The Barb. (Atlanta, Ga.) 197?-197?, August 01, 1975, Image 8

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With Steve Warren August isn’t one of the great movie months; don’t expect any major films until Labor Day--if then. Mean while. stand in line for “Jaws.” or see “Nashville” again; or see “Love and Death.” if you like Woody .Allen and - laughter. the most popular of the later releases seems to be “Rollerball.” for reasons which escape me. It’S a carefully produced film that should have been great, and it seems sincere in its war nings about the dangerous growth of multinational corporations and the in creasing bloodthirstiness of sports fans; but the only scenes with impact are the violent ones depicting the fictious--for the moment- sport of “Rollerball.” James Caan (no. 6, c.) and a teammate, defend the goal in “Rollerball.” James Caan coasts through his dramatic scenes, but works hard at doing most of his own skating in the Rollerball sequences. He plays the first superstar of the game, who becomes dangerous to the slightly futuristic society where government-by-corporations is determined to squash in dividual achievement. “Rollerball” is an okay movie with nothing new to say. Two films which are less sterile dramatically and so old in form they seem new are “Aloha, Bobby and Rose” and f ‘Return to Macon County.” Both are of the stuff that provided us in the fifties with “B” movies, and an occasional winner like “Rebel without a Cause.” The protagonists in both new pictures are out of their teens; and in both cases, a basically innocent situation lands them in deep trouble and sends them on the run. Bobby (Paul Le Mat) and Rose (Dianne Hull) are the more interesting and sym pathetic couple. In ' Return to Macon County,” a nominal sequel to last year’s “Macon County Line,” a threesome is in volved: Nick Nolte, a racer; Don Johnson, his mechanic and friend; and Robin Mattson, a girl they pick up who becomes Nick’s love interest (and, between the lines, Don’s competition). It takes place in 1958. Anarchronism-spotters can Don Johnson (1.) and Nick “Return to Macon County.” have a field day with “Hamburgers Helpers” and a soundtrack made up of 1959’s greatest hits. “Cleopatra Jones” was the campiest of the “Blax- politation” movies, with the possible exception of “Blacula.” The sequel;, “Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold,” has far less (intentional) humor, largely because Shelley Winters isn’t on hand to provide it. Tamara Dobson, who spent her time between films working on her makeup (or doing anything but learning to act!), appears again as the big, black beautiful, agent who roams .the world in search of drug syndicates to bust. This time she’s in Hong Kong, where the bust is on Stella Stevens. Maybe I should rephrase that...and maybe I shouldn’t. For your amusement along the way, there’s a tastefully- filmed Lesbian orgy, and a group of street urchins who look like chicken Chow mein! Cleo has no time for romance, but gets very close to a Chinese girl (Tanny) who seems unnaturally close to her brother. The first gay movie since “A Very Natural Thing” to break through to “straight” theatres by vitue of an “R” ra ting (extremely lenient, in this case) is “Saturday Night at the Baths.” Like “A Very Natural Thing,” it’s not a ripoff, but it’s only a short step up from amateur work. It preaches bisexuality; but when the manager of the Baths goes 'for him and his girlfriend doesn’t seem to mind, the questioning process begins. The scene where he traces his hang-ups back to their childhood source is a Nolte Cruise the chicks in dramatic plus. Two sex sequences-one straight, one gay-are heavy enough to help the film commercially. Steve Ostrbw, owner of the Continental Baths, is listed as co-producer and appears as himself. If he expects the picture to boost his business, he’s in for a disappointment; the murky photography make the Baths look quite unap petizing. “Doc Savage..the Man of Bronze” has played most of the Southeast already, and, isn’t likely to be back. If you: missed it, you *e lucky. I just brought it up as an excuse to include a hunky picture of the star, Ron Ely, who should go back to swinging through trees. The output from two seasons of the American Film Theatre, formerly available Continued on Page 14 hideda companion for■ ’--Vi’ An evening at the theatre A dinner engagement Just a night on the town youngman incorporated Youngman Incorporated provides discreet and personable escorts, to inquire call 874-7713