The Daily locomotive. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1860-18??, September 08, 1860, Image 4

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Reading Matter on every Page. I All letirrt mwt far addmsnl to tA’ Propndnr. Th’ fWft Sgitrm will All monnyscan b. mailed at our nk, if the letter be well j and State In a plain, legible band. Plutitorm of the Democratic Party adopted in Committee at the Charleaton Conven tion lay a vote of Seventeen to Sixteen St ate a—re-u Harmed unanimously lay the Convention of Twenty-one Seceding States at Baltimore, and endorsed by Breckinridge and bane. Rcolved, That the platform adopted by the Democratic party at Cincinnati be affirmed, with the following explanatory resolutions : Ist. Rttolvrd, That the government of a Territory, organized by an act of Congress, is provi-ional and temporary, and during its ex igence, all citizens of the United States have all equal right to settle with their property in the Territory without rights cither of person or property‘being destroyed or impaired by congressional or territorial legislation. 2d Rrtolvrd, That it is the duty of the federal Government in all its departments to protect, when necessary, the rights of persons and property in the Territories, and wherever else ils constitutional authority extends. 3d Rrtdvrd, That when the settlers in a Territory, having nn adequate population, form a State Constitution, the right of sover cigntv commences, amlbeing ronsummatcu Ly admission into flic Union, they stand on ail equal footing with the people of other States —and the Slate thus organized ought to be ad mitted into thh Federal Union, whether its con stitution prohibits or recognizes the institution of slavery. 4th. Resolved, That the democratic party aro in favor of the acquisition of tho Island of Cuba on such terms as shall be honorable to ourselves and just to Spain, at the earliest practicable moment. sth. Resolved, That the enactment of State Legislatures to defeat the faithful execution ot the fugitive slave law are hostile in character, subversive of the constitution, and revolution ary in their effect. 6th. Resolved, That the democracy of the United States recognizes it as the imperative duty of this government to protect the natural ized citizen in all his rights, whether at home or in foreign lands, to the same extent as its native born citizens. And wberoas one of the greatest necessities of the age, in a politic al, commercial, postal and military point of view, is a speedy com munication between tho Pacific and Atlantic coasts, therefore, l>e it Resolved, That the lemoeratic party do hereby pledge themselves to use every means in their power to secure the passage of some bill, to the extent of the constitutional au thority of Congress, for the construction of a Pacific railroad from the .Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean, at the earliest practicable moment. • ♦- Democratic National El, Committee. The following named gentlemen compose this Committee: Hun. 1. I. Stki’HKNs, of Oregon, Ohnirmnn. Hon. It. W Johnson, of Arkansas. Hon. .Iki'fkuson Davis, of Mississippi. Hon. Jussi! 1). Biuotl'r, of Indiana. Hon. Thomas 11. Florence, of Pennsylvania. Hon. Guo. W. Hvuiibs, of Maryland. Hon. John W. Stevenson, of Kentucky. Hon. John K. Thompson, of New Jersey. Hon, A. B.'Mkkii, of Alabama. ‘XvocsTtta ScHßt.i., Esq., of New York. Isaac It. Wkiuiit, of Massachusetts. Hon. JamkhG. Hkuuktt, of Washington, D.O. YVm. Flinn, Ksq., of Washington, l>. 0. Walter I.knox, Esq., of Washington, I). (J. M. W. Clesket, Washington, 1). ('., Resident Secretary. (J*o. W. .Hums, Washington, 1). C. Treas urer. All communications should lie addressed to Hon. Isaac l. Stephens,Chairman, Washington, D. 0. Rooms of the Committee at No’ 2H 41 street. -4 * ♦ * ► MR. BIIKCKINIUDOB’H VIEWS ON t'Nl'HI ENDI.V LEGISLATION. ‘•The fact that neither Congress nor a Ter ritorial Legislature can constitutionally exclude troni, or confiscate in a Territory, private property having been judicially determined by the highest court in the United States, 1 con fess that 1 did not anticipate the doctrine of unfriendlyy territorial legislation in regard to Af rican slaves. It has no warrant from the Con stitution. if we recognise the highest judicial interpretation of thill instrument. —Frankfort Speech, 1851*. ON PROTECTION TO SLAVERY. So that in regnrd to overy description of property, including stares, recognized and re garded by tho Constitution, it is the duty of the oourts of the country to protect and guard it whenever the question is brought before them. * * * * * * ******* llut should the time ever arrive when a de cision of a competent court on a question of private right is likely to fail for waut of ade tjuate remedies to execute it, those remedies, executive and leyislati >e if need be, shall be afforded, or government is a failure —and from this conclusion 1 sec no escape for any just mind that would uphold the authorities of the country. —Frankfort Speech, 185‘J. Advei'tiHemonts. GREAT SOUTHERN LITERARY EYTERPRIZE, TiiE uEumiiA Literary &T emp’r’nce Crusader, FOR 18(10. MRS. L. VIRGINIA FRISCH. Editress. No Southern Family Paper ever occupied mo favorable and popular a position iu public estimation as the Crusader. We believe it is conceded by all classes of readers to be equal in merit aud mechanical beauty to any Literary Journal in America, aud the new improvements'which are being introduced into all its departments, will not, nor cau not. fail to add largely toils popularity. The best and most distinguished talent in the United States, as will be seen from the names below, are engaged for its columns; a large enumeration of the names which we here give as con tributors, Is sufficient to place the paper far ahead of all others: HON. ALEXANDER 11. STEPHENS, THOS. R. R. COBB, Esq., N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D., THURLOW W. BROWN. J. R. THOMAS, I). D., W.H. J. SASSNETT, D. D.. PROF. R. M JOHNSTON, PROF. A. J. BATTLE, ii. i>. McDaniel. L. L. VEAZEY, Rev. W. A. HARRIS. M. A. BELL, K. L. HINES, R. E. NEELD. Auieug our Lady Contributors, are— Miss CORNELIA HANBRLL, Mim JULIA H. EDWARDS. Mas. M. A. McCRIMMON, Mrs. FISHER, Mrs. TBIPPK; Securing Mrs. L. VIRGINIA FRENCH,as Editress, to take charge of the Ladies Department, we consider a great tri umph for our Journal. Her Literary fame is as broad as America, and her popularity is commensurate with her reputation. She has no superior, and but very few, if anv. equals among American Authors and Literary writers. We are more than delighted to announce her connection with this paper. We have secured competent correspondents in all the most important cities. Mr. A. B. SEALS, a writer of a great merit and of ster ling worth, as a business associate, will aid us materially in the editorial management of the paper. Rev. JNO. A. REYNOLDS, one of the most polished and tasty printers to be found anywhere. a9 the paper has al ways shown. continues as our publisher. Address all let ten 10 JOHN 11. SEALS, Proprietor. Atlanta, Georgia. Church Directory. cuiacuis. PASTORS. Wesley Chapel, (M. E.).....Her. J. B. Payne. Trinity, M. K) Her Win. M. Crumley. < M B > -■ J ""’ Reynolds. First Baj.ti.Ht, Her. T. C. Wilkes. Second Baptist, Rev. J. T. Clarke. Firiit Presbyterian, Rev. J. g. Wilson, D. D. Central Presbyterian, Rev. J. L. Rogers. St. Phillips, (Episcopal.) Rev. And. F. Freeman. Congregational Methodist, Rev. T. B. Lanier. Catholic, Rev. J. llassun. Christian Rev. F. P. Perdue. Methodist Protestant.... Rev. I.(i. Mitchell. City Business Directory. Notwithstanding the great lalor required to get it up we take much pleasure in presenting the public a full di rectory of the firms and business houses of our city. The list here given may )e imja-rfect, as it has been hurriedly gotten up, but we wilt correct it from time to time until we getit all right, am! all omissions we may have mode will be rectified so soon as they are discovered. This is gratuitous advertising , which we do, however, most cheerfully, fur the mission ami original design of the Daily Log'motive, is to advance tbe business interests of our growing young city which is destined to become the Commercial Kmporium of Georgia. W’e point with pride to the husiuess houses which are found below, and believe, we will hazzard nothing iu saying that they are all solvent and responsible, and among them are a great many model business men, ami most pot* islied gentlemen. DRV GOODS HOUSES. Cutting Ac HI one, Dry Goods, Decatur st Mutinous, Mathews die Cos. Wholesale and Retail, Whitehall Mutt. Goodman, Shield A Cos. wholesale* retail,Whitehall D* S. Myers, “ P. Hayden, “ “ Beach 4c Root, “ “ M. Myers, “ “ Jiio.kynn, “ “ Mllrey A Do hr lie a* t y, wholesale k retail, N’nrcrnsacoc. M. A. Aftlalam, 2 houses. Dry Goods, Roots k 2* hoes, Whitehall street. P. la. J. May, Dry Goods, Hardware. Ac.. Whitehall at. O. C i Kile, win desale k retail, cor. Marietta k Peachtree. GROCERY & COMMISSION HOUSES. McSl a tight, Ormond Ac Cos., wholesale and retail dealers. Keystone building, Whitehall st. A. K. Me ago, Wholesale Grocer and Produce Dealer, initchell St. A hl>ott Ate Bro. Wholesale Grocers,and jtroduce dealers, initchell st. Adamson Ate Pound, Dealers in family Groceries,cor. initchell k Whitehall. M. B. Robson Ac Cos., Wholesale Grocers, and Com. merchants, Whitehall st. •F. P. Albert Ac Cos., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Family Groceries, Whitehall st. Peter Lynch, Wholesale k Retail Grocer, Whitehall st. Center Ac Treadwell, Wholesale Grocers and Com. merchants, Whitehall st. Is. C. Ac D. H. Wells, Wholesale Grocers k Com. mer chants, Whitehall st. Win. F. Jack, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Whitehall D. P. Ferguson, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, “ P. Ac C io T. Dodd, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, “ ii. W. Jack, “ “ Grocer, “ P. f£. McDaniel, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Hunter street. S. T. Diggers, Wholesale ami Retail Grocer, marietta st. Maddox Ac Watkins. Wholesale Grocers, Ala. Rt. McMtllen Ac Flemming, “ “ and Coin, merchants, Ala. Rt. J. C. Davis, wholesale k Retail Grocer. Decatur Rt. Hubbard Ac Clilsolm, Wholesale A Retail Grocers, Decatur Rt. Rucker Ac Woddull, Wholesale k Retail Grocers, Deeatur Rt. 11. I..oveJoy, Wholesale A Retail Grocer, Peachtree Street. J. Y. Wells, Wholesale ami Retail Grocer, Peachtree st li. C. Gaines, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, “ Rt. J. D. Simms, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, marietta Rt, F. 11. Coleman, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Deca tur Rt . Peter Huge, Dealer in Family Groceries, Whitehall Rt. *F. C. Ac M. B. Itasberry, Dealers in Family Groce ries, Whitehall Rt. .1. I.asseter, Dealer in Family Groceries, Whitehall Rt. Mecusllu Ac Rhodes, Dealers in Family Groceries, Decatur Rt. U. W. Campbell, Dealer in family groceries, Decatur st. ! Felix Murray, Dealer iu family groceries, “ st. D. C. Lock mint Ac Cos., Dealers in family groceries,, Peachtreo Rt. J. D. Wells, Dealer in Family Groceries, Peachtree St. S. D. AY4*ll, Dealer in family groceries, Peachtree st. J. J. Carpenter Ac Cos., Dealer in family groceries Peachtree st. Turner A Heuzlcy, Dealers ill family groceries, Deca tur st. Baston Ac Mouth, Dealers in family groceries, White hall st. U. 11. Daniel, Grocer and Provision Merchant, White hall st. C. P. Cassln, Grocer ami Produce merchant, White hall st. Jackson & Bro., Gliders and Commission merchants, Whitehall Street. Clark dt Grubb, Grocers and Commission merchants Whitehall Street. J. K. Pitts, Grocer ami Produce merchant, marietta stecot. Jones Ac McLemlon, Wholesale Grocers, Peachtree street. Cox, 11111 Ac Cos., Wholesale Grocers uud Commission merchants, Peachtree street. H. 11. Witt, Ac Cos., Grocers and Commission mer chants, Decatur st. Wm. AV. Williams, Com. merchant, and Produce dealer, Decatur st. llutler Ac Peters, Coinmissiou merchants, Winship’* Old Stand, Forsyth street. T. Kile, wholesale ami retail Grocer, and Com. merchant Peachtree st. Malone Ac Johnson, Dealers iu Groceries and Provi sions, marietta street. T. V. W. Rhodes, 3om. merchant and Family Gro cer, marietta street. Stewart Ac Moore, flour and meal manufactory ami dcjiot, Decatur street. J. Ac Jo Lynch. Wholesale dealer in foreign ami domes tic liquors, Decatur street. M. Wittgenstein, Wholesale dealer in foreign and domestic liquors, Whitehall street. A. C. Wyly Ac Cos., w holesale grocers, Peachtree st CLOTHING HOUSES. I. Ac Purlell, merchant Tailors, and dealers in clothing, Whitehall street. Herring Ac Mon, Wholesale k Retail dealers in cloth ing, Whitehall street. Win. L. Cleveland, wholesale A Retail dealer in dothing,Saddlos,Carptitig. Ac. Marietta st Norcross Block D. Meyer, Wholesale A Retail dealer in clothing. Whitehall street. Fizznrd Ac Grier, Dealer iu clothing, Whitehall street. A. Halrschberg, Dealer in in clothing, cor. wiiiteliall ami Alabama street. M. Lazaron, dealer in clothing, Whitehall street M. Rtclit Ac Cos., “ “ “ M. Oppenhelmert “ “ “ WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Hunnicutt Ac Taylor, cor. Peachtree A Decatur str Massey Ac Lanailell, Whitehall street Hamilton, Maddox Ac Cos., ** “ Dr. D. Young, “ “ HARDWARE HOUSES. NcNaiiglit, Ormond Ac Co*> Wholesale and Retail, dealers, Whitehall street, Kavrson, Gilbert Ac Cos., Wholesale A Retail dealers Whitehall street, Clark & Lewis, Peachtree street, “ “ “ Tomlinson Ac Barnes, “ ** “ “ “ Brady Ac Stilomou, Wholesale t i-l Retail dealers in Hardware, Iron, Steel, Ac., Whitehall street. BOOT & SHOE STORES. Kddleman Ac Hanks, Wholesale ami Retail Dealers, Whitehall street. Dim in It* k Ac Wilson, Wholesale and Retail Dealers, Peochtree street. N. Daly, Wholesale and Retail Dealer. Whitehall st. J. A* He eves, Wholesale & Retail Dealer, Whitehall st W. Keltner Ac Cos., K. S. Dunning, “ “ JEWELRY STORES. Er Lawshe, Dealer In Clocks, Watches aud Jewelry, Whitehall st. U. W. Wlggln, dealer in clocks, watches and jewelry, marietta st Veal Ac Wood, Jewelry Store. Whitehall street A. W. Hall, Dealer in Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, Whitehall street. T.Gilbert, watch-maker and repairer. Whitehall st. J. Maret*Hal, “ *• “ “ Whitehall st. R. S. Baker, “ “ “ “ Whitehall st- A. D. Ruede, “ “ “ *• FURNITURE STORES. D, ChnlTre, Agt,, Whitehall street. D. M. Young;, Agt., “ F. A. Williams, Peachtree street. BAKERIES & CONFECTIONERIES. P.J.lmmel Ac Cos., manufacturers of Candy, Crackers, kc., Alabama street. M Rnswfttz, Confectioner, Whitehall street CS. W. Montague, Baker and Confectioner. B. Roper, Grocer and Confectioner. MILLINERS AND MANTUA MAKERS. Mr*. Durand, Whitehall st Mis* Berry-, Whitehall st Madame Dorman, marietta st BOOKSTORES. J. J. Richards AC Cos., bookstore, Decatur st Wm. H. Jones, Whitehall st Wm. Kay, deceased, Whitehall st MISCELLANEOUS. Jas.S. Martin, Jr., Hat Store, wholesale and retail marietta street. J. M. Holbrook, llat Store, wholesale and retail, Whitehall street. Wm. H.Barnes At Cos., Auctioneers. S. J. Shackelford, “ T. R. Ripley, Crockery, wholesale and retail, H. Bra * miller, Dealer in music aud musical Instru ments. R. W.May Ac Cos., Carriage Repository, Ala. street. W. W. Woodruff k Cos., Carriage Repository. Miller * Andrews, Saddle k Harness manufacturers. Pitts k Cook, Steam Woodshop. Peck AC Bowman, Plaining Mill, near LaGrouge Depot Isaac Winship Sc Cos., Iron Foundry. J.L. Dunning, “ “ Jno. Flcken, Tobacco k Segar manufactory. Barth AC Nicolai, Pianos. O. H. Jones, Livery Stable. Lloyd st. Owens Ac Huey, ** u near Washington Hall. T. Harris, “ “ Pryor st. HOTELS. Tront House, Mrs. S. C. Starr, Propriutress. W ashington Hall, K. R. Sassoen Atlanta Hotel, Dr. J. Thompson, “ Planter’s Hotel* Wm. O’llallonui, ‘ City Hotel, Dr. T. H. Dozier. Calhoun House, Dr. E. N. Calhoun. MARBLE DEALERS. D. If. Judson, Agent, cor. Peachtree and Walton sta S. B. Oat man, opposite Ga. R. R. Depot THE DAILY LOCOMOTIVE. CITY OF ATLANTA. Mayor • —Hon. William Ezzard. Councilman. —H. H. Glenn, J. B. Norman, Jame- Clark, P. E. McDaniel, M. T. Castleberry, J. R. D. Ozburn, J. K. Wallace, R. B. Sherwood, J. T. Lewis and Isaac Winship. Chairman of Council, or Mayor pro tem.— James Clark. Messenger. —John Thompson. STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL. On Finance. —Messrs Lewis, McDaniel and Winship. On Ordinances . —Messrs. McDaniel, Clarke and Lewis. On Streets* —Messrs. Clark, Sherwood and Wallace. On Wells, Dumps and Cisterns. —Messrs. Norman, Cas tleberry and Ozburn. On Lamps and Gas. —Messrs. Ozburn, Castleberry and Norman. On Market. —Messrs. Glenn, Wallace, and Ozburn. On Fire Department. —Messrs. Lewis, Sherwood and Norman. On Police.— Messrs. Winship, Sherwood and Glenn. On Cemetery. —Messrs. Castleberry, McDaniel and Glenn. On Relief. —Messrs. Wallace, Clarke, Ozburn, Glenn and Winship On Public Buildings and Grounds. —Messrs. Sherwood, Lewis and Norman. Overseer of Streets. —John Hazlett Clerk of Market. —J. F. Trout. Sfjctam. —G. A. Pilgrim. Marshal. —G. W. Anderson. Deputy Marshal. —E. T. Hunnicutt. First. Lieut, of Police.—J. M. Lester. Second Lieut, of Police.—J- M. Blackwell. Sight Watch. —J. A. Lang, E W. Daniel, J. F. Crow, 0. W. B'ackstock, Daniel O’uSUivan, J. L* Robinson, W. C. Buffington, Merideth Brown, Wm. M. Burr and Daniel Prince. ATnflOO When any of my patients wish me Av vJLliytJ. to extract teeth for them at night or on Sunday, If they will send to ny residence near the Fair Ground*. I will come and wait on them with pleasure, at my office on Whitehall street. march 1 1860 F. D. THURMAN. DR. D. C. O’KEEFE, Office opposite Beach Ac Root’s, Residence on Houstou street, near Mr. Wilson’s Academy feh 14 will lie found at office until 9 o’clock at night. “Planter’s Hotel Lunch? ON and from this date there will be given in the l*e*t style of Monsieur Morris, our white cook, A LUNCH, rom nine to twelve o’clock, A M. Call all ye epicures, and try his soups, etc-, etc. March 13 dtf WM. O’HALLORAN PAPER HANGINGS A FINE ASSORTMENT of Wall-Pantring, Fire Screens, Bordem and Winno w Shnl s, just received at the Book, Music and Fancy Rtoreof march 2 J. J. RICHARDS A CO., Decatur st. SOTXTHEKJST llat Manufactory. J. M. HOLBROOK, Wliitchull Street, Atlauta, (in. rrWK attention of Planters, Farmers and Country Her- X chants, are invited to examine the largo and varied as sortment of HATB, CAPS, Ac. that is kejit oonstantly on hand at Holbrook** llat Iflanufactory. TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac. PLANTATION IIATR made to order, and sent by Ex press to any portion of the country. march 8 dly IyRORPKCTUR of a Southern Literary Magazine, to be published in the town of Jacksonville, Ala., entitled ALABAMA MAGNOLIA.— I The undersigned believlng-Uiat the Routhern people will sustain and uphold a Literary Magazine, devoted entirely to their interest, and one that will reflect their peculiar genius, have determined to auncli upon the sea of letters the “ ALABAMA MAGNO LIA,” winch they will sjiare no exertious to make a wel come visitor to every Routhern family. It will be the chief object of this Magazine to bring out and develop* to the uttermost the talents of our own people. It is believed that there is much genius in our midst, calculated, if properly encouraged, to reflect groat credit on our section of the Union; and it Ims been cliiedy iu view of this fact that this enterprise lias boon set m foot. I*et those who feel interested in the advancement of South ern Literature, demonstrate their sincerity—not oily in word but by action. We earnestly solicit the co-operation of every Intelligent man and woman, to whom thh pros pectus may come. TKRMB.—The Magnolia will lie published iu a firm <*f 32 pages, with title-page cover, In the first eek of every mouth, st $2 per year, or to clubs of five at $1.75 each, and to clubs of ten at $1.50 each, strictly in advance. R. E. NKELD, Jacksonville, Aug. 10. F. 11. GOOF WIN, CHARLESTON HOUSES. JOHN G. MILNOR At CO. Importers mid Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Dry Gooks, 135 Meeting st. between Uayne at and Market, Charleston, H. Carolina. Feb 9 dly J. G. Milnor, T. A. WiLßra, J. J. Martin. J.S.&L.BOW/t AND CO. Importers and Wholesale* Dealers iu Foreign and Domestic Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, 122 Meeting st. (corner Basel) Charleston, S. f. Feb 9, 1860 ly WALDRON EG LEST ON A GO. Manufacturers uml Wholesale Dealer in 27 Hayne st. Charleston, S. Carolina. Feb 9,1860 dly PIERSON, SMITH & 00. Manufacturers of, and Wholesale Dealers In 26 Hayne st.’(uext door to Charleston Hotel) Charlostou.R.C. Feb 9 dly J. S. Pikrson, T. 0. Smith, K. Pierson. NELSON CARTER, Wholesale Druggist, 17 Hayne st. Charleston, Sign of the Large Yellow Mortar, Where lie is prepared to exhibit a large stock of Drags, Medicines, Druggists’ Furniture, Phials, Soap, Window Glass, Putty, Ac. Ac. Which he offers at the Lowest Market Prices. Feb 9, 1860 dly JAMES E SPEAR, and Dealer In Fine Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware, 235 King street, opposite Ilasel, Charleston, S. C. Feb 9,1860 ly THAYER. DEWING & CO. 149 Meeting st. Charleston S. Carolina. Wholesale Dealers in Bonnets,Ribbons,White Goods, FLOWERS, HOSIERY, GLOVES SMALL WARE. Feb 8,1860 ly HORSEY, AUTAN& CO. Dealers in Hats, Caps and Stvaw Goods, 25 Hay ue st. Charleston, S. C. Feb 9,1860 dly RENNEKER &GLOVER, Importers and Dealers in Brandies, Wines, Gins, Whis key, Segrars, &c. 151 K K*t Bay. Charleaton, S. Carolina. Feb 9, 1860 dly DR. J. T. CAMPBELL, DENTIST, April 12 PALMETTO, GA. ECONOMY! \ < 2* 1 ct Hi i CD Save I lie Pieces! As accidents toill happen, even in ire V-regulated fanti licA, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys. Crockery, Ac. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies. nl ro household can afford to be without it. It is always ready and up to the sticking point. There i no longer a neressity fur iimping chairs, splintered veneers, headier nr.d broken cradles. It is Just the article for cone, -h - . sod • r >Tnnmental work, so popular with ladies or r. fincui* v n.d i ste. This aditdrabb* preparation is ‘•** • -old. being chemically held in solution, and imssessing a! u.e • ahtable qualities of the best cabinet-niakers’ Glue It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being va-ily more adhesive. “Useful in Every House.” N. B.—A Brnsh accompanies each bottle Price, 25 Cents Wholesale Deisit, No. 48, Cedar street. New York. Address HENRY C. SPALDING A CO., Feb. 8, 1860 Box No. 3600, New York. CHEROKEE REMEDY! Cures from ROOTS, BARKS & LEAVES, vs. NAUSEOUS DRUGS AND POISONOUS MINERALS. *♦ We awk the afflicted of either sex, which do yon prefer a pleonant and delicious nyrup, coinpoun ed from Natures own remedies—one which will speedily and permanently cure you, or the Vilz compounds heretofore used, with all their nauseous and debilitating effect, together with the loathsome disease, many times following the use of Miner al Poisons. The “Cherokee Remedy ” is Nature's own Specific foi Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Gravel, Stricture, Fluor Albus (Whites iu Females) and all diseases of the Urinary Organs; curing these diseases by uatural laws, after all other preparations have failed, and is one of Heaven's best mercies to offend ing man. Instances could be produced of its effects, which stagger credulity. The nauseous preparations heretofore used have failed, hut this has never in one instance been known to tail. Hap pily for munkiml, the Governor of the world is a Father who afflicts 9 not to kill, but to cure. In mercy lie has ap pointed Medicines Ibr these dreadful diseases, which w hen taken, quickly Hies to all parts of the system, attacks the disease at every |Mst, and with a fidelity and coinage truly admirable, never gives it rest until it lias completely ex pelled it from the body, and restores the unfortunate pa tient to former health and vigor. This “ Remedy ” strikes ut the very root of the disease its tendency is not simply to suspeud the )Hjison, but to re move the cause on which it depends,and what ENHANCER ITR VALUE is the entire absence of all nauseous taste nr smell. It can lay in the oountitig room, or on the toilet table, without ever being suspected as u “ Remedy ” for secret diseases. A treatise on Veneral Diseases, w ith full direetion* for their permanent cure, nccompuuy each bottle. Hold by nil respectable Druggists and dealers iu Medicine* PGrriiK &. MERWIN, Side Proprietors, Rt. Louis, Mo. Sold in Atlauta by Iluuuicutt k Taylor, and by all re sponsible Druggists everywhere. Mill 14. iß6o—ly WHY USE m. j. Bovi now IMPERIAL WITVE BITTERS? Because for the cure of incipknt com- HUMPTION, Weak Lungs, Weak Stomachs, General Debility, and for purifying and enriching the Blood, they are absolutely unsurpassed by any other remedy. To he assured of this, it is only necessary to make the trial. The wine itself is of a very superior quality—nearly double the usual strength of other wines—wanning and in vigorating the whole system, from the head to the feet. As these BITTKKB are tonic and alterative iu their character, so they strengthen and invigorate the whole system, and give a Fine Tone and Healthy Action to all its parts, by equalizing the circulation, removing ob structions, and producing a general warmth. They are also excellent for diseases and weakness pecu liar to Females, where a tonic is required to Strengthen & Brace the System. No lady who lul\Ject to lassitude or faintness should Ik* w ithout them, as they aro revivifying iu their uction. These BITTERS will not only cure but prevent disease, and in this respect are doubly valuable to the person, sick or well, who may use them. For proof of the truth of this, see full particulars and references to persons cured on the circular inside the wrap per Accompanying each bottle. Ministers of tho Gospel, Lawyers, Lecturers and all public speakers should use DR. J. BOVEE DOD’S IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS. WHYP Because they strengthen tho Lungs, quiet aud wioth the Nerves, promote Digestion, Strengthen and brace the whole system. Aside from their medicinal virtues, they are un surpassed as a Delightful Beverage, producing ail the ex hilarating effects ot Brandy or Wine, without their iiijuri ous results. To that unfortunate class of individuals ad dicted to tho use of Strong Drink, these Bitters will prove invaluable, os they prevent the sudden reaction which in variably follows a -spree,” and acting as an alterative, n* move from the system the |H>ison which is imbibed by all who indulge in the use of the adulterated liquors to be found in most of the bar-rooms of the country. Inebriates who wish to reform, and yet require a stimulant, by sub stituting these Bitters for the mixed wines and liquors oi the drinking saloons, can in a short time refrain entirely from the use of stimulants. fft. Try one Bottle, and the Bitters will tell their owl story. FEMALES, Both Married and Single, but especially Mothers, should always keep on hand a supply of DR. J. BOVEE DODS’ IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS. For Diseases Peculiar to Females. They “act like a charm,” they prevent Lassitude or Faintness, and in all cases where a tonic is required, these Bitters Have no Superior. None genuine without the signature of “J. BOVEE DODS’” stamped on the cork, and “Dr J. BOVEE DODR’ IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS ’ blown in the glass. Sole Wholesale and Retail agents for South Carolina, VAN SHAACK Ac GRIERSON, Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Medicines. Chemicals Perfumery, Ac., %'il King street, at the sign of tin Negro and Golden Mortar. HUNNICUTT A TAYLOR, Agents. February 1860. dly. T. a. WRIGHT’S CELEBRATED HAIR TONIC, An Infallible Preventive for the Loss of Hair, and a Certain Restorative in all Cases of Baldness. fIIHK subscriber has been appointed Solo Agent for the X Routhern States of the al*>ve Invaluable Compound, and offers it to the public, with the utmost confidence ic its BENEFICIAL QUALITIES. A Fair Trial is all that is asked for it, and if in any case It does not prove what it is represented to be. THE MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED Price $1 Per Bottle. To be had. Wholesale or Retail, of A. ISAACS, SOLE AGENT FOR THE SOUTH | Whitehall street, Opposite Herring k Ron’ May 31 6m ‘Atlanta, Ga. . ‘ ■■■ The Daily Locomotive, AN UNIXHPROMHIi MTHM RItHTS JMIRNI. With a devotion to the second only to the Rights of the South in that Union. Anti-Douglas, “Squatter Sovereignty” and “ Unfriendly Legislation.” POSTED, AT ALL TIMES, WITH ALL THE NEWS AND THE LATEST NEWS. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING - Subscription Price, $5 per annum. For the Campaign, 2 j? % ORDERS & FROM ABROAD, ‘H 3 &> Will receive prompt attention. In every case, let the iu.l.t Qj Be Specific. . -&W-L *i~WRITE PLAINLY.K.I ATS £g* l ADVERTISEMENTS V® _ £ .elicited, and inwerted at the P 0 n.mal rate.. Wl JOHN 11. SEALS, Prop'r $ PRINTING! % “THE DAILY LOCOMOTIVE'’ ) AND IBM JlHimfl ill, FLYNN’S BUILDING, ATLANTA, GEO. ‘ I hk Proprietor ot this Establishment having spared neither pains or expense in tilting up his Office, flatters himself that he is fully prepared to accommodate the public witli any character of Printing desired. Those of his friends who have already given him a call lie thanks for their liberality, and earnestly solicits its repetition. And he would feel himself brought under still greater obligation, for any kindly word that might direct attention to his place of business. We enumerate the principal kinds of work a “busy world” calls for, as a part of what we feel ourselves prepared to execute: Cards —Business and Visiting ; Bill-Heads and Blanks ; Papers and Posters ; Books and Pamphlets ; Circulars, Notes, &c. &c. Our great run of work for some time past, fully attests our popularity. Cheap as the Cheapest — •Us Good as the Best. 1 to 3 Days ! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LEWIS’ Georgia Ointment, For the Cure of Piles, Burns, Corns, Felons, Fe ver Sores, Ulcers, Skald Head, Tester Worms, Sore Nipples, Sore and Cracked Lips, Fresh Wounds, and Sores of every description. C’ertificates : COL. J. B. CULBERSON, HON. B. li. HILL, HON. E. Y. HILL, HON. O. A. BULL, B. C. FERRELL, Esq., R. J. MORGAN, Esq., WM. C. HENDERSON, •I. S. HERRING, A. B. FANNIN. DR. WM. P. BEASLEY, DRS. WARF & LONG, DR. C. HOLT, DR. H. S. WIMBISH, DR. A. O. STANLEY, D. W. MORGAN, jessee McLendon, J. C. CUUTRIGHT, J. E. MORGAN. march 9 dtf ATLANTA Cigar Manufactory. THE BEST, LARGEST A CHEAPEST STOCK OF Cigars & Tobacco Ever before offered in any Southern Market, at a great sacrifice. Prices, by whole sale, as low as any house North. THE subscriber most respectfully informs the citizens of Atlanta aud surrounding country, that he has deter mined to sell out his entire stock at very low prices, in or der to make room for that LARGE LOT OF CIGARS, OF 250,000, which I have ordered direct from European Manufacturers. 1 have on hand a large stock of my own manufacture, that I will sell for less than the same article can be had at any honse North, so as to induce all merchants to support Sou thern manufactures. Please give him a Call, AT THE SIGN OF THE ATLANTA CIGAR MANCFACTORV Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia, OPPOSITE THE P. O. jan 13,1860 JOHN FICKEX.