The Barb. (Atlanta, Ga.) 197?-197?, August 01, 1975, Image 10

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10-THE BARR Reverend Elder John Gill, Pastor Reverend Jim N. Snow, Assistant Pastor Reverend Arthur Cazeault, Assistant Pastor Worship Sundat at 10 A.M., 2 P.M.. and 6 P.M. Wednesday Worship 8 P.M. Three Bars In-One Piano Bar-Show Bar-Rec Bar GO GO CLUB Shows Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun at 10,12 & 2 CAST: DJ: Cheerleader Candy Betty Adrian Mike Sandwiches & Pizza 1077 Duncan Avenue Chattanooga 2325 CHESHIRE BRIDGE ROAD PHONE 325-0967 #A$NA * STEAM ROOM WHIRLPOOL BATH SNACK BAR • TV BOOM WE’VE ADDED MORE ROOMS WHEN IN FLORIDA, VISIT ’’THE LOCKER ROOM” AT 1914 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA C/ui'de C 7b gtoMMCP declivities WED. August 20 MR. TEENAGER CONTEST WED. August 27 AtUUM&liLG/Uf P<i/Utf MON. SEPT. 1 LABOR DAY free fish fry JTeGULAR'sHOWS* Tuesday sept.2 MufJit Oh. Polynesia Native dancers & Costumes DOOR PRIZE 341 W. PEACHTREE ST., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. (404) 523-9105 By Sara Coven yry Hi there Sisters and Brothers Sara C. once again bringing cheer from the We Three Lounge in good old Macon, Ga!!! SHOWTIME The New August a Movement was our latest show feature at the We Three and judging from audience reaction, it has to be one of the best shows we’ve ever had here. The high spot of the evening had to be SANDY, from our DISTAFF side of the gay world. She was a KNOCKOUT!!!!.!! LOVE IN BLOOM The must be something more in the air around Macon other than the paper mill. Seems the love bug hit town in Celebrate Mass With. DIGNITY ATLANTA “A Catholic Outreach to the Gay Community” ..Grow by sharing with your Brothers ans Sisters in liturgy, discussion, socials, and sporting ac tivities St. Thomas Moore Church 624 West Ponce De Leon Ave., Decatur, Georgia 30030. First and Third Wednesdays - 8:00 pm. FOR MORE IN FORMATION WRITE MARTY COCHRAN, POB 77013, ATLANTA, 30309 OR CALL 873-2670. 24 Carat Crap style. Bells have tolled for James and Jerry, Mike and David, Bill}; and Johnny. Sara C is patiently waiting for August to arrive and bring home the meat, oops, I meant bacon. FM and JJ also are an item, ditto TF and Eric. WHATEVER The Gamma Alpha Yiota fraternity picnic, 7 June 75, proved to be a most festive outing for members and guests. It was held at Lake Sinclair. Some of the at tendees were obviously sun- shy, and spent a goodly amount of time in the tent. “HJ,” was a* prime tent- squatter. Whatever you were doing, it must have been enjoyable* huh “HJ?????” Miss TB (of tire fame) also spent a session or two, as rumor has it. SC and FM, had a rather festive beer fight.' JR, a new sister, had the cutest blue shorts under that tacky swimsuit, which looked like Johnny Weismuller’s 1925 gym suit. Our fearless leader, Mama E. gave a rousing speech on emancipation or some related topic. Funny, I though everyone there was Jewish!!!!!!! Your reporter must have had a good time. She remembers very little, and in her book that’s a sign of a good time. Sorry JR, but you can’t rape the willing. NEWS AND NOTES Your reporter is gaining a new reputation hereabouts. Seems Tuesday night, some person roused her Irish temper and Sara put aside her jewels and took care of the -individual in style. We can’t have any cracked emeralds or rhinestones, can we now????? Well darlings, that’s all the news this month. Until next time, keep your jewels shining. Sara C 5* - PAGE 15 - 5 e DE SADE on page 15 Metropolitan Commtmity Church-A tlanta MOT i<MfT A BATH AB AJHAMQA HALF 1 THE LOCKER ROOM 800 NORTH HIGHLAND AVENUE ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30306 (404) 872-2246