Southern world : journal of industry for the farm, home and workshop. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1882-18??, January 15, 1885, Image 16

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96 THE SOUTHERN WORLD. JANUARY , 6,18fc6. PER CT. GAINED By Using Jones’ Patent Plant Fender In working small plants, Cotton, Corn mid Vegetables. 1. Will reduce 'he hoeing from mo third to onc-half in your general crop. 2 It perfectly protects the plant regardless of size or delicacy, leaving the earth perfectly pul verized around the plant 3 It can he attached to any plow stock in a few minutes without injury to the stock. It can be nse.1 os Straddle or douh'e stock as we’l. with »P of the advsntsges. 4. Ordinarily it will notchoko the plow keeping well In the ground at all time*. 6. It cun bn so adjust d ns to p it any amount of dirt to the plant desired, that being pulverized the clods and rnbMah is warded off and thrown baek In tho furrow behind the plow, leaving the plant In a moat delightful condition. fl. It will last many years, and wPI pay for Unclf In one day*# work. A good hand can r«ln two days In a week, and tno work done will he one hundred percent better In quality than tne old way No farmer should be without It. Send for c reula-s glvlnv op nlons of the following prominent farmers who are using them: Reuben Jones Albanv. Dougherty on., tia : T. .1 J.yon*. Cartersville. Ga.; M. E. Price, Kufaula, Ala.: II. H. & T J. Holmes, Hun Hill, Ga. Agents Want* <1. ATLANTA MACHINERY COMPANY, 20 E. Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. Mention Southern World. 12 for One Dollar, by Mail. 4 CHOICE VARIETIES, Extra Quality Order now. January and February best mouths for planting. Also, « -V SOUTHERN WORLD CLUBBING RATES! Strawberries and oilier small fru'ta. Send for ranted true. ni'CHlvK K Mention Southern World. i, Raspberries,\/1M CQ iMrel.tat. All Vines and I'lanis w»r- Vila! If Sc HinWICL,l , Atlanta, tin. Will LaU ■ DR. WILLSON S SPECIFIC, OK THE YOUNG MAN’S FRIEND. rures quickly, soothes, p-oducct no pain, nor s'a'nsanvthlng Will prevent one* catching the dleease. Ask your Druggist for It, or addrurs 'Till-: WII.I.HDN NPKt'IFIC CO., ■•rice, 01.00 parr Motile. .Mention tiniiiht-rn World. Atlanta, fin. CHESAPEAKEGUANOCO Baltimore, Maryland. OFFERS TO THE THE FOLLOWING BRANDS OF FERTILIZERS: Chesapeake Guano, Chesapeake Ammoniated Alkaline, Chesapeake Cotton Compound, CHESAPEAKE DISSOLVED BONE. Tlw RepntoUoa of these Uaoda are well r«t«h!l>b*d and nc<d no remans ndoiloa. Faeetal Alt* n't- n to CHEAP READING FOR THE MASSES! have arranged to clob with aeveral leading paMlcatleaa at raiee mi exceeding. la mm b> alaaeea. the roatof anbaeriplloa to oat paper alone. Thronxbnnt. tbe price ot the paper* la eery R>». We m4 tubeerlptloo* thu. obtained to other poblUben promptly. ead ell Better* el ebaageef addreac.elc.. thereafter mm be teal to tbexi ee wen eatsaa. Theceels Metooeoa* peer all oabattipMoaa. , - . - 1 For Prices, Terms, Bte., Address, JOHN R. WEST, Agent, argnuu SuiTSkUi Mo«li. fai n m i->pnes %j ■ tr> .itkerailic* so b»' cr -i*l jes? naykiai.«(k* j Ur4u4 Ayptlaarr, : > r '~t u*. | a*T« ~1. 1/ iicnrr.T--. la ,*• *e..«h . a r.^hil* to lr> >•. DtJ-raci .t? ^P-.wlA'ir-vf) --"• /* » L- ‘ O.M .* v-m. />•.*, Ar.‘ /»*»•.«». »b4 m««t «r>»r i b»r»» A.k. I.k |oa »•• bar thrre r^'M ; t*st I I SgSJraSTKtrfrc B&%^b2K»S!: I Son them World. TbeSoCTWBM Woatnand the Ratal Hew Tether, iaelndtnc Use Hoed Met* *•«*••»•» - ft* and VwVaMagartne ,|R mm and Country I and Got Cheer, end Oar Oaatrj l and Oeed Cheer and W»4e Awake tu I* IS and o*«d Oeatewd Rabylaad and War yet« how and ttaryaVe Yennc fhaple I Use Jtew Tee* Weakly Wash* I Use *ew Tank Weekly Pea SCED8 T MThnao j «* • a I ft I ft t ft t ft « ft i n ALBERT DICKINSON, ^ mt i tit. :•» * u«fSa»E?* ,, ‘aMica. lagmnft* * t -Rill »f«t40«ib CMI6««0 K l h i, Copies Southern Werid Free.