The Barb. (Atlanta, Ga.) 197?-197?, September 01, 1974, Image 8

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The Barb 8 Great Christia n No- By Rev. John Gill Scripture Reading Gen. 2: 21-25; II Samuel 11:2-4, 14- 17. Song of Solomon 17: 34- 40. Matthew 22:34-40. From its very inception, the institutional Christian Church has been afraid to take a positive, definitive stand on,the subject of hu man sexual relations. For too long, the church has spoken in negative narrow terms. At times, communi cation has been in the form of baby talk, and Christian men and women have been told that sex is a no-no and an evil. We have asked our spiri tual leaders for guidance and direction. What we have received is a group of in dexes, rules, and dudge- ments. Are we so weak in our spiritual life and in our Christian faith that we are not able to make these deci - sions on an individual ba sis? No--Sex when they do, it is a des tructive force. Promiscuity does have another side, however, and this describes a wasteful element, one that leads to lack of fullfill- ment. Do I advocate pro miscuity? No, for it is the most complete type of sex ual encounter. Do I con demn promiscuity? No, for it is not necessarily an evil. I simply expose it for what it is ... frequent sexual en counters that lack a sense of direction. Before we can continue with our discussion of sex, we need to clear up certain issues and terms related to sex. Consider to begin with, sex and promiscuity. The first factor in promis cuity deals frequency. This element tells us nothing on the depth of relationships; it only describes the num ber of sexual encounters. I have known people who have been very honest and open and have shared sexual re lationships frequently with other individuals. At the same time, there are some persons who may have sex very rarely, but Another term that is often coupled with sex is fidelity. Here we speak of physical fidelity, but should remember that $ other types of fidelity- - vo cational, spiritual, emo tional are just as import- ; ant as physical fidelty. However it manifests it self, fidelity is of two vary ing natures: a beautiful kind that springs from within and one that is doomed be cause it is imposed from without. No demand by a hu man being, no contract that is legal in the eyes of the law, has ever been able to sucessfully create fidelity. If it exists, fidelity rises Ms*#!' METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH 800 NORTH HIGHLAND AVENUE, N.E. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30306 (404) 872-2246 i REVEREND JOHN W. GILL PASTOR REVEREND JIM N. SNOW ASSISTANT PASTOR SUNDAY Worship Services 2:00 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. Movies * 7:30 P.M. ALTERNATE WEDNESDAYS Worship Services 8:00 P.M. Rap Sessions 8:00 P.M. out of a complete, total, ful filling love Committment between two individuals. The third sex - related subject is more general in nature. It deals with the idea of ^permissiveness. Many people would say that American society is in grave danger of collapse due to the fact that permis siveness is very much a part of our life style. Where is the reason for fear? Per missiveness is rather an opportunity, for it provides 1. a chance to choose, and 2. the responsibility to do so wisely. Certainly, there is more to sex than procreation. I believe that we are more than animals. We are human men and women. We are Children of God. There must be more to sex than propagation. Let me share with you now a possible definition of sex-- the something more that is in sex. Sex is the coupling of human bodies that is an honest and plea surable sharing of physi cal desires and emotional interests — a communica tion between human lives - - a communication that speaks of love, divinely' ordered and ordained by Almighty God. When none of these fac tors are present in sex, it is unsatisfying, improper, and dangerous activity. This occurs when sex is totally self-centered and selfish; when sex destroys another body or mind; when sex is irresponsible and lies. Remember the story of David and Bathsheba from the 11th chapter of 2nd Sam uel. The self-centered/de structive, and irresponsi ble sex shared between David and Bethsheba brought about the death of Uriah--a faithful husband to his wife, and a loyal ser vant to his king. When this type of sex occurs do not legitimize it by calling it sex. When it so twisted and misused by men and women, it is emotional, mental, and physical rape. Sex can simply be the fullfilling of physical needs. When this occurs, biologi cal desires are being satis fied. Is this type of sex wrong? No--if it is honest open, and responsible. Is this the most fulfilling type •of sex? No. We are more than flesh - - we are also mind and spirit. There is more to sex than a physi cal climax. All of us at one time or another have experienced a different type of sex- When the individuals involved are communicating their deep est feelings to one another, a change takes place, and two bodies start to become two lives. The Song of So lomon describes in physical terms,a relationship that en joys a foundation, of emo tional depth. This emotion- filled type of sexual shar ing is more fulfilling be cause the intercourse has gone beyond the physical into the area of the human. The sex that is most sa tisfying and most complete is the sex that is closest to the fulfilling love of God. This type of sexual en counter occurs when a hu man’s emotional, physical, and spiritual nature _ com - bine into one total experi ence of sharing. Three different kinds of sex--sex that fills the phy sical need, sex that is phy sical and emotional in nature, and sex that fulfills physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I pray three things, That we are not threatened by the sexual sharing of brothers and sisters, for if we are, we simply admit that we are weak and inse cure where we are at. I pray that we will present as res ponsible a picture as possi - ble whereever we are in our sexual sharing. For as Christians, God expects and accepts nothing less. I also pray that God will be present in any andall of our sex relations, for sex is a gift from God. COMMENTS To The Ed itor Dear Editor , I have noticed marked improvement in your news paper and hope that you will keep up the good works as we sure need one in the gay community. The column that Bill Smith writes is always of interest and I don’t really know how he gets around to have all that information, but he reports it well. I a- gree with him that we all should become more in volved in politics, especial ly when the laws affect our lives in the gay community. This is the only way for our voice to be heard. J.E.B. Atlanta, Ga. Dear J.E.B., We agree that Commis sioner Smith contributes a tremendous column to the newspaper. Bill is a mem ber of the Atlanta Commu nity Relations Commission and gives us first hand in formation. Editor Dear Editor , The revues in the news paper are very interesting and I enjoyed the Hollywood revue especially since I am a resident of Florida. I was fortunate enough to attend one of the shows at Club Hollywood and they sure had some fine enter tainment. Mark Vero Beach, Fla. Dear Mark, Thank you for your letter We thought the entertain ment was tops, too. Editor Chattanooga Chatter Cont’d. from page 2 Maybe she’ll just stay like Cheerleader did. The Cross Keys has changed again - not in management this time. They just rearranged things a bit and made it a cozier little corner with the dance floor and juke box divided in a separate area. It’s really nice, Jack and Richard. Lowella, we are just cu rious to know if you know who really cares? If you figure it out let us know. Oh yes, just two more little bits. Is it true that Chattanooga ’ s Fag had her - self a good trick, but he passed out on her , where upon one of her best friends took him away from her? Which two Chattanooga “girls” tried to make it with a guy from Atlanta, but chickened out? One of them is the answer to the above paragraph. Gotta go now. Is what you see always what you get? Think about . Advertise In The Barb! STUD !!! Will You Be the Barb’s in October Stud of the month ? C eive S$$S , you will re in valuable 1 To be elgible send ah 8X10 black and glossy print of your favorite pose...along with your permission to publish. Besides appearing on the front page of the Barb prizes. Send your photo and permission to publish to: Photo Editor The Barb P.O. Box 82543 Deadline for all Septem ber entries is August 20th.