Southern world : journal of industry for the farm, home and workshop. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1882-18??, January 15, 1885, Image 14

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94 THE SOUTHERN WORLD. JANUARY 15,1885. 0/^1 Wa by watchmaker*. Jiy mallSftc. circulars OhJim U free. J. B. Jltncu & Co.,£»l>ey Bt.. N. Y Mention the Southern World. $250 A MONTH. Agent* wanted. 90 belt telling articles in the world. 1 ■ample free. Address JAY BRON- fll>N. Detroit. Mich. Mention Southern World -LOCA L or Trardlaf. State which nrrrcrred. |.v t «., g<>4 tirorttr Si., 4'lnclnnuiT, u. Mention Southern World. k PRI7C Bend six cents for postage, and receive A rnlLLi free, a costly box of goods which will help all, of either sex, to more money right away than anything else In this world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure. At once address Tuuk A Co,, Augusta, Maine. Mention Southern World. C utThisOiitj H Mention Southern World. CTS. A you'll get by mill AOOIKH DOE OF GOODS tT»i^vnn>rlnIJyoinTn«OBf MONFY. In Ono Month, than anything clw In Aincri™. ah*clnli*:crtalnty. Need in capital. M. Young,mHin-cnwichBt.N.Yorfc .QTPTt/, - Cures nil Open Sores „„ Animal, from any fc At ’% /> CaUBe - Strnsit or Drag Otorn. ^ 60 Conti a Box. Mention Southern World. mvF LsU V laRocuring health,woolth and hai . to all. This nanuHome book of us page*, mailodror only 10 oenta by the Union Publishing Co., Newark, N. J. COURTBmP and MARRIAGE. Wonderful secreta, rovelatlons and dlsooverlos for married or single. Mention Southern World. PERRYS &&/•* IN VALUABLE TO ALLf Will be mailed to all applicants Y ttlTX^V nnd to customers or last year without order!licit It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions and directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower SEEDS, Bui,us, etc. D.M.FERRY&CO.°*S&e ,T Mention Southern World. OUR No. I Plantation Saw Mill, ISAIAH DILLON) AMO BOMS. ( /LEVI DILLON \ AMD BOMS. BEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS.) SMITH, MYERS & SCHNIER, 291, 293, 295 and 297 W. Front St., CINCINNATI, OHIO. Mention Southern World. PATENTS I SS„f D B "srSi w ¥fe asked (or patent nutll obtained. Write for In ventor's Guido Mention Hon them World, FREE!™ Gold Watch. GOSSAMER GARMENTS. Th« proprietors of ttid litrgwtt run! nunufsr- fl A Tm| ft Cl lory In ConniH'lk’ul lehlnir to Introduce tlielr I | Q I* I |i\ Agent*' Sample llook into every home at once, via JLvJLs bj make the following olTer: The itemon telling iu the longest verre In thelllble liefore June let, '85, will receive a Solid Hold, I*»dy*» Wtttvh worth 150. If there he more than one correct an- ■wer the W. will receive a stein-winding American Watch; the .'id. a key-winding Swiss Wntch. Each person competing must aend 25 eta. with their answer for which they w ill receive 2 I.ady 'a Water* proof IsOMamer I4armcttta. 1 pack Hidden Name, All Em- bosaetl.llird Motto and C’hromo Vidling Cards with their name on eneh and our New Agents* Sample Hook, and a rremlntn List of 100 new styles of cards. CA I’lTt »L CA RD M Eli. CO., I lartford, Cono. Mention ftorrrwwmw Worm*. 13 Printing Press, Do yonj Own _ Printing Card A1 abcl Prrss $.1. I.nrcor slios $5 t.> $75. For old or young. Everything easy .printed directions. Send 2 stamps for Catalogue ol Presses, Type. Cards, Ac. to the factory. Keliey A Co., Meriden, Conn. Mention Rntithnm World SOUTHDOWN SHEEP. CASSIUS M. CLAY, breeder of pure SOUTHDOWN SHKBF, Whitehall. K> Vantinn Bnntham TEXAS BLUE GRASS^ A Celebrated Winter Grass. Send stamp (or Circulars. F«r sale by CAUI.OS REESE, 8r„ Marion, Ala. Meutlon Southern World. I FREE VALENTINE PACKAGE. A $100 CASH OFFER: OPEN TO AXjXjI To Introduce our goods tod secure future trade, we willtend you free of charge. If you will tend 20c. in stam|w for postage, Ac.. 6 pmtv Valentine Cards, 1 delicate sentimental Valeo tine, 2 comic Valentine*, a beautiful gilt-bound floral Auto* gra; h Album lllaitmted with birds, flew < r«, ferns. Ae,, a cope of our f ireat |100 Priie Cinte**, telling how von can get a val B^bleCaih Priie Free, tints' New Sample Ifrok of Cards, Ac. Address at once l>. Card Work*, CcwtcrbrooU Ct. Meuliou Southern World. IMPORTERS AND BREEDERS OP NORMAN HORSES (Formerly of firm of E. Dillon A Co.) NEW IMPORTATION Arrived in flue condition June 15,1884. Have now a large collection of choice animals. STABLES AND HEADQUARTERS LOCATED AT NORMAL, Opposite tho Illinois Central and Chicago and Alton Depots. Street cars run from the Lake Erie A Western, and Indianapolis, Bloomington and Western Depots, in Bloomington, direct to our stables in Normal. Address, DILLON BROS., Normal, 111. Mention Southern World. THEOHLYTRUB IRON [TONIC Will purlfVthe BLOOD,'regu late the LIVER nnd KIDNEYS, and RE8TOUU THE REAI/rii end VIGOR of YOUTH. Dys pepsia, Want of Appetite, Jn- . digestion. Lack or Strength, and Tired FccUngabsolutcly cured. Bones, muscles ana terves rccelvonowforce. Enlivens tho mind and _—_ ■ supplies Brain Power. I ' £1 I ■ I R7 G Snflcrlngfrom complaints las J*% IJf I Ea O peculiar to tlielr sex will .Bad In DR. HARTER'S IKON TONXO nsnfo and speedy euro. Gives a clear, healthy complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeiting only add to the popularity of tho original. Do not experi ment—get tho Origin ad ani> Best. t - Mention Southern World. National Surgical Institute. For the treatment oj cases in Orthopedic, Plastic and GENERAL SURGERY. Paralysis, Chronic and Nervous Diseases, Female Diseases, Haemorrhoids, etc. Estab lished in 1868. I ts Orthopedic Appliances received tho first award at the Centennial Exposition In 1876. The facilities It affords In Electrical, Mechanical, Swedish Move ment, and other approved methods of treat ment, arc unsurpassed. Each brace or sup port required is manufactured to order, from actual measures, and fitted unaer the direction ol an experienced surgeon. Cor respondence Invited. Send Jor Circular. Alabama and Pryor Streets, ATLANTA, GA. Mention Southern World. MACHINERY CLAY CRUSHERS. " BESTUbfltf *K»HK Mention Southirm World. P. O. Bo r ;.. lb ok teaches Kensington, Ar isen: and other embroidery, ltibbo — * * “ — Work, cte. Abo contains a clinr I'M- on Patchwork, and give* diagrams or ,ever- 'locks, and n variety of new stitches for Joining I b dk. It also contains a descriptive list of *<e- ml too KTd patterns for various kind* of embroidery. |v,, i.isely .Humrated. Price, post in,id. ]Aei.. Agent •runted. Address Patten PtlbM-hiug t'0.» EH \ U'-l Bt.. Xn’V York. Mention Southern World. forEpIlepiyorFlt In 24 hours. Free to poor. Dr. KRUSE, M. MOTHERS’ FRIEND! No More Terror 1 No More Pain I No More Danger I TO Mother or Child! The Dread of Motherhood Transformed to HOPE and JOY. Safet? and Ease TO Suffering Woman 1 This invaluable prepa ration Is truly a triumph of scientific skill, and no more Inestimable benefit was ever bestowed on ,he mothers of the world. It not only short ens the time of labor and lessens the Intensity of pain, but, better than all, ft greatly diminishes the danger to life of both mother and child, and leaves the mother in a condition hlghlyfavorable to speedy recovery, aud far less liable to flooding, convulsions, and other alarming symptoms Inci dent to lingering and pain ful labor. Its truly won derful efficacy in this re spect entitles the Moth ers’ Friend to be ranked as one of the life-saving appliances given to the world by the discoveries of modern science. From the nature of the case it will of course he understood that we can not publish certificates concerning this Remedy without wounding the del icacy of the writers. Yet we have hundreds of such testimonials on file, and no mother who has once used it will ever again be without it In her time of trouble. A prominent physician lately remarked to the proprietor, that If it were admissible to make public the letters we receive, the “Mothers’ Friend ” would out-sell anything on the market. I most earnestly entreat every female expect ing to be confined, to use Mother’s Relief. Coupled with this entreaty I will add that dur ing a long obstetrical practice (forty-four years) I have never known it to fall to produce a safe and quick delivery. H. J. HOLMES, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. Send for our Treatise on “ Health and Happi ness of Woman,” mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Mention Southern World. O. I. c. (0/d Indian Cure!) I S THE GREATEST BLOOD REMEDY known. It Is the old original Indian recipe and cures where all others fall. Not a solitary instance of failure to do all that Is claimed for it. Practicing Physicians Indorse It! Dr. F. A. Toomer, Perry. Ga., and Dr. Joseph Palmer, Feagin, Ga., write ns: “It Is an abso lutely infallible Specific for Blood Diseases of every kind and is the best remedy known for Female Complaints.’ LIVING WITNESSES declare its merit and say It will supersede all other Blood Medicines. H. B Whidby, Perry, Ga., says “It cured me of a case of Syphilis of ten years standing that had defied eminent physicians." 8. D. Rodgers, Agent Central R. R., Perry, Ga., writes; “ It cured in my family a case of Poison Oak of ten years standing. It is the Gem of Blood Purifiers.” C. W. Freeman and W. B. Joson, Macon, Ga., declare it the greatest known remedy for Rheumatism. $1.50 Per Eottle. Tlie o. I. C. Co., Perry, Ga. Mention Southern World. RICHMOND CITY MILL WORKS, KM'IIMOND, 1X1). Manufacturers of Mill Stones and Flonring Mill Machinery. We manufacture the Best French Buhr Corn & Feed Mills In the country. Send f«<r description and prlees. State you saw this Ir Southern World. Vegetable Seeds, Flower and Tree Seeds, Grass Seed, Seed Potatoes, Onion Setts, DEED 12015, QA2IEN C7L7I7AT0HS, it. Catalogue Mailed Free to all. Addreee l’LAXT SEED COMPANY, 812 & 814 N. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. Fame thle Paper. Mention Southern World. THEBIGGFSTTHiNBOUTM;,'! Free (new) E. lO., Fu.tou et.N.Y. Mention Honiatrn Wand. Ha More Setting Hensl A Good Incubator will hatch from 100 to 1,000 eggs at a time. Price ranging t from 116 to $100. Chicks can (be batched in Incubators ell winter for market In early spring. Agood agent wanted In every county. Address with stamp, M. METTfiTAL. Box 36, Rheatown, Tenn. Mention Southern World. Prof.', tk, ... .4 enables nutorffer the DEBT STRAINS of VEGETABLE,SLOWER, AND FIELD SEEDS. For PUIUTTrt Yltalltr, and 8«perfor Quality, they cannot be 1 excelled, enpecially for those who appreciate a chaoloeitook of seeds. "A trial is re. ouested and (they will recommend themselves. Phllad’a. Mention Souwaerx World. JNO. P. FORT.Hrei’t. JNO. R. ELLIS, Bus. M. INCORPORATED 1881. Southern) Seed Company, GKOWriZU AND DEALERS IN |^| Jg ■ '|,l ^ FARM AND GARDEN IMPLEMENTS, M A CO 3W, Gr A. JACK JOHmON, Solicitor. Mention Southern World. «ill lf*i-fumod f New designs, little besutles, GoU | CteAionrto, Venea, Mottoes and Hidden Nam* Pwith mo slegmnl -prise, 10c. Ivory Card Co., ClintonvlllSfCt. Mention Soutbstra World. GARDEN, IFIELD and FLOWER agricultural cm/ Horticultural Implements. Everything fi r time Farm and , Garden. Wholesale and rdbll, illustratedamt descriptive Catalogue free on tpplfcation. J. M. McPISL LOUCH'S SONS, 134 & 136 Wsslnuc Street, CINCINNATI. Mention Sonth«.em World. A NEW YTEAR GREETING! SOLID TRAINS FROM Atlanta —TO— New Orleans. —"VIA— ne GEORGIA PACIFIC RAILWAY -AND QUEEN & CRESCENT R CMJTE! 3 EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY! 3 THE ONLY LINK F 3011 ATLANTA KUNNING THB CELEBRATED Mann Boudoir Inin; and Sleeping Cars Through to New Orleans without Change! FASC SCHEDULE. Leave ATLANTA. 1:27 p.m. Arrive Birmingham 7:05 p. m. “ Meridian.... 1:05 a.m. NEW ORUEAN8 7:00 a. m. No Change of Cars of any Class. The Only Limited express Train of VANN BOUDOIR CAR®South of Washington, D.C. Remember, ttaeNew Short line is Via Atlanta, BirmOnghaiN and Meridian, And is the only (Lithe to New Orleans that can reserve and give tou number of your berth ONE MONTff IN ADVANCE. JOflPAsk for ydour- Tickets vie. The GREAT GEu&GLA PACIFIC RAILWAY! For further information, call on or address, A. 8 THWEATT, SAM. B WEBB, P. A., Tray. P. A., AtUtn ta. Ga. Atlanta. Ga. G. C. TENNER, Gt-n. Ag't, L. S. BROWN, At a ta, Ga Dew. P. A., Birmingham. Ala Mumon Boutheito World.