Southern world : journal of industry for the farm, home and workshop. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1882-18??, May 15, 1883, Image 1

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[Kntkhkd at tiik Post Office, in Atlanta, Okiihoia, foe transportation throcoh the United statics Mails at Second Class Bates.) PUBLISHED lVflT TT TWICE A MOUTH, j V U.U. 11. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, MAY 15, 1&83. Premium Supplement for May 15, 1883. VALUABLE FREimUMS. 8 LARGE AND VARIED GOLLEGTIQN OF VALUABLE ARTICLES TO BE HAD WITHOUT MONEY! CRAN'D SPECIAL PRES*. We offer the following Grand Special Premiums to getters-up of clubs. HEAD RULES IN ADJOINING COLUlilNS. In order that all may have a fair chance, no one person can receive more than one of these special premiums. Theonewho sends the largest club will receive No. 1, and the one whosends the next largest club, No. 2; aud so on* uutil all are awarded. A PREMIUM FOR EVERT SUBSCRIBER AND GETTER-UP OF CLUBS. LOOK CAREFULLY OVER TIE LIST! Our Simla to Increase our already large circulation, by many thousands, and to this end we desire to remnaerate those who by Influence, words, or active work, will aid us In seeming new readers. We offer the valuable Premiums In the list that follows as PR.ES3E3KTTS to those who assist ns. THE SOUTHERN WORLD Is of Itself abundant’y worth the small subscription PJ1.ce of #1.00 per annum. That is a fact no man can deny. It has sixteen large pages and the contents of Its columns. If printed in ordinary book form, would, in a single yenr make a volume of nearly twelve hundred pages. ALL FOR $1.00 PER ANNUM. OUR PREMIUM RULES. All Collecting Premium Names Should Carefully Note the Following RULES FOR SPECIAL PREMIUMS: Under the bead of “Special Premium List," we have offered a number of very valuable article!. Those who contest for these Special Premiums should observe the following Bulks: 1, Head your List thus: "Entered as a Contest for Special Premiums, by (give your Name and Post Office).’’ 3. The Contest will close the 1st day of Oct., IBM. You can send your Subscribers as you obtain them up to that date. 5. Always send the payment of each Subscription with the Name. 4. Put your Subscription List on a separate sheet of paper from yonr Letter, 6. If by Oct. 1, you do not obtain a sufficient number of Subscribers to entitle you lo a Special Premi um, you may select any article from our “General Premium List," to remunerate you, according to the number of names In your List. 6. pee Buies below for sending money, etc. GENERAL PREMIUM RULES: 1. Begin your Elat thus: “Find enclosed (amount money) for (number) Subscribers to SOUTHEBN WOULD, for which send me (mention the number of the premium). Olve Name and Address. 2. Always send the payment for each subscription with tbe ■ nme. We do not receive n subscription unless payment Is made In advance. 3. Any Subscriber In a club may select whatever Premium he chooses, and get the snme by pay ing tbe additional cost named In our list, and still be counted fora premium by the getter-up of the club. 4. Should any one fall to get the full number of subscriptions, they can make up the difference with cash. If you obtain only one-half the required number, send one-half the retail price with the subscrip tion. Ifyou obtain only oue-rourth tbe required number, send three-fourths theretail price, and so on at proportionate rates, Forexample: It requires 12 subscribers to obtain a watch. If you obtain only •sub scribers, which Is half tbe required number, send them with ,1.75 additional, which Is one-half the retail price ot the watch. 6,* unities of The Southern World and subscription blanks will besent free to club rais ers, If they wish them, as they sld In getting new names. 8. Subscript Ions can commence at any time during the year, and subscribers can be sent from any number ot different post-o(Tices. 7, Ite sure to say what premium you wish every time you send new subscribers. 8, A Certificate of agency Is not necessary. Any one can send In subscriptions, B. Sen,l the exact amount, no more, ami no less, for papers and premiums wanted. 10. All letters should be short und to the point, and all communications Intended for the edi tor, or for publication should be w rltten on a separate sheet from subscriptions, 11, Maniples of Premiums will be sent only when the price accompanies tbe request. MO GOODS SENT C. O. D. We do a strictly cash-in-advance business, and sell all goods at too low rates to keep accounts and wait for their payment. HOW TO SEND MONEY. Always give the name ot your Post Office distinctly, and where each subscriber's paper Is to be sent, Ninall Mima ot money generally go safely In an ordinary letter, but we cannot be responsible for losses unless you procure a Money Order or ltegistcr your letters. Post-Olllce .Honey Orders can bo obtained In all city post-offices, and In many of the large towns Their cost Is slight, ana the money Is sure to como safely. When u P. O. Money Order can not be obtained, take to the post-office the amount of money you wish to send tu your letter and tell the Post-Master you wish it registered. Every postmaster Is obliged to register a letter If requested to do so and give a receipt forthe amount of money It contains. Postage Stamps. We will accept postage stamps, In good order, In Bums of II and under forsub- scnptlons and premiums. Worn, deraced and mutilated stamps and those which have been wet, will be returned at tbe expense of tbe sender. FREIGHT, EXPRESS OR MAIL.' Under each article In the Premium List we state how goods aresent. In sending mouey. state whether It Is a renewal ora new subscriber. Do not expect us to guess what premium you want. We always take It for granted that you do not wish : premium If you fall to say what you want. Address all letters 1 LAINLY to THE SOUTHERN WORLD, Atlanta, Ga. No. 1. CONTEST CLOSES OCTOBER 1,1883. $U00 00.—SUPERB PIANO. Given for the largest club of annual subscribers (club to be not less than 400 in number). ... 75 00.—CLARKE’S SEED-COTTON CLEANER. Given fortbe next largest club of annual subscribers (club to be not less than 100 in number). 50 00.—DUPLEX GIN SAW SHARPENER. Given for the next largest clnb of annual subscribers (club tote not less than 75 in number). 40 00.—CHARTER OAK STOVE. Given for the next largest club of annual sub scribers (club to be not less than 50 in number). 26 00.—CHERRY’S FRUIT EVAPORATOR. Given for the next largest club of annual subscribers (club to be not less than 40 in number). 20 00.—GLOBE PLANTER. Given for the next largest club of annual subscri bers (club to be not less than 30 In number). 16 50.—GATE CITY STONE FILTER. Given for the next largest club of an nual subscribers (club fo be not less than 20 in number). 4 00.—LAMBETH’S IMPROVED FLY FAN. Given for the next largest club of annual subscribers (club to be not less than 15 in number.) at ■ 2 25.—GARAGUS COMBINATION GARDEN TOOL. Given for the next largest club of annual subscribers (club to bs not less than 10 In number). PREMIUMS FOR GENTS. No. 1. Lloyd’s Combination Penholder lor 1 annual subscriber at $1 00 2. Odontarine (to every one). “ 1 “ “ 1 00 8. Gold mounted Business Pencil “ 2 “ “ 1 00 each 4. Four-Bladed knife “ 3 “ “ 1 00 ‘ 5. Pool’s Signal Service Barometer “ 3 “ “ 1 00 0. Nickle-plated Clock '• 8 " “ 1 00 7. Hudson Hand Corn Planter “ 10 “ “ 1 00 8. Waterbunr Watch “ 12 “ “ 1 00 9. Monitor <3orn Sheller “ 15 “ 1 00 PREMIUMS FOR BOYS. No. . 10. Two-Bladed Knife for 2 annual subscribers at $1 00 11. Steel magnet “ 2 “ ** } 00 each 12. Rubber Font “ 4 “ 1 00 13. Toy Cannon “ 5 “ “ 1 00 14. A Complete Printing Office for 8 annual subscribers at 1 00 15. Prise Holly 8croll Saw ’’ 10 “ “ 1 00 “ 16. Bicycle “ 12 1 1 1 00 17. Violin “ 12 - “ 1 00 " PREMIUMS FOR LADIES AND GIRLS. No. 18. Keepsake Needle Casket (or 1 annual subscriber at $1 00 19. Pearl Handle Knife “ 3 “ “ 100 each 20. Lad'es’ Pocket Book “ 3 “ " 1 00 „ 21. Ladies’ Porte monnaie “ 4 “ “ 1 00 „ 22. Gold filled ring “ 8 “ “ 1 00 „ 21. Lady’s Circular Water-prool‘‘ 12 “ “ 1 00 „ 24, Bracelets “ 12 “ “ 1 00 „ FREE TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER. NOTED JLl&JD ZPOIFTTL.A.IR, BOOKS. We will send a Include a years'i . I These books are all tholatest revised editions and contain many pleasing Illustrations. Clearly and neatly printed on heavy and beautiful while paper bound In heavy paper. A copy or any book In the list will be sent by mall, postpaid, for 25 cents. Life and Adventures of Kobinson Crusoe. The Pilgrim's Progress. Gulliver’s Travels. The Arabian Night’s Entertainment. Bread and Cheese and Kisses. Stop's Fables. _ Noble Deeds of Men and Women. John Ploughman’s Pictures. Saved at Last from Among the Mormons. Album Writer’s Friend. Blundersof a Bashful Man. Money should be sent by Post-office Money Order or Beglstered Letter.' Address, SOUTHERN WORLD, Atlanta, Ga. WHAT A FEW SAY OF OUR PREMIUMS. J. W. Johnson, near Bockport, Texas: “Theclock arrived In excellent order, and Is ticking musically nearme. It Is far superior to anything I expected, I am mere than satisfied.” J, J, Barnett, Caltiaburg, Texas: “Your premium knife received, and It Is all yon represented It to be.’’ Peter C. Abercorn, Hinds co„ Miss,: “Violin received. I am delighted with It ’’ J. D. Smith, Modoc, Ark.: ’ The Wnterbury watch keepe good time, It (areally the watch for tbe farmer, I wouldn’t part from mine.’’ Bcv. J. T. Adams. Butler, Oa.: “Send me another one of those excellent Waterbury watches. This Is tbe third one I have ordered from you," It Is useful and valuable *.o