Southern world : journal of industry for the farm, home and workshop. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1882-18??, May 01, 1885, Image 13

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THE SOUTHERN WORLD, MAY 1,1885. 205 FEMALE REGULATOR Is a Remedy Prepared Expressly lor SUFFERING WOME3W ! IF YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH Painful Menstruation, Suppressed Menstruation, Excessive Menstruation, Leucorrhose or Whites, Falling of the Womb, Or any Disease Peculiar to Females ONE OR TWO BOTTLES DR. BRA/DFIELD'S Female Regulator WILL PERMANENTLY RELIEVE AND CURE YOU. If You have any Womb Troubles of any Description, . Suffer from Pains in the Side, Back or Head, If You are Weak and Nervous and Debilitated FIND RELIEF IN THIS GREAT REMEDY. “GHANG-E OIF LIFE” If this period, so critical in the lives of women, is upon you, don’t delay; you can’t afford it, but get from your Druggist a bottle of Bradfield’s Female Regulator and you will obtain almost immediate relief THE BIRJST PHYSICIANS ENDORSE A.HD PRESCRIBE IT. Atlanta, Ga., February 20,1884. Dr. J. Bbadfiild: Dear Hr-Some fifteen year* ago I examined the recipe of Female Regulator, and carefully studied authorities in rcgaid tolts components, and then, as well as n- w. pronounce It to be the most scientific and skillful combination of the really reliable reme dial vegetable agents known to aoieuee, to act directly on the womb and uterine organs, and the organa and parla sympathizing directly with these; and, therefore, providing a specific remedy for all diseases of the womb, and of the adjacent organs and parts. Yours tiuly, Jksse BOW b, M.D., D. D. LaGbanq* Ga., March 29,18*6. Dr. J. Biadfibli), Atlanta, Ga.: Dear Mr—I take pleasure In stating that 1 have used, for tho last twenty yeas, the medicine] on are now putting np, known as Dr. Bradfield’s Female Regulator, and consider It 'he best combina tion ever gotten t gether for the disease for which It is recommended With kindest regards, 1 am. respectiully, W B. FERRELL, M. D. Atlanta, Ga., March 12, 1870, I have examined the recipe of Dr. J. Brad field’s Female Begulator, and believe It a mo, t excellent medicine, and well suited for all that das* of disease designated. 1 have no hes itation in recommending It to the public. Joxl BlIANHJ m, M. D. Mt. Calm, Texas. Apr'l 18, 1875. Dr. J. Bbadfikld: Dear Sir— I have been using, lor the past year, your Female Regula tor, and find It to be just what It is recommend ed to be. In fact, I have been successful In many cases of derangement of the uterus where all other remedies have totally (ailed. I am anxious to get it In general use among ns. No one has given It so thorough a t I si as myself. If you wl 1 send me some one or two rases, I will stait It in my circle, nnd do wbat I can to spread It through our State. Kesrectfullv yours, WM. d. MOBLEY, M D. As a Female Tonic it stands without an equal and withouta rival. It brings back the roses to the cheek and infuses new life in the body. Prlcn, $1 25 large Bottle. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. Price 75 cents small Bottle. For further particulars write for "Our Treatise on Woman” which contains va uable Information and is mailed FREE. THE 3ELEC3-TJXa^. , T , 03E : 1. CO., Atlanta, Gta. EASY CHILD-BIRTH CAN BE SECURED BY USING THE MOTHER'S FRIEND” Th s is another preparation that we manufacture exclusively for Expectant Mothers. It Is applied as a liniment and if ABSOLUTELY' HARMLESS. It net only diminishes the danger tolife of both mother and child, hot it does away with the terrible death agony of hours duration and makes labor quick and easy. It la the wonder of the century and no woman whohaa once used it can be lndnced to go through the ordeal without it. WORDS OIF PRAISE. Gixtlimxn During my career in the practice of medicine I used your “Mother’s Friend” In a great number of cases, with the happiest results in every Instance. It makes labor easy, hastens delivery and recovery, and Insures safety to both mother and child. No woman can be lndnced to go through the ordeal without It alter once using it. 1 have also sold it as a druggist, both wholesale and retail, with entiro satisfaction. 1 consider it “worth its weight In gold.” Yours truly, T. E. PENNINGTON, M. D., Palmetto, Go., July 19,1584. I most earnestly entreat every female expecting to he confined to use "MOTHER’S FRIEND.” Coupled with this entreaty I will add that during a long obstetrical practice (forty-four years), 1 have never known It to fall to produce a safe and quick delivery. H. J. HOLMES, M. D., Atlanta, Ga All Druggists sell it. Price $1.50 per Bottle. Write us for testimonials and full particulars. Mention Southern World. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Deloach WATER WHEELS The Columbus, Ga., Iron Works claim to have successfully melted scrap steel and steel rails in their ordinary cupola, a thing nover before accom plished in this country. Mr. Robert E. Masters, the foreman of the foundry, feels justly proud of his notable success, and Columbus claims to have added another and a brilliant page to her in dustrial history. Pemberton’s Wine Goca Is the tonic par excellence against fa tigue, worry, and all nervousness; be sides exercising an invigorating effect upon the cerebral centers, it imparts an indescribable sensation of satisfaction and contentment. There is joy and health in every bottle. Sind for book on the marvelous properties of the Coca Plant or Sacred Herb and Pembfcrpw’s Wine Coca. For sale by druggists. SIMP' N. UIIKAHLEAHEAPand Gate Guaranteed not to lenlc. No penstock needed. Sets lnatdo or outside of water 'ouse. About half tho price of other wheels and fully warranted In every respect. Send for large Illustrated catalogue and special prices foranytblngneededaboutamlU orgln,to A. A. DeLOACH & BRO., ATLANTA. OA., Manufacturers of MILLSTONE*. PORTABLE MILLS AND MILL GEARING OF ALL KINDS. Bo sure to get our prices before buying. Menuon southern World. Dis. BETTS & BETTS, Medical and Surgical Dispensary, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. W. H. Betts, M. D„ the consulting physician. Is the oldest, moat successful, best known specialist In the world. A graduate from four medical col leges, twenty-five years'experience and extensive R ractlce In England, France and America, and aa secured a world-wide reputation In the treat ment and enreof Private. Nervous and Chronic Diseases, embracing Seminal Weakness, resulting from Indiscretions, Lost Manhood and Abuses of the western. UtJ-Our Remedies act quickly and cure perma nently. NERVOUS rSSTfcm SSRSS; Nlgbt Emissions. Losses of Vital Power, Hleenless- nees. Despondency, Loss of Memory. Confusion of sat* .pSmksv eradicated without the use of mercury, scrofula, Erysipelas. Fever, Sores, Blotches. Pimples, Ul cers. catarrh, etc., etc., permanently cured when others tailed. . . URINARY, tit. etc., promptly and 7 safeiy oared. Charge* reason i ble. Piles! Fistula! Fissure! Permanently Cured without Knife, Ligature or Caustic. STSo care, No Pay. No detention from business. Over *7,000 eases cured MTBend for “Guide to Health.” Address W, II, BETTS, M, D„ ATLANTA. G A. T. A. FRIERSON, W. M. 8COTT. FRIERSON & SCOTT, REAL ESTATE, No. I South Pryor, Cor. Decatur Street, (In Kimball House.) ATLANTA, GhA:. Stores, City Residences, Farms, Water-Powers, Mill and Factory Sites, Timber Lands, Tracts for Immigration Colonies, Iron Beds and Tracts, Man ganese, Marble, Gold, Silver, Lead, Coal, Mica, Ochre, Asbestos, Talc and Graphite Mines, etc. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mmitlon Houthuro Worm ENCLOSE STAMP. Gate City Kennel. TONY LAVA ROCK. If. nAt A V 0 A tuuiough-brud Eug i»n ,et- it Cl 891 A< At At ter, o it of the handsomest amt best Field Dogs in the country. In the stui to a limited number of approved Bitches. F«» 125. Dogs boarded and finely trained. If you want to buy, sell or exchange a good dog ol auy kind, address, GATE CITY KENNEL, Atlanta, Ga. The Southern Cultivator $l,QO a Yoar. Every subscriber to THE SOUTHERN CUL TIVATOR, old or new, whose subscription for 18851a immediately forwarded us, together with the price, $150 per year, and 50 cents extra- making *2.00 in all—will receive THE SOUTH ERN CULTIVATOR for one year, and be pre sented with the World’s Cyclopedia, 800 page* and over 1,000 engravings. Strongly bound In elolh, black and gold. Canvassers wanted every where. Sample copies Southern Cultivator free. Address JA8. P. H4RRI80N A CO., Atlanta, Ga. BEFORE YOU BUY & BICYCLE (V-f'-i of any kind, send stamp to A. IV. tlU.HI’, Dayton, Ohio, for Isrg* Illustrated Price (Wie/MMsi of Nsw «nd Bsensn-HAsn HAemssa --r tll<.eniid-hAnd BICTCLR8 tAken In exrhsmre. MCYCLF.H ftepalrrsl and Nickel Plnted. Mention Southern World. FRENCH WINE COCA Strengthens and Exhilarates. Sustains and refreshes, aids digestion, Imparts new energies to the worn or exhausted mind and body, and exottes every faculty to healthy action. COCA is a wondertnl lnvlgoretor of the genital organs and Is a specific forallnervouscomplalnts, suoh as StCKlllADAClII, NtURALOIA, WAKIFULNISS, rots or ximory, nsbvous tbimobs, I 'ss or APPETITE, DXFBIS8ION OF 8MBIT8, ETC. f PEMBERTON’S WINE CO I will vitalise your blood and build up your health at onne. Lawyers, Ministers, Teachers, Orators, Vocalists, and all who shcak in public will find tho Wine Coca, taken hall hour before speaking, a specific for the voice. WINE COCA is endorsed by over 20,000 eminent medical men in the world, snd Pemberton’s Wine Coca la awarded the palm over all other Invgorants by B hvslclans and people who have used It. There i health and joy in every bottle. FOR SALK BY ALL DRUGGISTS. J. S. PEMBERTON & CO., Sole Proprietor* and Manufacturers, Atlanta, Ga. Send six cents for postage, and re ceive free, a costly box of goods mi WHITE ROSE PERFUMED CHROMO Ul ICARUS, (new) assorted Scrap Pictures aJU»nit Transuarent Cards name on, lOcts. w w ACME CARD CO., Ivoryton, Conn. Mention Southern World. 'help you to more monoy right away than anything else In this world. All, of either ■ex, succeed from Brst hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, Tnua & Co., Augusta, Maine. MonHon Southern World.