Flagpole. (Athens, Ga.) 1987-current, September 10, 1997, Image 10

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MOVIE LISTINGS ALPS (S48-S2S6) Batman & Robin IPG n) 4 45 Si 9/13 H$y 9/14 Bramd (MIR) t SOSa 9/13 HSu 9/u Chasing Amy (R) 7 00 daily Crosse Point Blank (R) 9 30 daily •KICHWOOD (S46-1011) Contact IPG) IDTS) 2 00. 700 Cop Land IR) 2 OS. 430. 7 0S. 9:20 Del Jam's How to Be a Player (R) 7 30.9 so Event HorUon (R) 2 10. 4 35. 7 10. 9 35 Excess Baggage IPG 13) 2 JO. 4 45. 7 20.9 30 Hoodlum (R) 200. 4:30. 700. 9 30 Leave It to Beaver (PG) 2 20, 4 20 Men In Black (PG-13) 2 IS. 4 is. 7 is. 9 is Mimic IR) 2:25. 4 40. 7:25. 9 40 Nothing to lose |R) 4:55.9 55 fhe moll theaters don't qet Ihetr showhmes before our presstime Please call the theaters lor current schedules. OIOKOIA SQUARE MALL - Inside IS43-163?) Conspiracy Thoory (R) Fire Oown Below IR) George ol the Jungle (double featurr ^/Heresies) (PG) Picture Ported (PG 13) lends Th 9/11) A Smile Like Yours (PG 13) (starts F 9/12) OIOKOIA SQUARI MALL - Outside (548 9460) Air Force One (R) C.l. Jane (R) The Game (R) (starts F 9/12) Kull The Congueror (PG-13) (ends Th 9/n) Money Talks (R) She's So Lovely (R) Air Force One (R) Wollgang Petersen's presidential thriller starring Harnson Ford tails Hal with predictable action, generic dialogue and stale vil lains Gary Oldman plays a mighty line Russian had guy. but isnl this cold war drama slut! a little outdated 7 Ford* per formance as Hie Tuck ass’ prez is okay enough lo maybe make this top heavy (lick worth the matinee (Mall Outside) Batman and Robin (PG-13) George Clooney and a pack ot sad co-stars lurch then way through one o( the tacki est. most nauseating movies ot the summer Screw the Batman franchise (Alps) Brssud Off (R) Wondedul him set in a northern England coal mining town starring Pete Poslldhwaite (Lost World) . Ewan McGregor (Trainspotting and Tara Fit/gerald (The Englishman Who Went Up A Hill And Came Down A Mountain!) This drama/comedy focuses on the effect the probable coal pit clo sure will have on the working class fam ilies and the local miner brass band led by Posllethwaite Steve Thompkinson may be (he most memorable character as the bandleader's son who nearly loses his marbles atler losing every thing else Very British, very dry and very much worth a look (Alps) Chising Amy (R) Good movie Worth the cheap admission it only to see Dwight Ewell spout oil about the racism in the Star Wars trilogy Low budget Gen X comedy with plenty ot blunt sex discussions (Alps) Conspiracy Theory (R) Although this strange Richard Donner paranoia movie has its share ot minor problems (goofy soundtrack, choppy setup, Julia Roberts), the core story is fascinating and entertaining Mel Gibson performs surprisingly acll as the seemingly crazy New York cabbie who nervously pub lishes a conspiracy theory newsletter CIA bad guy Patric Slewart shows up in a lew menacing scenes (one Marathon Man/Clockwork Orange scene, in par ticular) Minus the romantic subplot. Conspiracy Theory is wf! worth a look (Mall Inside) Contact (R) One ol the summers best big-budget movies by far Jodie Foster leads the way through a scientilic/spin- lual journey to the truth * Based on the 1985 Cad Sagan novel Don! miss the intro (Beechwood) Cop Land (R) Not a great movie, but a good movie A New Jersey town serves as a sate haven lor a pack ol crooked NYPD Will the hall-deal loser Sheriff, played by Stallone, finally stand up to these guys 7 In spite ol the sometimes rambling storyline and loose ends, there’s a lot to watch in this police drama Stallone should definitely shoot lor more roles like this, bless his heart Co-starring Janeane Garatalo. Michael Rapp^xMt and Ray liorta (Beechwood) Oef Jam's How To Bo A Player (PG-13) Insipid comedy about sex and infidelity starring Bill Bellamy (MTV), lark Voorhies (’Saved By The Bell*) and Berme Mac Rent Booty Call for quality offensive sexual comedy (Beechwood) Event Horizon (R) Terrible ... in a good way Some people love bad so-h (licks that rip oft other sci-li Hicks Some enjoy crappy horror movies that feature ’frightening* religious themes Event Homon incorporates all these vital ingredients with its loud mediocrity and ridiculous special effects Starring Laurence Fishburne. Sam Neill and Joely Richardson Go cheap? (Beechwood) Excess Baggage (R) The pouty and perky AJioa Sitwrstone (Clueless) and the putty, mumbling Bemcio Del Toro (Usual Suspects) learn up accidentally after her staged kidnapping scheme backfires This road comedy/drama twists and meanders blindly through a strange, unconvincing ’story’ There's a little romance here, a lew gunshots there, some Christopher Walken and a dash ol Harry Conmck. Jr It* entertain ing watching the odd and sometimes funny Silvers!one/Del Torn combination, but the movie itself lacks any locus or purpose (Beechwood) Fire Down Below (R1 See Movie Pick (Mall Inside) Tha Game (R) Directed by David Fincher (Seven. Aliens 3). The Game is a suspenseful thriller starring Michael Douglas as a shrewdly successful busi nessman who receives an unexpected birthday gift Irom his brother. Sean Penn The ’game’ soon erupts into a confusing maze of devastating events Douglas has to win the game or lose control ol everything in his tile. Costarring Deborah Unger and Armm Muefier-Stahl (Mall Outside) G.l. Jane (R) Demi Moo'e. Anne Bancroft and Viggo Mortensen march their way through Ridley Scott's femi nist* military drama The serious theme was lost on the ridiculous and gratu itous performances and dialogue that this movie was supposedly against ! wish they had cast Dudley Moore, or even Rudy Ray Moore, in the lead instead (Mall Outside) George Of The Jungle (PG) Brendan Fraser slams into trees while Shaft leads a pack ot imbeciles through a crappy kids tick (Mall Inside) Grosse Point Blank (R) Alt ol the anxiety and tun the 10-year high school reunion wrapped up in a darkly funny hired assassin comedy starring John Cusack. Minnie Driver and Dan Aykroyd (Alps) Hoodlum (R) Bad news It* so disap pointing to watch a talented cast wasted on such bad filmmaking. Tim Roth, Andy Garcia and Laurence Fishburne play actual 1930s Harlem hoodlums who clumsily battle lor control of the lottery ’numbers* racket No story, no continuity, no tun Even if you enjoy onscreen gun battles and bloodshed, they screw all that stuff up as welt. Avoid Hoodlum (Beechwood) Kull The Conqueror (PG-13) From the hilarious heavy metal intro to the fiery ’conclusion.* this is one ot fhe most gaudy, virile, ridiculous movies out now Kevin Sorbo (’Hercules’ on TV) becomes king ot some we:rd Euro- Arabic fantasy castle, plays cards with a sexy ’slave' played by Karina lombard marries an evil witch (whoops’) played by Tta Carrere. loses his ’kingdom' to the allies ol Hell, beats up Harvey Fierstem. and nearly freezes to death while trying to save litefoot in fhe icy cave ol Vulca Filmed in Croatia and Slovakia Director John Nrcoletta must have watched Conan The Barbarian and The Holy Grail while on a lot ot cough syrup A must-see lor ’bad movie' afi cionados (Mall Outside) Leave tt To Beaver (PG) These film makers want the moviegoers to sit back and take in the lull measure ol Hollywood cuteness played out so safe ty onscreen by the cast ol this lame TV remake No 1 Don! be tooled Cameron Finley is a cute kid and Jamne Turner may well be 'quite a babe lor a mom’ as Eddie Haskell stales, but this movie goes nowhere and otters very little lor the younger crown and the older bunch Sorry to be so hard on the Beaver, but aw. gee (Beechwood) Men In Black (PG-13) If Tommy Lee Jones wasn't so damn cool, ihis secret agent alien comedy wouldn't have worked He and Will Smith police alien traffic Vincent D'Onotno catches a ’bug ’ and the plane! is threalened Fun. safe and short Rip Torn. Linda Fiorenlino and Tony Shalhoub also star (Beechwood) Mimic (R) A DNA "thriller" Irom Mexican director Guillermo del Toro starring Mira Sorvino. Jeremy Northam and Charles Dutton A pair ot married scientists plan lo slop an epidemic by releasing a genetically engineered breed ot insects in the New York subway These, unfortunately, don't die oft as planned and grow to human-sized ’mimics’ underground The story is nicety set up. but follows through with a resounding thud Mr Funnyshoes 7 Come on A hundred human-sized roaches can! make up tor the lack of real horror (Beechwood) Money Talks (PG-13) Rent 48 Hours or Trading Places, watch it in fast for ward with a Richard Pryor record play ing at 45 rpm in the background, and you!I successfully emulate the repetitive Chris Tucker experience in this lame action comedy (Mall Outside) Nothing To Lota (R) Tim Robbins and Martin Lawrence deserve better than and late risers can get coffee and [VdKdV' bagels, served from c®kies 7:30 until ultwc every ftCTHrAtlY ft NO AD ftfW* ouTPorr J (706)795-3242 $15 WkEnds $10 WkDay Great for Beginners and Groups Lawson Family Chiropractic Center Meg Ann Lawson, D.C. Are STRESSED? Take This Simple Test Check All 'That Apply U lltffirL-lt» •Wftutg □ Irnlalikr □ UfUIrnrr,, LI |W-|nrMoi □ ILmU*. Kr*/|Min> Q l>igr*tion (UturUrirr* Q ull» mnrmt rating □ 11 radar hr* If you an»wered YES, to any of the ahovr, you may benefit from CHIROPRACTIC CARE. CALL today and schedule your FREE SPINAL SCREENING AND CONSULTATION! UGA durount available. Any further treatment will he agreed upon in writing anti aignetl by both parties. 1570 Prince Ave. 546-4488 ®JF ’Hr «JF Every Friday. Saturday. & Sunday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 4 BIG BUILDINGS- & 3 GREAT RESTAURANTS Tables - Outside $5 / day Tables - Inside $8 /-day - S15 for -2 days! ’ ■000 Vendors to Serve You! New Restaurant New Parking Lot Bargains Galore! 613-2410 Hides north of \thens on 11 w\ 41 L os m ros: cm a bit of country Downtown! * •.• SEPTEMBER ID, 1997