Temperance crusader. (Penfield, Ga.) 1856-1857, May 07, 1857, Image 1

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Up phi IIP Ilf liyipi i U. SEALS. editor & proprietor, i NEW SERIES. VOL. B; TEMPffiW CMR. fOtUSHFD erKRV TmrnsDtf, except two, is the \ eah. BY JOHN H. SEABB. TKKMS: SI,OO, In advance; or s2,ffff at the eod of the year. K \TISS OF ADVERTISING. 1 square (twelve lines or less) first insertion,.. $! o{l Each continuance, 50 Professional or Business Cards, not exceeding six lines, per year, f> bff Announcing Candidates for Office, 8 00 STANDING ADVHRTIfI KMENTB. I square, three months, 5 00 l square, six months, T 00 1 square, twelve months, 12 00 2 squares, “ “ 18 00 8 squares, “ “ 23 Off 4 squares, “ “ 25 00 Advertisements not marked with the number of insertions, will bo continued until forbid, and chanred accordingly. |3if“Merchants, Druggists, and others, may con tract for advertising by the year, on reasonable terms. LEGAL ADVKRTIBKHTEXT*. Sale of Land or Negroes, by Admhnstrators, Executors, and Guardians, per square,... 500 Sale of Personal Property, by Administrators, Executors, and Guardians, per square,... 8 25 Notice to Debtors and Creditorv • 325 Notice for Leave to Sell, 4 00 Citation for Letters of Administration, 2 75 Citation for Letters of Dismission from Adin’n. 5 00 Citation for Letters of Dismission from Guardi anship, 8 25 LEGAL REQUIREMENT*. Sides of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors, or Guardians, are required by law to he held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the foreuoon and three in the after noon, at the Court House in the County in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must he S'ven in a public gazette forty day* previous to the iy of sale. Notices for the sale of Personal Property must be giveu at least ten days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published ,/brty day*. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published weekly for Uco months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days —for Dismission from Admin istration, monthly, six months —for Dismission from 1 Guardianship, forty iLtys. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be pub- i lished monthly for four months —for compelling titles j from Executors or Administrators, where a bond lias i been giveu by the deceased, the full spare of three j months. \ Elf Publications will always be continued accord-; ing to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. For the Cnu&Ser. Adelaide. BY MART K. BXYAX. They Ray the o radiantly fair With queenly brm? and regal air, A a born to grace a thitmt*; They say that nebr ir, Poets theme. Or Artiste wildest, loveliest dre*™, Shone beauty like her own. That, when bright flashes her dark eye, Like lightning in a Summer sky, Never a mortal imid. In hut or hall, might e er compare In Beauty, Vildering and rare, With peerless Adelaide. they deem her very gay And say when decked in rich array, She treads the feetal hali; White ou her brow, gem* dazzling glow And in her hair pearls waste their snow— The fain-fct of them alb That then, her smiles are very bright.. Her laugh ring* forth in music light. And in the wreathing dance, Her graceful form floats airily And flashing jewels vainly vie With her dark lustrous glance, Tis then they deem the light of joy. Unshadowed bliss without alloy, ° m Rosts in the Lady’s heart; But Oh I f know that cannot be. For there's oas haunting memory, Tb&t will not hence depart. L on when she move*!, (he reigning queen, The star of some gay midnight scene, A cloud with sorrow fraught, 1 I’ve seen flit darkly o’er her brow, 1 When to her ear, mournful and low, i Souio plaintive strain was brought. i j And then I knew, that even there, With all her suitors bending near, Still came that haunting spell, To whisper of a true heart broken By the cold words her pride had spoken, One loved so long and well. And while the Chandelier’s rich light Mocks the pale stars of waning night, And gaily soft plumes wave, She thinks how cold the moon-beams fall, How sadly dm pa the wiihnv pall Above one lonely grave. And oft, when over plain and hHI, Twilight is gathering .deep and still And sadly sighs the gale. In sombre mourning garb arrayed With noisless step, through gloom and shade, Forth goes the Lady pale. No jewels bind her loosened hair. Voiled are her brow and bosom hur. As in the church-yard lone, . . She seeks one wild neglected spot, Where bloomed the blue Forget-me-not Around the cold grave stone. v And pale and tearful kneeling there, 1 Veiled darkly by her loosened hoir Beneath the Willow’s shade Ob l should this vision meet their ayes How few would ever redogniseJ . The cold proud Adelaide. Tbomaevifle, £h*. * COMMUNICATION. ! F.<r the Crusader. t From Clio Bower*, to Her i: Dcar Bear j Friend” Fanny Rice. LJiTTjen second-, \ U V JZ N K Y W o OPB). NB . Jasmine Dower, Half past ff. | Had I “if je pen of &r. viy wtimr” my loved : Finny, J should- moke mv leUer wrmdrmrdy inter esting, biff ;tt 5- i-t w ih only h heffi pmimp-fon of the beau'iful. and. no .power- of ■exprexfom, I am dull—very. ‘ j This u a tenl Spring day ; and as you. will, see I have left ‘the dusty-city for the ‘grand old woods’ mice more. This morning th* ‘bird of a thousand ton-rues” as the Indians aMh% arid termed the mot-king bird, avvaketfod me. I sat j lor a while by the open window listening: to the j burst of inelpdv, with the Nad morning air blow ! niy tresses abotij, n*j had a thousand p’eas jdug visions. It seeniauo me that in .spring one can hear Angel voices sweetly, echoing through the wood ; and I am sure in tbifo tome lovelies! of the- seasons. I run purer, and happier. After an early, brenkfad, accornpuined bv a Ill lie friend, like myself a worshipped of toatimq I look a long walk in search of flowers. We found, a cool, delightful place where the yellow Jessa mine bloomed in profusion—-every little bush had its wreath of the sweet yellow, hiossmm; and the sir was filled with fragrance more delicious than “the perfumes of Arabia.” We gatherer! ns many as we could Carry to make g;: Hands; and filled our Hprotis with the modest Hide violets, and [>ii.ks. Ah! flowers wdl never “blush unseen, And waste their sweetness on the desert air” if lam anywhere in their neigh bo rh<iq<L Every v'hs-* in the house is. filled and mr hair is depked with them, until brother Sam calls mo.au ‘Vxieti.- -ive flower garden.” Last evening Charlie iJNtnos, and Waiter liar (is, came out, and remained until after tea. Wo had music at nighttud i Charlie, 4 who among other accomplishments is-a splendid perfumer on the trait, ir, my favorite msirutueiu saug for us utivG he completely won my heart again—my ‘‘oft j and easily won heart.” Charlie is due of these j , clever young fellows whom everybody ii.kes—has j I rather a “don’t case” sort of manner, hut is hril- ! ! iisnt, and engaging, Ob 1 Fanny, when a handsome “lord of cron- j I lion” siqg to you ■first t u twilight, the time whop - ; the whole dir is filled with poetry, and the “i:n-! : mortal nine” seem whjspt ring every where O-the | hyar: is a litpfo, h very folk* in danger. Hut mvH | k*ve I am too wenti mental and foolish just-how to j write sensibly, so I waft you h hi*?, and adieu. j Monday Afternoon. “ ! must now you about bur new neigh}*.* jvreta Clifford, the ladle of —*—who lias t<t- up b.-r aloda her* Jbr a brief The magnificent mansion on thy i.i.i which has been bo J°!g deserted, ban been repaired, and refurnished, and the -Clifford family have re!timed, From H?*r I can hear their gaiety, and the winds wft the strains of melody to our humble cottage come. I’ rout afar l can see the long train’s of carriages pg they come and go. and from “afar I exu sea Sereua in her riding dress,’ riding op. and plumes on’ her spirited little pony taking morning rides, but until yesierde.y evening I never met her. They ar the only “aristocracy” in our quiet, country neighA borhood—the only people it!, whom nobody as sociate*. I was prepared to dislike her—her styl ish manners, and reputed hauteur wore sufficient to Create a prejudice. Last evening, sister Lucy arid'-myself who had dozed away the earlier hours after dinner,coucjud. Mto walk over and s|e md M>>. lu rd— a poor Old lady who lives about, u mile fiom hero, and who has Uea contked to her bed h number of years with,a distressing c-.ugh. I have hot betuv Ihere before since my return home, to my shame be it said. We reached the house—a miserable dilapidated looking place, and paused at the gate. 1 heard h sweet voice wiihjn, reading tiwu beauti iul Psalm, “Tfie Lord is my shepherd—l hUll nor want,'’ l er,•< :,.] the cerempuy of knock ;r,g; and near the bedrid* 3at the most lovely creature I ever beheld. You know Ka.rny, it J,.. seldom that I eulogi-s my own sex, but I certainly nought that I looked upon an Angel. The dark* waving hajr was fastened over a fore-head fairer dmu a PoetWream, and the large, dark eye* had the heavenly whfch w. attribute. fteraphs. I bew rm. .second -glance, she was. a ohilrlof earth, lor aim We a light niustfn drw, mid, black silk apron. Parfny,'*t!m was R, rna Clifford the ‘•b.-iSe!” 1 do not now wonder at the rmt.Jnsss 0 f ygong L , who it is said near’ dyiny about her ta uae h trite phrase. Thus does she whom the world calls “haughty? go about ou her deeds of charity, entering, the hut, „( the and destitute, alleviating the wants of the suffering poor, iniiHifcting tho Ignorant great tilths of feligjon* yt wnhoVt Osteotaliom* Cood’deeds makb iw>‘ fp Jjftp world —no uewxpapcr to"them ; and yet tho recording Angel mark* them a!!.-r PfeNMELI), <>Am TIR'IISIIAY. MAj /. 18A?. university of GEORGIA-übrarx I Never anpil 1 saw forma Cnfford, du! 1 undtr-tacd ! the term **fiii;i.ist?riiijg’ j lo wv f man. Oh 3 C.lifToelVmhrtirr-m cosd by. }Aht her would they over have asked b*.r | again t*> j Jr* tee “maxv danc-A -T’ itav^ | dwelt too foug upon this iltem.-; Hnktel wi'.h Serena CfiiTur-i for ny and jher-'i iyifrTcF write for ever. Such, Fa any i ksq VfkHV lifo. Hf,** not out of idfo cufkistty, or a desire to win ‘foe dfle of “Lady Ifo.-mt:Tn!,** nor does she aound h •trumpr. when site stalls on lor eirand.-- of m icy. jOh 1 many . the great day will “arise sad-■ call W bie.s-ed.” ’ j AVednes-fov, “Yesterday I called on die Misses H— “And fervently I hops I may Ne’er do the like again,* j -Such silliness, such affectation 1 The main top- ! ! ic of th* day was “beaux” ami th.-cfiaua-i fashion -j i— I Fanny-, evfn /, Ai fol i iowieg ; \ u hnwik Tljoiims. in'“dead in love” with | isqieJi W, worth fifty thousand.” U .ift excellent qaatifration in a U>vot ! ; “My new but) info &u.m. fifteen dollar*—it Ls a J common thing- hut go**! enough k-r the -muntrv.” j A delicate way of praising onfot “Cbattfoe f\ Hut I will not fore you any longer with such remarks. 1 my : good one “W8S;"“do-.a1” wfob rfiem from “morn till dewy eve.” To here those girls talk one would imagine the “wealth nt’ Ophir” could not compare with tin im. Vet to my rsmdnln knoinhdye their Jather is a lvoor clerk with but a small salary a year, ai.d slaves uigfit, and day to “keep them up ”-- r Wretched peide! I pity that poor lather 1 am, an iher daughters value him no more thSm they would a “dray horse,” Yet he fforesmoTumi mtir, or their tongues would diive him mad. Pictures of mi/ life are not pretty to look at generally. I sometimes wish l could live in t!.-,. World of fancy always, and never come in oosb-i with the rough ledges of m-ifishness which jut oiit v >o {irominently alnroat every where. S.-ls, self oh f’ iL may 1*? properly termed the root of nil moon tfo* If pimple would only ignore that jittle pro-, j noun **T,” and speak, and’ think ofteper of “.thou” i the world would kj a grea! d-la tfor. \V,U i this sage reflection l lav aside this flhd sheet to | Useize anew one, -and new ideas if possilfou* j I received to-d-ay a long letter from Miriaui in • which she “opens mv eyes” a little. Charii.t ! Holmes is to lie- married eootj she ssva, and has fan cnyayed for the lost three year*. Such thing-. | are very mortifying'to our self !ve dear, H iid y .-t iu the “wear and tear”.of the world n;y learn to bear iheiit. ] give a eig). io'id! iuy wastwi smiles, s giis, and qu-dations—‘‘wi foo was onjv flirting | -her ttji” oouedudes Miriam which is pleasant to i me—vti v ! - Vv hat a short time ; I have U*>u to- the world to weary of it so soon, (hict , “THe st ir of Hope shown o’er fny path iftfclooded And fancy colored dife With those elysiau r&iubow hues which Truth ’ Melts with his rod when disenchanting youth.” \ Ueigho! what tuts come op-r Jbho Buwcrsi— j Surety she Ims “eaten of the ‘tisane root” to croak j after sue!) a fashion. Dark ihouphts avaunt! “The world is still before me—where !o choose” d?c. Now Fanny I kntw you’jf think I have had “a disappointment ui love” to quote Miss Atamin la —no such, thing quit iHUghing, I am. still “In maiden meditation fancy’ free.” Twa'dap later. Who do von think is here ? Why, net !<<> a] person than Master T ied .Graham, and ke in un eftfxvyctl'* of iriysdf I leave you to judge. Fannv I tried'to look cold, and ioduTeif ru, as if I had j not once, wiien aDiild placed my hand in bis. and ! said with charming naiv&tt*, l Miss Perkins again) I “Frisl I love you”—yet he hx>k“d at the so *an j ciiv with those mischievous eye* of his fhjtl I k>bv ; forgot my dignity, and edttdescettded to ]ie Clio j again, and lie f not a whit more polite than whcr> , we were child reb together, and rays m Ida pro-’ vok*n£ voice. ‘‘Clio don’t talk so much, you tire me” or “Clio d-n vroar your h?ir more bepomingly.” The wretch! Last evening fckirena was jyera—-he i Si eiped quite captivated with her unpretending ! manners, yet declares in his usual independent i mftnner,-sho is too ytoiih for bt* i lea of laiauty'-- whidi I tike to myself as l.am at’ h*;-t a Teal shorter than she. Hove B*ft*ne, Fanny, yefshb ,can titrver taka your place. Last evening she said fi: iti“ as we atpod ’neatl) flg< shadi>s of a giant dak. “While the sireandet ran Ufore uh wit.li the nßHinlight in iib arms”— “1 KUpta>s- there wili W a bridal *,*•> riot .Vr6. Qraiham. forget- her ld friemls.” Mrs. Graham! ‘-hoW funnily I fdf h mme poetaster has it, the title sounded Ktrungly. Ye* { “hearts deareta,” the new life will eoon |>e mine. I go forth like the timid bird, to fry my wing- in another sphere. The ‘footstool at,my father* Wt jgrtt *o&f be flowe>s valoe for my carewea. My pet Oaunry rings Bitdly . today, and beats hia4iafcjprft{iwt - |he c<oß “forn tug 1 ‘“H j‘>u bow it happened I ’fwaajim at tiudtofls* romantic Anyhow, Fieffaud l on-the piazza—he w j reading “Geneveye,” and I “kept interrupting him with irreavlent questions” a* **yonng Att-.erka” ’ •expresses it ’ GUo have you a sou! f; -[ hope *>Mr. Grn tia .!}hea he silent >r go to the ot imr end t f lae f<i r-y./'i.” I felt hurt Fanny, not *o much ni the words bat ! tbe feme. Ho rend on, snd j pretended to* but the hut, scalding (ears Minded rtso, end “a Meging in me'ears,” to quote Miss 4 far^intH. He knew I ws crying, ib*< cruel, db-edaMe | “rod ! and yet he kept on reading as though I had een one of those w hite pillar* against which s head was ‘earting. instead of - a Jivinq*'brfu/fi- ■ ■ >P'*6tU. who ww dying (<>r are- kind word. “ and oil, Oho how do you like it? you have H4t ! ‘ ned very well, considering that you belong to the ftimpit* s*s.” ‘ • ■ ; I He asked it so enr'es-siy—oh ! Fanny, Fannv I oh! I fH-vtr mid a word, but h vomno was | nothing compared to the fire:* that raged witlmG i UHf. ‘ How do V LOU like it crip r 1 whs ikinking of him. Hi and not the stupid Cook, -(though I’ve loved Gene.ve.ve’ e*er since) and he. wouidfi*! have the sense to perceive it “Clio whiit is it ?” ‘d —f” Mv hnfid whs imprisoned in Fred’s—my heart tient thick and fast—and—and—just here I pause Funkys for my life i can’t recollect what foliowed. I only know that I went up stairs about three loHirs afterwards with a small diamond circlet oif ti e third finger of my left harel, w hich I wouldn't /k/rt with for worlds ; arid a curious s*.!jsatk>ij about mv heart, such as had never been there be fore. and that I kept repeating the words my dear (. l u <o myself, thinking they had never sounded so Bweedy, oh m sweetly Fanny on human before that memorable hour. I wonder it i am the same Clio Bowers I was aboyt six’ moths ago, l wonder it some fairv like those mischievous elves in ‘‘midsummer’* eight llreatp has not put some, price upon mv .eye’id* while I slept, which has transformed me to some one else. I move about as in a dream, e very thing looks -shadowy, and unreal, the flowers do not S)‘eiti like flu- same flowers — l inmost expect to s*-e them turn into a fairy barque, and glide away as flowers sometimes do hedrearnUiuh ‘ Even poor little “Pete” my discarded favorite,''soem-} like a new bird. I hardly know mother, and Lucy as they Gip the room r.MseWMv with mv.sle (b/US bundles of Ia tv, and nuisiin, and boxes of sgspicioito hacking Hruiieixi dowers, and I staff ’ like a guilty tiling every time they speak b>’ me. Evr !i the old dock on th: man lip piece which hss been chanting die same aad old tune .“Forever— c-vp” ever since I can rerxMiv eg seems to sing “i ‘-’M dro engaged Miss Ciio -oci’willy engoged.’ HMghor I wonder if i am my'spjjf, or somebody | Fanny you write please don't say “accept | i: >y but put it symmtkies. ! Fmi w looking over niy shoulder—lie h* | s*>*■>>$ *>*■>> very presumptuous of !i?e, I actually i caught him NimmKgiiiu in niv writing desk yee i ovdsy with, hl> the. privilege of h—a-—-a brother , i 1 cau.t write that word hu band yet. “\V hat nonsense are you scribbling there Clio?’’ nonsense at ali Master impudence—scorn utoii sense I assure you sir—every word of it/’ . ; *\V iiy do you-ask for sympathy ? n Because I need it sir—drery bit that, my friends will bestow upon me. I “1 am going to turn editor Clio.” “So much the better I can assist you then.” i ‘“Assist me! oh, presumption where is thv ibbish$ _ ••Ofmrlie'Tlolmes called trie a edever writer.” ; “Charlie Holmes the duce.” “Noise of your wicked expressions Fred.” ; “Lay aside your pen then/’ And so beloved Fanfiy, I roust bid you “good ; oye, for the tyrant insists on holding my hand, ; and 1 am sure with such a peel ne-ir me I can I r !‘-vef have rational thought. ■"b .kx Bowens bids you dearest Fanuv, thou Ot rnv cluluhoodN -blissful dvs a last fare- I % •‘.ntv-.rinoig you that she is well at this j tune, and hopes you are enjoying the same j blcs-mg.” , ■ ,• ; ‘•Faroweil! a word that hath been and insist “be, i A souiei that makes us linger yet—farewell ihe tftnd. —Look at the hand. \ little ,or gan. lut how curiously wrought! f(ow manifold, and rp-<vviry are its functions I What ah agent’ .kay. it been for-the want and designs of ihan f-- \vhnt would tly* mind be* without it? How hay it molded mid made palpable the conceptions of that rrdrid ? It wrought the statue of Memnon, and hung the brazen gntek of Thebes : it fixed Jthe’tfenibling needle upou its axis; it heaved ifie ‘bar of the first printing press; it arranged the tubes of Galileo; it reefed The top-sails of Cotuiu- j bus; it held the P.*vr<rr! with, which Freedom fought I •Jter battles ; it p>ised the ax of’the dsunUess ■woodman ; opened the path of rfivilizattot). J&, turned the mystic leaves upon which Milton td, Shakespeare inscribed their bufniijg ti. ought, mid it signal the charter of England's liberty, and, last, though not lea-p it signed the DeclaifUiou of Independence. Who would not render hqpor to tfi* b*jmM | The ilalloch Cass -Its Effect. In priiTvp'Oiis purl a nival 1 .'•{ on, w! people'preti-hd t> sel an to the world, .-f all th.-u so jterfoct in ’eitr.ui: g. ami pure in mor.d i.!ia ♦eligHMir.Kßd afilvt kuco a holy horror < f th—i j tonne .u. iti,a woiUJ uxasoi ne wi.ieh are said desheea for t)fo peculiar. inhetitMice of Sdfojuh brenk- r* —-that they will n..r xivtr! r eve a puh.-c fxhibvio*r ‘Theatrical fformauce o; ; SolHrdsy n-giil, a ; sio**ie ha* Intel v fovn” eiraefed ‘ of so disgtisiing and Jisgraveftifois .character, nr fj-,s not Us parallel saw in ’.he record-. oi'ibe ciimp'- w hjoh rfob and down she ‘.uraumry veirgeHnee of 'n outraged Deity upon 8 >d mu and Goiuomdi—- and from which a iteming harvest, of innn.trt.ditv is y*ff. to be reaped. A minuter of the -Gospel—the pa Mot of a iar.-n N>!;gVeg;-;tiori, n iruyelliug fiyed'orn and tentpersnee advocate, a disliuguisbed member..if that J.mdy ot iI• ice thpUf-and huly men, who pro-- serffed io ih l. nifod States U'bngie-s a pr.-ciou* col lecti.nl nf autographs at Cached !> a'pettt!*fi — prayinyr for the total vxtwpation of the wiefre.i ■ ahojnjnalfoi sin begeiung institution of -siaverv. lies Ifot-n suminoued by the offended mej-rdv of the law, to answer a charge of adultery. Upon dm Wit! w;,ich whs a'tended by great TV.uifSftides, v >.jTiT to caudi tbp’Otferisive and degrading detail of p. cis which wrc oroughi to light—it, was in - ‘•otiU-siihiy proven, tfmt tiffs hypcemieal K*-um die;, t.sik with hnu tin- w;f,- fa frieml to a rdfi gloftsf rniJc'iug at which fie delivered a lecture, that he n't. rwards tcok her” fa botfsc of bad re ptile, and, after restoring hi* exhausted *energies tor he. w),s represented, to bean interesting invalid by paVtakiug of some harmless siia-tdatits in the sliape yt “wjuskey tilings” he .coimniUtd the crime of adultery. Yet in the face of this array of testimony against which nothing of a yubstaniiai character was offered in rebutl.-d—of Boston jury Sailed toagoe i,q oputj.ioti. and disgraced t!:e tem.- rle of ja-ticc by silently rendering a verdict lor •.ce over vljs u . Hut that was not the. ead, f.r instead . f being vhuneed a rid dmpised by a cuininunity, whose moral sense should have been shocked at his crime,’ o&nrtdied from ocietv, and dnwen from a protes s;ini upon which he had ! rought shame and dis credit—he ha* been in-nlo a hero, and exalted lo a hign and respionsibife position, with a carte blanche to persue the hellish practices! for which he has Usetr enffpeiuly distinguished. Iu iho jdaeeof becotning an humble penitent, ne has agniij nso-nded to the h-oly dts-5;, and tUoiitiHr.-ds eagerly ;usli to Ait tmd-r his ministry, and a moral pestilence, is spivading itself in that coui!<;utdiy, thm history of whose ravage* upon fo maie virtue and domestic happmess. is to be told in the future. The fathers ami husbands of Ifos loti have s -wr a crop, which- will yield a plentiful returij of biighted hopes, ruined diaracter* and desolated horms. . Evhh now the w.iork h prdjsr&ctfrig. Our late mails bring us the ini* liigenct that another rn Hos ier, envious of. bis .distinction and privilege*, has emulated bis example and. will doubtless share his immunity. The following paragraph from the New York Tribtin, explains itself: ANOTfIKH Ma.RF (JtiTJUfirMAK DsLINQfJtVT. — Boston, April. 14r!i, the Rev. 0. Ik fWfingtori, Methodist clergyman at. Cohasaet, is being exam ined before :t chur<-r. council'on ch.'trgo.-: of nduite ry, lying, and indecent exposure of person. lie in about thirty-five years old, preacbul for *SOO a year, and has a wifo.and seven children. A mem ber of his church is the ‘accuser. K ! der Paid Townsend presides over the s-xatr.inav’on.” which causes great excitement in Cahas.sct and vicinity. Another case, no., cloud, I .of moral insanity- — brought on by too close application to pious and. religious studies'and practice?—whose'first symp toms is an inability to distinguish bet ween right and wrong— meum et 4mm —and in tbb case of ministers—-the ditTerenc*; between their own wives and those of their fi lends. There seems to be an uatortunate pre-disposition to this disease in Bos ton preachers, and if some tn atrrbiit bo not devis ed more wholesome in its than that ad ministered in the Kaiioeh case, she vriij.become as distinguished for the number of\roverbad rascals in her Pulpits jfs she now is fbrhervais hollow and pretended piety .—Savannah Georgia d’ Journal. j&jgrTho Louisville Journal of Saturday aavs : On Thursday evening about five Veioek Mr. Julius (A Buky, of Bullitt county, living four or five miles from Mr. Wa'diitigion, went into the room where his wife and daughter,’ a very beautiful young la dy teen or seventeen years old. were juili,ing.—- wished to visit k neighbor. The father objected. Words passed, and the daughter retorted .somewhat un beentniUgly. Thereupon lie struck.her w r iih a cane, and drawing his revolver, fdiot her through the head, and, while she was . filling, shot her through the back. ‘She died in stantly. At the sound of the report hU son rushed t > the room and met his father on the threshold. : retreating to tiie T<ird with his .pistol in band. .If being evident that the foilier -e about kils himself, the struggled lor the but the father ckig to it hik), after .getting a i short distance from the door, nsecaeded m blowing | lliri own brains out and am-<lead. Mr. Buky was , between fisty an .years old, and lie is mpre- } seiited u/tis :, a peifeei gt-n j tleman, tismdiv'kind \a hot foinih, very res pectaide cormeotiod. He Is 3fttrl to have, been ex asperate*! against hi* unfortunate* dttghi*r because persrSte*! agnihst his-v>nmandfi and fbtreaties >4 receiving -tire lutentibn of a lover that was ob- | uoxious4o him. % Hoop* Sard /Ter / —As the start>nor Com monwealth ‘ catje alongside the wharf’ at - New Loiniori, Gt., on Friday mghg.on the passage from i Norwich to -iNew York, a htdy walked overboard and Would have been iiown*f but for the hoop du her dress whiett rendered - the Hiup somewhat foiiJtHinish, and ivithnl nnswerert tlm purpose of a mbrtrcbnNplHjafled lifijr preserver, she night was very dark, and it'wns nearly half hour be fore hw could be extracte*! from her perilous .-,it tfotiorif during which time the hoops suf ficiently strong to bvioy her up and prevent her fraJO yit*tol£. C \TVAI~STH: 1 iM in “advance; or. $2 at the oifi! ofjlifiyea?. N — i JOHN H. SEALS v ec4oFaii?iinj VOL XXI!!. tpifojS. - —.— .: 1 ■’ i Horrcrs c t C’aiiiDS3 Flviuta Smoking. j fodvb, in liiti <le.-cripu.Mi of China and ? states that om* of 4htj streets oUCanton- ia i occupied entirely I>y sh.for s ; , 0 of this deadly | ‘bug : “One <>t liie-r m thk -place,, t-hay I I fmcf i’he ouu sip. or vi-ig was rlro opium., j in his ip r*. oiit and certainly iiUn* thobgh not so 7n ffie ‘eye as th<Ufl?uTik ard from sho aptfits, lowered to the level of a bruts and wallowing in his filth* The idiofosedie thd dem h like stupor however, of the ojhbrayjebftucime has s.-niething for more awful‘to the. ga*?irr*n ihe 3ieaVdat.ily of the latter. The rooms inhere they an and smoke are, siirroundelbby cduehft, with a place for the head to rest upon, .tfhci gv*pr- Ui V a sidu room s devoted to garnUhng. T 7.0 pipe h a f'e.-.-d of anout an inch in uiametcr, siml iho aperuire in the bowl-for the admission of t|te opi vun is liet larger than a pins head."* ihe dvn.g is jwepared with some Icfocl of cijr -*< i ‘e, and a very small portion of it-is sufficient to charge two-whiffs beir4g -I.Ee uttnas* that ! can bo banded from a s.nglc pipe, aud tne -ro,oke j s. taken into the lungs as from Urn hock , in India, jUn a beginner, one.or two pipes will have an tffert, J but an old stager wJII continue ‘smoking £<r houia. jA. the heH'dof each couch is placed a sm..li lamp, j 3be must. 4>ejheld to the drug during tbe- pro j n.ss of ,iyhaling, and from tbe’dilfi -ulty of fill.ng j and propgwlv lighting the pipe, there is’ gener dly a pemon who wails upon t'lm sme-k- r to t.Wrfovm ’he offica. A few days of this fearful luxury, when o;ken to exe- ss; gives a pnlhfoand -haggard look to ‘1 he face, anti a few montiis, op even weeks; will ciiTiugr the strong healthy man into a litije better than an idiot skeleton, iiie pain they suffer when deprived of the drug, after long habit, rio language can explain, and :t isonly when to a certain degiee undt-r liw kiiluenca that their focuh.ies are aiive. In the In usee devoted to their rui, these itifa t uated people may be seen at-nine c/clotk in the -evening, in hM the different stages, some entesing hail distracted to feed the craving amietiie they nad been oblidged To subdue during che'dsv, ar;<J otiiet-s.-laughing and talking wildly -tmber the. ef tects ot a first pipe.; while tne couches afonnd are filled w-itlt tlieir dtferent oceupaa s, w'-m jie languid with an idiot sniife upon their cotinien ai:cos, too much under tii^'influence of tL4 vbog to care for pa-sing'events.and fa-t m- rgmg to the wish ed tor consumatiofi. The last Bctme hi tbis tragi© play is generally a room in the rear of the bi-’ifoing, h tioeeie . f dead house where lie stretching these wOO have passed into a state of biia-. the opium j smoker madly sm-k-—an ernbiem of the long steep i.o which he is blindly liiirrUnm Interesting U.Js. Statistics. —The Uidled States are‘Composed of thirty-one States and n;s ,T vrri tbries. Tnev contain a ‘popul .tion of 27, of wbbrn 23,0001)00, are white. Hie extent <d sea coasts are 12.550 miles, the forsgth of the ten principal rivya is 20,0xK) mbes. The surface of the. five great JakfS k ,90,000 miles * I he rrnnher ii jnites of railroad in oupmUMi is 20.0')0 which c-:.st * . r The length •‘i’cHes.a is 5,000 miles. ■ U comait.s the lungeSt raiiroad pr. lac wjybe—* Um Ufino's Central—ivhich is seven liuydre-l aud 84 miles. The annual value of its agriotriuiraf produou'ons is 1200.000,000. . * , -r ----!>s m( s> valuable |f*i<!uctitu* is ludbia Cpro which yields annually 40,000,000 i he.afnotfnt of registered and enrol!e<f tonnage -is 4.407.010. “ --$Mk The amoayt of capital invested in manufacture is 00b,00y,000. The nil axial amount of its internal trade is 600, 000 000. The annual value of its product!nos of labor oth er labor than agricultural :. I'h\ rtfinsml value of the income of the inhab itant s is § 1,500,000. ‘The value of farms and live stork is $500,000, 000. Its mines'.of gold, copper, lead, hr-d*lron are among the richest in the word. The value o?gold pr<xl it<y<f is nesr SKfO.OOO.OOO. The surface pfits coal fields is 138,1-31 --quare aeftHi Within its borders are 80,000. sell ifos. 5,0Q0 Academies, 234 colleges and 3,800. A Man of the Oldev Tirnc.~- Among the men who pioneered in the great Wests and, by count less acts of friendship and the iilwr/d caurUsie* of iife, won the esiepi -of ihuusands of. the early, settlers, is Judge Williams, of lowa, now stopped .it Brown’s Hotel. The Judge's head, “is silvered Ter” bv the i?bers of many smuiers, Hut seems Any fresh and vigorous as in his younger rfays;’ can beat any map telling a story West u£ the moun tain : has hardly a superior upon the bench in the valley of the Mississippi. A short time ago he called Opoh his particular friend kmt compsm'on of earlier years, Judge Black, (now’ the AttesT/ey ’General-,).at-the St, Nicholas, New VoTk. Not fiudi-ng him in, be j,vft the fc-lfow fiig caret The’ p<Mtry L iu the happiest vein, and indic? ; foagi lafr eot.talent which tile Judge might have cultivated to advantage : Compliment rs the Chief Justice of ~ Ffrira. 4o the ‘Justice of Pennsylvania. O Jerry, Dyar jt'iry, i’xc found you at ! art, - - And memory burijeksd wyh tivoNtcenesbfUv 5 j.ast, Returned to old Suifimeret’s mountains of srow, Where you was but “Jerry ,r cnd I was “Joe.” National Intelligencer, ‘ J* ‘•.>*- **•• Awful Dr ith ~~A young .clerk in Tenn.,'name Ik C. Giaseow, after ba-ving in coai ’ pany with afrWud walked the afreet * until.l a late hour of .he night of tha‘J27(h insf.,♦during the time He drank several gfoses of hmndv mountetbthe r uling of the suspeuaion bridge, to see sosne pass. While here, and during u sow ttrinotes ab sence if bis companion it is supposed 4b became drowsy and fell to the'sl,..re t-eueHih, orw* hmd'bm istamiv k'-Uing arms and legs were bri km, ids fits:: was horrible cut and rourilHted, and his -sknii whb fracturad. He waa found io ttiis (di;ion the- next tnorui*s # *’