Flagpole. (Athens, Ga.) 1987-current, January 06, 1988, Image 7

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fFLAQ TOVE page 7 I * : 4. A.-*;- . > - . * .*.*■*! Dateline Houston. Texas State of the Rock, planet Brenda and I visited Houston over Christmas and saw our neice Natalie. She’s three years old and we hadn't seen her for over a year. She said some great stuff. She called me "With the beard,” and Brenda was,"Not with the beard." When she looked through my mirror scope at her father, she said she saw,"a hundred Daddy’s". The neatest thing that happened was when Brenda was pretending to do magic and asked her to say the magic words to make one of her toys disappear. Brenda said,” Abrakazoo, Abrakazoo, Wake Up, Disappear, Begin Again!" Spiritual, Huh? They have the greatest potato chips out there in Texas. They’re called Bob's or Groffs, different names, but made by the same company. They're so crunchy it’s like exploding a light bulb in your mouth when you bite one, but your tongue doesn't get all sliced up and they taste great. There's jalapenos that kill, they’re so hot, and mesquite flavor that tastes like barbequed pork fat was dripped on it but there's no meat in the ingredients. Yum. On the way back we saw a UFO and it had flashing lights on the side that spelled out "satan saves". When it came down this little green man got out and I went up to him and asked what that meant! He reached out and snatched off my dick and said "satan saves these". I was getting tired of always wanting to fuck girls anyway, (so was Brenda, Ed.) Now for the music! The 13th Floor Elevators are from Houston (I think) and their first album "The Psychedelic Sounds of the 13 th Floor Elevators" is one of the top 10 albums of all time. It rocks, it scares, it soothes, it grooves. Get your record store to order you one. Well that’s all except STOP FORMAT RADIO! The DJs and the people can figure out what to play. That's the state of the rock as I see it for now. Love, Chip vXv.v JCV V x : x£x£x;x£xxx|x*>x; •%v.\v.v : : : : :-x : x : : : x ow mm y: : £l V T '.’.im vlvl