Southern world : journal of industry for the farm, home and workshop. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1882-18??, April 01, 1884, Image 9

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THE SOUTHERN WORLD, APRIL 1,1884. 209 'Treatment of Cancer To Editor Southern World: ~ u. 1 A Prominent Minister Writes. Dr. Mosley—Dear Sir: After ten years of great • i»rpd incurable, and as we have con6dder its effect wonderful, almost mi* considered mu > . raculous ” never said, and would under no circum-1 lous * Spartanburg, S. C., March 14, 1884. I have for 14 years been a sufferer from anything in regard to ourl Mrs. S. Francis, of Franklin, Warren11™”* f° r “ °“.."V ’“ e thal e . ver J 1 . i. not strictly true, we C0lm ty, Ohio, writes under date of M. K. Church South. No.28 Tatnall St, Atlanta, * Georgia. From two Prominent Ladles. 1 have not been able In two years to walk or stand without suffering Brest naln. Since taking Dr. Mosley’s Lemon Elixir, 1 can walk half a remedy which is not strictly true, we ^ ofcourse could make no claim that our I * 1884 • cure Cancer. Within Kn/1» caiiawi o r«... t u i UT - "“'•I • Lemon unxir. i can wan nan a March b0( *y ca ** e ” a Cancer. I have used over mile without suffering the least Inconvenience. $300 worth of medicine and found no re- Mr8 ‘ R *bloodworth, Griffin, Ga. “I had a cancerous tumor which is-* T v i. Dr. H. Mosley: After years of suffering from lief. About 4 months ago I bought one Indigestion, great debility, and nervous prostra- Rnecific WOULD cure cancer, mwuni. ,, 1,11 bottle of Swift's fipwrieir from Tip W lion, with tho usual female irregularities and ^ , , / nn , months however the de- * orme(b °n and behind the nght eye. It L, TT . . IFT 8 oiKClHC from Dr. H. derangements, accompanying suA a cendltlon the last four montns, n , forced out the* pvp E. Hemitsh, and since have bought five of * woman’s health 1 have been permanently laments have been SO startling and I0rcea out tiie e y e > was removed by sur- .. , ’ , “ , .. K relieved by theuae of your Lemon Teilxlr. Mrs. velopments na'e j geonSj and immediatel out ■ others, have taken it, and it has cured e. DENNIB, No.«chapel st., Atlanta, oa. wonderful, that we think it but right to SU reeons refused « ME Bound and wel11 M y face is aa free * 5 VenrB a Cltlaen of Atlanta, TL^wiih SWs SPEcmc. The ">«»”, •»*»« « would Ml me. I bL ‘ rom “ s0 ™ “ j “ d h “ 1 ‘ h XWj5S5»Si b 4S3KflS i2T- <*-<*»" »- wb. h.v. nsed it, are all—without a single ex- an ® 11 « a ® relieved me greatly. I t ... .... . ' . . ceDtion—the most favorable! The effect ^ r * ®* F ; Burns » Hope, Ark., says, of Swift’s Speciflc-S. S. S.-in all cases I under date Januar y 22d > ^84; contln- noat . prominent physicians and taken all the patent medicines recommended for these diseases. I got no relief believe it is a cure for every blood dis- * nd continued to grow worse until I commenced - . „ * the use of Dr. Mosley's Lemon Elixir. One do*. “ I have taken five bottles of Swift’s sore on my temple—said heard from is alike! It at first increases * u the discharge, the ulcer becomes red b Pe cibc for a and angry looking, and the poison im- *° be a cancer - I have been wonderfully mediately begins to be discharged benefite( l and will soon be a well man. through the Cancer. This continues un- ® end me circulars that I may spread the | til the poisonous virus is all eliminated, g0 J d ne ^ 8 -” when the ulcer begins to heal around ^. r8# Williams, of Blacks & the edges—the discharge lessens and be-1 Whites, Nottoway county, Va., writes comes healthy—the ulcer finally heals— und ^ r date of ^ arcb f d » 1884: and the patient is well I In every case ease. Yours thankfully, Eliza Tinsley. Spartanburg, 8. C., March 13,1884. Your most valuable medicine—Swift’s Specific—has done me so much good bottle* has made a final cure of both diseatea. J R. HILL, No. 1*2 Connally atreet. To thoae who are Interested, I can Inform them that tho only phyalclan 1 have had In my family In three year* la Lemon Elixir, and I havoaeven In my family. Lemon Elixir haa relieved roe of a aevere caao of Chronic Catarrh. JNQ. C. ! . . , .... . al . , , , . JUDSON, Wholesale Stationery, 13 Erat Hunter that I feel like saying tins for the bene- street, Atlanta, Ga. fit of those who suffer like I did. I was poisoned by poison oak, and saw not a well day for six years, until I use i Swift’s Specific. In the six years* , , ,. . . , , . . . used almost every kind of medicine, bu The lumps have diminished in size, i j a. , : , * * r* v ..„ r , , . r . , , ’ none had the desired effect. After usinp the patient’s general health begins to | | six bottles Swift’s Specific lam restoreo | to perfect health—with not a sign of thal awful poison left! Yours truly, David Nesbitt. We publish the above for general in formation, and every reader can be his own judge of the results of treatment of cancer by the use of Swift’s Specific. All the above letters can be seen at improve with the first bottle. Those S eneral health is wonderfully improved, who have been much reduced, we advise 4 bave taben three bottles of Swift’s to begin on a small dose, and gradually Specific and shall continue it.” increase it until good large doses are ^ r * James E. Ligon, of Michieux taken. The system should then be kept Ferr y» Powhattan county, Ya., writes under the influence of Swift’s Specific under date °f March 5th, 1884: “I am happy to inform you that I think I am improved. My general health iTmight be well to taike it five o7s7x I is 8 reatl y improved the burning sensa-1 0 for say a month at a time, or until the In some cases, Dr. Motley’* I-emon Elixir, prepared at hi* | Drug Store, 114 Whitehall atreet, Atlanta, Ga. It cure* all blllounnoM, constipation, Indiges tion. headache, malaria, kidney disease, fever, chill*, impurltle* of the blood, lots of appetite, debility and nervous prostration. Fifty cents for one half pint bottle. $1 for pint and a half bottle. Sold by druggists generally. Send for Elixir by express and mention South ern World. E - c H E .a. :p- N6INES, BOILERS NEW AND SECOND NANO. W ALL KINDS OF IMACHINERY-Mlowjma Eagle Gina, Saw Hill*, Planer*, Btsawa, Ae. RANDLE & DUQAN MACH’Y CO., (UraUes U>U Fapar.) CINCINNATI, OHIO. beuu lor cir« uUra. .«* t ° U it may "not be out of place to mention I F0R SALE » r EXCha "0 e - tribute it all to Swift’s Specific. May that Qur Swift , g Specific ia entire i y a course, taking less at each dose. . If you have a Cancer, we advise by the good Lord b ]ess you Mrs. W. A. Seibert, 83>£ Lyell Avenue, Rochester, N. Y., writes under date of February 26th, 1884: I have the pleasure to inform you that I am myself again, and my friends say looking ten years younger. It was a hard battle but Swift’s Specific con- Tbe demand for real estate in Atlanta but I is greater than ever before known in her not even leaving a scar to markThe I ex P ect to take a bottle or two during | histoiy. Go where you will in the city spring and summer.” all means to avoid having it cut or miiT, as this seems to add fuel to it. Below we give extracts from letters in oar possession: Mr. B. W. Collier, of Indian Spring, Ga., says: "For ten or twelve years I had an ug- | vegetable remedy. None of its ingredi- | ents come from the drug store or chem- ' ist’s shops, and it is harmless to the [ most delicate person. Yours Respectfully, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. ly eating sore on my face, which ha8 qnered. I took 14 bottlcB and the terri- been entirely cured by Swiffe Specific, bIe ulcer “ healed and 1 am Kell ’ but place.” Mr. W. B. Lathrop, of South Easton,. , _ . M„a., under date of January 7th, 1884, ™tee under date January 3d, 1884: says: An Orange Grove, thirty mtlea south east from Tampa. Three hundred treet—fifty bearing. Alio, 66 ACRES IMPROVED, Near Peru, on the Alafla River. Addreaa, DR. J. B. MAYS, Peru, Fla. Mention 8cuthern World. MILL STONES. Un der and Upper Runner Mill*. J. W. Pyne’a Pu- rlfler. Dufour & Co.’a Bolting Cloth Belting, Shafting, Pulley* ana Gearing. Wheat Clean ing Machinery of all make*. We can furnish anything needed by Mil lers. Send for devcrlp- tlve catalogue. Address THOS. BRADFORD A CO., «I am getting on finely, the nicer is t. an Exchange and J. S. Willson are 174. m and 178 w. Second 8t., Cincinnati, Ohio. ° --- — 1 1 Mention Southern World. you cannot fail to note an extraordinary Mr. W. R. Robison, Davisboro, Ga., I i ar g e number of buildings in process of I erection. McBurney’s Real Estate and "Myiather had for years an eatinn I padually healing. 1 feel that Swift’s kept as busy ns bees. cancer on hie under lip, which had been s P ecWc mU c “ re hornWe canc " ^ T com I crrodnait . 1 * ... .. T , which lias been feeding on me over 20 The pressure of advertisements com- iMually growing worse until it had |j believe g g B g. has 8ave<1 my pe , B u8 #mlt lhe eIC ellen, end rec, article of Col. H. H. Jones, our associ- eaten away his under lip down to the y ear ® gums, and was feeding itself on the in-1 side of bis cheek, and the surgeons said a horrible death was soon to come. We gave him nine bottles of Swift’s Specific and behae been entirely cured. It has- - a n0 ho MaU . she 1 will eppeer in our act issue created great excitement in this section.” maKe 6 . tf oh _ lftrv 94^ Dr. M. F. Crumley, of Oglethorpe, | “ nder date FebrU,ry 24th> Ga., says: A lady of Salem, Va., had long suffer- ate, on Brunswick and St. Simon’s Is- 1 ed with cancer and had been operated land. Brunswick is growing in pros-1 on twice by surgeons. Going for the perity and importance and any thingcon- third operation, the surgeons refused to cerning it will be read with interest. It | U.8.STANDARD, JONES OF Binghamton 5 TON WAGON SCALES, Iron Lovera, ■)•*! Uenrlnge, Braa» Tare IIM111 and Beam BaX and jo7n ha pay a Ih.fralf ht-for Baa rrtca Lilt manttoB addraaa JONIS Of IIHIUJlTlJe Blackamtaa, H. Y# Menuuu eoiiiberu World. Read the address of Hon. L. F. Liv-| GRAND COMBINATION SALE -O l HORoE STOCK a na me cancer was ieeaing , - , ... T _ A * a v,i e to oeiu » e ; , |MI on the inside of hie mouth and ,etter can be Ha “ an iofluenc, lor good. ^ andhinlL 1 ? 1 °5 S r”i Ut Beenatourofflce. 8. 8. S. Co.) As o decided mark of the era of im- •uu its effect was wonderful. His throat Beeu 1 - .... .1 »m.i. «»• -AT- EMINENCE, KY., 18th and 19th, 1884. Mr. 0. G- Barron, of Banning, Ga writes, dated March 3d, 1884 nieBi UOICU _ _ I , . , , . # ^11 iL A PIBIIIUUI KUU UIR1CS ffiUll ■•Tho BOreneee h« .11 gone ont of the ,h.t "jj 'Tor’KMSY&S Laftnopr and my health has greatly un- leading dealers in the United states • Loved. I have taken six bottles of .how an unprecedented demand. In And mouth are already healed, and he is |a a fair way for complete recovery. I believe it will cure him if he continues to take it.” “A gI»L^„?m&?n;arThle| SwWe ^7.0-*!™, which | feet, many deeier. h.v. wild out c ity» had an eating cancer on his face, I have had for > ears * . # which had eaten away his nose and his A lady at or on ' last iriven up I r J nde r lip, and had extended up until it flicted with cancer, was t last pven up graphical flketch of the life and services had nearly reached his eye. The cancer by Burgeons. Her fne Lf this eminently useful man came to eating hia gums and had rendered January 24th, 1884: hand ^ late £ or publh aUr- - h»« teeth so loose that he thought they “ She has taken six ^‘1*8 «n ^ R w - u appe . r l n our »i - a "? time drop out. He rt "m ^ll Herta Zt w . invite : ^* B Specific about three heve she w V* toan the Jame8 Vick, Rochester, N. Y. This old ? l , and ; te has been wonder- ready ^JZtSdlNe.” hoL has a standing thronghofit the system h 5! driVent ® P ° i80n fr ° m 7 8 I onian in Atlanta afflicted with civilixed world of which any should be 4 tept7 ?® Ca v Cer haB healed greatly ’ Ag f the face writes, dated March nd . T h e ir seed commend them teeth have become strong again, and cancer of the face, wniw, pro . . * mk8 be has been rescued from an 7th, 1884: , . , d i beneficial and He is the most enthusias-1 “ It i> provmg^W^“ ^ imnrnvpd I Thl* offkrltiK will conrtrtof over one biradrad provement in the matter ol impro e<l ^ l |,p < . r |or hone*—naira, trotter*, aaddlara Vtrppds of live stock and poultry, we note and roadetera. There will be some blchljr brad UrevUD UI li * * 9 . I atalllAns and mSMR iiiltshln far b rCC(Jlllg rtalllon* and mare* suitable for breeding pur- W. B. CRABB, W. L. CRABB. Mention Socthkbn World. | Eminence, Ky. 1 Students daily on change l\* -SEND TOR CIRCULAR-j’ ItvuiWM auuuiaiu bbutiu. CHAMPION_Ballng ^Presses. , ▲ BALE IN twomlnutea^ .ton an boor. Run by two men and one " It is pw*“*a th t it wl n I Bead the attractive card of Chamber- gives strong 8 ro l ndB ^ ^i^ree or lin, Johnson & Co. They are live men . * ever saw.” | gives eiruuB t " J. H. Campbell, of Columbus, eflect a enre- He bas '**•» •ays: I four bottles. and mean busineaa. 10 to 16 tons In a car. act'd for dem-r puve circntar with price* to Famous Manufacturing Co., Mention Southern World.] Ctuincy, 111.