The Atlanta weekly intelligencer and Cherokee advocate. (Atlanta and Marietta, Ga.) 1855-18??, June 14, 1855, Image 1

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"Truk r< ! - W ■ ' AND CHEROKEE ADVOCATE. BY RUGGLES & HOWARD. ATLANTA AND MARIETTA, GEORGLA, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 14, 1855. VOL. VII. NO. 3. THE ATLANTA INTELLIGENCER Dally, Trl-Weekly and Weekly. ST REGALES & HOWARD. w. b:ruggles,i ^ T. C. HOWARD, ) W. H- HUNT, Associate Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally IntelUfoncsr per spnam, in advance. $6.00 Tri-Weekly, “ “ - «* 00 Weekly, " “ *®0 RATES OF ADVERTISING. Advertising in the Daily Intelligencer will be inserted at tbe following rates per square of ten anei: One iniertion, 60 cU. One month. $5 00 Two “ $1 00 Two “ 8 00 Three, “ 1 55 Three “ 10 00 Pour “ 1 50 Pour “ 12 00 Pive “ 1 75 Six “ 15 00 One week, ' 2 00 One year, 25 00 Special oontraete will bo made for yearly adver tisements occupying n quarter, half or whole col umn. fgf Advertisements from transient persons must be paid in advance. Legal advertisements published at the usual rates. Obituary notices exceeding ten lines charg ed as advertisements. Announcing candidates for office, $5 00, to be paid in advance. When advertisements are ordered in all the is sues, Including Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, 25 per cent, will be added to the above rates. The privilege of yearly advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate and regular busi ness. Professional Cards not exceeding six lines, $15 per annum. Advertisements not specified as to time will be published till ordered out, and charged at regular rates. Advertisements inserted in the Weekly paper only will be charged at former rates. Horn. Howell Cobb's Letter. i serve intact the integrity of the Republic. We make no apology for the space occu- I This brings me to the consideration of the , i second proposition, as to the true line of p.ed m this mornings paper by the manly } policy £ b b adopted hy the ^ple of 0 eor- and able Letter of the Hon. Howell Cobb, | g [ a and the South, in the present state of in reply to the Columbus circular, and we j the slavery question, heartily recommend its careful perusal to i In reviewing the contest which we have every reader of our paper. It is a document! ^ la ^ with the North on the subject of slave- r , .... * » , r ; ry, every candid mind must admit that, with worthy of the distinguished source from J . c \ , J unimportant exceptions, we have found our whence it eraenated. Ihe arguments pre- , on iy friends at the North in the ranks of sented in the letter against the proposed for- j the National Democratic party. Whether mation of a strictly sectional party at the j we look to the records of Congress—the ac- South at this time; are to the point and must ti° n State Legislatures the resolves of , . . . ! party conventions—or the tone and spirit be convincing it seems to us, to every can- ; ^ public prega> wp are forced r / the did and right thinking man in the state, ; conclusion that the National Democracy of —J the North alone has stood true and firm to [From the Athens Banner, June 7th.J , the constitution on the slavery question.— Letter from How. Howell Cobb In Reply ; t • . : n 725A llnol ,‘hU accession to tkc Colnmbna Circular. 18 trae c ?“ t . /XT ’. P?" <w cession Athens, Juue 1st, 1855. ! to the Presidential Chair, Mr. r lllmore gave Gentlemen: Your circular of the 28th j the support of his administration to thepas- ult. was received by yesterday’s mail, and 1 sa £ e of the Compromise measures of^ that in view of ttie importance of the subject, I ! y ear > and by his official power and influ- reply to you through the columns of the ! enc0 > the strong assistance of Daniel MONDAY, JUNE 11. [For the Atlanta Daily Intelligencer.] The Loensta. To onr Readers. The experience of the last few weeks has We take pleasure in stating to our read- 1 deve ] ot)ed many facts concerning these re- ers that by an arrangement with the pro- j markable insects, a concise relation of which prietor of the Cherokee Advocate, the entire j may prove inteveg ti ng to those unvisited by subscription list of that paper has been j them I propose therefore, to give your rea- added to the previously large circulation of i ders a sort 0 f biographical sketch of the lo- the Weekly Intelligence,-. The Advocate has \ cust fts it has this seaaon appeaTed in Upper possessed a circulation in Cherokee Geor- i G eor gj ni more narticularly in the counties gia equal to, if not superior to any other | of Cass and Cherokee. I would however paper in the up country. With the union of j preraise tliat what is here related is fact, as witnessed by the writer and those beside to THE WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING. Term*—$2 00 per annum, invariably in advance. SATURDAY, JUNE 9. The Democratic Convention. Wo regret that severe indisposition has prevent ed us from giving at an earlier date our impres- sions of this Convention, which camo off last Tuesday in Milledgeville. Wo heard hut one opin ion expressed by all who looked on the assemblage and who witnessed its deliberations. It was agrcod hy all that never in the experience of tbe party bad a convention assembled at the Capitol that presented such an array of membors and in tellectual force or that from first to last evinced a more harmonious, determined spirit. The pro ceedings of the Convention are before the country, and captious indeed must be tbo man, let him rank with parties as he may, who can find it in his heart to offer uny opposition to them. There was one distinguishing mark, which attended the sittings of the Convention that to our minds com- mends'what it has accomplished, and is peculiarly gratifying. There was free discussion of overy doubtful question—no man was muzzled, and no spectator hod the least reason to believo that man oeuvre, or a dictatorial authority gave shape to any thing that was done. Indued we heard it re marked that there was loss of that preliminary cutting out of work and fixing up, which is usual with party conventions, than was ever before soon on a similar occasion. In fact almost everything was oxtenporisod, and the beauty of it was that this spontanietv produced no dissent or confusion, and lod us all the sumo road. But even this thing has its evils and for ourselves we say, that if ever our party should in some freak of good temper call us to preside over a Democratic Convention as it did with such credit to us all, our frioud Col. Gardner, we pray that we may have tome previous hint cf the intended honor. We confess that the kindness of such distinction is somewhat equivo cal when ono is called upon to run the gauntlet of a critical audience without a moment'* warning.— For a minute or so only wo wero anxious for our talented friend, and we felt piqued nt first that he had been placed in such apparent exigency. It was only apparent however, for with wbat case and success ho disposed of the difficulties of his situation our readers may seo by turning to the address which we publish this morning. It was very hnppily conceived and expressed, and was most cordially roeeived by the Convention. Whou the report of the select committee came in we witnessed a scene raroly, if over, before presented on similar occasions, The preamble to the resolu tions was received kindly, but without any vory emphatic demonstrations, as if tho temper of the Convention was in favor of deliberating as we went; but beginning with tho first resolution the applause was deafening, and the Chairman was barely allowed, hy great dexterity, to slip in be tween the hursts of cheers tho parts of his pithy report. Joy oud confidence brightened every faoe daring the process of spiking down tho planks of tho magnifioent platform. Will our readers just pnusc and, laying all prejudice aside, say if ever a party in the Stafo turned out such a piece of carpentry before. With our latest breath we will accord honor to the man who dosigned it and the body which perfected its exe cution. It was through oversight, and not design, that tho Resolution offered by Capt. Nelson was not included in tho report of the committee.— And as it turned out, wo aro truly glad that it was not. That oversight of the Committee has become tho very best interpreter of the temper and deter mination of the Democratic party. But we almost broke the oommaudmeut against covetousness, while wo witnessed the splendid advantage which Capt. Nelson gained by moving his amendment. It is a thing to be proud of for life, to have been tho orguu of a movement that must inevitably re- sult either in saving tho Union, or snatching from destruction the rights of tbe South. Thousands too, in Georgia, will rejoice to learn that the Democratic pnrty is united upon the rosolvo to re- taliate upon the lawlessness ofabolition nullification. Governor Cobb, while offering his modification of Capt. Nelson's resolution upon the ground that the office of the Convention was not to legulate so much as to advise, took occasion to say that heart and hand he went with the measure of retaliation. While Gov. Cobb was addressing the Convention upon this point we never witnessed a greater en thusiasm, and from that instaut we all felt that at last Georgia would do nomcthing. This we feel confident was the crowning glory of the Conven tion, and all honor to the patriotic hearts who gave impulse and success to this noble movement. The speaking was superb. Cobh was first called out and his ponderous blows were dealt with such skill upon Know-Nothingism that we felt sure that tho Order was prudent in securing a retreat under ground. Mr. Stilus gave us one of Jiis most finished and successful speeches which in the estimation of all did much to add to his fine reputation. Messrs. Ward, Lamar, McGehoe and Cowart, added to the pleas ure of the eutertainmont by happy hits. At tho olose of tho Convention Gov. Johnson was loudly called for, and in one of the most im- pressivo addresses we have beard in a long time, alludod to the difficulties of his position and pro tested against the uncharitable judgment of men who could not fully understand sis he did, the na ture and preturo of these difficulties. It would not have been an easy thing for a prejudiced mind to have heard that address unmoved. At night ihe members of tbe Convention, and strangers from abroad, wero splendidly entertained at the Executive Mansion, and at a seasonable hour we all shook hands, agreeing to meet again the first Monday in October, in heart, at tho polls, to win a great victory, and if possible, one month thereafter at MiUedgeville, to help each other re- joiee over it. The Bank of Savannah has declared t semi-annual dividend of five per cent, be sidu carrying a very handsome sum to the credit of thn reserved fund. Time is gold; throw not on® minute away bat pi®*® each on® to aocount. _ you through public press. The proceedings of your meeting involve the consideration of two propositions: 1st. The danger which threatens the institutions of the South, growing out of the abolition . sentiment of the North. 2d. The proper ! sought to he practically applied to th policy of the South to meet this threatened f as .and Nebraska Territorial bills, policy aggression. A consideration of these questions will furnish a complete answer to your proposi tion for united action with the Southern people, on this paramount subject. In 1850, the slavery excitement had reached its highest point. It is unnecessary now, to examine tho immediate causes which at that juncture precipitated upon the country a crisis which had, for some time, been threatening its peace and quiet. The public mind was full of apprehension, and every patriotic heart beat with renew ed anxiety and solicitude; the Compromise measures of 1850 were the result of this state of things. They were intended to give repose to the country, and finality to a sectional contest which seriously threatened the existence of the Union. That compro mise commanded either the approval or ac- quiescene of the entire Southern people, with unimportant exceptions. The people of Georgia; in convention assembled, affirm ed this action of the National Legislature, and expressed their willingness and deter mination to abide the settlement. Conscious of the danger through which we had pass ed, and apprehensive of a recurrence of it in future, that convention asserted in plain, but decisive language, the position which Georgia intended to occupy on this subject. The people of the State responded to this action of their representatives in convention and thus declared to their brethren of the other States, that the principles set forth and declared in what is familiarly known aR the “ Georgia Platform,” would be firmly maintained by them, in letter and spirit.— The incorporation of the important features of that platform into the proceedings of your meeting, shows that you intend to stand by that action of your State. Upon this point, I feel assured that you will find the people united in heart and sentiment; eve ry Georgian is prepared to stand upon that platform. Its declaration of attachment to the “American Union as secondary in im portance only to tho rights and principles it was designed to perpetuate,” is no unmean ing language. The Union, as it was form ed by our fathers, and as wo hope and trust to deserve and perpetuate it, is justly re garded by the friends of republican liberty, throughout the world, as the rock upon which the God of nations has planted the beacon light of free Democratic institutions. To destroy that Union, is to darken, for the time being, this light of the world, and it may he, to put it out forever. In immediate connection with this undisguised attachment to the Union, that platform asserts the terms of justice and equality upon which it ought, and can be preserved. No light and trivial causes are presented for the “ dis ruption of the ties that bind us to the Union.” The violation of important constitutional Webster, was enabled to carry a portion of the Northern Whigs to their susport-; hut when the great principle upon which that compromise was based, and which alone j reconciled the Sonthern people to it, was ; the Kan- not a ; Whig member from the North voted for it : —not a Whig paper at the North advocated it—and Mr. Fillmore himself was under- : stood to be opposed to the application of that principle to those territories. So that t upoD the great practical question which , must shortly be met—shall Kansas be ad- mitted into the Union with slavery—the ! South looks in vain for help from a solitary : Whig of any prominence, cr member of any | other party save the old constitutional Dcm- j ocratic party. That there are a few nation- j al Whigs, with Mr. Fillmore at their head, j whose hearts incline them to do justice to ; the South, and who would do so if it was in i their power, I have no doubt; but the over- ! whelming majority of their party are a- v gainst them, and the very effort to do so, : without the masses of their party to back* them, is political death. Therefore the ! South can look with confidence to the North ern Democracy, and to them alone, in the impending crisis. I do not pretend to assert that the entire , Northern Democracy are now, or ever have been, sound on the subject of slavery. My proposition is simply, that the only sound ; men of the North who have stood firm at all times, and in every emergency, and who are yet willing to peril their political all in de fence of riie Constitution and the rights of tlie States, are to be foun l in the National | Democratic pcrly. I do not know that there ; exists at this time, even individual exceptions i to the rule. If there should beany, the time j has now arrived when they will be forced by j the requirements of duty and patriotism, to j take their position in the Democratic organi- j zation. Heretofore, the Democratic party at j the North lias been enabled to contend sue- j ccssfully with its opponents. Its organiza- j tion being sound, the unsound elements in the party constituted the exception. This ! state of things arrayed the abolition senti- ! meat of the North in opposition to it. As j long as that abolition sentiment was divided | between the Whig and Abolition parties, it j was generally powerless in its contests with ! che Democracy, and the Democratic party has , been enabled to maintain its ascendency.— : The recent overwhelming triumphs of the i opponents of the Democratic party of the j North, is attributable, not only to the increas- i ed excitement on the slavery question, but j also to the union which has been effected j between the Whigs and aholitiouisrs under the name of “Know Nothings” or “Ameri can party,” a fact of significant importance j ot the people of tho South, in the considera-! tion of this question. The abolitionists never j could unite their forces in their own proper name, nor could they unite them in the old Whig party. For that reason both of these parties have been abandoned in name. Un der tbe title of Know Nothings, however, this result has been to a great extent, ac that no man is worthy of political fellowshpi ! But new questions of practical and para* who denies tbe right of Kansas, and all other j mount importance are pressing upon the at- Territories, to come into the U nion, with or 1 tention of the Southern people, and iutereat- without slavery, as their people nmy deter- j j alike every citizen, whatever may have mine. This is the doctrine of the Democrat- 1, ” ,. , J .... , ... ic party of this State, and of the sound Xa- ! *»s past political associations. A new tional Democrats of the Xorth. Upon this j l 1 ® 8 arisen, aiid a secret organization basis the National Democratic party will j has sprung up throughout this land, em- stand in the coming contest. In her ranks j bodying the worst elements of fanaticism there will be no place for free toilers and ! and demagoguism, and threatening the over- abolitionists. Theman who denies this do* | ofthe Consti tution of our conntry trine ought and till be deemed unworthy of , „ . . . . „ fellowship in the Democratic rank. Pre- i an ^ rights of the South. Already has senting, as the National Democracy do, this ! this swelling war swept over nearly the j 7ubLriptioVli'ste of the two' papers we catholic platform to the country, the question ! whole ofthe Northern section of our Union, i „ , ‘ .,. , , 'n , ,, comes home to every Southern man as to his overwhelming in its mad career the best el- !. - ,T J “ . , " T . •’ . | whom he is indebted to bringing some of individual duty in the matter. If we desire ; u of society and the most natriotic ; lar S est anti best circulation in Upper Georgm ; tbese f aets to his no tice. No heresay evi- the admission of Kansas, and seek to estab- „ , v r T , i Middle and North Alabama and East Ten-; dence bas been tak en but only such as the Hsh on a firm and lasting foundation the , 0 f«* e North. It has careered on and | ne3 of r pilblished in Georgia, , would receive riz that of he great principle involved in the question ofon until it has arrogantly sought to hear 1 ^; thout e ' tion naturalist would leceive, viz. that ot the her admission why should we not unite with down upon the South. But it was gallant- 1 Wg ^ respectfuliv cal , the attention 1 the only party that can and will enable us to ^ '- ll J ^ e ‘- 1 -- ' effect the object ? The g yon seek by your meetin; to make us “one people s , ask, in reply, why we cannot be “one pec- » oppositaon to Know Nothing.™, and an adverds ; me dium, in the sections of, worm. They were again seen after the pe- pie and one party, in support of the Nation-; they have rolled it back From Southern sou. . .. . . ... . . , . J al Democratic piarty. provided that party | Know Nothingismhas found itself in an un- i Jbe country mentioned above, are b el>evedro ; nod just mentioned first on the 27th ot will carry out the principles which we hold I congenial atmosphere the moment it crossed j une ^ uftUe f' Then ‘ !s anot , bor tact that j A P nI ’ m tlie f orm of l . he fl y- Hore a ’ ’ ’ r, .. „ , ; it may be well to remember, that our circu- change, but the transition was so sudden ; lation is made up entirely of bona fide sub-1 that no one obtained a view of their gradu- business men. 1Ye I al developemenf. A few have seen them up 1 jstantial ,,. - _ . . , , congenial atmosphere m common on this subject. Being in tho M J on& Dixon's line minority m Congress, we are powerless to . 7 . . Ja utll „ carry any measure, except by the aid of votes arc in their nature >. and from their social j gcp; , jers substantial business men from tbe North. The policy I propose af- structure, conservative. The spirit of fanati- ; ’ . . . ' - . fords the only practicable mode of securing . cisrn and moboeracy has found no home or : l ‘ ave * 10 lisfs an<l 1,0 P art 01 onr circula * ' emerging from their shell. I rom this it the admission of Kansas as a slave State.— restingpiaee within theirborders. They have ! tl0n aas ” een o° tfca U P f° r Iwnkom. All would appear that the ascent of the bug from If it fails, we are in no worse condition than neve r ihoueht to he intrusive upon the i 'Advertisements ordered either at the Atlanta ; the ground was sudden and probably in tho we would be if wenow abandoned our friends ... f c ( ,f rTm'rm Th«v ' or Marietta office will appear in the entire | night, as no one remembers ever to have at the North, and commenced at once to rely rights of other sections of the Union, llwy 1 ■ - — - - upon our own resources. If, on the contrary ' have been content to defend their own j F P we succeed, we shall have carried our meas- : rights from being intruded on hy others.— Science, Wooi-&atnering. ure, secured our equality and just rights, and They have been content to pursue the even friend Greer about Macon, and cau lie at the same time, preserved inviolate that tenor of their wav beneatb tb ei r own vine j C01lie t0 our relief? This time, we own up ^ and 8g «»,»«<>'to maintain their right. ! tbe «**.** cooft» thnt «»»»»- pies itwas designed to perpetuate.” ! under the shadow and the wing of the Fed- j struck. We have no acquaintance with onr I take it for granted that you prefer the eral Constitution. They look upon the correspondent J. A. 8., and it may be that admission of Kansas to its rejection, the principles of Know Xothingism as contrary [ ll0 sells us ou this occasion. We hope not, preservation of the Union to its dissolution. to tPe - r j fe of tbe Revolution and of the i foT vre are very sensitive all the time such i In two weeks more the females began to dc- unon a^asis’that’secures^tha^co-TCrarioifof American principles that struggle | an »peration is proceeding at our expense. | posit their eggs, which was done with an upon a basis tbat seenres tfie co peratipn ot . .. ,1-- —: It is not impossible that j. A S. has heard t instrument with which nature has provi ded them, and which seems to be a sort of knife, which is thrust into the under seen the bug moving. The fly thus suden ly developed, on its first exit- from the shell of the bug was white, but in a Very few hours acquired full and perfet color. In about a day they began to sing, and soon the whole country resounded with their songs. In a few days more they grew strong enough to fly about, particularly the males. that “gallant band of patriots who are friends aimed to secure—contrary to the genius of | to the South and faithful to the Constitu- American institutions, and contrary to the | that ice never clid study Astroinouiay.' tion.” ] etter and tbe sp irit of the Federal Consti- } and that after all the moon did not rise any These noble and brave men have during tution> Let us then, gentlemen of the con- \ way in Macon “last night,” of “night fore CoLritutSlTbil^tio^ SLveS <"» i 1 “‘” "J not it i. cr..ol stood the tide of fanaticism, which has : Democrats of Virginia, and to the patriotic | smoke a poor, unoffendiug^ eddiltin, after threatened the existence of the country, with ! Whigs of that State, who co-operated with j “ U8 80r *- Maybe again, that the moon got an unyielding courage which commands our them for the signal rebuke they have ad- j U P wrong foot foremost, or, as we are giving | wood into a sort of furze. The eggs were gratitude and admiration. ! ministered to Know Nothingism on South-1 reaa °ns for a “feenomenor,” perhaps it then deposited in alternate rows, about six Shall the South now, in their defeat, de- l T . - /q - af _- . • ! would not be amiss to say the Know Noth- or eight in a place. These eggs were then sen the men who in the hour of her i rnffict ^IveJ &* hold of that ill-starred luminary ! of a long, oval shape, as woims producing ger have never deserted her? Is this the approaching conflict, to prove ourselves 6 . ...» , ... .. J , . ' , time when we shall turn our backs upon worthy of such associates in a common a S ai . n m S ht last as the J dld a few ! °^ s usuall - v are ‘ In about two weeks the side of a limb about as large as a goose- quill, and by repeated thrusts peuetrates into the limb, ancT backwards along the limb, compressing the splinters of the upon worthy them and leave them to their fate ? Par- cause. Let us open our doors and our arms don me if I say that such a course, and for and onr widely, frankly and cordial- such a reason hardly comports with that weeks ago in Macon. eggs were all deposited, the locusts grew These fellows play the very mischief with ; feeble, their note became more hollow and everything that gives light, and the “eddi- j lower, and they all disappeared about the tur” of this paper heard it stated frequently | last day of May. One or two only have that during the sitting of their convention i been heard later than that: thus making in Macon they first turned off all the gas i their existence in the fly state a period of in the city, but that failing to seasou the i some live or six weeks. ! darkness to suit their taste, they then put: Having finished circumstantially our his- I out'tlie moon. But any way, -3. A. S., don’t | tor y of their visit, l will notice more mi nutely one or two particulars of peculiar in terest. And first, how do they live, and what do they feed on ? No one, not even chi vairy which we claim for the South, | to Whig® of Georgia who sympathize and which I am sure lives as warmly in with their Whig brethren of the Old Do- your hearts, as in any of her sons. Let us minion in opposition to Know Nothingism, rather emulate the example just set us by : aa d united let us move on to imitate, hy a the proud old State of Virginia, and respond | Q j e8S gi or jou8 victory in Georgia, the ex- to that “gallant band of patriots”—that al- 1 , 5, r . . . 0 though they may, for the moment, be over- ^P* 0 °* ’ irginia. whelmed bv their enemies, and ours ; yet Gentlemen of the Convention, allow mo to i thev may always rely on the unwavering tender you my heartfelt acknowledgements j be alarmed for the salubrity of your bread support of their Southern friends. for t h e honor vou have conferred upon me I baaket 5 we arc making bread up this We have seen in Virginia, that many pat- j ^ cam me seat. It was indeed a I for a11 the “peoples,” and that little 1 a»rpriae.for I was notified of your wishes ! fP of the Goddess cant rob us of the grain , the closest observer, has ever seen them tan^e We P SdHf“ $ C^nSiSS- this moving only a short time before you that now ,8 as good as wheat in the mill! j feeding. Ihe on y suppos.t.on left is, that Why should it not be so in Georgia ? Why I assembled. I did not feel at liberty to de-' raaeon u t Qr . ! tb ^ bvm f fnjm tbc . « avUl a « ertain hould not Republipan Whigs everywhere j dine; hut in this position, as novel to me j , b eddetufo/the Sant l i °, :1,ni " ux vlgor .''’ hiah . ls su ® cient to carr y L J lue tJuueLUl 01 a-uanui . them through with then* appointed task.— cline; but in this position, as novel to me e ooutn iranxiy aomit tnat tney are 1 a8 it ; 8 unexpected, I claim your indulgence convinced, that in the Democrats of the I , „ , r J T 0 1 and forbearance for any errors I may com mit in the discharge of my duties. Attrib ute them to no want of desire on my part to act impartially and to the best of my abilities, but to inexperience in a position of this responsible character. LUC V1U1HLIUU 1U1DUI IUI11 tUJiSUlUtlUIUU .. , . . . . . . rights, which Georgia deems essential to complisneJ. The personal animosities of her equality in the Union, constituted the ® eward - G / 0el - v . aad a few others, have kept basis of her action, “as a last resort.”— them aloof from the coalition; but the um- l'he position she calmly and solemnly as- yersal election of Freesoilers and Abolition- sumed, and her people are, and I trust ever } st9 to office, wherever the Know Nothings will be, prepared firmly and resolutely to bave obtained the power, leaves no doubt of at the South frankly admit that they are now North, rests the last hope of the Union ? We have no divided interests in Georgia; the preservation of the honor, rights and safety of our beloved State, is with all of us an object, compared to which, all others sink into absolute insignificance. For this object, we ought indeed to be “one people i and one party.” I fully agree with you ; that the time has come when we must act in concert, if we would be safe. But we need maintain it.' Theman who first counsels an abandonment of the Georgia Platform, will he regarded—if he is not treated—as a traitor to his State. The Nebraska Kansas bill was introduced into the last Congress, in accordance with the principles of the compromise of 1850, as we understood it. It affirmed the great principle of popular sovereignty—it denied the right of Congress to legislate upon the question of slavery in the territories, and pledged Congress to the admission of Ne power, tho fact, that all their victories bave been a series of Freesoil and Abolition triumphs.— The extent of these Know Nothing victories justifies the apprehensions so generally felt among the Southern people, ot the danger which threatens their rights and interests, and demands the united action which is in voked by the proceedings of your meeting. In considering these dangers, and in devis ing the proper measures for averting them, we should not lose sight of the men and the parties who have brought them upon us.— Let us bear iu mind that Northern Demo- A Decided Pledge. Among the political curiosities of the day , , . , may be noticed John L. Stephens’ announce- not act alone ; that time has not yet come. . ~ ,, . v XT „• We have friends, and enough to make us j meat ° f a « tbe Anti-Know-Nothing absolutely invincible, while we are united, candidate for Judge of the Coweta Circuit, By sinking all subordinate differences, and i with the public promise, if elected, “ to de giving our cordial and united support to the ! cide any law prohibiting the sale of liquors Northern Democrats, wo may secure the j unconstitutional.” This is a pretty stiff South in all her rights, and at the same time perpetuate that Union, to which we are iu- braska and Kansas, with or without slave- . . , . , ^ . „ ry, as the people of those territories might crat® alone, have been steadfast m their ef- deelare for or against slavery, in the organi- for ® , to stera th; , s current of treason and fa- slavcry, in the organ zation of their State Constitutions. This bill was passed, after an exciting and bitter struggle, by the almost unanimous vote of ! naticism—nor should we forget that North ern Whigs and Abolitionists have for years contributed to build np this anti-slavery terested for so many blessings, and whioh is endeared to us by so many hallowing recol lections. If we do thiB and fail, (but we shall not fail,) we shall at least know that we have done all we could to prevent the evils that may ensue ; and we shall then be prepared, united and ready, to act for and by ourselves for our own protection. I am very respectfully, Your obedient servant, HOWELL COBB. To Messrs. Thos. Raglan, F. M promise, to be sure. But we can’t support Mr. S. until he takes one step further, and pledges himself, if elected, to hamstring ev ery man convicted of being a Know-Noth- ! pj a i n and f anC y Dry Goods, Clothing &c. intstellegencer dear Ser a cureous feenome nor wos Witnessed hear in Macon last night no night fore last the Moon ARose kind of 1 South east and looked vorry Red all the j time it Was not no Eklips though for a . Eklips Darkens the Moone A great Deal and graJualley Went to the West I hav i Studded Astromomoy & cant Account for 1 this Strange freek of nateur Sum of our | Sitizens looked on it as a Evil Sine of fam- min it Rose abbout 11 ^o clock can you i acount for this most Singler feenomenor, yours respectly J-— A S p S did you See it in atlanta When this is exhausted, they return to dust. Here too is an easy explanation of their limited lives. Again, their most attractive feature is their song, which is confined to the males, the females having a voice—ehiefiy while flying—like the grasshopper. The note of the male is [iroducedby a beautiful mechan ism, combining the harp and the drum.— A11 aperture under each wing is covered loosely by a pearly membrane, which, upon close examination is found to be corded in JSF“The attention of readers is directed j paralell lines. There are also two other apertures, covered with a thinner membrane . , ... ... , _ , . also loose, probably to serve the purpose of to the card of Messrs. Adair and Ezzard, to 1 inflation. The interior of the body is I10I- be found in our advertising columns, They! low and delicately divided into air cham- have on hand at their establishment on bers which form the drum. The note pro- Whitehall street, a beautiful selection of i duced ® natural, concert pitch, with a ing. We wait for the pledge. Additional by the Africa. Columbia, June 6. At Vienna on the 20th Count Buol had an interview with his French and English Ministers, and suggested that the Confer ence re-assemble, and representatives could Brooks, J. j not give a reply, but if they would consent R. Redd, A. S. Rutherford, John A. Jones, j Buol would again attempt to arrange the James M. Bethune, John G. Ridgeway. : third point. Purchasers would do well amine the stock at No, 50. to eall and ex-! Slave Excitement—Failure.—On the ] continual modulation on the lower semitone. It winds up by expelling the air, producing a fall of about two and a half tones. To wards the close of their lives, when nature becomes weak, a change takes place in their note which is lowered a semitone to D flat the South, united with a portion of the Na- I «ent,ment. and that when they failed in their tional Democrats of the North. This action ; unholy erusade upon the Constitution and of Congress was received by the Southern ri S b *, s ot the South—ilus secret. oath- people with unmixed pleasure. They did bound Know-Nutiiing party, has stepped not feel tbat they had gained any triumph \ ®™ ard a8 a mediator between anti-slavery over their Northern brethren, but they did 1 Wings.andavowed Abolitionists, and uniting feel that the North had given, through the | the, . r b F oke “ fortunes m one midnight or- votes of her national Democracy, another ! gamzation, has given form, substance and pledge of fidelity to the Constitution of our ! 8acce9S \° e tbe ab ^ 1 | tl ?. D sentiment ofthe common country. It indicated an honest j *V r . th ; K *“ al b ? l,eve ' tbl . a dan S erous regard for the rights of the States, and a de-1 ” nsls 19 about be precipitated upon termination to maintain the integrity ofthe I tb f eountry, we may pause long enough to Union upon terms of fairness and equality, j acknowledge our obligations for the event, Such a result could haveno other effect than to the Abolitionists proper-secondly that of strengthening our feeling of security 1 ° the A » rtbem Whigs-and lastly to the under the Constitution, and warning our! “KnowNothings,’ who constitute cheumted attachment to the Union of our fathers ! ar f w of Abohtlon and Wb, S co-workers and riborfiiN It was with sincere regret that we saw the W hilst I fully appreciate the danger! consequences of the prssage of the Kaiisas , which threate n S ihe South, I am notwillfng ! Bill, in the non-slaveholding States. J he ! concede that it cannot be avcrted . It is violent excitement which seemed every- • true ^ the Democratic party in most of whereto pervade the public mmd of the j the Xorthern States ha8 been defeated, and North, was considered omniousof a ienei\a : j u some instances overwhelmed ; but I ean- of the sectional contest winchlradbeen end-j DQt with JO u in saying that “the ed upon terms fair and honorable to every band of patriots”*at' the North, portion of the Union That apnrehension, j „ who are friends ' to the South, and faith- ** 18 to be feared ' Wlil b ? realized in the fu- fal t0 the Cunstitution,” and who have so ture action of the people and the govern- nob , battled for our r5g hts, under the ban- i ment,on the Kansas question and in view ner ^ fthe Xational Democracy, “havebeen | i v, , tal “ erast whlch \ he gf»“ th I bas ,! n routed disbanded, and almost annihilated.” ! the rcKuk of th® issue,we should 00k coolly As lli h , as esteem their services, I| E „ qUe9t r n ' a r d dehberatel y deter - beg tJWre you tbat you underrate their mine upon our line of policy and action. j vi] T tue . and pl ^ ce t00 lo ^ an estimatfi upon present indications, it may be re- \ their devotion to the Constitution, and the garded as a fixed fact, that Kansas will, at rights of the States, if you suppose for a no distant day, apply for admismon into the j m oment-, that thev have lied from- the field linonwith a pro-slavery constitution. By • 0 f tbeir gallant struggles, or abandoned in tie bi ot the last Congress, as well as bj' , despair the cause of the Constitution. I P lancl P les ?* tae Compromise Acts of \ g ran t y 0 u they have been defeated, but their rh, ■’ Congress is pledged to her admission, broken columns are already recovering from 1 " 0taer sae comes with or without slavery, the blows inflicted by their, and your, secret tb ® G ® ve . t ff aent 16 b ‘ nuld t0 °l )en the doors I and oath-bound enemies. Know Nothingism and admit her as a k.tate. Her rejection on staggers under the blow just given by the the ground that her Constitution reeogm- Democracy and Republican Whigs of zes the institution of slavery, presents one | Virginia, [t* effect will be seen and felt in and the most important issue provided for : the North . 0 ur friends there will be en- in the Geokcia Platform. Such an event couraged by each successive defeat of the makes Georgia “one party and one people, , Know Nothings at the South. Give to them and a dissolution of the Union is cerain and | tbe pledges of our united and cordial sup- inevitable. Upon this question there exists . port and co-operation, and they, in return, no difference of opinion among our people. ■ w jU g i ve to us and the country firm, true, rhe argument has already been had the ^nd reliable .Representatives to fill the seats judgement has been, made up—and. it only j now occupied bv the Free Soilers and Abo- requires the happening of the contingency Rtionists recently elected to Congress by the to unite all hearts in the enforcement of the : Know Nothing party. Shall . we, then, decision. | abandon that “ gallant band of patriots ” In view, therefore, of our sincere attach-, in the midst of battle ? They still fight on, ment to the American Union, and the great i nothing daunted by their defeats and disas- calamity which its dissolution will bring up- j ters. Will the South counsel them to sur- on us and the world, we should see to it that' render to our common enemy ? every effort consistent with the protection of j The admission of Kansas is the “para- cur constitutional rights, should be made to j mount question of the day.” The position avert this threatened calamity, and pre- j taken by Georgia in her hut Legislature, is Address of James Gardner, Jr., Chair- man, to the Members of the Democra tic Convention. Gentleman of the Convention : The spectacle presented hy this large and intelligent assembly of citizens from every part of our noble State, is a gratifying evi dence of the zealous interest felt by the De mocracy of Georgia, in behalf of the great principles and of the great cause they seek to vindicate. It is an auspicious augury of the result of that important contest now before us, that so many intelligent freemen are assembled in tbe clear light of day, and under a smiling Heaven, to proclaim their opinions to the world, and to defy those who oppose them, whether hy open assault or covert conspiracy, to refute them, if they can. This spectacle is a practical rebuke, the moral force of which must be felt, to another scene presented on this day, in another city, in a distant State of the Union. There, a Convention meets in the darkness of secrecy to plot and to plan for the possession of the power of this Government. There, Dele gates are brought together from every Con gressional District in the Union, in myste rious ways and by back stair-cases, sent hy we know not whom—representing, we know not what, and contemplating designs con cerning which, we are left to blind conjec ture. These delegates are assembled to pro claim the purposes of their organization to vindicate the constitution of their country, and to declare their unalterable determina tion to maintain the rights which it was formed to protect. There, a seo rat council meets under the sanction of mysterious oaths, but without responsibility to those whose rights they seek to control throngh the legislation of this country. We, freemen of Georgia, will never consent to surrender our dearest rights and interests into the keeping of such hands. It is a source of pride and gratification to every Democratic heart that the WAing and fundamental principles and measures of the Democratic party are now the fixed and settled policy of this government. Under its auspices this country has gone on, step by step, rising higher and Btill higher in the scale of greatness and prosperity, until it now towers aloft, the admira tion and the hope of the votaries of free dom throughout the world, and has hn»Ainft formidable to tyrants only. Berlin papers say that {Russia and Tur key will settle between themselves, each to have a number of vessels,'and to keep in the Black Sea. England and France each keep two Pelessiers. The appointment is im mensely popular, and it in thought there would bean attempt made to cut offLepran- di’s forces, and take and hold Simpheropol. -8th of May, a Frenchman passed through j or q sharp, with the trill as before, one Columbus, Ohio, e?i route for France—hav- j the lower semitone, or C natural, hut not so ing obtained passports for himself and i lively or so fast. slaves, three in number. The virtuous abo- j Hpon the whole, the advent of this insect litionists of Columbus immediately had the : ha f a P*”?" in ^ rest Its t a PP 0aran00 , . , , , , „ T / _ . only at rare intervals suggests the idea of slaves seized and taken before Judge Swan, ; strangeness, and their note being the same of the Supreme Court, to got their liberty. I we heard when in childhood, and their roys- WI .1 .1 -J i_l- ,, . : 1 -,1 1 iL AI When there, they declined taking their lib- berty, and insisted upon going with their master, much to the discomfiture of their disinterested friends, who retired under the impression that those negroes could not ap preciate freedom, if they had it. New York, June 6.—A despatch from Philadelphia to the New York Tribune says The French support his advance, recent that Barker will be slaughtered as Grand reinforcements bring up the allies two hun dred thousand. On the 12th, a Russian sortie attacked the left, being repulsed at the point of the bayonet by the British.— Loss on both sides severe. On the 19th Gortschakoff telegraphed that the allied fire was weak, both sides re pairing and erecting batteries. The French carried the Russian entrenchments near quarantine bastion on the night of the 22d. The Russians ordered all the ships of war at Cronstadt, except eightlinera, to be sank. All fortigeations on the Gulf of Finland are placed in a state of seige. The hulk of the English fleet are at Naiger. President of the Know Nothings by the conventions now in session there; and that his opponents will probably concentrate on I Governor Gardner, of Massachusetts, to take his place. It i3 reported that a duel has been fought between two gentlemen of this city, named Leavenworth and Breckenridge, resulting in the death of the former, and severe wounding of the latter. It is stated that Leavenworth was tho challenger, owing to -offensive remarks made by Breckenridge at the Shakespeare Club. Portland, June 5. : —The Coroner’s Inquest on the body of Ephraim Robbins, killed on Saturday, has returned the following ver dict :— “That the deceased was shot through the The great debate in the English House of j body by some person unknown to the inquest Commons, on Desraeli’s motion, has been i acting under the authority and by the order defeated by 290 to 319. It is expected that I of th ® Mayor and Aldermen of the city of every available infantry soldier in England j P ortla “ d ’ mdefen f ce of the city property J 6 I from the ravages of an excited mob, unlaw- will be sent to the Crimea. i fully congregated for tbat purpose, near the The latest Paris Moniteur publishes a de- j City Hall, on Saturday evening, June 2d, spatch from Pelessier of the 25th, stating 1855, of which the said Robbins was found that the French occupy a large space be tween Central bastion and the sea shore. to be one.’ Cost of Livivo is Paris.—The high cost j of living is as much a subject of complaint' in Paris as it is in this conntry. Beef costs three francs or fifty-four cents a pound,— A chicken costs five francs, or nearly a dol lar. A Turkey costs ten francs. A leg of Iamb, which about a year ago sold for alxrat three francs, is not at present to be had un der five; fish has followed the ascentional movement in proportion.. Tbe Exhibition , of the World’s Industry would necessarily i personal. Wilson replied, cool but forci- Th* Latest Sews From the K. N. Con- greaa. Philadelphia, June 6th. No progress to-day. The Massachusetts delegations are admitted after some trouble. The contested cases are all disposed of but Louisiana, whoso delegation is part Catho lic. While the question of admitting them was up this afternoon, the slavery question was introduced by Mr. Bowlin, of Virginia, who made a violent attack on Massachu setts and Wilson, It was very bitter and raise the price—and beef, it was expected, would be four franca a pound. Kossnth in a late letter says: You may have heard that arrests took place at the execution of Pianori. Do you know why ? When the executioner pulled the string, and the axe was coming down, the dying Roman shouted: “ Vive la ” down falls the axe and cats short the sentence, The lookers on completed it: “Republique 1” shouted they —and the polioe carried them off to prison. Whether some of them may have thought, “Surget ex sanguine uUor,” I can’t say; bat the scene has left a deep impression on ble and determined, explaining his position and denouncing slavery, declaring nimself and the North for its abolition in the Dis trict of Columbia, and its exclusion from Kansas, Nebraska and other territories.— Tbe Virginian’s speech annoyed the South erners for its coarseness and unprovoked attacks. Albert Pike, of Indiana, spoke and saved the Union. The war goes on to-morrow. Massachusetts and Wilson stand better to-night than before. Southern men. con gratulated Wdsonjjor his boldness and ad mirable temper.--T^bere * 9 uo hope of anion in the council, bui in agreeing to restore freedom to K^ovnn Nebraska. torious and prolonged stay beneath the sur face of the earth brings forcibly to mind a sense of the antique. And their exit with a mournfully depressed tone seems as though they were conscious of the fact, and wero singing their own requiem. How striking an epitome of the liistory^of man, who, like the locust while in strength and {prosperi ty, pipes liis note in full and lively bari tone ; but ere long lowers it to the quaver ing minor of feebleness and woe. UPPER GEORGIA. The Eastern War. The Boston Courier of the 4th inst. pub lishes extracts from a remarkable work E ublished last year by James Madden, eadenhall Street, entitled, “The War: who’s to blame ; or the. Eastern Question investigated from Official Documents.,” By James Macqueen, Esq., F. R. G. S., Author of African Geography, &c. The Courier re ceived its copy from a distinguished gentle man to whom it had been forwarded by the autohr, and believes it to be the only copy in Boston. Mr. Macqueen is very bitter in his denunciations of the war, and says: “Enormous lying led ns into this war— enormous lying sustains it—enormous lying will carry it on, and lead us on step by step, until we cannot advance without danger or retreat without disgrace. In this odious system of deception, if British functionaries do not take part, as I believe they do, they at least eagerly swallow everything they hear, and transmit it to mislead the govern ment and to irritate the country—the ob jects for which such falsehoods were inven ted.” “Look around and seo what onr efforts are producing, and what we are gaining and must gain from the blood and money we spend and must further spend. “In Asia we replace the church by the mosque, the Christian pastor hy the Ma homed a Mufti. In Circassia we extinguish the fee remains of Christianity which ex isted before Justinian, and restore the de testable white slave trade, and at the samn time the vast African black slave trade, which Turkey on all her borders carries on and has always carried on. British bayo nets, ships, sailors and soldiers maintain and guard all these vile systems, at the very moment when we ore denouncing in the Western world evils and actions of a sim ilar description! This is our present posi tion. This is our present work, or rather a portion thereof, all being of a similar kind and condition. The very muskets so pro fusely used to render robbers to become more independent, are taken by the Aba- sians, to whom they are given to invade their peaceable neighbors, and to purchase or capture their wives and daugnters, to carry to Constantinople Ip adl for slaves!” In making his astonishing disclosures, says the Boston Courier, the author to know the peril he stands in of being de nounced as disloyal; hut he boldly chal lenges the investigation, and only demands that, without reference to his own text, the reader will inspect carefully the documents he places before them. His motto is that truth will prevail finally over falsehood, and that his office is a noble though a hum ble one of showing the truth, that others may from that detect the error. The pre face is as follows: The writer of the following pages was in duced with much reluctance to undertake the heavy and unpalatable labor of analyz ing the voluminous documents (l,300elosely printed folio pages) that have been publish ed by the British Government, on what is technically called ’‘The Eastern Question.” The labor became more irksome and un- ! pleasant as, independent of all other autlio- j rity, the close examination qf thedocuments j referred to compels him to come to the con clusion, that his country was completely wrong in the proceedings which have led to the terrible contest into which she has unguardedly rushed; and that every step she takes in carrying it on will only add to her complications, difficulties, dangers and expenses, without acquiring therefrom one ! additional (quite tho reverse) solid mark or J point of national honor, power or security. J The regret that he felt of seeing this gener- ! ous country so misled and maddened by' tlie j greatest and the grossest, and the most ex- | tensive system of error and fabrication ever ! before organized in any age or country, ! urged and impelled him in the discharge of I a duty which he considered was due to his j country, even if he should stand alone in the contest, to do his utmost to expose and condemn that disgraceful and dangerous system alluded to. IIow far the work un dertaken has been satisfactorily performed, is left to the reader to decide. Amidst con siderable experience in attending to and investigating the public documents, the wri ter had occasion to witness so much deceit, concealment, misrepresentation and mysti fication, not to use harsher names, than tho papers under consideration contain. Our ambassadors, and the ambassadors of our ally, cut a deplorable figure in the eyes of plain dealing and truth. The errors, fabri cations and misrepresentations to which these papers have at the same time given rise, are scarceiy creditable, and can hardly be believed. The work itself will sufficient ly show and prove this. Sir H. Seymour has taught us that it is lawful to eall things hy their right names ; truth demands it.— Republican France abrogated the treaties of 1815. She next violated the treaty of 1841, by thrusting a three decker through the Dardanelles, to menace Turkey and promise her support against Russia, if she would beard the latter. She succeeded. She “frightened the unhappy Turks,” and “gained moral weight” by her “threat,” says Seymour. Turkey broke her engage ments with Russia under this pressure. Russia sought redress calmly. After much delay and ohicauery, it was given—a fir man by the Sultan, and an autograph letter from him to tho Emperor Nicholas, appear ed to settle everything. Both wore instant ly violated. The question was re-opened by France. Prince Mensehikoff was sent to Constantinople. Tho tales of his menaces and threats, and arrogance, were all Tur kish, French and English fabrications. It is not true that he first settled tho question of the Holy Places, and then brought for ward new and severer propositions. Ilis propositions were one and the same through out, and all well known to Lord Stratford, though he has deuied it: his letters will show this. lie settled the question of the Holy Places as not between Russia and France; but as between Russia and Turkey, that part, the most important part, “repara tion for the past and security for the fu ture in other words, “a national engage ment,” in one binding shape or another, embracing the recognition of the treaties of Kainardji and Adrianople, was postively refused, and this was done by the advice of Lord Stratford, the British Ambassador.— This refusal of a just demand justified Russia in declaring war against Turkey. She took, as Lord Stratford admits, a milder course, by first occupying the Principalities, a fief of, hut not an integral portion of Turkey. This state of things produced the war in which we are now engaged. Europeframed a pacific note to satisfy both parties. Rus sia at once accepted it. Turkey refused it, as she had been secretly taught to do so.- — Our declaration of war against Russia sup presses the truth at this point ; it asserts that Russia refused the acceptance of tlie Vienna note, though urged repeatedly upon her by the four great powers of Europe! that is not correct. The first note framed by these four powers was accepted by Rus sia at once. It was sent to Lord Stratford at Constantinople to urge, in the most ear nest manner, its acceptance by the Turkish government. Ilis Lordship tells us (part II. p. 69)—“When I delivered it to the Turkish Minister, I called his attention to the strong and earnest recommendation to the Porte, not only by her Majesty’s govern ment, hut also by the cabinets of Austria France and Prussia,,’ &c. This fact is wholly suppressed in the declaration, and a note as amended byTuakey was substituted for it, which the Emperor of Russia did de cline to accept, though subsequently recom mended by the four powers to do so, because it gave no satisfaction for the wrong com mitted, and at the same time destroyed the letter and spirit of the treaties existing between the two empires, the great and se - cret object of the new alliance to accom plish ! Several notes were subsequently present ed, and made out by the four powers. All were rejected by Turkey; one especially, by Lord Clarendon himself, was summarily dismissed, with the taunt, that it was worse for them than Prince Menschikoff’s propo sition ! Prince Menchicofif reached Constantino ple the 5th of March. The French fleet was, without consulting this country and contrary to our remonstrances, ordered on the 22d of March, to proceed from Toulon to Salamis, to overawe Greece and to be at the command of their ambassador, to pro ceed to Csnstantinople to support Turkey; and all this done, before any point of Men- chico’ffs proceedings was known, and ten weeks before the occupation of the princi palities was thought of, and sixteen weeks before that took place. What are wo to think of such suppres sions and such conduct? But still worse took place under the Secret Correspondence. Thus, while Lord John Russell and Lord Clarendon both admitted and advised the superintendence of Russia over the Greek Christians in Turkey as a matter of right and duty, their ambassador at Ccnstantino- S le denied both, and taught the Turks to eny them. The Secret Correspondence, moreover, ended, as it was sought and in tended it should end, namely, in an under standing or agreement between Eegland and Russia, that they as parties most inter ested, should both do their utmost to up hold, as long as possible, the existence of the Ottoman Government should dangers which could not be foreseen or prevented precipitate it to its fall; and that Doth par ties ahuold always work together to render its dissolution as little injurious to the great interests of Europe as possible. This is and was the result of the Secret and Cor respondence, violated by France and Eng land, not by Russia. Moreover, almost ev ery despatch[from Lord Stratford, and also from Lord Clarendon, went to show Turkey was not only and simply ‘sick,’ bat possessed of an inourahlodisease, brought on by a long life spent in immorality, cru elty and oppression.