The Barb. (Atlanta, Ga.) 197?-197?, May 01, 1975, Image 10

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THE BAH - 19 RIGHT TO LOVE C«teed from Page 3 and rights, at a time when oppression of “minorities” is un popular. Those of us who have come out since then don’t know what it was like “back then’’ (in I960) or else we’re too young, and besides, who cares about all of that political crap, because there’s this really hunky number I’m after, and if I can’t get him there are three guys begging for me, and all I need is some bread and a good lay. Son, that’s what the straight ts say about you also, and they aren’t talking about you satis faction, rather your reform. The most popular meeting placd in this city has recently benn closed. Our community “voice” has been com pletely mum on this issue. Lots of people have differen t stories about the causes, and they all seem to boil down to city politics. But what gay persons knows the true story, and what one borthered to go to the license hearing? Such difficulties have been suffered by other establishments recently also, but who bothers to complain? People just trip on over to those old dirty places that they deserted so quickly such a short time ago, and the grateful owners welcome them with open cash registers. You think you are liberated, but you are really just tolerated by government officials who could not aikido- Gosttell Wed. May 28 i MR ONYX CONTEST Wed. May 21 CASH PRIZES 1. $50.00 2. $25.00 3. $15.00 3 SHOWS SHOWTIME....Wed.- Sat SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS FRANK POWELL’S MW PIANO BAR featuring Jerxy Hennining Tom Melton COCKTAIL HOUR 4 - 8 Complimentary hors d’ oeuvre 60 5th st.nw old Wit s End every gay establishment out of business if they desired. All it would take would be a few people in the right places. Who would know and who would resist? Such gay togetherness as there is would melt. In societies at large, most people are a- poUtkal . and gays as a group aren’t any dif ferent in that respect but when your life is subject to the wiqjs of a few people, you aren’t free. The connection be tween the closing of a popular bar and the right to love another person is simply that freedom consists of lots of small things taken together. When the most basic of freedoms , that of assembly, can be controlled without * ^ complaint, nothing is safe. We continue to ac cept the implict de mands of society, and we live both within and without that society. Laws make our sexual behavior illegal, so we hide it,- accepting the status of an alien, even through we are supposed to be full citizens. Are we????????????? In a book entitled “Sexual Suicide,” Gild er claims that males are restless searches who must be tamed by women who bear them children, thus forcing the men to support the family and the women to cement it. The author has drawn upon some very general sexual characteristices to force people' of both sexes into super-tradi tional social molds. His views of homosexuals, are a frightening distil lation of all that is wrong with the way we live, for he claims that the male homosexual goes no further than the rest less searching, and in so doing wastes his life. Unfortunately that is true of many gay people. There is a lot of dif ference between having a lover and loving, still why are so many out looking for a new trick? Are they looking for something more than a good lay? Aren’t there other things to do be sides cruising all of the time? Much of this article might be taken as a veiled attempt to get gay people “married” to one another/ That is the next Big Lit to expect from society as the barriers crumble. Another re cent article in an Atlanta newspaper re ferred to an expected increase in homosexual marriages as more people “dropped out” of heterosexual com petition. There is die old attempt to force confirm!ty: sanction it through the . law. Straights are slowly m a k ing progress against this notion and gays must begin also. It must be made openly acceptable ** lor two people to live together as they choose, without the threat of legal, re ligious, moral, employ ment, housing, or other sanctions. That is a big order. It requires a day by day efforts of many people sticking their necks perpetually a little further out. What exists now Js only a a being human. Love requires nurturing, a friendly social environ ment, and external encouragement. Life on the “gay scene” isn’t at all conducive* to die formation of a serious relationship, because gays accept most of what straight society tells them about them selves. “Unstable, insecure, sick. ” Society doesn’t want to nurture a love relationship be tween gays, because that would fly in the face of everything it knows about promulgating the system: men for the "The Sceiic City’s Only Gay Supper Club" You Bet Your Sweet Ass We Open On Sunday (Till 3 AM) Powder Puff Lounge 28 East Main St. Chattanooga, Tenn. : An AH Star Cast > . Adrian Sanchez Cheerleader Trisha Danelli - Lorraine North Disc Jockey ... Thursday Friday Saturday 8 Sunday 3 Shows Nightly Friday Saturday 8 Sunday Phone (615) 265-9190 factories and cannon fodder, and women for motherhood. Fantastic strides have been made in the last few years by gay people who were brave enough to stand up for their beliefs drop in a bucket com pared to what remains to be done. The starting point is to reject the perpetual myths and lies we have accepted from society, and to then work out our destinies. We hear those words again and again. Does anyone realize their implica- 24 Carat Crap Continued from Page 7. “SC” (your friendly gossip grabber) took a trip to Hotlanta to the Onyx Lounge, and be lieve me, had a BALL! Your reporter, in her usual high dizziness, even did a dance on the stage--unscheduled but noticed....Too bad the talent scouts weren’t there when “JL” and I did about 10 different dances in one song. Arthur Murray and Ver non Castle eat your hearts out. Of course we were “ZONKED” and loved it. We were present for the first night of the Miss Onyx Pageant. We missed the second night, but our congratulations go forward to Miss Vicki Lawrence for her win. We were sorry that our first runner-up, Lee Shannon, from the Onyx, could not make our show due to illness. Hope you are better now lovely Lee. Our own Miss Maria sure seems to like her Vodka Collins!!! Of course her favorite bar tender (Miss Sara, naturally) got to eat her cheeries --all of them. By the way Maria, how many are there??? Nite Notes Continued from Page 8. soon as the Mayor signs on the dotted line... FRANK POWELL will hold forth with a new and exciting Cocktail Hout 4-8 with HERRY HENNIGAN tickling the Ivories...fancy goodies and many plans in the making.... We should hace know that CATHE RINE POWELL will always he on the bar scence in the HOT LANTA.......The worlds most glamorous grand mother, Super Scat of Hollywood and heartbeat of many girl, Marlene Dietrict will be at the Fairmont Hotel May 14- 24. ...WOW! Well my Tootisits, hows that for .new...Oh! almost forgot CLUB in IS STILL GREAT for Dancing and Dining and Cruising, speaking of cruising...will I see you Atlanta Arts Festival in Piedmont Park? Cruis ing the pictures or the people..well whichever, different strokes for different folks. You can take it from PHYLLIS KILLER they are both gonna be good...See you there, .-PHYLLIS ' - ~*i ' * * ^ j * . T'**« » \ J • £ L 1 ' Jr* •■•Ml' \\ I' t t » t fff-f f