The Barb. (Atlanta, Ga.) 197?-197?, June 01, 1975, Image 7

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THE BARB *7 A Straight Look At Gay Life by Peter Thomas I recently asked a good friend, Catherine Saxe, if she would interview some of her “straight” friends about homosexuality, and their attitudes on “gay” life. Catherine, who is a “straight,” warm and vivacious human being, acquiesced. Originally I’d intended a series of in terviews with “gay” friends on their experiences with the heterosexual culture, but instead we’d like to ask the BARB readers to write us letters and comments regarding their views, at titudes and experiences with “straights.” Readers, the BARB is YOUR newspaper. We ask you sincerely to participate, and we plan to publish letters received in a GAY FORUM in a subsequent issue of the BARB. Following are the interviews by Catherine Saxe. I interviewed many business people, from secretaries to vice presidents, ministers and housewives. Surprisingly, the ones who objected the most to the homosexual way of life were the ministers. This surprised me since I felt they would be ones to be un derstanding. One minister belongs to a group who called themselves “free thinkers” and the other minister a little more orthodox. One minister mentioned that the Bible states “Let them come out so that we can know them, “speaking of homosexuality.. But he failed to explain why. He further stated “They are sick.” I asked the question: Do you think a child is born a homosexual? A: No, but it might begin in childhood with a desire to be like “Mother.” They stated that each human is responsible for his life and being homosexual defies this purpose. Q: If you lived next door would it bother you? A: No, but wouldn’t want them around teen-agers. (Others persons interviewed felt that they would not want homosexuals around their children for fear of them approaching the children or attacking them.) The ministers also felt that homosexuality is a threat to the survival of reproduction. I also interviewed two secretaries ... one married, the other single. The married one stated that she had never been close enough to the situation to really have definite feelings. However, it didn’t bother her. She said “every person has a right to live as they want to.” But when asked “If you went to a bar and saw two men dancing would it bother you? ” A: “Yes, because it is against everything I am used, to.” (But this seems very vague....she wasn’t used to homosexuality but said it didn’t bother her.) Q: How about a Lesbian ... how do you feel about them? A: “As long as I am not approached it doesn’t bother me. It would offend me if it was displayed in public. I know the situation exists but perfer to close my eyes to it.” The second single secretary stated she felt homosexuality was a threat against womanhood. She would want a man to be attracted to her ... not to another man. It would be hard to accept, but feels she could be friends with them. She reminded me of the TV movie “That Certain Sum mer” when the woman meets her ex-husband’s male lover she tells him that had he been The Sctnic City’s Only Cay Supper Club” You Bet Your Sweet Ass We Open On Sunday (Till 3 AM) Powder Puff Lounge 28 East Main St Chattanooga, Tenn. An All Star Cast Adrian Sanchez Cheerleader Trisha Danelli Lorraine North Disc Jockey Thursday Friday Saturday & Sunday 3 Shows Nightly Friday Saturday & Sunday Phone (615) 265-9790 a woman she would have known how to compete. She could not compete with a man. These were the ones who had strong feelings but most of the people interviewed felt in today’s society it is ac cepted and that it doesn’t really affect them one way or the other. I think it is a factor in our society that is feared taboo. Women are frightened by the myth that homosexual or bisexual fathers will produce homosexual children. Many stated that certainly now it is more acceptable in our society...years ago they would not have even discussed it openly. In 1938 Afred Kinsey and his associates at the Institute for Sex Research in Bloomingdale, Indiana wrote that 4% of the white males in the U. S. exclusively are homosexual throughout their lives after the onset of adolescence. He also wrote that 18% of American males have as much homosexual as heterosexual experiences in their history between the ages of 16 and 55. Freud concluded that all living* creatures and cer tainly all human beings are bisexual by nature. Dr. Kinsey fotind that homosexual activity among animals is just as prevalent as it is among human beings nnd having a male dog I personally can verify this. Classified ads Bisexuality seems to be more acceptable than homosexuality. Homo sexuality is not a disease — it is simply a variant of the human condition. They don’t fit the flighty stero- types that appear in movies or plays - but look and are normal human beings. Is the saying “We hate in other people what we dare not admit in ourselves” true? We have all had the op portunity to divulge and discuss our sexual orientation with “straight” friends and relatives. Have we done so? And why? Was it guilt? Was it an attempt to achieve a more honest and open relationship? Examine you motivations, write us of your experiences, and share your yiews with other BARB readers. All mail please to: Peter Thomas, THE BARB P.O. Box 7922, Atlanta, Ga. 30909 'jOONVS ...JfAPPy MONDAY - FRIDAY 4 till 7:30 12:00 till 7:30 .DINNlV HOURS . 6 till 11:30 each nite . •HOT SANDWICHS • 11:30 >3:00 each nite • RESTAURANT & LOUNGE 49 Sixth Street N.E. ATLANTA, GA. page 11. SWEET qUM hEAd BILL SAUNDERS & TROY WILLIAMS present MR GAY ATLANTA PAGEANT SWEET GUM HEAD CAST SPECIAL GUEST STARS and atlant*s most beautiful boys THURSDAY IUNE 26th 8:000’Clock REGULAR SHOWS NIGHTLY MON. - SAT Sweet Gum Head east <t RACHEL WILLS SHISA i> DIVA SANCHES 6 KELLY a LAVITA ALLEN {, SAYTAN de VILLE