Southern world : journal of industry for the farm, home and workshop. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1882-18??, September 15, 1882, Image 9

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THE SOUTHERN WORLD, SEPTEMBER 15, 1882, 9 KENTUCKY PHILOSOPHY. You Wl'yam, come 'ere. sub, dli Instance. Wu' dal 700 got under dat box f Ido’ want no toolin'—you hear met Wut you lay Ain’t nu’fl’n’ but roclca T ’Peaba ter me you’aowdashus p'tlcler. 8'poalu’ dey’s uv a new klne. I'll dee lake a look at dem rockl, HI ytl deryou tblnk dat I’e bllne? /calls dat a plain water-million, you scamp, en 1 knows whah It growed: It come turn de Jlmmersou cawn-Bel', dah on ter side erderoad. You stole it, you rascal—you stole It 1 I watched you turn down In de lot. En time I gits th’ough wld you, nigger, you won't eb’n be a grease spot! i’ll fix you, Mirandy I At (randy I go cut me a btc’ry —make 'asel Encntme de tougbrs’en keenes'you c’n fine any- whar on de place. I'll larn you, Ur. Wl'yam Joe Vetters, ter steal en ter He, young sinner. Dlsgracsn’yo’ ole Christian mammy, en makln'her leave cookin' dinner I Now ain't you ashamed eryo'se’f, surf I is. I’s • ■shamed yon’s my son I En de holy accorjan angel he's 'shamed er wut you has done; En he’s tuck It down up yander In coal-black, blood- red letters— “One water-million stolen by Wl'yam Joeepbus Vet ters." En what you sposen Brer Bascom, yo' teacher at Sun day-school, 'Ud say ef heknowed bow you’s broke de good Lawd'a Ool'n Rule? Boy, wbah’s de raisin’ I give your Is you boun’ tub to be a black vllllun T I’s s’prlsed dat a chile er yo’ mammy 'ud steal any ' man’s water-million. En I ■a now gwlner cut It right open, en you sha'nt have nary bite, Puh a boy who’ll steal water-millions—en dat In de day’s broad light— Ain’t—Lawdyt It's orbem! Mirandy! Mirandy I Come on wl' dat switch? Well, steelin' a g-r-e-e-n water-million' Who ever yeered tell er des slch ? Can't tell w’en dey’s ripe? W’y you thumpum,en w’en dev go pank dey Is green; But w'en dey go punk,now yotl mine me, dey's ripe— en dat's des wut I mean. En nex' time you hook water-millions—pou heered me, you ig'nant you hunk, Ef you do' want a lickin' all over, be sbo dat dey allers go “puuk I" —Harrison P'ibertson, fa Hui-ptr'i Monthly. A Couple of llOOMS. If we may believe the statements of those who are in a position to know, the human race will doubtless, in the future, get its food and drink, its sustenance and stimulus, from an article that has been not generally esteemed at its true worth. It will be a very excellent thing too, in many respects, if am monia does what is claimed for it. The Scientific American publishes the statement that common ammonia can be properly put to use as a leavening agent. The carbonate of ammonia is an exceedingly volatile sub stance. Place a small portion of it upon a knife and hold it over a flame, and it will almost immediately be entirely developed into gas and pass off into the air. The gas thus formed is a simple composition of ni trogen and hydrogen. No residue is left from the ammonia. This gives it its supe riority as a leavening power over soda and cream of tartar when used alone, and has induced its use as a supplement to these ar ticles. A small quantity of ammonia in the dough is effective in producing bread that wilf be lighter, sweeter, and more whole some than that risen by any other leavening agent. When it is acted upon by the heat of baking, the leavening gas that raises the dough is liberated. In this act it uses itself up, as it were; the ammonia is entirely dif fused, leaving no trace or residuum what ever. The light, fluffy, flaky appearance, so desirable in biscuits, etc., and so sought af ter by professional cooks, is said to be im parted to them only by the use of this agent. The bakers and baking powder manufactur ers producing the Anest goods have been quick to avail themselves of tills useful dis covery, and the handsomest and best bread and cake are now largely raised by the aid of ammonia, combined, of course, with other leavening material. If the use of the salt becomes general in the preparation of our daily food, dyspeptics will hail its discovery as a boon. It is the practice, almost gen erally among physicians, to prescribe whisky as a stimulus to persons whose powers are waning, and in times of crisis. A case is is reported in a recent number of the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, where a woman was given whisky in repeated doses, but she gained no strength. The physicians were perplexed, and each moment was critical. At length one-sixteenth of an ounce of liquor ammonia was injected into a vein of one of * her arms. The effect was plainly percept! ble in a few seconds. The pulse, which, un der the whisky treatment, had become so feeble that it could scarcely be discovered, could be felt at the wrist. The patient con tinued to improve and eventually recovered. Whisky is given for cold, for heat, for rest lessness, for everything, or a few grains of some medicine in a pint of whisky, are the remedy, and then more whisky. The fact that a quarter of an ounce of carbonate of ammonia dissolved in a pint of distilled water, an ounce of honey or loaf-sugar added and the whole thoroughly dissolved, taken in doses of from 30 to 40 drops for a child, up to a tablespoonful for a man or woman, will furnish positive stimulant of the most healthful kind to a deranged system, to the extent of many times that of the best wine or brandy, without any of the effects which invariably follow that of alcoholic mediums, is not generally practiced by our physicians; in fact it is an old matter, and so simple that it has not always recommended itself to the M. D.’s, for with many of them, to depart from their books, is to depart from all right. In view of the facts stated and the woman’s experience, the human family may be said to be in possession of another boon, the treasure in each case—food and drink—be' ing furnished by a very humble cumberer of the drugman’s shelf. State and County Fairs. Maysville, Kentucky, September 19th, five days. Hopkinsville, Kentucky, October 4th, one day. Cooksville, Tennessee, October 5th, three days. Italeigh, North Carolina, (Industrial) Oe tober 9th, six days. Greenville, South Carolina, October 10th, four days. Owensboro, Kentucky, October 11th, one day. Italeigh, North Carolina, (State) October 16th, six days. Little Rock, Arkansas, (State) October 16th. five days. Austin, Texas, (State) October 17th, five days. Anderson, South Carolina, October 18th three days. Union, South Carolina, October24th, three days. Rocky Mount, North Carolina, October 24th, five days. Sumter, South Carolina, October 24th, four days. Richmond, Virginia, (State) October 25th three days. Camden, Alabama, October 31st, six days. Weldon, North Carolina, November 13th five days. Columbia, South Carolina, (State) Novem ber 14th, six days. VALUABLE POCKET KNIFE FREE TO EVERY NEW SUBSCRIBER TO THE SOUTHERN WORLD. FOP SIXTY nws FROM 11th, wo make the liberal offer of the Southern World for a year and a valuable two-blade Pocket Knife, ALL Ft) it ONE DOLbAlt! This kmle In better made and more substantial than li represented In the cut. It la not a chean Imported knife, but was purchased by us In a large order from a I'onnectlcut manufactory. The blades are of the tiest Amerlcau steel, the large one extra strong for heavy work. The corners are round and of poll-hed steel, and It Is altogether a serviceable knife, that retails everywhere from 75 cents toll. We warrant them strong and perfect. OUK Pit It) K FORTH It KMPit NKPARATICi.V. It 7.7 0K>T8. To new subscriber* who send u« $1 we give the knife as a present. Old subscribers may take advantage of this great offer ny renewing at once and having their subscription forwarded one ycir from expiration of their present sub scription. Ill; KMIIKU Till* OFFER IS GOOD ONl.Y KOIt sUTI HAY* FROM SEP- TK U It Kit 1.5th. IMS'S. We assume no risk upon knives sent out without twins registered. SEND KOlllt TIIItF.K-OPNT STAMP.-. FOR l'OSP.vI. RKUIMTlt k , In addition to the |l, and we guarantee the safe delivery of the kuife Address; SOUTHFRN WORLD, Atlanta, Pit, PREMIUM NO. «. (Order by number.) .VOTED AND POPULAR I|UOUS FREE I We will send any one of the hooka described below which you may select, postpaid to any addresa, and nclude a year's subscription to The Southern orld for One Dollar. These books are all the latest revised editions, and contain many pleasing illustrations. Clearly and neatly printed on heavy and beautiful white paper, and bound In heavy paper. A copy of any book In the list will be sent by mall postpaid for 25 cents. Life and Adventures of Boblnson Crusoe. The Pilgrim’s Progress. Gulliver's Travels. The Arabian Nights’ Entertainment. Bread and Cbeese and Kisses. Akop’s Fables. Noble Deeds of Men and Women. John Ploughman 'a Pictures. Saved at Last front Among the Mormons. Album Writer’s Friend. Blunders of a Bashful Man. Money should be sent by Post-ofllcc Money Order or Registered Letter. Addresa SOUTHERN WORLD, Atlanta, (la. PREMIUM NO. 22. (Order by number.) HARMONICAS, German make, Richter Concert with bell attachment, and ten holes In box; will delight tbe boys. THE SOUTHERN WORLD for one year, and tbe Harmonica for ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS. We will sell tbe Harmon ica separate at 75 cents. Addresa NOUTIIKRN WORLD, Atlanta, tia, PREMIUM NO. 23. (Order by number.) UEIIBAV ACCORD EON, Eight-key with barn box. ons atop, two seu reeds, finely finished, with sweet tone. Retailed In New York at (2-25. We wilt send TIIE SOUTHERN WORLD for one year, and the German Accordeon, for |2A0. Accord eon separately, postpaid, for 12.00. Address SOUTHERN WOULD, Atlanta, Os, For Sale. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY I 40 Steam Engines, with boilers to ault. 8 steam Pumps. 4 Saw Mills. „ „ .. • stave and Heading Machines, a Shingle Machines. And a large lot ot Planing Mill and Wood Working MaC A®:‘ ndM ‘ C '“ nerJ,0, A tt )«l n HARHEN, S3 First Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. PREMIUM FOR BOYS. TOY GANNON, This pretty toy Is made of wood well finished and mounted on wheels. The projecting force Is a strong spring within the center of the gun. The Cannon Is eight Inches in length. Sev- eral wooden balls and a set of "Nine Pins" accompany it. These balls can he thrown twenty-five or thirty feet, and with a little prac- tlce the "Pins" can be quite successfully "bombarded" at that distance. The Southern World for a year and ToyCnnnon 91.50. Cannon separately, 75 cents. Given as a premi um for five subscribers. Address Southern World, Atlanta, Ga. COOPER A CON ARI>, t»ti» A Market St., Phllada. U^TPlesM mj where you mw this Advertla«m«nt. PROVIDE AGAINST GENERAL ACCIDENTS! UNITED STATES Office 409 Hron<livny, Xcw York City Has over 10,000 meminrs; has paid fUO.OOO losses. All valid claims are paid at sight. No medical examination for Accident Association. (5.0U0 Accident Insurance, and f-S weekly Indemnity for Membership fee and assessments, averaging a cost of about |10 per year. Write to the ofttce for circu lars, immediately. JAM. ft. 1*1TCII Pit. Sec. RUE'S PATENT ►6tAI9. blGGEll THE CENTENNIAL PRIZE. Capt.W. A.COLLINGH, SmlthvlUfi. Jefferson Oo-N.l Here is a Chance TO CET TEN VALUABLE BOOKS AND rnpp I A THREE MOUTHS’ SUBSCRIP- hKPh I TIGN TO A CHARMING MAGAZINE I HLL I Wededre to here oar valuable publication* known end elm* litrd tu every |>«rllon of the U. ft. aud Canada. To uccontpllih **■'* vc make the following tt a pendant o/«r; if you Kill tend ’went? "five Cent* <»t pottags stamps, to pay the pottogo end help pay f*•«»«! of this adtertittment, «r« trOI tend pew. Free, Ten valuable Hooks, a 1mourmagnificentiUuitrated Magaains, The Fireside ut Home, fir Throe Months! The Tea Valuable Books weoBer a re each neatly bound In paniph* let form, printed from large, clear type on good paper, finely ilitutraird, comprising ten complete works by ten of the Moat celebrated author* la the world. Kach oualaoompltte and ua- abridged, and lo cloth-bound form they would eon at lean f 1.00 each. The UUeaareas follows! I. Ths Citus of ths Sew World, describing all Important American cities, with profaae illuttra- tiona. 1. Fancy h'or* for llotns Adornment, a new and practical work on oil painting, drawing, wax flowera, bracket*, wall pock- eta. fancy baaketa, needlework, embroidery, etc , etc.,elfganUr llluatrated. 3. ThsOicket on thy Hearth. A Christmas Story. By Charles Dickens. 4. Missing. A Novel. Ry Mary Cecil Hay. 5. A Brids from the Sea. A Novel. Bythe author of* Dor* Thorne." 6. Tkt Yellow Math. A Novel. Hjr Wilkie Collins. T. The /.ml Bank Suit. A Novel. By Mrs. Henry Wood. 8. BtU Bren- don. A Novel. By P. Hamilton livers. 9. I/etfer. A Novel. Bv Beatrice H. Butt. 10. Poetical Works of Jean Ingelow. 1 hi- Flrraldo at Home Is a large and hand-om# magaslne of .li t'Ngea, lot*columns, with cover.profusely llluatrated, and filled with splendid aerial and short storK-aby the beat authors, poems, useful knowledge, sketches of travel sud adventure, reading for the young, farm, garden and household recipe*, wit und humor, etc. A complete end elegant family tnagasln* In every respect, aud one of the niovt valuable and Interesting tmbllahed. This rroa- offer I < made to Introduce our publications luto new botnet, l’.y taking advantage of it you will secure n great amount of read ing matter of the bu-t Quality for the coming lone winter evenings CAPITAL PRIZE, 975,000.^1 Ticket** only $5. Sharon In proportion. WAVERLEY SEMINARY. 1337 I street, N. W. Washington, D. C., Board' lng and Day School tor Young Ladles. Full corps ot Professors and Teachers. Thorough training In the Mathematical, Literary and Ornamental Depart, ments. Special attention Is called to the advantages Washington offers for culture. Terms reasonable Session opens September ash. For catalogues apply to Mtaa LIPSCOMB, Principal. Rockland College, NYACK-ON-TII E-H UDSO.Y, 8225. School for both sexes. No extras but Music and Art. University Preparatory and Riuluesafor lloys. UmduntlniC Course tor loidlva. I-rlvnte Instruction for backward scholars. Pleasantly located on tbe west shore of tbe Hudson, one hour from New York. Send for New Announcement. Year opens September 12t h. 1844 FREEHOLD INSTITUTE, 1882 Next term opens September 12. Prepares for Col lexe or for Business. Course of study thorough. Three Departments — Kuglish. Scientific and classical. Backward boys privately taught. Location perfectly healthful. Discipline, that .if a well regulated fam ily. For catalogues giving full Information and list of prominent men's sons now In attendance, address the 1'rlndpaX ^ CHAMBERS, A. M„ Freehold, N. JT. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY, Incorporated In 18CS for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and charitable purixnen- with a cap ital ol tl,C0»,uOO-tn which a reserved fund of 1550,000 has since been added. . By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise waa made a partof the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1S7U. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people, of any State. It never Scalen or Postpones. Its Urnn.l Mintlc Number Drawing, take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. TENTH GRAND DRAWING, CLASS K. AT NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY. October |0, IHNt-llOlh Monthly Drawing, Look at I lie follutvInB Melinite, under the ex clusive supervision aud management of Uen. U. T. UKAIIKKUAKU. or La., ami Ucn. JURAL A. EARLY, of \a„ who manage all the drawings of this Company, both ordinary and aeml-anniinl, and attest the cor rectness of the published Ofildul Lists. CAPITAL PRIZE, 975,000. 100,000 Tickets at FivoDollars Enoh. Fractious in Fifths, in proportion. LIST or PHIXKS. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE ,75.000 1 do do 25.000 1 do 2 PRIZES OF ,8.COO 12,100 5 do 2,000 10,000 10 do 1.UU0 10.000 20 do 500 10,000 100 do 2U> 20.0U0 »» do 100 30,000 500 do 60 25,000 1000 do ‘A. 25,000 APPROX IMATl - (I PHIXKS. 9 Approximating Prizes ol f?50 6,750 9 do do 500. 4.500 9 do do 250 2,250 1907 Prism, amounting to — .4255J00 Application lor rates to Clubaehould he made only to tlie office of the Company 111 New Orleans. For further Information write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by Express, Registered Letter, or Money Order, addressed only to H. A. DAUPHIN, Now Orleans, La., or M. A. DAUPHIN, GO? Seventh St.. WnalllliKtau, 1>, ('. N.B.—Orders addressed lo New Orleans will renter prompt attention. CHRONIC,and OBSCURE Dlseaaeaof Young, Middle-aged, and Old Men and _ Women, hereditary or acquired, treated •uuenaiimy In a STRICTLY PRIVATE and scientific maimer. You can be cured at home with the same certainty as If present In person, by describing your symptoms by letter, and have medicine sent secure from obser vation. All communications sacred, and promptly answered. Examination blauks, book, etc,, free for "'Ad&eaa DU. 8. T. BAKER, Box tut, Buffalo, New York. . ' .mi'iamB—v-j and not WEAR OUT. >’ v Watchmakers. By Mali,75 cu.Circulir* 30 bU FREE. J. Canal *C0„ KSrKaK *