The Barb. (Atlanta, Ga.) 197?-197?, July 01, 1975, Image 14

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14-THE BARB cim service Continued from Page I individuals involved in thie court cases and not to homosexuals as a group. While barring federal job discrimination solely on the basis of homosexuality, the new rules still say “a person may be dismissed or found unfit for federal employment where the evidence establishes that such person’s conduct affects job fitness.” Oeiesby said this means a homosexual could be dismissed if he disrupts work by “putting his hands all over all the fellows in the shop.” He added that a man similarly bothering women employees also could be con sidered to be disrupting work! Dr. Franklin E. Kameny, president of the Washington Mattachine Society, an organization for homosexuals, said the new rules mean a homosexual federal worker “doesn’t have to worry as he did in the past that if the government found out about • his homosexuality he would be dismissed;” , Dr. Kameny, who once ran for D.C. delegate on a platform espousing homosexual rights and who now describes himself as a ‘.‘functional gay community, resource,” said that 18 years ago he was dismissed as an astronomer for the U.S. Army Map Service because of his homosexuality. He added he unsuccessfully fought his dismissal in the courts. He said he considers the new rules “the successful conclusion of an 18-year battle on my part, which should never have com menced had the Civil Service Commission observed basic American practices from the beginning.” Oglesby said that in the past homosexuals generally were barred from federal jobs under a «rule /forbidding “immoral con duct.” The new rules do not bar “immoral conduct, ’' but do forbid “infamous or notoriously disgraceful conduct.” The new rules define “in famous conduct” as relating “to those few individuals whose social behavior is so bizarre or so clearly aberrant that the conduct in itself evidences depravity. Such things as incest child abuse, bestiality, self multilation and similar acts, are of such a nature that the employment of the in dividual clearly would not promote, the efficiency of the service,” ‘‘Notoriously disgraceful conduct” is defined as “shameful in nature . . and talked of in a scornful manner* . , , Disqualification in such cases is warranted only [when the notoriety accompanying the conduct can reasonably be ex pected to adversely affect the person's ability to perform his or her job or the agency’s ability to carry out its responsibilities. ” Dr. Kameny said] he is con cerned about the “infamous or notoriously disgraceful conduct” section of the new rules. “If by that they mean it’s perfectly all right to be homosexuals and work and remain in a closet, my answer is no .. they’re not going to relegate us to a closet in 1975,1 assure you APATHY Continued from page 2 Good-so accept us.” We must live our faith by reaching out to our brothers and sisters, both straight and Gay, by expressing the love of Christ that is within ' us, letting them see us care for the lonely and rejected, the ill and dying, the poor- and hungry, the Gays who have been alienated 'from the Church , by individuals unequipped to understand them, and the education of our total church about what it really means to be Gay. Another area is the Political Arena. We must support bills that will end the oppression of the civil rights of Gays. We can do this by writing our representatives in the government in support of laws which will ensure that Gays have the civil 'rights that should have already been ours. We must help get the Atlanta Gay Community (potentially 200,000 mind you) registered and active as voters. In doing this, we will be showing our whole society the civic respon sibility of the Gay Community. We, above all other minorities, should realise what we would stand to lose if our democratic system ever failed. If our whole society, both straight and Gay, can defeat apathy the future will be much brighter. In summary, if my proposal, r make me sound like an Ah American Pie, Flag Waving, Gay Catholic Christian, then you have my message! Down with apathy! Art students: help the gay community and develops a portfolio, work with THE BARB. Call 874-3232. of that,” Dr. Kameny said. Bacil Warren, another , com mission spokesman, said he doesn’t think great numbers of homosexuals will now enter the civil service. “I think it will be gradual,” he said. Oglesby said “there’s ‘no question in anyone’s mind that a few of them got through the door and a few of them are in the service. I don’t know who they are or where they are, but in a force as large as ours there must be some.” The new rules say that persons may be barred from federal jobs for misconduct in past em ployment, criminal conduct, refusal to give testimony required by government, rules, habitual use to excess of intoxicating beverages, abuse of narcotics and drugs, and “reasonable doubt as to the loyalty of the person in volved” to the government of the United States. Bit Sues Navy To Stav In SAN DIEGO (A% - Gay Santa Barbara educator who says he is bisexual has filed a federal court suit to stay in the Naval Reserve. ’ Gary Newton Hess, a Naval Reserve commander at Point Mugu in Southern California, is asking that his dischargee be blocked and the the Navy’s regulations barring homosexuals from service be struck down. Hess also sought $10,000 in damages. Hess is a member of the Santa Barbara County Board _ of Education and assistant director of learning resources at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is also vice president of Santa Barbara Educational Television. At 44, he is divorced and has four children. A three-man Navy fitness panel recommended last week that Hess be discharged honorably as a homosexual. , j Hess denied engaging in homosexual conduct while in service and says hi$ 23-year Navy record is spotless. He has said puplicly that his private life is none of the Navy’s business arfd has accused the government of persecuting him for public statembnts made in [(defense of homosexuality. YOUNGMiAN IN- ! CORPORATED A VERY PERSONAL SERVICE FLOSSIE Continupii from Page 4 | destined for tippety-jop star dom... Drink, dance, and eyeball the cuties at DELMOIfICO’S, a disco that must be seen to be believed and if you’re very lucky you might catch me doing my own inimitable version of the turkey trot.. Try the CHINAGATEfor Chinese cusine that’s top-notch served in a delightful at- moshpere. Just tell them that you’re a friend of Flossie’s. Chopsticks anyone???? il think I’m going to cry. I just feel so sad when it’s time to end the iponth’s column, but the lasf time I turned in a 44-page column the editor wouldn’t speak to me for a month. Talk with your next month, and in the meantime be kind, think lovely thoughts, help your brothers and sisters, and remember that Flossie prays for each and everyone of you. Love and kisses from your own F.F. ANNOUNCING LEATHER FOREVER’S All New Catalogue #3. Bigger and Better than ever! Fully Illustrated. All Clothing and Leather Novelties Pictured on Live Models! Hundreds of new items . , . Jewelry, Accessories, new Leather and Latex Novelties, Boots, Ladies' Leathers. Send $2.50 to: 1702 Washington Street San Francisco, California 94109 Phone (415) 885-5773 Bank Americard, Master Charge, American Express, Omars Club & Carta Blanche - Rive account number & expiration data. LEA1 m E R <OR] EV ER CLUB THREE PROUDL Y PRESENTS WATTS TP "THE UPTOWN DISCO" • MOST EXCITING LIGHT- J SHOW IN ATLANTA • 1,500 WATTS OF MUSIC 1 POWER BRINGING YOU THE ! TOPS IN ‘DISCO* HITS • WATCH FOR THE GRAND OPENING SOON!! OPENING SOON ^MULTI-LEVEL DANCE FLOOR • OUTDOOR PAHO LOUNGE • DESIGNED WITH “YOU” IN MIND • OPENING LATE JULY We Serve Good Times O funch served doily from 11:30 ant til* 2:00 pm. e Disco Dancing nightly Dance contest every Wednesday [cash prizesj e Midnight Breakfast on Fri. & Sat. Nights tiV 6:00 am l I ]Nen> Lighted Parking f-ot Security Guard 1139 W, Peachtree t N.E, Atlanta, Ga,