. 1,ad reacbed tl,e on >' , tba ' af ‘ ternoou on his way to Europe with Ins fam ily. and was present, was loudly called for. Jan. 16, 1855. J. B. WILSON, nt-wfim. acknowledge that a too general and indis criminate system of State aid might involve the government in financial embarrassment, wo contend that its application in a few special instances would be attended with the most gratifying results; in the same way that the administration of several grains of calomel frequently works wonderful cures, when a dose of as many ounces would prove fatal in its effects. He responded to the call in a brief and for cible speech, in which he stated his objec tions to the order. The}' were based upon its secrecy, the proscription of Catholics and Foreigners, and the Freesoil tendencies of ; promptly attended to at his Car Establishment Winships Iron Works. THE subscriber is now prepared to receive and execute orders for all kinds of Castings anti Machine Worts, and all persons favoring him with orders may rely upon having their work executed in the best man ner and at short notice. Orders for SASIt, BLINDS and DOORS, the Northern wing ; all of which were dis cussed in his usual forcible style, though . very briefly. lie, too, was frequently in- Cash paid for Old Copper. Brass and Cast Iron. JOSEPH WINSHIP. Junel4,’54. 3-wlv. Thus while we do not favor the “whole i ter ™ pt £ d § ~\ C P laudit * Vf, L the nudien ? e < • r. . . - _ I ’/-.I I’ W I nmvwin /at Ii Ibtiul 1, n sale plan” of State aid, wc are convinced that there are certain main lines which have a right to legislative assistance. In this class the Brunswick and Florida Railroad stands pre-eminent. In the first place *tlie legislature ought to lend a helping hand to the people of Southern Georgian in their noble work of improvement, since they have born so long without a murmur their pro- Burslars Broken Up.—A gang of Eng- portion of taxes to meet the five millions of : Hsh burglars, fourteen in number, were ar- dollars expended upon a road for the bene- vested a few davs since in New York in one fit of the upper part of the State. That j house in that city. The New York Times Practice of Surgery. Drs. Smith & Ramsay Col. T. W. Thomas, of Elbert, who had arrived in the city that day from Milledge- \ille, was also present, and was called up. . UJEG leave to inform the public that they will He however declined making a speech at JD attend strictly to all Surgical Cases scut to that hour, when the audience had already! their care, aud ample preparation wiU be made for heard two speeches on lhe same side ; and j aU transient patienis. The centrality of Atlanta, the multitude quietly dispersed.— Citron, cf’ i :au * ' ts rc ™ a fk:ibie facilities tor living, point t«» it j Sen. they in their turn should have a little help ; pavs . is but a simple act of justice; and unlesthcy ! as a most desirable place for the invalid. Persons ; ■ wishing Surgical aid can always find comfortable I quarters. We devote especial attention to diseases | of the Eye and Ear, also, te the usual surgical ail | iuents, such as stone in the bladder and all inju ! ries requiring surgical aid. Feb22, 1855. wlv. Forwarding Business, it Charleston, S. C. xWVXV undersigner. . connection ^ with a. general Commission business /p ~ ? for the sale of COTTON. FLOUR. yBB|H BACON, CORN, and all other Produce, will forward with the greatest possible despatch, Merchandise. Machinery, Produce, and other property consigned to him. for the interior of Georgia. Alabama". Tennessee. North and South Carolina, Florida, and for any northern or foreign port. August IT. 1854. (12—6m) J. H. WILLY. References—J. 1*. King, President G. R. R., C. T. Pol lard Pres’t. Montgomery R. R., W. M. Martin. Pres’t. F. K. E. Rk.. Ilopkin-. Hudson & Co., Charleston, J. Cald well, Pres’t. C. R. R. Jno. F. Mims, Atlanta. Rice Dulin. Charleston, Bastiu & Walker, Augusta For Rent, TWO or threo SMALL flOUSES, situated on Beach Tree, Ivy sud Crawford Streets. For terms apply to A. ALEXANDER. LEECHES! LEECHEsT! r UST received a supply of fine large Swedi Leeches. A. ALEXANDER. March 1,1355. Flour. i *r A SACKS ST.TERFIXE EI.OrR, from the country 4 —j e -it received and for sale by- Apr 26 CLARKP 4 GRUBB. A Valuable Plantation for Sale. THE Subscriber offers for sale bis farm in Car- roll county, lying on Buck Creek, five miles from Carrollton on the Jacksonville road, containing of - , , - . At Thompson’s residence they found the obtain it, there is no doubt that many of most complete set of buglers’ tools ever seen maThave eqiSKVch h£ds a^dVthe ^ thiscountr - v - The tools consisted of skele- . arroUton on thc Jttcksonvffle road, containing time IS'® : , t0n safe * ke - vs ’ s ’ llal l ke J s , for drawers: brass | 400 acres, with about 100 acres of cleared land oi l , 6 facinti es for transpor- keys for every kind oi lock imaginable.— j the best quality under cultivation. There is a tation which they here seek in vain. This i There were keys to fit bureaus, the doors of good dwelling, gin house, and all other buildings they will have to do in self-defence; and i dwelling houses, stores, offices and safes. ; necessary for convenience and accommodation, thus by our inaction our population will ! There were screws of immense power capa i 1)C?ides fruits of every sort in common with good diminish instead of increase. Besides, the 1 ble of working through the strongest iron 1 In fa . ct fl ” m is in tho best kind ° r moderat^oaii'tvith sec^irUwsl/^ct^n^ta ^it 1 ^ “* in ? ^ ^ win do well to call on isfy even ShylS himsdf^ '£ Stata t ! to“2Sl SST" “ countr y | »» without delay, if they_wish to procure a bar- called upon to do nothing more than to lend “There was also any quantity of pocet- her credit to tho enterprise. ! fii es> rat-tail, three-cornered and flat. The Ihis slie can do without the possibility j materials for making the wards of keys, after of losing a cent, or entailing additional ; an impression had been taken. There were taxes upon her citizens. The increase in j a l S o the instruments for taking the impres- the value of taxable property on the line of < si on of locks, to indicate to the burgelar the road wou.d of itself compensate her a i where to file away to make a nicefitting key, hundredfold all that she is asked to do. and where to let alone. Instruments were And is it not one of the prime duties of our j there, too, for cutting pannels of doors— State government to exert herself m devel- i everything, in fact, was there, to enable the oping and improving this rich section of her : skilful thief to carry out his schemes with territory ? It is a talent entrusted to her the greatest success.” which she should no longer suffer to remain , — buried in a napkin. A Telegraph Across the Ocean.—It When all these facts are taken into con- would appear, from the New York Evange- sideration, the conviction must force itself list, that the practicability of laying a sub- upon every candid mind that the State is j marine wire, from onecontinentto the other, under peculiar obligations to assist this en- i i s about to be tested. Two companies, one ternrise. By so doing she haR everything to ! American and thc other English, have uni- gain and nothing to lose. Will she ■ hen ted in the work. The directors of the corn- refuse to do it? That 6hc will prove s m- P a ".V are busily engaged, and in three j ust to her citizens, so blind to her interests I months from the present time, it is contem- s o neglectful to her duty we cannot and will t plated that the old world and thc new will not believe. Judeus Appella credat.nonego. \ be within a week’s bail of each other, by a Casli Wanted. : All persons indebted to tho undersigned will find i it t» their interest to make immediate settlement Dec. 2S 1854. W. W. ROARK. S TA TE OF GEORGIA, 1 DeKalb County. J To all whom it may Concern. WHEREAS, Charles Murphy, administrator on ! the estate of Win. Cash, late of said county dec’d. applies to me for letters of dismission from the ad ministration of said Estate, and it appearing that said administrator has fully administered said es tate, This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and appear at tho Court of Ordinary to be held in DeKalb County on the 5th day of November next, to shew cause if any they have, why said Charles Murphy, Administra tor, should not be discharged from his said admin istration. Given under my hand at office, April 3 1855.ALEX’R JOHNSON, Ord’y. GEORGIA DeKalb County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCKBJi: 'YY7I1EREAS, Rezin Lyon, Exr. of the Estate V V of William Kilpatrick, late of said county deceased applies to me for letters of dismission ! gain, I intend going “out West.” and I am deter mined to sell. J. J. BURROW. May 3d, 1855. (wlra.) Georgia, DeKalb County. E LKENAH POWELL will apply at the May Term next of the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of Guardianship of the person and property of Howell Colt Oliver and John i from the Administration of said Estate therefor, Felton Oliver. ; all persons are hereby cited and admonished to file Given under my hand officially at office 20th thcir objections, (if any they have,) in my office March, 1855. ’ ALEX. JOHNSON. in terms of the law, otherwise letters of dismis- mar22’55. Ord’v. ! s i° n - will be granted the applicant at the Novem ber Term of the Court of Ordinary for said coun- PR0FESSI0NAL CARDS. MedioaL DR. JAMES R. SMITH TT AVIN G permanently located in this city, -LJ. offers his Professional services to the citizens of Atlanta. An experience of more __ than 20 years in the practice of PHYSIC, in Geor gia (18 years of which were spent in Washington county) is the only guarantee offered of his skill and experience as a Physician. When not professionally engaged, he may, at all times, be found at the Atlanta Republican Office, or at his residence on Prior street, one door South of Mitchell street. References. t Wm. Markham, Esq., Rev. J. P. Duncan. L. P. Grant, Esq., A. G. Ware, of Atlanta. Atlanta, Nov. 22, 1S54. Dr. Wm. P. Haynes, E. C. Williamson, Gen. T. J. Warthen, of Sandersville. yiy- C. W. MABRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fmnklin, Heard County, Ga. W ILL attend to professional businesss in the conun- ties of Heard, Carroll, Campbell. Cowetta. Fayette. Memwether and Troup. Reference:—Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrange, Ga.; Messrs. Irwin & Knight. Marietta. Ga.. Col. M. M. Tidwell. Fayetteville. Ga.;Mr. William liougli- erty. Columbus, Georgia. w GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MARTIN & PATTERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Georgia. M. L. Patterson.] 49—wly* fB. Y. Martin J. A. PUCKETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, TA7"ILL promptly attend to all business entrusted u > > his care. Office on White Hall Street. JETHRO W. MANNING. [Formerly of Covington. Ga.] ATTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. O FFICE opposite Council Hall. Whitehall street. Wil promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care. Atlanta, Feb. 3d. 1853. 36-wly. DR. T. M. DARNAEU, R ESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services to the Citizens of Atlanta and vicinity. Office at his residence on McDonough Street. Jan. 20. 1853. 34-wl Atlanta Machine Works. [Zerfe Atlanta Iron Foundry.] rpHIS new Company is now prepared to do Work on short - 1 notice of heavy and light Castings of the lastest im proved patterns, of Iros, Brass er Composition, all of which will be warranted. Turning, Boring and Drilling DONE TO ORDER, ALSO SCREW CUTTIN of ten feet, or under, of any sized thread required. Heavy and Light Forgino of wrought Iron or Steel done in superior style. Particular Attention. is called to their Patterns for Mill Gearing of Merchants and Custom Flouring and Saw Mills, Gin Gearing of all the usual sizes, and Bark Mills always kept on hand. We are also prepared to build Stationary Engines with the latest improvements, all of which will be sold low for cabh. Copper and Brass taken in exchange for work at cash prices. JAMES L. DUNNING, john McDonough. P. S.—AU of the above Company are practical Mechan ics. aud give their undivided attention to the business. ^September 11th, 15 3tf. Furniture for Sale, AT THE SIGN OF O. Houston & Son. C AN be found Beauro’s, Ward robes, Lounges, Small Tables, Wash aud Work Stands, with a variety of Long and Short Posted Bed Steads, with other articles of Furniture, which willbe kept on hand from time to time. All put up of good material. Atlanta. January 19, 1854 34—tf CHARLESTON to PHILADELPHIA. Through in 45 to 50 Hours! yyFARE tao MEALS INCLUDED.-®* American Steamship Company’s Line, PATENT MEDICINES: STEAM QUA SHIP CITY, Capt. J. H. IIodgdon. 1 SOO Tons Bm-tken. The above new and magnificent Steam Ship, built ex pressly for this route, is one of the largest on the Ame rican coast, and is unsurpassed, if equalled, for speed, strength, comfort or accommodation. Sailing days from cacn port as follows : From Charleston, 10th, 20th & 30th day of each month. 11 Philadel'a. 5th, 15th & 25th “ li il ‘‘ Agents in* Philadelphia, Heron & Martin, 37K -^orth Wharves. Agents in Char lesion. Holmes & Strong, Boyce At Co.’s Wharf. All produce consigned to the agents in Charleston, will be forwarded to Philadelphia free of Commission. Nov. 8. 38dly CALHOUN PILLS! HP HE Subscriber, after many years urgent J lion, by gentlemen of the highest order of . , cit » and literary standing in our country, has .... offer to tho Public his Pills, which have been l ente<1 to ced by all who have had sufficient eine r j p „ 00o “ti them, as one of the happiest combinations of uH* 1111 ever yet offered to the Public, on either Continent c * Ds General Family Medicine’*" 4 He feels no fears that the experience of tli. * have yet to testthem, willbe strictly i n R( v. • ^ with the testimonials' of those distinguished 0 ' r ' lcani '* men whose names are annexed, with thousanfis'.r* 611 ''*- who would freely testify, if deemed necesaar. oaitrs The CALHOUN PIIJ.S will be found eminentlv rior to nil other family preparations, in the rem.!?P e : that. catalogue of diseases arising from ° Ya Derangement of the Digestive Apparatus an Fevers ofail types, Bowel Affections of alii - character of Head-ache, Rheumatic 1’ainn Haygood & Whitaker, ATTORNEYS AT L.AYV, Atlanta, Ga. (Office over Gr. Gunby’s Store, Whitehall street.) GREENE B. HAYGOOD. I JARED I. WHITAKER, Formerly of Watkinrille. | Formerly of Fayetville. T. R. RIPLEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASS IAND Brittamiia Ware, LAMPS, FLUIDS, OILS, &e., <fcc. Atlanta, December 1, 1853. 27-tf Savannah MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, D. WEED. President.!!! ; JOHN R. WILDER. .Secretary. T HE undersigned. Agen of the above Company is prepared to take risks against Fire on Buildings, Stocks &c.. on thc most fav> Table terms. U. L. WRIGHT, AgenU* Atlanta, March 11. 41-wtf. I*. B. COX, ATTORNEY <fc COUNSELLOR AT LAW and Solicitor in Equity, TX7'ILL take cases in reference to Wills. Divorces. Ke. V v in any part of the Union. Also, cases in respect to Titles to Land in the vicinity of Atlanta. Ga. July 27, 1854. fS-LwlyJ Produce Depot in Atlanta. THE GREATEST DESTRIBUTING POINTIN' GEORGIA. T HE subscribers expect to keep constantly on hand stock of Georgia andTennessee Produce of all kinds luck as: Bacon Lard, Corn. - Oats, Flour, I.imk, Meal. &c.. &c. Also, a good Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES. SEAGO. ABBOTT ft CO Atlanta, Feb. 9. 1854 * 37—ly DENTISTRY. DR. W. T. C. CAMPBELL returns thanka to hifi friends and the public for the liberal patronage bestowed, and. in asking for a continuance of the same, informs them that he is still to be found at his old stand, over A. Alexander’s drug store, White-hall St., where he still plugs teeth in the best manner and warrants them to stand, also inserts teeth on gold or piatina plates with continuousgum, or the best style of block teeth—irom one to a full 9et, by suction, or in any way to suit the taste. Particular attention paid to childrens’ teeth, and all operations warrented. Those needing anything iu his line are requested to call and examine specimens of his work. Examinations and advice free. References—all for whom he has operated, Atlanta, Oct. 19 J 54. 21—-dwlv DOWSING & YOUNG, General Commission and Forwarding Merchant, iVo. 2S, Grarier Street, Xeic Orleans, La. B USINESS entrusted to U2 shall receive our personal attention, (aud from our desire to please, and our experience in business, we flatter ourselves that we will give general satisfaction.) Iu the execution of orders we will be prompt, and take special care to purchase, as far as possible, from first hands, and at wholesale prices. Goods roceived and for- warded with despatch. In fine, it shall be our earnest endeavor to be in all respects faithful agents. Aug 11, 1853. 11 wtf t. n. cox, ATTORNEY AT ATLANTA GA. Nov. 2, 1854, L A W, d&wly M. & R. JI. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW,! ATLANTA, and SPARTA, GA. U P stairs in Kile's now building, cor- j nor of Marietta and Peachtree streets. ii johnston, Atlanta. | rm johnston, Sparta, j Jan 20 1856 dAwtf EZZARD & COLLIER, Attorneys at I^aw, H AVE united themselves in the practice, and wil! attend to business entrusted to their care in the following counties: Fulton, DeKalb. Newton, Henry, Fayette. Coweta, Campbell. Carroll. Paulding. Cass and Cobb. They will also practice in the District Court of the United States at Marietta and the Supreme Court of Georgia. igy Office in the Atlanta Bank building, second floor. WM. EZZARD.] [JOHN COLLIER, Atlanta. Ga., 13. 1S55. d&wttm. Dr. E. J. ROACH, Of Baltimore. HVtcl-, H AVING permanently located in Atlanta, and taken the office formerly occupied by Dr. J. E. Bi.oit\t, next door to L. Lawahe’s, offers hi profefsionnl services to the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity. Dr. Roach studied with Prof. Smith, and was for a long time connected with the Ilospitais, besides the experience of several years’ practice in the city of Baltimore. REFERENCE.--—Hon. John I*. Kennedy, Baltimore. Md.; Prof. N'. ft. Smith, do.; Fa^nlty of University of; Prof. YoarneU, Washington. D.C.: Hon. Edward Long, Md.; Gov. Lizan, do. Atlanta. Jan. 17, 1855. d&wlm Real Estate Agency! rpHE undersigned has opened an office for Rolling an x guying Real Estate, in and around this city, on com mission Those having Houses and Lots for sale wil- find it to their interest to call and register such properl ty. No charges will be made for registering or showing property, unless a satisfactory sale is made, then a small commission will be charged/ I will also attend to renting, paying taxes and making out deeds, bonds and all necessary papers for the con veyance of Real Estate. 4£jj*Offiee in the store of Wm. Herring .v Co.. White Hall Street, second door from the corner of Hunter street. Atlanta, July 6, 1854. N. L. ANG1ER. Valuable Lots for Sale. OEVERAL valuable Lots for sale, with improvements ^ thereon, in the neighborhood of the Steam Mill, aud Atlanta & Lagrauge Railroad Depot. They will be sold low; for terms apply to T. Doonax, Whitehall street. Atlanta, May 11th, 1854. H. P. O’NEIIX Wood Land for Sale. OfiO I O ACRES all in the woods four miles from I-cw tj ie c ity ou the old Nelson Ferry Road for sale, for terms apply to Daniel Adams in De- catin or tho undersigned in Atlanta. A. NELSON. Atlanta, January 19,1854 34—tf City Property for Sale. r pHEfollowing real property in and about the city ‘ of Atlanta, belonging to the estate of Patrick Conally, deceased, will be disposed of at privatesale, to-wit: A fractional lot situated nenr the Railroad Bridge, being a portion of city lot number 12 and 13. Also a portion of laud lot number fifty three, lying partly within and partly without the corporation lim its of the city—containing fifteen acres more or less, lying west of the Fair Ground lot and adjoining Mr! Thurmonds. This contains the best brick yard about the city. Sold by virtue of a decree in Chancery of the Superior Court of DeKalb county, at October Term, 1853. For terms apply to Dec. 8,1853 (28—tf) TERENCEDOONAN. Tru’t. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. New York & Savannah. [SEMI-WEEKLY - .] On and after March 18th, the new and splendid side-wheel steam ships FLORIDA, 1300tons, Capt. M.S. WoonncLi., ‘ALABAMA, 1300 tons, Capt. G. AUGUSTa/iSOO tons Fapt. T. I.vo.v. KNOXVILLE, 1500 ton* Capt. C. D. I.UD LOW will leave NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH every Wednesday and Saturday. These ships are among the larges on the mast, un surpassed in speed, safety or comfort—making tlieii passages in 50 to CO hours, and are commanded by skillful, careful and polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage 525 Steerage passage 9 PADLEFORD, FAY &CO., Agents in Savannah. SAM’L MITCHELL, 13 Broadway, New York. Savannah March 14, 1854 Fare Reduced. Cabin Passage from Charleston to New York, Twenty Rollnrs. U. S. MAIL LINE. N. ¥. & Charleston Steam Packets, fJ9e NASHVI1 1500 tons, M. Berrv, Commander MARION, 1200 tons, W. Foster Commander. XTVcs oln.1 y. J JAMES ADGER. 1200 tons, S. C. Turner Commander. SOUTHERNER, 100C tons: T. 1). Ewan, Commander. Leave Adger fl wharves every Wednesday & Saturday Afternoon, after the arrival of the cars from the South <c WcatJ These steamships were built expressly for the I ne, and for safety, comfort, and speed, are unrivalled on the Coasts. Tables supplied with every luxury—attentive and cautious commanders, will ensure Traveller* by this Line every possible comfort and accommodation. For freight or passage, having elegant state room ac commodations, apply to HENRY MIS8ROON. Charleston. ?. C. Cabin, Passage, $20* Steerage, Atlanta Motel, Atlanta, Georgia. J. J. Healer, Proprietor., Late of the Veranda Hotel. New Orleans. Passengers per Evening Trains will find Supper ready on the arrival of the Cars. April 24,1855. d&wly. G-eorgia House. rpflE above House is situated in the most pleasant JL part of the city, being on the corner of Green aud Jackson Streets, within three minutes walk of the principal stores, Medical College, Post Office, and Geor gia Railroad Depot. The table will, ot all times, be sup plied with thc best the Market affords, and every atten tion given to make the patrons of ’he House comfort able. Board by the month or week at moderate terms. Merchants. Planters, and others visting tin* city will find the above House comfortable and convenient to business^ N. B.—Terms per day $1,00. M. A. MFSTIN, Augusta, Aug. 23,1854. (13-2tu) Proprietor. PLANTERS HOTEL. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. rjM11S splendid new HOUSE, situated on Broad street *■ immediately in front of the site of the old Plant, er’s Hotel, which has been f urn I-died throughout with new Furniture, Bedding, &c., is now open for the re ception of customers. It will he the endeavor of tho proprietor, to givesatisfaction to those who may favor i:n with their custom. J. M. S1MPFON, Nov 1,1851 r2f»—ly] Proprietor. MARSHAL LHOUSE, Snrannah, Georgia, GORDON FARGO, Proprietor, (UTE OF TfTE U. S. HOTEL. AVGUSTA. GEORGIA.) Savannah, November 3d, 1853, 22—wly Dr. R. T. Pulliam, Formerly of Richmond, Virginia, HAVING permanently located in Atlanta, Ga., respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Atlanta anil vicinity. Office in the Old Bank Room, Washington Hall. Reference.—Faculty of the Medical College of Virginia. May 1, 1855. ^dAwfim . | T. R. Ripley. HAS justreeoived a Fresh supply of Burning j Fluid Camphene, Alcohol Oil and Turpentine, j which ho will sell at wholesale or retail on as good ; terms as can be bought in any Southern Market, ' for cash only. March 2S, 1S55. ■ Notice! '|"HE subscriber offers his Plantation in DeKalb Coun * ty, 7>2 miles South of Decatur, on the McDonough Road, containing 250 acres, about 80 acres of which is cleared and under good fences, with a comfortable dwellidg. containing 5 rooms and a porch, and other necessary buildings for farming, with a good orchard of select Apples and Peaches. The locality is a good- one for a Public House as any to be found in tha County. Any person desirous of purchasing can call on me at Decatur. Terms will be accommodating. JAMES J. WINN. September 25th, 1854. 18—wtf. Valuable Property for Sale. r fMIE subscriber offers his extensive fire-proof Ware House now in course of erection on White Hall street for sale. The House will be most admirably ad apted for a general Commission business, having large accommodations for the siorage of Cotton, and also close storage for the New Orleans and Tennessee trade. The building will bo ready by tho 1st of October. For particulars apply to myagent, T. Doonan, White- Hall street or to William Barrv, Covington, Ga. ’ WILLIAM BARRY. Atlanta. Sept. 5, 1854. [Sept. 7 wtf Ci»arle9 A. Geiger, A. M. M. D., Graduate in the Medical Department of the University of Virginia, and of the Homoeopathis Medical College of Pennsylvania, respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity. fSPr Office in Hayden’s Hall. May 2. 1355. dAly DBS. JONES & OLIVER ~ Have associated themselves in the practice of Medicine. Office in the Atlanta Hotel building, on Decatur street, opposite the Athenteum JOHN W. JONES, M. D. M. H. OLIVER, M. D Atlanta. May 8, 1855. d&vrtf THE subscriber, having returned to the city from a visit to Charleston, has resumed tho prac tice of his Profession. Residence on Garnett st., between Whitehall aud Pryor sts. Office at Smith 4 Ezzard’s Drug Store, opposite “Atlanta Bank.” TH0S. S. DENNY, M. D. Mny7’55. tf. City Lots. f »HE undersigned offers for sale several city lots in * the North Eastern portion of Ward No. 3, also a plat of ground in Ward No. 4, the most of which is beautifully situated, T will sell a pert or the entire plat to suit purchasers. Also a beautiful lot situated on the corner of Ivey street and Forsyth Alley, and with in three hundred feet of the Grand Union Depot and in the centre of the city. A small lot at the june- ure of White Hall and Forsyth Streets, on the north ide of said streets and fronts on the same nearly two hundred feet. Feb. 10, 1854 38—tf H. C. HOLCOMBE. City Land foi’Sale. place where the subscriber now resides on Foundry street, near Winship's Iron Works, con taining Syjacres. it will be sold together or in lots to suit purchasers. Also, one acre on Old Whitehall street, fronting on said street and running back to the rail road; M cere lot on Prior street, near Capt. Nelson’s, and one M acre lot near the State Shop. Terms accom- dating. applv to August 31. 1854. 14—wtf A. HOWARD. rpHE •» Foil A. W. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 7£3f- Office in Kilo’s brick building, corner '[ari etta and Peachtree Sts., Atlanta, Gkorgia. Atlanta, Jan. 31, 1855. diw-ly. JONES & DAVID, Notice! A LL persons indebted to me for lots in the city of A Atlanta, by note past due, are requested to come forward and pay the same, and all persons holding bonds given by roy former agent, T. Doonan, for titles to lots in Atlanta are requested to call and receive deeds from me, if they have complied on their part with the conditions of said bonds. JANE L. MITCHELL, Adm’x with the Will of annexed, the Estate of Samuel Mitch ell, deceased. Zebulon, July 26, 1854. More an.m.— GEORGIAN. Augmentation of the French Army.— The French army is about to be considera bly increased. Instead of only 80,000 men being called out next month, as at line beingcompletedtoSt. John’s Newfound land, and within three years thc two hem ispheres will be in communication by a wire extending across the ocean. Robber Shot Dead.—On Friday night- first intended, there will be raised 200,000 | about 12 o’clock, two robberies of a bold de, for active service. As no increase of 4axes is spoken of, tbere must soon bo another loan. The sum spoken of is 250 millions. This mode of meeting the war expenditure is considered preferable, at least for the present, to making additions to the taxes, for experience has shown that money can, without difficulty, be obtained, in the shape of an appeal to the country at large, while the enormous dearness of the necessaries of life would cause increased taxation to be ill received. scription, were committed at Fort Erie Canada, and the residents of the place being aroused, pursued one of the robbers to the river, where he seized a small boat and made over to an island, and when they land ed, the robber named Townsend, the leader of a desperate gang of murderers, snapped a pistol twice at t he foremost uf his pursuers, John Magood, but fortunately without effect. Magood, who was armed with a rifle, then shot Townsend through the heart, killing him instantly. Georgia, Fulton County. U7irrcn», Rachael M. Janies has this day ap- j plied to me for letters of administration on tho ; estate of Ljttleberry James, late of said county, : deceased, these arc, therefore, to citonnd admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said ' ty. Given under my hand at office. April 3,1855. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y. STATE OF GEORGIA, 1 DeKalb County. ) To all whom It may Concern. deceased, to be and appear at my office within'fhe | , WIIE t R E AS , C. W. McGinnis, administrator of time prescribed by law to shew cause, if anv they ' , lh ° e . Stft ‘° 01 J " Eol ’ nna , n ’ latC ° f f ’ a,d COUn ' • - - - - v 11 a u r , i tv dec d., applies to me for letters of dismission hould not be granted the ,' om the administration of said estate-nnd it an- hare, why said letters applicant. Given under my band and seal at my office, this 29th March, 1S55. JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. A lot of tipped and untipped Gents silk lasting Congress Boots, just the thing for hot weath er, call at the sign -if the Mammoth Boot White hall street. TWO cases Ladle's white kid boots and Slip pers expected to arrive at the sign of the Mam moth Boot, in a day or two. F. M. EDDLEMAN, 4 BRO. Atlanta, May 24th 1S55. J UST received two cases of gents fine Pat. Ox ford tics at the sign of thc Mammoth Boot, and for sale by F. ,VI. EDDLEMAN, 4 BRO. / \NE ease of Gents Opera ties just received ' ' from the Manufacturer, and for sale by F. M. EDDLEMAN, 4 BBO. At the sign of the Mummoth Boot, Whitehall street. A large assortment of Seasonable VESTS- just received and for sule by May 4,'55.—d*w L. LAWSHE. pealing that sa:J a.!>: inistrator has fully admin s, trod sail! Estate, i is therefore to cite and ad monish all persons interested, to he and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in DeKalb Co., on the 5th day of Nov. next, to show cause if any they have why said C. W. VlcGinni’s Adminis trator should not bo discharged from his said Administration Given under my hand at office. April 3d, 1855. ALEX’R JOHNSON, Ord’y. Georgia, DeKalb County. J OHN M. REID will apply at tho May Term of the Court of Ordinary next of said county for letters of Guardianship of the person and property of James M. Bohanan, minor and orphan of J. W. D. Bohanan, under the age of fourteen years. Civen under my hand officially 20th March, 18»5. ALEX. JOHNSON, mar22'55. Ord’y. Tlios. W. Marshall. Jno. A. Montgomery..Jos. P. Rutland THOS. VV. MARSHALL & CO., . Receiving and Forwarding Merchants, 93 Commerce and 29 Front Streets, MOBILE, ALABAMA. November 18,1864. 47d6m DENTAL j Respectfully inform their friends aud the citi zens of Georgia, that they have located their DENTAL OFFICE and LABORATORY in Atlanta. Having spared neither expense or exertions in fitting up our rooms, and to prepare every convenience for tho Manufacture of BLOCK, GUMS, 4 SINGLE TEETH, as well as our Su perior CONTINUOUS GUM, with several decided improvements rarely met within any other Dental Establishment in tho South. And as all our Plato Work will bo done iu our Laboratory, our Patients will not be detained until the work is sent to tho North to bo made. Wo hope that fourteen years’ experience in all the various branches of our profession, will justify us in asking a liberal share of public patronage. For References, Testimonials and Specimens, we willbe happy to exhibit them to any one who may call for that purpose, at our office, Whito-hall st., adjoining the Watch 4 Jewelrv establishment of Mr. A. W. Hall. N. B.—Charges as moderate as any other res pectable paactioners in tho South. JAMES J. DAVID, j GEO. W. JONES, Baltimore, Md. Talbotton, On. Atlanta, Jan. 29,1S55. diwly Goorgia, DeKalb County. ' HEREAS, R. M. Brown has this day ap- kSURGEONS) i Fisk’s Metalic Burial Cases. w plied to n- •»- r .o. i. ra .f Administration on the estate o 11 '■ deceased. These are therefore t*. ii all and singular the kindred and ...d deceased to be and appear at my Oi.e, nithin the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and seal at office this 20th March, 1355. ALEX. JOHNSON, March 22, ’55. Ord’y. ifl’lianiels, Mitchell & Hulsey, WARE-HOUSE & COMMISSION MEHOECANTTS, Atlanta, Georgia. ■ THEIR Ware house Is convenient-.^r-v-i-r, ly situated to the business part ofgB^iJskj Whitehall street, and is stictly FireSlg®?- Proof—usual advances on cotton and other produce in store. Also, Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Iron, Bagging, Rope and other articles of prime necessity. 1-dly A W. MITCHELL, I. O. McDANIEL, E J. HUI.SF.Y. P- F. McDANTM, BBLS. Bridgewater Mineral Paint. 20 do Silvers do do These are the host mineral Paints in use, for sale by A. ALEXANDER, feb 20 dAwly Sign of the Negro end Mortar. T HIS valuable article is just received and for sale at the Tin Ware Manufacture of L. H. Burr, on White nail street, Atlanta, Ga., by. L. ROBINSON. Atlanta, Dec. 29, 1854. dawtf. A. ALEXANDER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, SIGN OF THF. NEGRO AND MORTAR. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. IS constantly receiving and adding to his extensive stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Chemicals. Instru ments, Dye Stuffs, Window- glass, Putty, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Ac, all of which arc of fered at lowor prices and in greater variety than any other establishment in upper Georgia. Any person in want of any' rare article will find it by calling at this establishment. His facilities will enable him to soil to punctual customers upon tho usual credit. The following comprise a few articles to bo found at his store : 500 pounds Camphor. 30 “ Clilnroforme. 25 “ Iodide of Potassium. 750 “ Indigo (Various kinds.) 55 *• Bottles Morpliin ? 83 ounces Quinine. 50 “ Opium. 5 bbls cold pressed Castor Oil. .’0 bbls Alcohol. 10 bbls Crmphene. .0 bbls Terpentine. 5 bbls. Gas, 10 bbls Varnishes, different kinds, 10 bbls Epsom Salts, 3 casks Sperm Oil, • “ English Linseed Oil, 2 “ “ “ “ Boiled 10 bbls Tanner's Oil, 2 “ Fine Olivo Oil. 20,000 lbs White Lead iu Oil, 3 Casks Fine Maderia Wine. 3 “ Brown Sherry Wine. i “Palo Sherry. 3 “ Fine Bramlios. And all other articles to bo found in a largeJDrug Estab lisliment. Feb. 39, 1855. d&wxy. $IO Reward. ILL be paid fos evidence to convict the Miscreant who defaced the_ interior of the City Hall. To I lie Ladies: We would call the attention of the Liidics par ticularly to our Stock of BEREGES, thnt wo nro | selling at a REDUCED Price—with ladies’ Gaiter and Buskin Shoos—also, a large Stock of Bon nots of the latest Stylo, bo’t from first hands, and can save you o! considerable tariff, if you will only call at our old stand on White-hall street. Apr 4 d.tw2m H. W. COZART 4 SON. To Physicians. W E invite your attention to a fine lot- of artifi cial Eyes, Leeches, Kousso, and many rare chemicals and medicines. B. M. SMITH, M. D., 4 W. L. EZZARD. March 23, 1S55.d-twiy. Come and Pay l : p. THE subscriber calls on his customers for mon ey one time more, and hopes they will read this and respond. Those who do not pay up in ten days will certainly be sued. Money I want and must have. Mr. W. S. Carroll will call on you and I hope you will he prepared to settle. April 2, 1855. W. W. ROARK. Just Received. 20,000 lbs OLD BACON, sides, 40 kegs choice new LARD, 20 bbls do, and 300 lbs Feathers. ALSO A small lot of Corn and Oats, and a fow thous and pounds of Fresh Rones and Sausage Mont, for sale low, hy dAwtf J. E. WILLIAMS. Dec 25, ’54 Athenaeum Building, Atlanta. such as] everyi in the Chest, and so on. If taken and persisted i 1,41 cording to directions, in the initial stages of d'"' 11 '' and particularly during a decided predisposition't** 8 . 1 ’- case, they will, like a charm, dissipate without d, 1 " fort, thousands of cases that might, and I d 0 not? 0 ®' would, terminate in death. The subscriber sneak. ^ fidently, as lie is enabled to do from thirty-two* 8COn ' experience in the Medical Profession, and many experience with his Pills, which have, during die t >lt- undergone many alterations, with the view of making them a “°pt Safe and Reliable Family Medicine They are strictly Anti-Billiousand Anti Dyspeuti. The Public are referred to the testimonialsof*!, HonsorR Joseph Henry Lumpkin, Judge of the«nr^ lr Court of Georgia; Fx-Judge John J Floyd-'Vs,®'* Young Hill. Judge of tho Superior Court; Messrs n r,i H. Pope, of Lee county, and C. Low, of Aurust.’c DECiTCR. Ga. E. N. CALHOUN, jf] J*- TESTIMONIALS Athens. September 23 Dear Sir:—I received seveial dayH since, your far , asking my opinion of the Medical merits of the Cali, ° r ' I Pills. Ailow me to premise, that for the las; , Pn i I have been tortured in body and mind, bv the li™" ; Indigestion. I v.-as endowed by nature with an sdmi® i able constitution, and my formidable rualadv has p ! superinduced by a costive habit, brought on by too oL | confinement and want of regular exercise. ,\ej, r p j ing sufficient leisure to starve out disease, even if 1?I ! possible to do so. which 1 very much doubt, I have r i the rounds of all the most approved cures and allevL 1 | tives. T have tried in their turn—Lee's, Peters- j Brandreth's, Cook’s, Hill's. Spencer's Smith's snd rn!' ny other Patent Pills and Dyspepsia Drugs, which hat come within my reach, and contrary to the com rao uiv expressed opinion. I mus* bear my humble testimony it favor of the virtue of each and all of these Nostrum. I am by a Box of Pills, as by a Book which is not or a vicious tendency. I never bought either, which did not think fully worth the money which it cost. 1 It is only necessary to add, which I do most cheerfu, liy—not only through kiudnes.-tu you, bnt to the r , u ^ lie also, especially that portion of it who know, h* experience, what "is meant by the Vulture-like gnawin. at*tne pit of the stomach, bitter taste in the mou*r; flatulence, a-cidity. distension of the stomach, coast' pated bowele. cold feet and acute pain in the heal; back and vicinity of the heart—to all such, I can cor dially recommend tho Calhoun Pills. The efficacy ,- this Remedical Agent, I tested Tor the first time, do! ring my recent sojourn with you, and have used it fre quently since, and uave found, experimentally, tha- subserves in my case a most excellent purpose, parti-.i" larlyin Its effects upon the Liver, the sympathy bet-re,', which and the stomach is too intimate to require eon mentj Sincerely glad to learn that you arc making arraj,, rnents to give moreextenJed dissemination to your Pjfd 1 am trulv vonr friend and obedient servant JOS. HF.NKY LUMI'k’IN Dr. E. N. Caihocx. \ Decatur, Goorgia. j Covin'oto.v, October 13, ] ^5- igl)?.. F. N. Calhoun'—Dear Sir I am gratified toiea tt that it is your purpose to disseminate the improved tv. houn Pills more generally than you have heretofore done have occasionally, when sojourning at your house them when indisposed, and having found them so mild* yet so efficacious in cases of derangement of the digestive organs, I most cheerfully commend them andtheirusep the public, and especially to gentlemen having largefaa- ilios, as a most excellent preventive of fixed and perma nent disease arising from indigestion. Truly yours, ftc., JOHN J. FLOYD. LaGranue, October22, IS53. “Da. E. N. Calhoun— Dear Sir : I am gratified to learn that vou have come to the conclusion to create Agencio for tho Calhoun Pills in different parts of the country- is it no less an act of justice to yourself than to the world at large. Since the year 184fi, I have been in the habit, of using your Pills individually, and as a Familk Medicine. Observation and experience prove it an invni. nable specific for nearly- allirregualritie of tile Digestive Apparatus, performing its office with little or do pain or nausea ; it leaves the patient with a good appetite, m- creased strength and greatly improved and elevated spin its—properly use.i, it will cure Dy spepsia and expel ail of ltsgloomy concomitants. In Chills and Fevers, and even Bilious Fevers, i have found it equally efficient. Trusting that you may find the world as readytocom. pensate you a? to benefit itself, the result of yonrskil and labor, I am sincerely your friend. &c., EDW. YOUNG HILL- S1AREVII.1.K, Lee Connty, October 25, 1853. De. E. X. Calhoun'—Dear Sir. M'liiU- at Decatur, 1 had as I consider, a fair opportunity of testing the Cal houn I'llls, prepared by yourself, and I am so much plesed with their action upon the Liver, and as a means of breaking up Bilious predisposition, that I hope a, you are now preparing to offer them to the public, that you w-ill create an Agency at Starkville, that may be ena bled at any time to procure them. I expect to use them with white and black in all cases threatening attacksofa Biilous character. I would be gratified, not only on your own account, but also for the benefit of the public at large, that you would place them in the reach of every per-on. for 1 feel confident that there has not yet been offered to ihe public any preparation of Medicine that will compete with your rills as a general Family Medicine, cr a traveling companion. Very sincerely your friend, &c., JOHM TT. I'Ox'K. ArorsTA, October 2S, 1S53. pit.eK.'N. Calhoun—Peer Sir This is to certify tha: before I had thepleasure ofmeeting yon, 1 was frequent ly attacked l>y some Bilious derangement producing pros tration, loss of appetite, Nausea and Head-ache. From the use ofyonr (Calhoun) Tills, administered according to yourmstructions, 1 was immediately and permanent ly relieved. It affords me much gratification to sc- knrwledge the advantage I derived from your judicious treatment. I remain with high esteem, your obedient servant. CHRISTOPHER LOW. For sale by J. M Rantin', J. Norcross, A. Aims- per. Kay a Ramsay and R. Rogers, Agts.. Atlanta. July 27, 1854. 3—ly. Buy Your Hats Cheap! As we bo’t our Stock for CASH, tvo can compete with the Lowest Prices. Among our Stock can be found Beebe’s SPRING STYLE—corrugated brim3, medium brims for old gentlemen; and eve ry qualitv In the FUR. LEGHORN. Panama and STRAW Line. II. W. COZART ft SON. Arlanta. April 4, 1855—dftw-2m PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATIES ox THE Physiological View of Marriae. BY* M. B. LA CROIX. M. D.. Alannj', N. Y. 250 Pages and 130 Fine Plain and Colored Lithograplm and Plates. Price only Twenty-five Cents.~&5t 4^-Sent free of postage to all parts of the Union CHEAPEST BOOK EVER PUB LISIIED. and containing nearly double the quantity of reading matter in that of the Fifty cents or Dollar Publica tions. It treats on the PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE, and the secret infirmities and disorders of youth and maturity, resulting from excesses which destroy the physical and mental powers all diseases arising from indis cretion, with plain and simple rules by which all per sons can cure themselves without mercury, with the author’s observations on marriage, its duties and dis qualifications, and their remedies: with colored litho graphs, illustrating tlie anatomy and physiology, and diseases of the reproductive organs of both sexes, their structures, uses and functions. It contains many im portant hints to those contemplating matrimony which will overcome objections against marriage;— none, however, should take this important step with out first consulting its pages. It treats of all diseases of females, whether married or single. Hints to those who desire no more children. Strangers who require medical aid, before consulting any doctor, ought to know whether their cases are properly understood by those whom they employ, and thus guard against the imposition of quackery,*so prevalent in populous cities Hence the advantage of a popular knowledge of one-- self, such as is given in this work. If medical Ruthorism be the test of talent, and en lightenment be sought from books, lot common sense discriminate between truthful simplicity and outrage ous speciousness and bombast. I’r. La Croix is a legal ly-qualified physician, and for the last twenty years has been daily consulted upon tho different diseases up on which liis book treats, personally as well as by let ter. Any person sending twenty five cents in a letter, post paid, will receive one copy by mail, free of post age, or five copies for $1,00. Address DR.M B. I.A CROIX, Xo 31 Maiden I.ane, V. O. Box 570, Albany, N- Y. jfcg^Medicine sent to any part of the Union accord ing to directions, safely packed and carefully secured from all observation. * # *Office open daily from 0 A. M., to 0 P. M. On Sun day from 3 until 5 P. M. 4®-Oftice Removed from X. 5fi Beaver st., to Xo 31 DIniden Lane, Albany, X. Y. 44d&wly RISLEY’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF BUCHU, I S a combination of the most efficient remedies known to the Medical Faculty, for the relief and cure of those numerous complaints of the Urinary Organs, con sequent upon inflamation or ulceration of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urethra, ft is prepared by an experienc ed chemist, according to a formula approved by the Medical Faculty, and is worthy the confidence* of all who may be suffering from Pain and Weakness in the small of the Back, Stoppage and Paiu in voiding Urine. Dfabetas, or Excess of Urine, Strangury, Gravel, Gleet. Leucorrhoca. &c. RISLEY’S BUCHU is a reliable and standard popular remedy for all diseases of the Urinary Organs, design ed to displace the high priced ami irresponsible nos trums which are forced upon the notice and credulity of sufferers It is put up in large bottles, and sold at $1 bv druggists and country merchants generally, and at wholesale bv HA YU. AND. RISELY & CO., Augusta; H AVILA XP. HAND fc CO.. Charleston ; and by H A VI LA NP. HARRAL& RISLEY, New York.* THE PHIL0T0XEN OR FEMALE’S FRIEND. TS a meuiciue that commends itself to heads of fund \ lies and females in all conditions. Unlike most of tho nostrums for the cure of all diseases, which are forced upon tli* notice and credulity of the suffering, this is a female remedy exclusively ; nnd one that car be relied on for the cure and relief of most of the com plaints peculiar to f _*males. It is well known to Physi cians that much of their suffering and ill-health may he traced to irregularity in their peculiar ‘•ensons. and that false delicacy often deters them 1'r. m seeking re lief. The Philotokeu is infalible in the cute of painful menstruation, (and consequent sterility.) .-.nd for the immediate relief of sypathetic nervous affection', sleepiness, anxiety, hysteria, &c. It is perfectly safe in all cases, ami is warranted to secure the approbotii-s and commendation of all who will exercise sufficient confidence to give it n trial. Full directions accompany it. Price $1 a bottle. Fold bv Druggists and co'uutrv Merchants generally, and at wholesale bv HAVILAXD. RISLFY a: tt).. Aa gusta. H \VILAXD, HARRAL Jc TO., Charleston. Dr. Roberts Colic Mixture for Infants. 'T 1 HE most injurious anodynes, such as hiudanun j paregoric kc are too often used to relieve the cries*'', infants suffering from colic, producing constipation am. sometimes death. ROBERTS COLIC MIXTUHK aff«'. p <*-* immediate relief from pain, procures refreshing slum ber, and it commends itself to Mothers. Sold atia cents a vial by J. M. Rantin Atlanta. Wm Root Mariet ta and coun ry Merchants generally at Wholesale, bv Havlland Risley jc Co., Augusta Ga., Haviland HannI .fe Co. Charleston S. C. jfd'cwly-I •fan lift ry 11 185.S W piano i cu ifs, MUSIC, &C. H. BRAUMULLER, (Successor to Truax, Yandi /-• Berg <t- Co.,) WhitebaU at., Sign of the Golden Piano, K EEPS constantly on hand PIANOS, which he warrants to bo of superior tone, touch and quality. Second hand Pianos taken in part pay ment when new ones are bought. Melodeons, Accordeons, Flutes. Violins, Guitars, Banjos. Tambourines, Triangles, in short, all Musical Instruments of ail prices. SHEET MUSIC—700 new pieces just received, and weekly he receives additions of the latest publications. Being a musician himself, his stock is free of the compositions of musical know-noth- ings. Music-Portfolios and Music Cases—prefer able to those that aro bound, as music changes fre quently. Atlanta, March 26, 1855. diwtf. -| /A Bbls. Mackeral.“Just Received and for 1 VJSata by CLARKE 4 GRUBB. F«b. 27. d tf. New Candy Manufactory —AND— :s» Dl4k. ICBS 9 OPPOSITE THE INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA. GA. T IIE subscriber would inform tho citizens of At lanta and vicinity that he has constantly on hand, at his Confectionery and Baking cetablisa- ruent, all kinds of Confections, Pastries, Fruits, &c He is also prepared to furnish every description of plain and ornamental Cakes, for weddings o parties, at short notice, and on accommodating terms. . . . > JImported wines and brandies of all description for medical purposes.kept always on hand. A*' genuine Spanish Cigars, and choice chewing _ hacco—together with a largo assortment of loJ" Fnncy Articles, 4c., 4e. ^ . Having recently returned from the North, w a ho laid in a fine stock of Fancy Articles ondc ry thing necessary for carrying on his candy ufaetory, lie would inform county dealers that prepared to furnish candies at wholesale » cents per pound. , •„ Orders accompanied with the cash or good • references promptly attended to. rn D. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Nov. 30th IS4. [diw- ?• extended Call anti See Me! HOUSE, SIGN,| AND ORNAMENTAL 3? A-INTTlNGe 1 Thankful for tho patronage heretofore ext to tho firm of Tomlinson 4 Dooley, I won 1 form the public that I have again opened for solf, and respectfully ask a continuance o snrao favors. I a in prepared to do House ■ ing with durability and taste not excelled 1 South. Also, Sign Painting executed in the ^ est manner and at the shortest notice. I M my employ thc best workmen the South ea ford—nnd Neatness aud Despatch py motto. A. DOOLEY;^ sen, Shop on Alabama street, two doors 0 corner of Wliiteliall and Alabama streets. _ Atlanta, Ga. Jan 9 1S55 diwtf A Extra Family Flour! Superior article of Family Flour on the Atlanta Mills. May FK (‘ COFFEE hr