The Atlanta weekly intelligencer and Cherokee advocate. (Atlanta and Marietta, Ga.) 1855-18??, July 20, 1855, Image 3

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m I1V AUVERTISEMMrTS. Mvta Engine for Sale. THE •nhr'Tiber ha- * «l*« Engine; of about ,«j power, with plain Cylinder boiler, which l ia5 htrn uiuxl aliont tw* 1 years which he would low for <-a«h or epproxeJ paper. Adddres* JOHN JONES, Villa Rica, Ga. July Ju. 1655. (.wtf] JONES K DAVID, DBNTIBT8. WOULD inform their fricuds and the citizens of Georgia, that hav- iug associated, Dr. W. T. C. Cntnp- bell in business with them, they are now pre pared to attend to families in the surrounding -vunties, who may require their professional ser vices. A note to'that effect addressed to the firm •.trough the Post Office, will receive immediate at tention. We wish to call particular attention to our su perior Block Teeth, and Continuous Gum work. Person, having :mi>ortectly fitting sets of teotb, zss have them remodelled, and made to give sat isfaction. Rirutscu:—The Medical Faculty of Atlau- «, Ti:v>tua-toii, TelWt'.u. Americus and Buena Vi-U. • tffice. on Whitehall street, adjoining the Watch i Jewelry establishment of Mr. A. W. Kali. X. B.— The lie-1 quality of tooth brushes, powders and na-u-. kept colistautiy ou hand for sale. July 19. 1855. Dr. W. T. C. Campbell, having associated Dr*. Jones A David, in business with him, inform.- hi* friends and the public generally, he is now pre pared to attend to families in the surrounding ouuties who may require his professional services. A note to that effect addressed to the firm, will receive prompt attention. Ercry rtyle of work in the Deutal Art, expect- . J m a superior manner. A full supply of tooth tru-iies, powders pa-Lor and washes, for sale. — References, aii for »hom he has unrated. Office od Whitehall street, adjoining the Watch 4 Jewelry establishment, of A. W. Hall. Atlanta, July 18, ISoo. <; f/JKi.IA. Cose Corsrr.—Whereas. Josiah Greer ap- to me for Letter* of Administration on th** -•.tv ot William liri-er late of said county deceased : nurse *re therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- •«r the kindic.l and creditors of said decea.-ed to be mp|,car at our court of Ordinary to bu held in the -ItV of Marietta, oa the 1st Monday in Sept, next, to »• cs'iw. if e.ny lh< y hare, why -rid letters should ret be granted the applicant. July IT, Is;,5 U. TOl.LEHOX, Ordinary. / 'iURUIt. < ora Corvrt—Whereas, Joi-1 Kcnfroe, '* applies to me for letter* of Admiuistrntion on the -tste ot Lucy Ann K. Freeney deceased. i,,-., xre therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- zjlsr the kindr*-d aud cieditors oi said deceased, to be .a', appear at our -ourt of Ordinary, to be held at Ma- .etla on th* 1st Monday in July next, to shew cause, if they ba,e why said letters should not be granted the applicant ;uly 17, 1815. B. TOLUSON. Ordinary. Administrator’* Sale. V GHEEABI.V to au order of the lion, the Court of Oruinarv of t’obSi county, will he sol'! before the • . of Marietta.Cobb county, th* Gnt Tu^tlii) in tuber next, within the le- issof ok UM RoaUk half <r lot of UndNo ill ia th*- 20tL <2:*t. :kn<t 2nd action, bold as the property of *{&«»• Aikio. late of Cobb county, deoeatte . Sold for •.ivt benefit of the heirs aud creditors ol said deceased. 7*-rm« Qu*'f known on the day of Hale, fitly 17th, 1W5 JOHN MAIJUIY, Adm’r. G RoRGJa. 0*b» County.—Wlierea« Joel Renfro* np- phew to me f<*r letters of Guardianship over the »—r -in*! and property ol Win. J. aud Julia Freeny, mi rs and orphan* of John Freeny deceased. Three are then-fore to cite and admonish all concern* - to 1*^ and aj*pear at our Court of Ordinary, to be * in Marietta, on the flrnt Monday in September next, show cau-e if any they bare why said letters should ao* be granted. B. TOLLVSOV, Ordinary. Marietta. July 17th, 1855. NOTICE i ;i pers- nn Laving demand* against the estate of -’*■ SVhemiab Campbell deceased, of Cobb county, are -lerabr ted U» leave them, according to law, in 'be ordinary n office, and all those indebted to same. •c .11 make immeiliate pavmeut. as no time can be al* -ed NATHANIEL C. HANIELL, Adra’r. July 17tb 1H55 Printing Office for Sale! I OFFER FOR SALE the Press, Type Ac., used for Printing the ■Aa Marietta Advocate. The Press, ' .-nr oi Hoe’s Imperial, No. 6 ha* »»een used but a few months. The Type ha* been bought sine,, the beginning of this year. Price for Pres-. Type and every thing necessary to print a newspaper, the size of the Advocate,, in rash, or a bankable note. Apply to JOHN J. HUNT. Marietta, Georgia. Fine Green and Black Teat. MARKED PEKIX TEA CO., X. Y., PUT up iu 4, } and 1 lb. park- L ages, iu a superior manner, so us to preserve the tine flavor, and mucbl _,ic convenient tor retailing than large packages. young nr sox, gunpo wder. imperi al, StL VER LEAF. GOLDEN CHOP, and HYSON, OOLONG, PLAXTAT/OX, DELI CIOUS XE PLFS ULTRA, ENGLISH BREAKFAST, HOXQUOIS MIXTURE. We invite order* for the above Teas; a few pound* may be had to try them, or we will refer to manv merchants iu Virginia. North and South Carolina, ■ie. rgia, Alabama aud Tenncasoe, who bavo sold V Tea - for vr-rr JAS. CASSIDAY A CO., 150. Front at.. New York. > -IJIH p. E C ASS,] fJAMES CASSIDAY. 'ulv ■.*. ’...I. w3t. Practice of Surgery. Drs. Smith & Ramsay B EG lease to inform the public that they wil attend strictly to ail Surgical Cases tout to 'heir c.we. and ample preparation will be made foi ,I| tran»i«ot putieuie. Tbc centrality of Atlanta, ■>ud it* reuvarkablo facilities for living, point to it x, a mo . ( det. raele j/lace for the invalid. Person- wishing Surgic al aid can always find comfortabl- i.uarter*. We dem ote espocial attention to disease) f the Eye aud Ear. also. te the usual surgical ail* ment*. *uch a* stone »•>« '’lud'ler and all injue rie* requiring surgica ' aid. Feb 72, 1855. wly. AT A Ua KG AIN .* Valuable Lands in Clinch County’. F 'OK Sale n valuable tract of land iu Clinch county, Georgia, withiu a short distance of the pr-p.-ed line of the Brunswick and Florida Rail Road, -aid tract contains 3820 acre* and will be disposed of in whole or part, at a GREAT BAR GAIN. For further particular* addre** Mr*. M. A. Blair. Halloea. Georgia. or Wm. Blair. Atlanta Georgia. Jun2*J (wtf) Dissolution. ■HIE Copartucrehip heretofore, existing in the M city of Augupta, tia., under the firm of Dun ham A Bleaklcy has become dissolved by tho death i Col. ticnajali Dunham, aud by the subsequent expiration ol the term for which the said partner ship was extended by his executor* under hi* la*t will and Testament. The name of the firm will lx 1 used by either ol the undersigned on the liquidation of its present affairs. ah persons indebted to the said fuiu, arc here by notified that immediate payment of all debts now due is required, and nli debts not yet due will be required to be paid immediately upon theii falling due a- s prompt settlement of the business ■ •f -aid firm, it demanded by the executors of Col. Donbam. C. J. ELFORD, l I-ix'rs of B. J. B. .SHERMAN, / Dunham de'd Augusta. Ga.. Juuc 23. A. BLEAKLEY. The Wholesale and Retail business will be car ried on as usual bv the undersigned. i«4t ARTHUR BLEAKLEY. SKY AND SIDE LIGHT DAGUERRE AN ROOMS, < tr. r Alrxandt rt Drug Store, Whitehall st., Atlanta, Ga.) A PDAKA TVSSES \nd all tbc Materials used in (lie Art, Per Sale at Ihc Lownl Price*. (C. W. DILL, Atlanta. August 31. 1854. (14—wtf) SCOTT’S PATENT IjITTIjE CklAHTT TORS AMI COR MILL. PRO H A A* .1 A DEHsOS, Proprietor* or’ Geor gia, Alot uma. Mid,it* end Eattern 7-*i. Manufactured at Anderold tablipbed | Foundry. N» -liville. T.un Kot Bro i u X Andersoa. tad by J. Win snip. Atlanta .) Orders addre--td to u- will be promptly sup plied. and we wil! till all orders addressed to J. Winthip. Atlanta, Ga., until he can -apply them fr.-m hi* well known Foundry. Tbe*e Mills have been thoroughly te*ted, are portable, can beset up in haU an hour’s time without expense or meeban- 'cal aid. Thu most convenient Mills for team use ever invented. It, mechanical construction in- *nre* durability. No. 2 i* offered st fi.j complete, ready l'or at taching the team, and warranted to grind from8 to 1? bushel* of feed per hour w ith one horse. N". 3. at ?7o, will grind i;> bushel.- per hour. No. 1, at $85, will grind 20 bu-hi!- per hour with two borae*. BROWN A ANDERSON, No. tO, Market Pt., Nashville, Tenn. dStwtf. Apr2!.’35. New Bookstore. THE Mtbrcriber having recently re- plenised hii large and well selected -t<wV: A ROOKS AND STA TtOX- ER Y, would re-peetfully invite all who wish to purchase t > be sure and call at the new Bookstore, •n Whitehall street, two doors above the Po»t Office, as his term* cannot fail to plea -e. Hi* etock having Ixx-n bought principally for cash, aud se lected mostly liy himself iu the Northern cities.— He has also a fresh supply of of Fancy Article*, Watches, Jewelry, Toy*, Ac., at the lowest price*. Teacher* and Merchants supplied on the most lib eral tenor. GEORGE DUXHAM. Atlanta, February 7, 1855.[wly-] LATEST NEWS. LATER FKOX EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THK STEAM SHIP ARAGO. Tbc steamer Are go arrived at Sandy Hook at 12 o'clock on Monday, bringing four days later nears from Europe. Liverpool Market. Liverpool, July f.—Cotton is dull and easier, but prices are not quotably lower to appearance. Sales of the three days 19,000 bales, of which Speculators took 5,000 and Exporters 2,000 bales. Breadstuff's have slightly declined, and are dull, buyers demanding a reduction.— The market closed dull. Provisions generally unchanged. Consol* 91J to f. From the War. The news is generally unimportant from the Crimen. Lord Raglan is dead. Simpson succeeds him. The frigate Amphioii, while reconnoiter- ing Sweaborg, ran agruuud, and the Forts opened a fire upon her; the Amphion return ed and blew up a large Russian magazine. It is reported that the English destroyed X'yztadh. The remaining portion of Kert- sch has been destroyed by fire. The telegraph between St. Petersburg and Odessa has been completed. Tho Kiugof Belgium is visiting Victoria; In consequence of the disturbances which had been created iu London by the Sundy Trading bill, it had been withdrawn. It hud caused an assemblageof 100,000 people in Hyde Park. The police were assaulted, carriages hooted and a number arrested. Napoleon stated at the opening of the Legislative Assembly, that important ques tions at home aud abroad prevented him from going to the Crimea. Farther by the Arafo. New York, July 17. The fire at Constantinople destroyed three thousand houses. Letters from St. Petersburg state that great disturbances had taken place in Rus sia, and there was a probability of a revolt to place Constantine ou the throne. Manchester, N. H., July 16.—A fire last night destroyed a cotton mill and 22 stores and dwellings. The loss is about $350,000. Five hundred hands have been thrown out of employment. The insurance was but partial. Buffalo, July 1C.—The house of Mr. James Thompson, was pillaged and fired by incendiaries last night. Mr. Thompson, his three daughters and two grand daughters perished in the flames. Boston, July 16.—A mob at Toronto on Saturday night attacked the Circus Compa ny and destroyed their fixtures. Fire-arms were used and a number of persons hurt.— The police finally quelled the disturbance. New York, July 18.—The schr. Emma, hence for Central America, whith Col. Kin ney and his men, was lost on the 19th June on Caicos reef. AH saved and taken to Turks Island. ProwBlavery Convention. Columbia, July 18. A pro-slavery Convention was held at Lex ington, Missouri, on the 12th inst., which was largely attended. Speeches of an in flammatory nature were made, and there was much excitement. Resolutions were introduced calling a meeting of the Leg islature for the purpose of passing a law discriminating against the products of Massachusetts, Vermont and Michigan.— Messrs. Atchison and Donosson were pres ent, but declined speaking. COMMERCIAL. Atlanta, July, 19. Cotton.—9@11, extreme*. Exchange, on New York UeeUingnt J per cent premium. On Charleston and SttTannah J per cent. Bacon, rather dull at the price*. Ui to 124 cent*. Side*Ribs 11@U4 ct*. Side* clear 111 to 12|. Shoulders 8| to 10 cent*. Bacon.—We quote hog round 11 toll}; Hams Lard by the bbl. 11@12} ct*. leaf. Iron, Swede* 5} to 6|c; English 5 to 5} cents; Nails have advanced to 6 a 6} ct*. Corn i* selling at $1,00 to $1,20. ConN Meal, $1,00 to $1,20 cent*. Pork, Hog round, 6}@7 cent*. Beet, By the quarter, 5 to 7 oenl*. Sweet Potatoes, 60 to 75 cent* per bushel. Irish Potatoes, $2 per bushel. Salt, Liverpool sack* plonty, $2,@$2,75. Liqvohs.—French Brandy, $2,50 to $3,60 per gallon : Domestic 50 to 75c. Peach, do. $1 to 1 25 '-enls. Whiskey 45 to 50 cents; Gin 50 to 60 ; Ruin CO to 65 cents. Wheat.—Good will bring $1 per bushel. -wm.—Plenty at $3} to $-1. " Butter Country, 20 25 cent*. Goshen, 35 ct*. ner pound! T enn. Butter, 12} to 20 by the Keg. St uah, Fnir i7. 0. Sugar, by hhd. 7}. Prime “ “ “ **• Choice “ “ ®‘° 9 - Syrup, N. O. by bbl. d# to 45cts. gal. Extra Whiskey « ^ “ Star Candles per box 26J 28 “ lb. No. 1 Rio Coffee by sack 11} to “ “ Gunny Bagging 16 to 17 ct*. Roi'K 12 to 13 cents. Chickens, 15 to 20 cent?. Eggs, 10 to 12} cent*. Fodder, 75 $1, to per hundred. Peas. $1,23 to Feathers.—30 to 35 cents.—Sperm 37 to 45c; Tallow 20 to 22c. The Market*. AUGUSTA “July 18. Cotton.—We have no change to note in the market. Nothing doing. NEW ORLEANS, July 11. Cotton.—The market is dull and unchanged, with a limited business at previous rates. Sales to-day only 150 bales. CHARLESTON, July IS, p m C-ottos.—Sales to-day 300 bales at 9} to 12 ct*. The latter price was paid fora fancy lot of 155 bale*. NEW YORK, July 14. Cotton is dull. Sales to-day 1000 bales. Sales for the last three day* 5000 baler. Rice is firm at 5} to 6g cent*. CorvKE.—Sale* of 2.250 bag* Rio at 10} cents. Atlanta Jockey Club. The NeUon Slakes for 8 year old«. 1 mile heatu, opened by thin Club for the Fall meeting, »185a. closed on tbc l*-i instant. 25 BULB, of WHISKEY just received and br tabby W.W.BOAU. with the following subscribers. 1 T. B. Goldsby names b. c. by Rough A Ready 'ism by Imp Glencoe. 2. Jerome Kdger name* Charles Morehead, by Glen coe duro I.idi Haiuet. a. W. W Woodfolk, names b. c. Kanss*. by For eign dam by Imp, Leviathan. 4. John Campbell names b. e. by Wagner dam by Cramby. 5. John Campbell, name* *. f. by Wngner. dam Gloveua- 6. 1*. 8. Fowler, names b. o. by Glencoe, dam by Me- d«c. 7. fhorns, G. Moroe, names b. f. by Vincent Nolle, dam Caroline Scott. 8. Charles A. Hamilton, names 1. j. Crookieden by Tempert.. dam by Imported Leviathan. Tho Nelson stakes for 3 year olds 2 mile heat*, closed asjfollow* : 1. T. B. Uoldsbv, names b. c. by Rough s Ready, dam by Glencoe. 2. Jerome Kdger, names mi*, by Wagner, dam Ma dera by Medoc. 3. It. W. Woodfolk, name- b. c. Kanra-i by Snvreign, dam by Imported Leviathan. 4. W. W. Woodfolk, noiues b. f. Iodine by Sovrcign. dam by Stockholder. b. John Campbell, name.- 6. f. l>y Wagner, dam Glo- v«ua. , . „ 6. John Campbell, names c. by Wagner, damhally Itertrand. „ 7. Thomas G. Moore, names b. f. by Vincent Nolte, dam Caroline Fcott. 8. Charles A. Hamilton, name* d. f. Crookieden by Tempert. dam by Imported 1-eviathan. The stakes for four year olds 2 mile beats closed with tbc following subscribers : 1. W. W. Woodfolk, name* b c. Invincible by Im ported Sovreign dam by Stockholder. 2. T. B. Goldsby names Brown Colt. Brown Dick. 3. Charles A. Hamilton, names b. c. Whirlwind by Tempert. dam by Cock of the Rock. In the 3 year old stakes, 2 mile heats h. c. Caffey name b. c. by Sovreign dam little Mistress. Morgan, _ Margrave, dam odd stocking bv Thornhill. Jane 27, 1«55. dwtt LOTTERIES. [By Authority of the. State of Georgia.] FORT CADIES ACADEMY GRAND SCHEME FOR JULY. Class 4 TO H PRAWN JCLT 23d, 1855, IS THK CITY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WHES HUZES AHOCX1ISGTO Will bo distributed EccerUiug to the following magnificent Scheme! ^kfL-And remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing, and paid when doe without deduction! 1 Prizeof ... .. .*15,000 a I’ritti of.. .. .<1.000 1 Prize ef ... ... 85,000 10 Prize* of. .... 500 1 Prize of .. ... 4.000 10 Prize* of. .... 200 1 Prize of .. ... 3.000 10 Prize* of. ... 120 1 Prize of - • ••• 2,000 25 Prizes of. .... 100 1 Prize of .. 1,500 70 Prizes of. .... so 1 Prize of .. ... 1,100 330 Prize* of. .... 25 Ml Prize* in all amounting to .800,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Ticket* $10 Halve* $5, Quarter* $2.50. Bill* on all solvent Bank* at par. All communications strictly confidential. ' SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, •14wly Atlanta, Georgia. [By Authority of the State of Alabama, j SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY. LOTTERY. Conducted on the. Havonaplan. 4* R AND SCHEME! Class S. TO BE DRAWN THE 2d Of AUGUST, 1855. 1 Prize of ....*.12000 i* 120.00 1 Prize 5,000 is 5.000 1 Prize ... 3,000 i« 3,000 1 Prize 2,000 is 2.000 1 Prize .... 1.500 is 1.500 1 Prize • • • • •• 1.2C0 is 1.200 1 Prize 1,100 in 1,100 5 i’rizoa.... 1,000 is 5.000 10 Prize* 400 is 4,000 10 Prize* 150 is 1,50c 12 Prizes 120 is 1,440 20 Prizes.... 100 is 2,000 40& Prize* amountiug to SCO,000 DANIEL & OOMP’y., at the sign OF TiiC “Atlanta Family 8tore.” so xa, WHITEHALL STREET. r IE anbecribera would respectfully iuform the cii ' " ” Nvtlfce. H AVING disposed of iny ’.bole stock or Drug*, Chemical*! Instruments, Paint*. Oils, Ac., to Dr. B. M. Smith ahil Mr. Win. L. Kzxanl, it gives me great pleasure to recommend them to the pub lic, and my friend* in particular. The stock i* ... _ „ - . - • fretfii, and finely selected. No assort in et! in f.eor- citizensof Atlanta, and all person* trading , i, what :* needed iu to this point, that they «e receiving wdl “ ri ’ or Dr u g S t<)re . The goods can be S5?»-7ia^W«aS**SSr -*•• b* •AmO.miAW1*~. *pectfully and politely solicit the patronage of per sons and*families, who may require inch articles aa pertain to their Department, and will take pleasure in waiting upon them. The Principle . .. _ _ _ . n r upon which they conduct their business being ATLANTA DRUG STDHC CASH, they assure all those who may favor them sMITU A fTTlin with a visit that the articles which they may offer : BOTH II • EtAMiIkmV, shall be of the best quality and at each priet*. GEORGE H. DANTEL. | LEONARD I. YOUNG. j Atlanta, March 22, 1855. diwly. and everything the Physician may wish can be found thera. I patronage. respectfully ask for them a liberal H. A. RAMI*AY. Marietta Advertisements. Marietta Advertisements. Wheat Wanted! GEORGE D. RICE, . LL person* indebted t<. me previous to this year, are A-ttOriloy frt XiAT * requested to conic forward and liquidate tbeirnote* . HarlctU, Georgia, andacconnt*. without further notice. As there hash, ci. wwrv u,|, ju-loll., wing eoMtioe: Cobb, an abundant wheat crop made, we will take all good. ‘ , wheat at the highest market price In payment fornote* j »» ' and Hcconnts. Those who have it to spore and will not : anil r "rst lb. come forward to me, it will be taken for granted Al.-". in th. Sii|,i eiii.. they do not intend to pay, consequently their note*! the United Stale- Oi-ii In the hands • ' t’lvN-okec. D.-Knlb, F*mpliti!!. ey ana accounts will be pi* eed for collection. June 21,1855. of an officer ! J. J. NORTHCCTT. I (wtr.i i Diatriei of tlcurgia. •.inn ..f Georgia, nnd in i Court for ilie Northern jan ltf The Marietta Hotel and FOK S \LE. I WILL sell to the highest bidder on the first Tuesday in September next, in the city of Ma rietta, the'above valuable property nnd furniture. Sold as tho property of the estate of G. S. Ogles- ! by dec’d. Titles unquestionable. Terms : One fourth cash. The balance to be j divided into three equal annual instalments. Sale j directed by the will of said Oglesby. For furniture information, apply to my Attor- | neys, Hansell and Simpson, at Marietta, or the i undersigned, at Albauv Georgia. D. A. VASON, Ex'r of G. S. Oglesby. j June 21, 1855 (wtlsept) ! Colors. Paints and Oils. W E have on hand and are receiving the largest assortment of Colors, Paints and Oils ever offered in this city, which we will eel! at the lowest prices. * SMITH EZZABD. May 10, 1855. Diamond ILight!! Sylvie Uil. ^, r E uxb also sole agents in tlii* city tor the sailv ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS. jarTicketd $8—Halve* $4.00—Quarter► $2 00. Every prize drawn at each drawing Bills on solvent banka takeu at par. All cuinmuica* tions strictly confidential. SAM’L SWAN, Agent, At the Bronze Lions, Montgomery, Ala. of* the Diamond Light, which for safety cheapness and quality, excels any thing ever of fered to the public. In making the above asser tion we meau what v.*c say. Call at our store aud judge for yourselves. SMITH k EZZARl). May 9, 1855. NEW GOODS, BXexx cfc Boys Ololxins, Clothes New and Fresh. Cassimeres. Xa_Orders for tickets received by th* agent of the The Kichewt ever brought to this Market. Fort Gaines Academy Lottery. Atlanta. Ga. 1 — Havana Plan Lottery. JASPER COUNTY AC ADEMY j a large and well selected (lock of Drug*, Paints, Tnrnitnm i Oils, Camphene, Burning fluid, Dye-*tuff*, Ckemi- Xunubiuv ca ir j Surgical and Denul Instrument*, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Medicinal Wines, Perfumes, Ac. The ladies are invited to call and examine our Fancy Coods, consifting of Shell and Ivory handle hair brushes. Shell, Ivory and India Bubber dressing combe. Shell. Puff and Tuck Combs, Ivory and Buffalo Nail Brush*., Ladies Writing Desk*, (papier mache »4id rose wood,) Superior Toilet Boxes, (pearl inlaid,} China, Rosewood, and Paper Puff Boxes* Lubint French Extract* of every variety, Mungenitt Coudray “ “ “ M French Toilet Powders, Lnbin*. German Farina Cologne, Improved Chlorine Tooth Wash, Orris' Tooth Wash, “ “ Paste and Powder. (French,; Superior Almond Powder, I for the skiu,i Lu'litf. Drawing Books ami Portfolio"-', * Faber’s Drawing Pencils. Sewing Birds, French cut gloss Toilet Fiacent, China Flower Vases, (very rich,)* Port Muuaies, (pealr, ivory and morocco,! Ladies Companions, (complete,) Cord Case* of every variety, Ivory Teething Riugs, Katlers, etc., for children Smethian, an elegant preparation for chapped hands and rough skin, Barray’s Tricopherous, ’ Lyon’s Kathairou, Bogles’ Hyperion Fluid, Mrs. Allen’s Hair Invigoralur, Superior Bleached Sponge, (for ladies,) Turkish Bathing Towels and Gloves, aud ruu- dry articles too numerous to mention. March 23, 1855. diwly. EDWARD P. WEBSTER, (SUCCESSOR TO T>K. G. TENNFNT.) Miliolco.Hr ano iirtail DRIG61ST, No. i Colonade Place, Marietta, Geo. tXTOCLD respectfully call the attention of the citi- ■ ™ zenB of Marietta, Phjdicianti and Planters to hia | •xtenaive and carefully selected stock of Preah Drags, Medicines and Chemicals, j rHYsinaya, Supplied •'srith the purest French, Foolish and Ameri- i can chemicals. Surgical, Dissecting and Amputating | Instruments, Lancets, Forceps, Cupping Instruments, j Medical Bags, Trusses, Supporters; kc. % kc. YUkOTlSR? Supplied with Faint*, Dye Stuffs, Frali Garden Seeds, ! Medicine cheats, «c., kc. COUNTRY JtXKCHA.STS • Supplied with genuine Drugs at a.- low rates us can be ! bought in any city South. | Great care will be taken in tilling Physicians’ order? i Every article aold warranted pure, fresh and genuine. ; Phyaicians’ prescriptions caretuily compounded from | drugs of warranted purity, at any hour of the day or t sight. The attention of j THE LADlEfc Its respectfully solicited to his extenene assortment of ! Toilet articled, consisting in i>ari of French ami Amer ican Colognes, EubinV and Pxvcr J > ExtractMongnetV • and Coudray s Toiletto Powderr. Powder boxe.^, puff's, : hair, tooth, nail and cloiL. bru&hcr ; also a due lot of • flesh brurhio, all of which will be told at reduced pri • cc*t. French Bandolim-h for arranging the Lair beau ! tifully ; genuine Macas^Ar and Bear'n Oil, hair tonic, ! hair dye. court plaster, tooth powder, tooth wash, tri- J copherous,, together vith j» great quantity of fancy gooda too numerous to mention. Please give me a call . ! *jud examine for yoursdven. K. B. l*urc old Braudies aud Win-*, for Medical pur- j. e, SKELTON, Attorney at Marietta, Georgia jan. I O. CHAsTAI.V. CITV AUCTIONEER—J. W. MURPHY. AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE, MARIETTA, GEORGIA. Tue umleraigned. having opened tho above house, will ^.-11 sli iirik-les Pougigne'.l to tboir e*re ot the ti.-ual rnte- <>f '-viiunisrioii. i. HA STA IN A MURPHY. Reference*—II. A. Johnson. W. Root, Marie'to; W. Kav. Vibintit: C. H. Jobtison. Griffiu. jan 16 s. LAWKENCF., t t o r it e v a t marietta, geo. L [By Authority of the State of Georgia.] T ffV subscriber having been appointed Mana ger of the Jasper County Academy Lottery, intends conducting the same on the Havana plan of single number*, and has located his Office in the city of Macon, Georgia, ne now offers the i following:— GRAND SCHEME FOR JULY X3, 1855. When Prires will be distributed a R follows amountincto i •00,0002 CLASS B. CAPITALS. 1 Prize of $12,000 11 Prized $5,000 I 1 •' 3,000 1 “ 2.000 i 1 •* 1,500 | 1 “ 1,200 | 1 “ 1,100 5 Prizes of 1,000 10 Prizes of 4,00 [ Ac., Ac.. Ac. 408 Prizes, amounting to $50,000. Agents wanted in every town and city In the Union. On application the Terms will be forwarded. Remember every Prize drawn at each drawing, under j the superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logan and Jas. A. | Kisbet, Esq., gentlemen who are sworn to a faithful i performance of their duty. Prizes paid, when due, ; without discount. 4^-AU orders, rely on it, strictly j confidential. Bills on all solvent Banks, taken at par. Whole Tickets $8; Halves $4 ; Quarters $2. Address JAMES F. WINTER. Manager, Macon. Ga. Atlanta. May 23d, 1 55. Vestings. Come soon, or they will all be sold. Gloves—Extra Fine Neck).Fixing* the very lat^«t htylu.-i iiufl richest materials- Also, Tailor'* Trimmings—-Tapes, Crayon©, and aiimowt any thing kept in a Merchant Tailoring establishment, cau be bought from the subscriber- Atlanta, Nov 2. diwtf LEWB LAWSHE. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. .la Agreeable Refrigerant and LAXATIVE. T HIS Preparation has been introduced exten- j sivelv on the continent of Europe, and in this j country as on agreeable Substitute for Epson j Salts, it is destitute of bitterness, aud by its pleas- j ant acidity of taste, and its effervescing character, \ is rendered a very agreeable and refreshing drink j direction* for use accompany each bottle. Pro- t and for sale bv A. ALEXANDER, Druggist. Atlanta Cigar Store. T HE subscriber ha* just received a fine lot of CHEWING TOBACCO and CIGARS, which i he offers for sale, by wholesale and retail, at the lowest market prices. He respectfully inform* his ■ friends, the public and country merchants that they : would do well to call and examine his slock, and j he feels assured in saying that he will not fail in ’ giving satisfaction, both in quality and price, j All orders well aud promptly executed by JOHN FICKEN, • Next door to C Kontz, boot-maker, Whitehall ; street, Atlanta, Ga Atlanta, May 19, 1855. apr26,d±wt>m. poses*. Iced skxia. Water, with a variety of Syrups. • At* we confine ourselves strictly to the dru^ bueine^r j alone, vt* ohail ahcay.H keep every tiling iu our line of ; ! bottinero, and of the very best qualities. Person* pur- • chafing any article of us can depend upi*u it being . • pure end genuine. We prepare all our medicines, and j : therefore can warrant them as being prepared accord- i ing to the V S. Tharmacopeia. Our stock is large aud well a.-.-orled. We nIihII al | ways keep * good supply of { White head pure, Copal Varnish No. 1. j do d* No. 1. do do do 2, i White Zinc No. 1, do do do S. j Windo w Glass, g-’oach do ) *X1Q—10X12 and aU other‘Japan > aizes, j Liuseed Oil, j Tram do : Sperm do Neats foot Oil, Turpentine Spirits, j Camphene, j Burning Fluid, i Faint Brushes, (all sizes) Varnish do do ; Whitewash Brushes, (rll Sweeping, dusting. >crubliu*. • brushes kc. j Marking brushes, [ Gold Leaf, i Silver do Blue Stoue, Coppers JAMES J ORDAN, A 1 'JOB N E Y A T L A IV, Canton. Ch> roke>; County, Georgia. jan 16 j. h. Weaver, A 1 f 0 R X E \ AT LAW. Dullas, 1‘nnlding County, Georgia. .iuti I—lv W. J. CHASTAIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia. jau 1—ly HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON & CO., SUCCESSORS TO CRANE L, HOLCOMBE, Wholesale Grocers, 189, 190 and 191, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. NATHAN E. BENTON, Attorney at Law, MARIETTA, GEO., t ) EPEES t" Baker A Wilcox, Barrett A Carter, k Auguatu—J amen H Carter & Co., Savannah —Perry Spencer, Cnlumbui, Ga. jan l-ly Leather Uo jL'cmar do (white) Sand Taper, as.-ort-d jTntty and Glue, jPumie-e Stone, JBlue Smalts, ■Brown do JOSEPH E. BROWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I ANTON, GUO., Will practice in the couotied of Cass, Cherokee, Cobb, Forsyth, Gilmer, Lumpkin, Pauldiug and Whitefieid. jan 1-1S55. Mhciting I .1 tool, Camel hair j>« ncils. | ^.ipawiojtih oa&z* TAR. N. H. 1. AMPBELL, Rotonic and Eclectic Ad Medical Reform Pr '• iitioner,—Hi* auccess- Camphcue & Fluid! T HE Subscribers have recently established in J Atlanta a Camphene & Fluid Manufactory, I and will keep constantly on hand camphene. Burn- j ing Fluid. Spirits of Turpentine, Lamps, Lamp 1 Wicks, also a variety of Garden Seeds. WEST A GLOVER. ‘ One door below C. H. Strong's Store. WhitehaR street, Atlanta. Georgia. March 26, 1855. Jtwly.) ^ WOMAN TO HIRE.—A *ood Cook, Washer, irooer and House Servant. JulVMJ Appl^b OBEEN * PULASKI MONUMENT ■ LOTTERY. 1 (By Authority of the State of Georgia.) I MANAGED, drawn and prize* paid by the well-known and responsible firm of GREGORY * MAURY. r^,0ffice in Concert Hall—oppos.te Postoffice , Delivery. CLASS NO. 173. To be drawn Saturday, July 21s/. Capital prizes, $5,000, $1,000,1,000, $1,000 Ac. ! Tioketa $1, halves and quarter* in pro- ! portion. CLASS 172. To be drawn Friday, July 20th. Prize* $10,000, $3,000, $1,827, $1,000. Ac. Tickets only $3.—shares in proportion. Extra CLASS 22. To be drawn Saturday, July 21*/. Prizes $38,000,$20,000,1 of$15,000,’l of$10,i«00. Ticket* $10 share* iu proportion. Sales close at 2 o'clock ou the day of each draw ing. All communications strictly confidential. Or ders by mail will receive prompt attention, and copies of the drawn number* forwarded to pur chasers when desired. GEO. L. BOOTH. March 17. diwly. m W. C. HOUGHTON, j (SCrCEC-OR TO J. M. TOMMSSO.V,) Opposite Valentino’s. Cassville Female College. THE Second Annual Commencement of this Institution will occur in the following order : Commencement sermon on Sunday, July 22, by Rev. James Evans, of Augusta. Examination of Classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 23d, 24th and 25th. Reading Compositions by Senior and Junior Classes, and Literary address by Rev. C. A. Ful- wood, of Rome, ou Thursday July 26. (Com mencement day.) Concert by young ladies of the Musical Depart ment, on Thursday evening, July ?*th. By order, THOS. A. BURKE, Jun27,d*wtf.] Secretary Hoard of Trustee*. O. T. «fls ST. I 1 . Dupree, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND General fnl practice the on; • ’.x years is a sufficient re commendation. he practical operations of Dent- j istry performed : Plugging Teeth with gold, $1.50 I each; extracting 'litto, g.i to 50 cent*: inserting, i Sf- -411 operations warranted. I Office and residence, Cherokee street, at I Dr. Bcilenger’s old stand, j Marietta. Mav 11:1855. lini.L execute painting in all its varioun branches. Y\ Dwellings and .Signs painted plain or highly or- nament&l. Carriages and Buggies, painted and trimmed, on the “hortest notice. He is prepared to paint gentlemens countrv &eate in anj part of the State. Atlanta, June 21,1856. (dAwly.) Carriage Trimming & Harness Making. J R. SANGES offers his services in the business • of Carriage Trimming and Harness Making, at his shop at Boswell street. All work done by him wiU be executed proinpt- ; ly and in a neat and satisfactory style. He respect- i fully solicits tho custom of his friends aud all who I have any thing to be done in his line. He will keep constantly ou band a good supply • >f materials. Repairing done at short notice aud i on favorable terns. mar 10 Notice. A LL persons indebted to the late firm of Kay .A A Ramsay, or to Dr. H. A. Ramsay, are here by. notified, that, having purchased all their inter est iu their late business as Druggists, together ! with tho book* of accounts, notes, Ac., due them, i payment of the same must bu made alone to ns. SMITH A EZZARD. March 23. 1855. diwly. For the purchase ana sale of Georgia and Tennessee Produce. Unquestionable and independent faeili ties—necessary references. Particular and personal attention to aU business entrusted will meet with attention, persever ance and promptitude. Remittances or small advance* made on all goods consigned to our order at consignee’* order. Corner of Hill and Broadway and next door to M. C. Williams «Co.. W. S. Hill street, Griffin, Ga. Griffin. Jan. 6,1856. d86£w33tf. urge »’ub cians Uae. C ONSISTING of Speculum* of various kinds, Eye Cups, Porcelain and Glass, Abdominal Supporters, Persaries,Glass, Silver, Wood and Ivory, Ac., Trusses, French, English, American, Ac., Shoulder Braces, as sorted kinds. Breast Bags, Saddle Bags. Pocket Cases, Syrenges In great variety. Electro Magnetic Machines, late styles, Steeland Metal Sounds, assorted sizes, Silver, Metal and Bone Eye Syrenges, cases of Eye Instru ments, new styles, Physicians’ Pocket Cases in great variety, Ste then copes, Elastic, Metal,Ac., Ear Trumpets, Glass Urincils, Bed Pans, Womb Syrenges, Midwifery Instruments, Amputating Instruments, Trephening In struments, Trocars and Canulaia Instruments, Evans’ Lancets, Cases, Gold, Silver Scots, Wood, Leather, Ac., Stomach Pump*, Cupping Case", improved Probangs; Uretha Instruments, in and out of And many other instruments not enumerated, with an extensive stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Fancv Articles. Ac., for sale, on accommodating terms, by. * A. ALEXANDER, Sign Negro and Mortar Atlanta, Feb. 14, 1855. dAwly. Madder. Isjt-wood. Spanish Indigo, Chalk, Amnt Turpentine Soap, White soap. Adamantine Candies, Olive Oil best 2q Kotii. Starch, white and blue. Fluid Lamps and Wicks- Cream Tartar, Supercarbouote Soda, Tartaric Arid, Old Castile Soap,' &c. J DRS. CONNELL & CLELEND, Red Lead, Litharge, PruBs. Blue, Vermillion . JIvaf. this day formed a copartnership for the Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow. Spanish Brown, { practice of Medicine in its various branches All Venecian Red, Yellow Ochre. Whiting, <fcr I callj win be promptly attended to. i Office at the old stand, where one or both ▼ ▼ to sell for r ©«?S* I may be found when not professionally engaged. THE subscriber will proceed to sell at public ! Marietta, Feb. 20th, 1855. outcry on the first Tuesday iu August next, at the ' — — — Court House door, a common ox waggon, the said j E. T. 3ETZE, waggon was put in my yard in August last by J \ GRADUATE of ihe the Medical College of Mr. J. A. Cain, Bailiff, he having not paid for i Georgia, having attended the Hospitals of same, it will be sold for expense. • Faris for upwards of two years, tenders his pro- W. W. ROARK. ! fcssional services to the citizens of Marietta nnd i vicinity. jy 20 Bounty Laud Pension Claims of Wid- j ows and Orphans. CIVILE undersigned having associated themselves to- A gether in the prosecution of bounty Land cininisof widows and orphans, Ac., would announce to the pub- lie, that having prepared themselves with ail the nec essary blanks, together with the law regulating tl e above mentioned claims, and also, having made ar rangements with competent agenta at Washington city, are prepared to prosecute successtully any of the above mentioned claims, with promptness and dispatch. Applicants will be advised of the highest prices paid for Land Warrants. N. P. GREEN. Marietta April 11. W. PHILLIPS. Office, south side of the Square, two door* from the Marietta Hotel. Oni mar 28 A CARD. D R. A. M. BABAL, respectfully tenders his pro fessional services to the citizen* of Marietta and its vicinity. He may be found at all hours, when not professionally ongaged, at his office, over E. P. IVebster’s Drug Store. 6m mar 28 100,000 COP1ES !! Steamboat Disasters on the Western Wafers, and Steamboat Directory. rpHE undersigned have now in course of preparation, a new STEAMBOAT DIRECTORY, which will be issued iu October next; the book will contain over 200 pages, illustrated in the best style, and neatly bound in a durable manner. It will be one of the Hanleiter’s Book, Job and Card Printing Office, T. R. RIPLEY H AS just received a few bbls. of 95 per cent. ALCOHOL. and is again prepared to manu facture of a No. 1 artielo of BURNING FLUID, which he will offer for sale at S1.1U per gallon.— CAMPHENE, 90 cents per gallon—l'or cash only. ; Atlanta, June 11, 1855. Combs, Fans, and Fancy Coods. I WILLIAM TASKER, j 1 A Park Place, New York, invites tho attention I J. U of Southern aud Western Merchant*, to his : new stock of Fans, Comb*, Hair, Tooth and Nail most interesting Books ever published, aud will j Brushes, Ladies Reticules, Perfumery, Soaps, be a book that will be interesting to all classes of > Porte Monies, Jet and Bead Bracelets, Poeket people. The Steamboat Directory will contain a : Books, Dress Buttons, Pius and Needles, Hooks complete list and description ol all the Steamboats j A Eyes, Watch Guards, Wax, Coal aud Glass Corner of Whitehall and Alabama sts., (In the Room formerly known a* “Parr’e HaU,”) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. HANlilTEB * CO., H aving just added to their former extensive assort ment of B 0 O K and JOB TYPE, CUTS. ORNA MENTS, Ac., a very large variety of new materials, of the latest style*, together with one of Hoe’s celebrated now afloat in the Western and Southern waters The length, model, speed, power and tonnage of each boat, where and by whom built, the namo of the boat, with the trade she is in. Also, tho names of Captains and officer*, her age, Ac., Ac. The Directory will contain a History of Steamboats and Steamboating on the Western waters, since the ap plication of steam; also, a sketch of tho first boat built for the Ohio River, with the name of the builder, commander and owner. The RIVEB DIRECTORY will contain a list and description of all the Steamboat Disasters that have occurred on the Western and Southern water*, beautifully illustrated, with a list of aU those who have perished by tboir buruing, sink ing aud exploding, on the Western and Southern waters. The Directory will contain Maps of the Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri. Illinois, Arkansas, White, Roi, Ouachita, Y’azoo, and other Rivers, with the Towns and Cities laid down, with cor rect distances: also, many other River and Coiu- mi-reial items of interest to the people at large.— The book will contain the cards of the various U. S. Mai’ Boats, with tho trade they are in, Ac., Ac. The Directory will also contain a complete list of all tho responsible Steamboat Licensed offi cers. their places ol residence, Ac., Ac: the new Steamboat Law, its requirements, with comments, showing wherein it benefit* the incompetent opieer, and injure, the competent ojficer, Ac., Ac., and all tho important U. S. Supreme Court Steamboat De cisions up to date; the Rates and important Com mercial Privileges, Bills of Lading, important De cisions ol the various U. States Courts in regard to Freights Lost and L.imaged, Ac., Ac., with many other things of interest. The Directory will be illustrated in the best style, and printed iu the best manner. The au thor has for six years been gathering together all the. fact* and items in regard to the numerous steamboat disasters on the Western and Southern waters, and now intends publishing them in book form. The price of the work will bo put at the low sum of One Dollar. Ten thousand copies will be issued for the boatmen; all others desirous of subscribing, will have to do so at once, s. none will be printed unless ordered in advance. The work is destined to havo a circulation of over 80,000 copies, a* the publishers are receiving large numbers of subscribers, per mail, trout all part* of the country, daily. Some of the oldest boatmen, as well as most scientific men of tho times, arc contributors to tho Steamboat Directory. The Directory will be issued in October, and will be an ornament to the parlor, as well ns steam boat. By remitting One Dollar, po*t paid, yon wil receive a copy of the above work. All communications and letters should be ad dressed to JAMES T. LLOY’D A CO., Post Office Building. Cincinnati, Ohio. jylfi dAwtf. . . Cylinder Freese*, Beads, Necklaces, Ac. India Rubber Combs, Cane*, | aro more f ul jy prepa red than heretofore, to give Balls and Toys of every description. i dispatch to all orders for work in their line—which Razors aud Cutlery, Gold and Gilt Jewelry, Ae- th ‘ w5U executo ^ best style of tho art, at eordeoud and \ lolins, lucludiug a general aud very : fair prices for Cash large stock of English, French, and German Fancy j p‘ rticulai . attention paid to the execution of Goods which will be sold at the very lowest prices j FIJ;E W0RK for Ra Uroad and other Joint Stock for e^h or approved paper. j Companies, Transportation Agents, Bank*, Col- j&r Orders by letter selected aud _puuup in the , / aud Schools, Attorneys, Public Officers, best manner. WM TAbKER ’ Merchants, and others. may 1—dAw6m 10 Park Place, N. \. Rook*, Pamphlet*, Catalogue*, Circular*, *v F„„ rrh «dv I Card*. Promiisory Note*, Blank Deed*, Cheek* looi6 iiVcryDOdy^ Wav Billi. and Show npOtlie Horse Head sign, that w&ut a good | BUWW ***** home-made Saddles, or Bridles. Saddle- I Post61T8 f Ac.» executed at short notice, bag-. Trunks. Valises, Harness. Collars and j Whips, a great variety, together with all article* usu ! ally kept in an establishment of this kind; all of which are offered at the lowest living prices, for cash, by the j undersigned. HILLER & ANDREWS. ! ^^Repairing of all kinds done with quick j despatch. • Atlanta. Nov. 1 1 fc.»4—d&wly. ^SfirPriuting in Gold and Silver Bronze, and Fancy Colored Inks, or on Vellum, Satin, Muslin, ac., done in beautiful style. Having likewise connected a Book-Bindery with their Printing Establishment, they are pre pared to execute orders for every description of work in that department—including RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a HAT AXD CAP STORE. m j. TAYLOR is now opening a fresh stock i style superior to any evei before done in this see- of fashionable HATS, CAPS A BONNETS, ! tion of the State. Tboir Tools bring all new and SLOAN & OATMAN, DEALERS IN Italian, Egyptian & American AND EAST TENNESSEE MARBLE. ' 1311 TOMBS, URNS & VASES, Marble Mantels AND jFurwtefcfttii JfttartUr. All orders promptly filled. ij^Wart rooms opposite Georgia RaUroad De pot, Atlanta, Ga. Mch6,1855-dAwly. Tobacco. A PPRECIATING chewers are invited to call. SMITH A EZZARD May 10th, 1856. tf IUST Received 50 boxes and 10 casks of fin JdU ^' k ~- W.V.BMU. Next door to Lair she dr Bro's Jewelry Store, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. TAYLOR'S HAT &CAP EMPORIUM. J UST RECEIVED, and opening, the first entire stock of HATS & CAPS ever offered in this city. My stock is now complete, consisting of every variety and style. Plea.-e call and examine for yourselves! AU kind? of Fur Skins bought. J. TAYLOR. Atlanta, April 25. 1855. (dAwly; DR. CHARLES CUMMLXGS, L ATE of the <-ity of New Orleans, respectfully informs the citizen* of Atlanta and surround ing country that ho iias located his office in the new and commodious Drug Store of Drs. Smith A Ezzard, corner of Concert Hall, for die purpose of practicing the various departments of his profes sion, aud hope? to enlist the confidence of his friends aud the community iu general, when he assures them that his experience is ample aud suc cess flattering in the treatment of r.!i ili?ea.-oJ pe culiar to tropical climates and malarious districts in their mostagravated aud malignant forms : aud more especially yellow fever, cholera, typhoid fe ver, scarlatina Ac.: aud all those contageous dis eases peculiar to a denes population, as the more recent portion of hi? professional career has con fined him to the treatmeut of those fatal maladies u the cities of Mobile and New Orleans. Atlanta, Ga.. April 16/55. diwtjanl’56. Examiner and Republican copy till Jan. 1st. 1856. AD AIK & EZZARD, Dealers in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS’ FUR NISHING GOODS, HATS. BOOTS. SHOES, Jr. A new lot of White Duck Coats and Tests, Marsailles Coats, Vests and Fonts. WiU sell at reduced prices a beautiful assortment of figured Organdai, Swiss and Jackpot! Muslins Seme fresh fashionable Summer Silk?, Durcges and T**?sv-es, Mantilla*. Ac. Call and pricethum. No. 5d. Whitehall st of the latest patterns, their Stock of materials the : beet the Northern markets afford, and their work- . men equal to any in the South, they feel confident ‘ of their ability to give entire satisfaction, and consequently havo no hesitancy in soliciting the patronage of their friends and the public. Sti-Order? for work, in either department of tlicir business, from any part of Georgia and neighboring States, will meet with prompt atten tion. G. It. H. returns his grateful thanks to his friends and the public for their past generous pat ronage, and would most respectfully solicit a con tinuance of the same to the new firm. Atlanta Ga. July 6th, 1855. (dAwly.) SCOTT’S PATENT LITTLE GIANT G. W. AOAIR.) June 12. 1655. [jobs f. ezzard. d&wlm. SALTOS & CO., 7 Beaver St, N. York, offer for sale in largo or small quantities, their celebrated Peru Hammered Charcoal Iron, quality snperior to Swedes; sizes from J square to I2xf thick, in- cludiug all sizes Rolled Iron. Horse Shoe, Nail Rods, Rivet Iron, Bunds, Scrolls, Hoop, Nut and Oval lrun, Slit Shapes, (imitation Swedes) Bliste red and (L) Steel, Plough Iron and Moulds, all of the first quality, and superior to any iron made. Have also on hand a foil assortment of English common and refined Sheet and Swedish Iron, all at lowest market rates. June 29, (w3m) Notice. ROOMS to rent—over the Crockery and Glasa Sture. Apply to T. R. RIPLEY. May 8.1855. «ltf Patented Mag 16, 1*54.—Copyright secured March 1, 1855. No. C. at $55, with one horse, grinds 10 bushels per hoar. No3, at $65, with one hor^e. 15 bushels: No 4. at $75, with 2 horses, 20 bushels. Messrs. Brown & Andersen, who are advertising this Mill, have now no reason to do so, as they have none here, and l aloxi have the patent right for this section of Georgia. The Mills may be seen iu operation at Parr k McKenzie's Warehouse, Marietta st- Apply alone to me, or to mv agents, Gilbert & Clarke, Hardware Dealers. ISAAC McKIM COOKE. Atlanta, May 16,*55. d&w6m. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA AUGUSTA, July 6th, 1866. T HK TWENTY-FOURTH Course of Lee- tures in this Institution will commence the first Monday in November next. tierlit: Anatomy—G. M. NEWTON, M. P. Surgery—L. A. DUGAS, M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy—A. MEANS, M. D. Materia Med lea, Therapeutic* and Medical Juriapru- denee, I. P. GARVIN, M. D. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Infants—J. A. EVE, U. D. Physiology and Pathological Auatoiny—H. V. M. MILLER, IT D. Institutes and Practice of Medicine—L. D. FORD, M. D. Snrgicai, Comparativc and Microscopical Anatomy Demonstrator of Anatomy—K. CAMPBELL, M. i>. Assistant Demonstrator—S. B. SIMMONS. M- D. Prosector to Professor of Surgery JURIAH 1IAR- RISS. M. D. Clinical Lectures will be delivered regularly at the City Hospital, and ample opportunities will be afforded for the study of Practical Anatomy. Fee* for tho entire Course...,..Ilrii 1)0 Matriculation Ticket (to bo taken once) 5 90 For further particular*, apply to July 7 (dftwla) 0. M. NEWTON, Doan. Bargain*, Bargains! The subscribers having an unnecessarily Inrgo stock of DRY GOODS on hand comprised iu part \ of Merinoes, Delaines, Flannels, Calicoes, Hoserv, . bleached and unbleached Shirtings, Blankets, Ac., I Ac., Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes ; ulso u very large lot Gents Clothing: snehas Overcoats,Dress and Business coate, Vests, Pants, Ac. Being de- . turmined to make it decidedly tq the interest of all I cash fcnyefs, we aro offering to sell at very low pri- i ces. Call aud see HAMMETT A SIMPSON, j jan 24 No. 4, Howard Row. ■ Marietta Adveriteementg. y Dafoerreaa Gallery* THE most sacred or appro priate gift from one friend on relative to another ia the por- trait, “the living likeness of of the loved and lost.” We know not at what moment we may be callled away, therefore the present time sbonld be improved. The most ac curate and beautiful portraits are now taken at GEO. J. GABLE’S DAGUERREAN GALLERY, ovei the store of J. J. N0RTHCUTT A CO* North side the square. Entrance next door to 4V. J. Kilby’s Clothing Store, Marietta. Entire satisfaction given to Rll or no charge. Please call and Bee tpeoimens. Price* *• low as the lowest in town. Marietta, July 8, '55. wt£ New Good*! 1 UAVE no* iu store a large etock of DEY GOODS, adapted to the Spring and Summer trade, that I will sell at prices corresponding with the time*. A call and au examination is solicited. 1 con aud will sell »» low a* any one for the same pay. T. T. DOANE. May 10, 1855.(wtf. NOTICE. T HE subscriber ba- fitted up » Shower and Plunge BATHING HOUSE, at hi* Tannery, near the Tucker Spring. It i# open all day, and until 10 o’clock at night— Siugic Tickets, 10 rout*. 12 for $1. J. W. BACON. Marietta, Juno 29, 1855. (w6m) O CHASTAIN has moved back to hi* old stand • on Cherokee street, four door* from corner of Public Square, Al arietta. Those wanting SAD DLES, BRIDLES AND HARNESS, or BUG- GIES TRIMMED, would do well to call and ex amine his work. All orders promptly executed iu the neatest style. He has employed the beat Saddle Maker in tbis country, and all work war ranted. feb 16—ly. Administrator’s Sale. Agreeable to an order of the Coart of Ordinary of Coweta county, will be sold, before the Conrt House door in Spring Place, Murray county, on the first Tuesday in Angust next, withiu the legal boors of sale, Lot of Land No. 259, in the 8th district of 3d section, sold as the property of Ja cob S. Abraham, late of Coweta county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors.— Terms liberal r o purchasers, je 7 W.V1. R. BOWEN, Administrator. HANSELL & SIMPSON, Attorneys, Counsellors and Solicitors, MAKIKTTA, GEORGIA, Will practice iu the District Court of the United States, at Marietta, the Supreme Court of Georgia, aud the Superior Courts ot tho following counties: Go b, I Forsyth, Fannin, Fulton, I Lumpkin, Paulding, Cass, j Cherokee, Floyd, Pickens, | Gilmer, Whitefieid. Especial attention bestowed in the securing aud collecting of claims. ANDREW HANSELL.) fARCA’D N. SIMPSON, jan I, 1855. FOK SALE. I WILL sell, on accommodating terms, my Farm of 430 acres, three miles from Marietta; the land is aa good high land as any in the county; on it Ih a comfort able dwelling with nine roomx, a kitchen, sertant’H rooms, and other necessary out-buildingH, u burn and atables; near the dwelling h a well and a spring of su perior water. Any one wishing to purchase may at any time examine the premises. mar21. M. MYERS. To tlie Public. 'l’HE subscriber, thankful for past favors, ia happy to 1 inform his triends and the public generally, that he is still at the old stand on Roswell street, where he ia prepared to make and repair Carriage*, Wagons, Ac.— Blacksmithlng done in all its branches with neatness and dispatch. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Always on hand a few choice Buggies. ffar Strict attention paid to Horse-shoeing. Jan 26—ly HUMPHREY REID. Marietta, Georgia, T. STEPHENS, Proprietor. ie W AT T OENEY L A W CANTON, GEO. BUILDING HARDWARE! Tool tt, Ac. &c. R EFERENCE--Uoloucl J. E, Brown, Canton; j Geu. A. -J. Hansell, C. J. McDonald, Judge I Irwin, Col. D. Rice. Marietta: W. T. Wofford, Cassville. ap 18—ly D R. G. TEXNENT offer* his professional ser vices vices to the citizens of .Marietta and vicinity. I HAVE constantly on hand a large stock of Building Office on the southeast side of Square, in the old Hardwarc consistiugiu part of Post Office building.—Reference—Dr*. M. G. HINGEb of nearly all kinds, wrought and cast, nucha* bi..., u* « 1 tf i .•■*» *, ButU, Book and Eye-strap, blind, gate and other Hinges. * lau K hter ’ and HarJ >' * U,lSs - mar 11 LOCKS—Knob Locks; stock, mortice, barn door, atoor door, desk, trunk, pad, drawer, chest, cupbonrd, war*! robe, and other Lock*. Also, extra Keys. LATCHES—Knob Letches, thumb, gate and n»h*«r Latches, Bolts, Ac. KAILS—Wrought and cut Nailrf, 3d to 20d, f-ueli a? binge Nail!?, lathing, flooring, ceiling, riboe aud other Nails. GLASS—Window Gian*, from 6 by S to 21 by 30inches, and can cut to fit any intermediate rize wanted, for pic ture frame*, show ca***, Ac. I*AINTS—White Lead, chrome greon and yellow, blue, Shda Water, Soda Water. We are now drawing Soda Water, with a large variety of tbo choicest Syrups, -oinc of which arc new and »f delightful flavor. ap 1! E. 1*. WEBSTER, Drug'at A Ap’y. Watches anti Jewelry. A. D. Huede, west sitlo of the Square, Mariet- | f ta, Ga., respectfully offers bis well selected stock, ; rod, black, brown and othercolors, also, the snow white 1 concisting of Gold and Silver Watches, aud a gen- ! A V alitable Plantation for Sale. T HE subscriber offers for sale his valuable plan tation, situated in Chambers county, Alabama, 2} miles above the city of West Point, immediate ly upon the Chattahoochee River. This planta. tion comprises 756 acres of first rate river and creek land, about 250 acres cleared, 100 acres of which is first rate river bottom. This plantation is in good order, with good dwelling house, negro cabins, gin house and screw, and other oat build ings. The nncleared land it as good ae any in tho county, and well timbered. Call and exam ine for yourselves. The place will show for itself. Terms to suit the purchaser. S, L. HARRIS, June 22, 1S55. (w4t) IWa Lins, FROM MARIETTA TO CANTON, Via Noonday and Woodslo^li, The Stages on this route leave Marietta for Canton on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday s,soon after the arrival of the passeugcr train from At lanta iu the morning. Returning, leave Canton at 7 o’clock A. M., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Bat* unlays, arriving in Muriuttu at 2 o’clock. The travelling public will find on this lice good Stages, good Teams and careful drivers. Being wholly a cold water line, passengers may rely up on every care being takeu to insure their safety und comfort. Any article by Express will L» carefully and promptly conveyed from either end of the line. Public patronage is most respectful ly solicited—Stage office in Marietta at the Fletch- •v House, and »t the Monterv House, Canton. A. R. WHITE. J. M. Watson, Agent. juu 1, 1855. jan 24 ZincPaint now »o much used and giving universal sail! isfaction. TOOLS—Planes, Augurs, Chisel.. Square., Draw Knives. Hammers. Braces and Bitts. Plumbs aud Levels. Rules, Bench Screws, &c. FARMERS TOOLS—Spade.. Shovels, M.imjre For!,-, Hoes, Chains, Wagon Boxes. Ac. IRON—A large assortment of Tyre, Ilorst-ehoe, Baud Round, Square, and other Iron, aud many other sr’.l eles too tedious to mention, mar 14 WILLIAM KOoT. E. M. & A. W. ALLEN, RESIDENT DENTISTS, MARIETTA GEORGIA. P ERSONS requiring the aid of Dental art and skill, either for the preservation of the natu ral teeth, the removal of them when necessary, or ! their replacement with beautiful artificial eubsti- ! ral assortment of articles usually kept in hi.- line, at the lowed possible prices for cash. He gives lii.- own personal attention to repair ing all kinds of Watches and Jewelry. 23£f' All kinds of Hair Work made to order. .AIRS. C. REMINGTON, MILLINER, Aud Dealer in Bonnets. Ribbons, it - Flowers. Also. Manufacturer ol" Dresses, Cloaks and Man tillas, of the most approt ed styles. MARIETTA, GEORGIA, Cassville st., opposite tho Howard House, uov 16—lv FARMERS’ SUPPLIES Drugs and Medicines. I ) 1 AVING a very lurge assortment of Drugs and Medi- " 1 ciues on hand, I would call the attention of the ; public to a few leading article.-,. My stock in this line I lucludcs almost every article usually kepi in the up- . couutry. and many patent medicines not KenoraUj- i fouud nut of the larger cities. PATENT MEDICINES. IDr. Jayne’s Medicines. ,Dr. Kose’n do .Louden &CV*. do Mustang Liniment, Radway’s Ready Relief Cherry Pectoral, Dysentery Cordial, ltcli Ointment. Pryor’s Pile Ointment, Hav’r. Limucul. A superior quality of Tooth powder, Brushes, and detergent washes for diseased gums, always on hand. Professional advice gratis, aud ail operations warranted. Office in Snider’s building, up stairs, op posite the Howard House. may 2 F LOUR—At Dcnmead’s Ware-House.—Don- mead’s Family Flour, Denmead’s Superfine Flour, Oakley superfine Flour, and fine Flour, al so Shorts. may 15 H. B. WALLACE, R ESPECTFULLY gives notice to the citizens of Marietta and tho public, that he 1- prepar ed to undertake Brick Work, Stone Masonry und Plastering. His contracts will be filled with dis patch, in a workmnn-liko manner nd on reason able terms. A supply of good brie, -.tpt constant ly on hand. Persons i ‘ a distance may address him as above at Marietta, Ga. jan 19—ly Wclcli it York, West Side tf the Public Square and next door to Northcut's Old Stand, {"NFFER to their old fri. ids, customers and others, a ' ’ good assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry- Good*, on their usual accommodating terms and rea sonable prices. Jan. 31,1855—ly ~Infirmary. ’ T HE undersigned have opened, in the city of Atlan ta, an Infiirmary, for the reception of patients la boring under medical or surgical disease. An intelligent nurse and faithful servants will be in constant attendance, and wiil give tlieir attention to the sick at all hours, day and night, when required. The surgical department will be under the control of W. F. WESTMORELAND, who a ill give prompt atten tion to injuries, and every variety o f disease requiring surgical operations. Tlie usual tees adopted by the physieians of the city will be charged, with fifteen cents per day for board, &c. Planters and others sending negroes may rest assured that they will be properly attended to, and if after an examination it be determined that there is no prospect of relief, they will be sent home without any charge. W. F. WESTMORELAND. M. D. J. G. WESTMORELAND, M. D. Atlanta, April 24,1855. dswlj UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. I Athana, June 30th, 1865. > THE aunual examination of the three lower classes, in this Institution, will commenco on Mon day, 23d of Jnly. The Commencement Sermon will bo delivered in the College Chapel, by the Rev. W. G. Conner, of LaGrange, on Sunday, 29th. The trustees will meet on Monday, 30th. The Sophomore Prize Declamation will take place in the afternoon of that day. On Tuesday will be the Junior Exhibi tion-followed by the award of tho Sophomore Medals, and an address from tho Hon. J. M. Ber rien. On Wednesday will be tbo Annual Commence- tuent. In consequence of a change of vacations, the next College Term will open on tho first day of October, at which time those wishing to apply for any class in College, will do well to he present. .4*, howovor, many may not bo aware of the change, the Faculty will examine any who present themselves, on Saturday the 28th of July. July 12. (w2t) A. HULL, Sec’y. ally kept in this market. A great variely of La dies’, Misses’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes. A fine stock of Huts and Caps, Hardware, Cutlcrg, dec. Also a kitnd.-ome stock of Saddlery, with an ’ extensive stock of Family Groceries, consisting of ! Sugar, Coffeo, Salt, Molasses, Cheese, Tobacco, | Ac., Ac., which I offer at unusually low prices for cash or barter. iiEjL- Be sure und eull at tho second door from 1 the northeast corner of the public square, where I will take pleasure iu exhibiting my stock of goods, and feci assured that I will gain your confidence, nad lmvo your custom. [uo3] E. A. DOBBS. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. t l r 11.1.IAM J. KIRBY" would inform his friends und IV customers that be has just received his Spring and Summer Clothing, consisting in part of Cloth. Ca h raarott, Queen’s < loth. Drab d’ete. Aiapnca and T.inen Coats. Caps. Italian and 1 ira u 1 ants, and qnin a varie ly of Vests, ar.d gent’s furnishing goods, all of wire!, will be sold very cheap tor e-ish. " All are invited to cell and examine before buying elsewhere, a fine lot of Clothes. Cassimeref. end Vestings, which will be made in the latest style -- ud. at abort notice. Cutting and n pairing done as usual. A good lot of 'l rimming- on hand nnd for sale low down. All of my old customer; indebted to me for the past year, will do me both s favor and simple justice, by cnllingand settling‘heir aceounts. as I am greatly in need of money. April 11.1855. Towuscud's SarpariUa Sand’s do John Bull’s do : Kisley’s do : Arabian Liniment, : Oxygenated Bittcro, i Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Perry Davis genuine Pain 1 Killer, ■ Hebrew Plaster, ; GraffenburgMediciuc;, ; | Aud many others too tedious to mention, most of which I sell to dealers at Charleston prices by the dozen, roa CiSII. rescriptions carefully prepared. AMILY Slsriei.vmnf the best quality eou- d. aud Fancy Soaps, a good assortment; aim, Cooking Extracts, and Essences of superiorqualitv; Yeast Powders; super. Carbonate of 8oda ; su-’ perior Salar&tus, Tartaric Acid. Hops, &c.; superior Spices, pure ground Cinna mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Pepper, STAKCn AND CANDLES. Yellow Soap, Starch Polish, Blue Starch, Fig Blue, Sal Soda, and Potash. CAMPHENE AND BURNING FLUID, PAINTS AND OILS, Blue, black, red, green, yellow, and other colered Paint, dry or ground in oil, and neatly put up in tin cases, ao as to carry safe. Particular attention paid to the paint business "WINDOW GLASS. I keep a very large stock of Glass on band, from the smallest size to -2t hy 3S inches, and will cut to suit picture frames, show cases. ,kc. Remember this. Orders fr on ■> listance will be promptly attended to, and h .-oo !s p up so as to go s: fe either In rail- r a 1 stage or wason. pr i- 1 • ■ •' e ca-h is w nt w'th th« • I r. np -5 WILLIAM ROOT Cash Wanted, AU pursuit * indebted to the undersigned will find it to their interest to make immediate settlement Dec. 28 1854. W. W. ROARK. NEW SPRING GOODS. PHE undersigned, having just received their Spring * Goods, feel confident that they can offer to the pub lic of Marietta and its vicinity, a stork of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods! Unrivalled for beauty and quality. Those w-shing to test the fact will please call and examine their well selected stock of Jjtce Collars, Sleeves. Bands, Swiss and Cambric ditto and Chemisette, striped and dotted Muslins, silk and figuredTissues and Barages, colored Jaconets and Lawn*. Ginghams Cliambres, &c. Parasol*, Bonuet* and Mantillas. Ivory, linen and paper Fans, Hosiery and Gloves of all kinds, bleached and unbleached Shirt ings, Sheetings, &c. Also, Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Caps! And a large and choice selection of Ready made Clothing! FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. All of which we pledge ourselves to sell low down for cash. Cc-me and see. march HAMMET A SIMPSON. Ur. l .VM. TELL. SKELTOJV, Resident Dental Surgeon R ESIDENCE and otllco on Cassville st.. near the Pub- lie Sqr., opposite the Howard House. By their re. it and permission he is authorized to refer to the uest (ollowiug gentlemen: Hon. C. J. McDonald. Maj. A. Y. Brumby. Dr. N. L. Chester.’ Wm. P. Young, Esq Col. T. R. Huson, T. II. Moore, Esq. J. B. Blackwell, Esq. Maj. R. Latimer, Rev. C. A. Fulwood, Rev. G. F. Pierce, D. D. Hon. John Branch, N. C. Hon. J. R. J. Daniel. •* I keep at my office a fine tooth powder and toothache drops of my own make, with a selection of English brushes, Ac. The following charges fur operations will be strictly adherred to: Plugging teeth with gold, each. $1 50 “ tinfoil. 75 Extracting “ 1 00 “’ “ for children, (first teeth) 50 •• “ servants. 50 Separating by filing, op the India Rubber process, 50 Inserting s off Cleaning and treatment, from $1 00 to $5 00. Operations for the poor, gratis. Examinations and advice for allgratu. All operations warranted, Marietta, Jane 2. wm. TELL SKELTON tohuttah Springs! I N the county oi Murray, 21 miles from Dalton, celebrated for their medical qualities, visited by the native red man, annually for 40 years before the white man got among them, they regarded it as a valuable gift by the great Spirit and revered it as such. For many diseases the water hns been found to be sovereign. Comfortable coaches nnd hacks will be found ready at Dalton to convey pas sengers to that place at $2 for each, and every ef fort will be made by the proprietor, to make his guests comfortable. AU things are now ready.— Come on. JAMES EDMONDSON. Spring Place, Ga., June 14. (wtangl) 15S5L- Augusta Constitutionalist and Savannah Republican, copy weekly until first of August. Send bills to the subscriber. TO THE PUBLIC. THE subscriber is just receiving from New York, a new and complete stock, consisting of Cooking, Parlor, and office stoves! Bright Japan- ed and plain Tin Ware, wooden and Hollow ware, House Furnishing Goods Ac., consisting in part of the following: Steak nnd Hash dishes, Dish and Plate Coven, Jelly moulds, Coffee Filters, Coffee Urns, Water and Molasses Pitchers, Fluid Lamps, Tea and Coffee Pots, Egg BoUers, Nursery Lamps, Candle Stick, Cake Boxes, Spice Boxes, Sugar Boxes, Bonnet Boxes, Tea and Coffee Canisters, Molasses Cops, Cake Pans, Lard and Oil Lamps, Lanterns, Dust Pans, Spittoons, Waiters and Tea Trays, Shovel and Tongs, Brass and Wire Fenders, Din ner BeUs, Coffee Mills, Brass and Maslin Kettles, Water and Well Buckets, Shell Dippen, Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, Tubs, Mats, Bread Trays, Rat Traps, Meat Knives, Flesh Forks, and many other artioles useful to housekeepers. A fine assortment of Pistols, Ac., such as Colt’s Repeater, Allen's self-cocking and Revolving Pis tols, Allen’s self-cocking Rifles, Pouches and shot bolts, Powder flasks, Caps, Powder, shot Ac. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, Roof- ing, Guttering, and all Job work, in onr line done at short notice and warranted. W. L. WADSWORTH. No. 2, Howard Row, Marietta. jan 24-tf. M ACKEREL.—Just received 100 bbls. Mackerel. K 3; 20 half bbls. do. do.; 20 kitts do. No. 1. Junl2,’65.j For sale low by W. W. R04BK I N STORE—A good lot of Whiskey, Brandy, Gin. Rum Wines, Ac., to sell cheap. W. W. ROARK JonoI2,’55. IUST received 100 kegs of NA1IS. J (Junl2,65> W. W. ROASR.