Southern world : journal of industry for the farm, home and workshop. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1882-18??, March 01, 1882, Image 16

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16 THE SOUTHERN WORLD, MARCH 1, 1882, 1WE0FFERSE0.00IH GASH PRIZES (or HWJforthe three largest n ■ of Tile Host Water Jlclo aUUe*. one crown , -... —— oi THr him Water .'(clou. Tills new melon coni- j^tTtCTWT^WrTTIL J in- k<»«i qunUili-". The th-h i*-nf a d'-cpecar- MrlWi'Mi'MwMrMi'Amf -#IJM^k'mn let. rich In sucur.ainl'Is always i lirysialliu- mid melting. j t [ s among tUe earliest, Is among Ilia heaviest, the most -tlve.and a Rood shipper. Do not'fall to try It; you win not regret It. Per pocket Mels., S l‘'k'ls forth --i 4-.71 »:i,ON-IV«-w .Superb, early, sugary flsror, oneof the Best, per packet IScta. Calibnc'-. law- ••’a Karllest—Ten days earlli-r than any other variety, per packet It eta. Celery, Mow (Juldei. J i l~Waxy golden yellow,per packet 10 els. Lellurc, now- Paper White A line tender sort, per ■t 10 eta. Lettuce, Illoomiulnlc IIiittoo-A variety that Is Htfortalile use longer than any other, eket 10 eta. Mquaab, Essex llybrld One of the rlchi-st flavored, tlnest grained and sweetest ol all lash family, per packet 10 cm. Tomato, Early Hybrid line of Ihe handsomest and best new T« ■ -i - -*, a good shipper, per packet lo it„ L ltlf«s’ American Wonder Pen-Extra early, no bushing, ■in:-lie flavor, per pacr~* — »«■ t iii. lmr Cnn-ot •tier anil crisp, tine flavor, -I I - a, * KUUU Hllllitn!i. |icr liavnil IU ItOI—■•■■■« laasan •• ”, omi; I mi Iiuiiiiinai s- .inisito flavor, per packet li eta. thru, New KnynUan—Very sweet anil productlvejier iiacket ions. JlBilll—WirRi Ilka Eaariy-Tbe earliest, ■ et III el Mew Ford Madgrlis, line flavor, perla«HHHHi K-nd hy mall, prepaid. for|l.00 or seven of the above .—Theearliest, per packet 10 eta. 4'ueiiiulH-r, Hiamnrek-Ten- ket 111 cts. The above IS packets, mating ul Catalogue rules fl.90, we will .. .. seven of the above assortments for f5.W. For Eight Choice Vffrifftisa of 3VOXSE7- Vegolahlo Soods, as follows: Reef, ■ Karly Yellow Orange. l'abbaj;<*, Improved UrniiKWirk, Cnrrotw Altrlngham, t'licum- iMTeTttHby’HlIyhrui, 1^‘ltiiro, Ur* Hanson, Muak-Jfclon, th<* Iluckensnck. Xtariislt, SUPERB , Vick's (.’rite- lu«i* any who iluivo not already Inflight our Bowl* to give them a trial. kiuiit nioit i: VAimrriK.% of » miwi;r ft»r only 23CVnt«, comprising Aiitirrliiiiuin. Iktlaam, Candytuft, Sweet V(gnonetl«* ( Zonafn tJeran- Mum, Petunia, Phlox Dnimmnndll. au<l Zinnia. All uf Hhuu- Reeds wUlnnnv ntul are qf/he Iteel quality. Ilf)yj for uur hundaomely 1 IIurI rntod nUVV Floral Catalogue, ft) Paces, of w 1A l<fa FKlITft ami NKllD.M. ft con- til ns large lints of the finest Ever Blooming Itnses, tie- i animus, Fuchsias, Carnations and hundred* of oilier t’ho*ce Plants that wo Rend Prepaid hy Mail at fl.OO l#*r dozen. It Iira also largo lists of tlio choicest Vrg- viable ami Flower Heeds. $100.00 in 4 Gash Prizes given to the persons sending us tlio four largest e|iii»s for our Plant* and Hood*. This Is In h<M:Moii to liberal ehih latcs and premiums giveu to all who older. Address, , LVt\JSFAI,M;.\ ClItEElVflOUKEN, Springfield, GHOULS AND GRAVE ROBBERS DEFIED. Absolute Sternly PUR THE DEiV.: Self-Locking BURGLAR-PROOF, Boyd's Patent Burglar Proof, Self-Locking Grave Vault. The horrible disclosures of outrages perpetrated by grave roblwm and body snatchers, within recent years, have created an Imperative demand for n safe guard against the molestation of our dead. Appalling statistics prove the annual desecration of thousands of cemeteries and burying grounds. The demand for subjects by medical colleges, and the Inhuman rapacity of human hyenas, n*spect not even the grave! This Invention Is calculated to furnish an absolute guaraantre that the bodies of our friends, when committee to the tomb, may RKST IN PEACE. FOIl SAI<E BY UNDK11TAKKH8. Full Information and prices furnished hy the manufacturers. THE BOYD GRAVE’I.T < (>., NprinffllPlfl, OU*. 1 mm- Mention this Papery ENGINES! FOIl FARJIKILS.TIlIlKKIIHItMfr:*’, RAW* Yi:it.S, (JlNMdtN, ETC., ETC. The Eclipse Engines Have been before the public for a number of years, and have not only taken the Premiums at State and County Fairs, but also at the (Viitrn- nlnl Exhibition. Philadelphia, Cincinnati Exposition. Clnclmint 1. Ohio, and the Inter- national Melbourne City, Aus tralia, In 18M0. A ixo PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENGINES, PortaTilo Circular Saw Mills, Etc a. Tin- above Cut represents tin- RKST Tlt.VfTl N K.NfllNK In Ihe murki-t—Hit- Et-llpsc and it In sold uintrr ki'LL ui'ahantkk to give aatlafaclloii. ♦ Before you buy, wrlto ua or our Agenla, for now Cat* Hue. etc. 1‘HICK tfc GO., Mouttou this palter. Waynesboro. FriuiMlii County, l>n. LARGEST CORN IN THE WORLD GREA T CURIOSITY. CUT IT EXACT SIZE OF A DRAIN OF CORN. We have a new variety of Namiuof h Corn of immense nize, from 4 to 6 times m Urge as ordinary corn: ainglo grains measuro over one inch long, three-quarter inch wide, and one- K iarbr inch thick. Every one la astonished at IU enormous siae and wonderful quality t has in white akin, and la nearly all flour or meal. Experts pronounce it very valuable for fodder, elan for starch, gluons* and that class of products. The Editor of this paper haa samples. One package sent bv mail for 2b cents, or & |«ckagcs lor one dollar. Every farmer should give this Mammoth C’o ELEGAEiTT PEAIHj HAKHDIaEID KNII’E. Qlvrit ns n l'rrinltiiti for It NuliNcrlbcr*. We offer it for tuile for 7li t-enfs. GOOD TIME-KEEPER FOR $3.90 YEAR'S SUB- FOR $4 ISSigS&Aigm % a J& h £r a n hd w8^ A HANDSOME STEM WINDING WATCH, VIMKI.Y FINISH Kit. ect gem. It la made of the flnent ateel, haa two blade, and an exoulalte pearl han- of thiwe who have been Inquiring for the prettiest and hatidaoimwt knife for ceat ladles' knife In the market, and we assure you It will please all who may die. Slid mu uim me w.iivj, ui ti ladles’ use. It l. the very nicest obtain It. Kqual to those wild In stores at fl-Vl and |2.0U- PKICK, Includlngl year's subscription IoHoutiikun Would, 11.25. Postage prepaid In each rase by us. AN BLEBANT IMPORTED VIOLIN FOR ONLY $3.00. HOLIDAY CABINET! 15 Beau WHAT The cut shows the face of the Watch, giving the exact slfe and stylo. The face in covered with solid cut crystal, showing the handnome movements, without tile nccemlty ef opening the case. The movements are of American make, known the world over for tliclr excellence and fine finish. The case Is made of beautiful, lilglily-|Hilisli«*d,Mllv<*re«l uictul. It is thoroughly'proU*cted from the dirt aud dust to which a key-winding watch is dally exptised. We know this Htem-winding Watch will meet with and grow in favor as Ita peculiar merits and good qualities become known. There Is now a growing demand lor Just such a Watch, aud we believe that the vast army of professional men, clerks, mechanics, farmer* and laborers, will appreciate a noon Watch at a low price which they can rely upon for accurate time. THE WATCH IS A GOOD TIME-KEEPER. We are now, for the first time in the world's history, able to furnish a low-priced, reliable w utch. suitable for use on rail roads, steamers, by the fanner In the field, the mechanic at tbo bench, the boy attending school or working oil the farm, ladles and others who make appointments and keep them. HOW THEY ARE MADE AND WHY THEY ARE SO CHEAP. This watch Is leas complicated than other watches, contain ing only llfty-slx separatepaxts, while ordinary watches con tain over one hundred. The parts are made Tty machinery, operated by skilled artlslnns, which rive these watches the only excellence a watch can have, namely, that of ACCURATK TIMK-KEEPINO, AND A LOW PIIICE. THE WATCHES ARE TESTED BY THE MANUFACTURERS, Who have one of the largest .and best watch factories In the world. Among the many rooms of the immense Welch Factory Is a “Testing Kuom.” where the watches are taken when flnlshcd, and where the Inspector keeps them for one darxl arc sent out. THE WATCH IS GIVEN AS A PREMIUM FOR TEN SUBSCRIBERS AT REGULAR RATES. Wo Guarantee tho Safe Delivery of tlio Watoli to any Addresses,'Postago Paid liy us. Address, SOUTHERN WORLD, Atlanta, Georgia, as CENTS WILE DO. A GR33JV.T OFFRR. s®.S «wr I. mad. In onl»r to latnxluc. It Into t 8 ** "' ,rab ' r . i\»ltrkit V'tTo"liliuksiTbeiten,Mao. ini, pia •to. pea 1 SLIM it miMthU chance. Write now! BOOKWALTER ENGINES. EFFECTIVE, NI.71 I’Ll;, DVIiAIILL' AMI CHEAP. Ot'SK- EVERY PLANTER Who runs a Cotton Gin or Corn Mill should have one. Bteam power Is much better and cheaper than horse (lower. SEE OUR LOW PRICES: Horse Power Engine Address Manufacturers for descriptive pamphlet. JAM EM I.KFFKI. .V- CO., SiiriiiK'lleltl. olilo. T-^Tn 'n Mention this Pii|>cr. tar SAVE THE EXPENSE OF BUILDING A BRICK CHIMNEY. ^ Plpedoeanotrustor cii'e years for Dwelling, danger it m tFre^SS*^* S^ns-u'S^*^ nnnles have declilcd | t ue a safer Chimney u,, hrlek. It Ist-nunllvitM k,i j'i. sbd no bricks nor hrlc layer nre required-an one can put it up. K ttc section Is two feet loti and rests In the bow™ the next. We show toi forms of eonstrncliou complete chimney, to ui i 11 ' Denstorles t-an l„. fur tshedforaboutfd.00. • Os *»_Hend for tteserlpth tlon' Ur W l, ‘ ,ul) GHAS. H. TORSCH i GO 101 Hanover Nt.,| UALTinOKlk I Mention thin paper. ORIGINAL AND PECULIAR. The ONLY Complete Mineral Fertilizer Made, or That Can Be Made! Tlio Advantages derived from its use, Beyond those obtained from any other Guano now offered, are: 1st. The Plants do not shed their bolls during drouth to any thing Ilka the same extent. ‘Ad. The Plants resist rust to a much greater degree ltd. The Fruit forms and matures continuously up to frost. Ith. The proportion of Lint to seed Cotton Is greater. Sflt. The Quality of the Lint Is fliior. 0th. The effects are more lasting. Test this by following the Colton with winter Oats without uiv re. newed application of Fertiliser. * Tilt. Each application Improves, Instead of exhausting, the Hotl. We state these effbeta from the observation and upon the authority of leatll ate of Georgia, whose names and addresses will lie lUrnlshed to any applicant. leading Plantera throughout „ MTIn addition to the advantages derived from IU use, as above stated, If la Niinerlor — Condition, being dryer, finer and lighter and containing more bulk, living light in color t"ea£feneeVnm! ph^Mndle*- 0,, °* 0bWV,A ’" *" y row * “* mtaed ' 11 ** * nt lrely f^Vrim^or Inquire of Local Agents,or address The POPPLEIN SILICATED PHOSPHATE CO.. M hmlth’a Wharf, BALTIMORE/HD, Mention this paper. [PosT-orncx Box M2J