The Barb. (Atlanta, Ga.) 197?-197?, April 01, 1975, Image 9

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, ^v. T^'?A^4c? Human Forgiveness: the Language of God by Rev. Peter E. Fink, S.J. I once had an argument with someone I love very much. I don’t remember now what about, but then I was very angry. Really I was hurt. I walked away in my anger resolved that I would yet win, even if I had to cut him down in the eyes of others with just the right worn at just the right time. And so I did, thinking that it would ease the pa { * and quiet the anger. But all I felt was empty and sad. All I felt was the loss of something too beautiful to be thrown away. And then I wanted to a- pologize, but I was afraid. What if he were more stub born than I? What if he refused to accept my a- pology? So I thought of a dozen ways to excuse myself, a dozen ways to shift the blame onto him. And I tried to pretend it never happened. But it did, it was me, and it was very ugly. Finally I got the cour age to call, and he was glad to hear from me. He wanted to call, but too was afraid. He asked me out to dinner v and the tone of over and done. It really his voice said much more than that the argument was said: I love you very much, and you are too important to be thrown away. In a moment the fear was gone and the pain forgotten. All that was unclean was made clean again, and I sensed a joy, a peace, a whole ness that for a time had been taken away. Human forgiveness is al ways so beautiful. It brings friends and lovers to new and deeper levels of love. However painful it is to forgive, it gives birth to somethings that can be found no other way. It heals, brings back laugh ter, and allows a life to gether to grow even more together. But there is something about human forgiveness that makes it even more beautiful. It is the langu age God uses to tell us what he thinks of us. God’s word to each of us is very simple: I love you as you are; you are too important to be thrown a- way. It’s very simple, but the words can be very em pty if we have never for given others, or been for- Continued from Page 7 CLUB III is holding forth, with so much dancing. BAYOU LANDING, at this writing I am sorry to say is CLOSED. . . There’s a lot of us who wish that those fellows at city hall would “SEE IT OUR WAY” They are still holding up CABARET AFTER DARK after promising there would be no trouble in getting the liquor license. . . at least we deserve the right to know why this is happening. CABARET OPENED last month in HOLLYWOOD with a crowd of over three thousand. . . Now if that many epople go to a club in HOLLYWOOD including MISS ELIZABETH TAYLOR and friends, WHY you know it can’t be all that BABL Appl« Shawn Louis - Miss Gay America WHAT’S UP MR. MAYOR? Don’t you believe that we should all live together and love one another? THE COVE is planning a grand celebration Thursday the 17th. BRUCE AND GREG will be your host for a BUFFET and all bar drinks will be 25 cents from 8 till 10. They have great cruising and great music for dancing. .. See you there. Listen Tootsies, if you see somebody with a targe Picture Hat covered with Purple Orchids and Ribbons. . . That’s my EASTER BONNET they stole from my car. so don’t buy it. It has a curse on it. If the thief want to return it I will forgive him and give him a KISS. . . that alone will even the score. . . Hope you all get to the OSCAR SHOW ‘cause I promise to be the still living legend I used to be only this time ever so gorgeous. . . wonder how I’ll work that out? You’ll see. . . I love you . . . Bye for now PHYLLIS KILLER Chattanooga Chatter given our s e 1 v e s. Where there is ho human forgive-/ ness, ‘ there are no words to speak of God’s forgive-' ness. The only language we have to speak God’s forgiveness is human forgiveness itself. It can take a lifetime to understand how important our life with each other is if we and others are to learn about our God. I have come to realize only slowly that I dare not speak of God’s love to you unless I am willing to look at each of you and say: I love you as you are. If I can do that, I’ve done my part. Any thing more must come from God. If in the loving you come to know that God loves you, then praised be his name. He has used my love to touch you, and that is good. But if I do not love you, or am afraid to show it, then I have no other language to speak to you of God’s love. All words will be empty. I had best be silent and say nothing at all. So it is with me; so it must be with you. In the words of Paul, you are a mb assadors of Christ; God makes his appeal to men and women through you. You have the power to bring forth life and deep en love if only you learn to forgive, be it friend or stranger, lover, or even yourself. Speak his love with your own love. Speak his forgiveness with your own forgiveness. Or else be silent, and say nothing at all. by Kathy ' ■' * Hello. fellow gossip gatherers; here I am with more greasy dirt. It seems Miss Garbage, started a very big fad in the: S'Cenic City. A lot of people seem to be dis appearing in an awful big hurry and heading for the big “A” - at last count I believe it eight. That’s alright, though, for several of Hotlanta’s well- known entertainers have been showing up in our fair(y) city on Sundays. Among the biggies were the frantic and gay Mickey Day, the girl who set /Atlanta on fire: Mickey Martin, Atlanta’s “Shady Lady ” and Chattanooga ’ s “Fever Pussy” - Daisy Dalton ( she’s always coming home). And with Mickey, Mickey, and Daisy came the butch number fro m the Onyx, R. C. The girls went wild - didn’t they - Erica? This writer recently visited Atlanta to spend some time with her old friend Thelma Lou. Of course we hit me bars every night. The Onyx was a real experience: One of the waiters spilled eoca- cola all over me (its alright. Fred, we love you anyway). And, Bill, the bartender mixes . some mean drinks. Along for the vacation from “the City of the Scenic Tennessee” was my protege. Tony. The two of us have a date with our beloved editor this evening . - wonder what will happen? T. R. doesn’t drink, but I think he’ll have a fairly nice time anyway. Lately nothing has happened in the Scenic City (excepting of course the closing of the Nite Owl and the Cross Keys). If you get to Chattanooga stop by and see us at the Powder Puff. Cheerleader, Erica. Candy. Adrian and, of course, Trisha love to see new faces (and other things too - right girls?) until next time, Tony and I say : don’t ride-on re treads? - --Kathy Next Month In THE BARB The Oscar Winners and A Special Visit With Macon’s WE THREE LOUNGE Have you . jstened lately ?