The Savannah tribune. (Savannah, Ga.) 1973-current, February 17, 2010, Image 7

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    The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 17, 2010 - 7
100 Black Men, Johnson High
Announces Empowerment Program
Students listen attentively during announcement of Economic Empowerment Program
The 100 Black Men of
Savannah, Inc. and the stu
dents, faculty, and staff of Sol
C. Johnson H.S. will intro
duced their joint Economic
Empowerment Program on
Thursday February 11th in
the auditorium of Sol C
Johnson High School.
The 100/SCJ Economic
Empowerment Program is a
new and innovative partner
ship between the Savannah
100, Savannah's Public
School system, and
Savannah's business commu
nity. This program, conducted
at Sol C. Johnson H.S. from
February 11, 2010 through
March 25, 2010, will intro
duce students to the theory
and practice of business and
Through classroom
instruction, interactive finan
cial literacy workshops, men
toring, and shadowing of
Savannah 100 business peo
ple, the program will intro
duce students to the world of
business, strengthen their
writing skills, and provide
mentoring relationships with
members of the Savannah
100. Students will receive
grade credit for participating
in the program and, at its
completion, the 100 Black
Men of Savannah; Inc. will
award college scholarships to
four students.
In a joint statement,
Lloyd A. Johnson, president
of the 100 Black Men of
Savannah, Inc., and Freddie
Gilyard, principal of Johnson
High School, stated, "We are
excited about our new part
nership. Financial empower
ment begins with understand
ing financial choices.
The SO/100 Economic
Empowerment program is all
about choices, the right choic
es. By giving youth the
opportunity to learn about
real estate, business planning,
stock markets,and banking
we are providing our youth
with keys to financial free
dom. Through our Economic
Empowerment Program real
business men and women in
the community will teach stu
dents lessons from everyday
business life. Select seniors
will also have the opportunity
to shadow a Savannah busi
ness professional for a work
day, seeing how they operate
in the field. By combining
real world lessons with real
world experience, these youth
will get a glimpse of what the
future may hold for them."
With the support of
the business community,
Johnson H.S., and the 100
Black Men of Savannah, Inc.,
the program . will also offer
four, $1,250 scholarships to
eligible seniors.
The Savannah 100's
Economic Development
Committee is led by Charles
Gilyard, Chair, and Hasani
Lateef X, CoChair.
The 100 Black Men of
Savannah, one of 116
chapters of the 100 Black
Men of America, Inc. It aims
to empower youth and their
families, while positively
impacting their communities.
Mentoring is the
essence of the Savannah 100.
Each of the Savannah 100's
five signature programs - eco
nomic development, educa
tion, health & wellness, men
toring, and leadership devel
opment - involves mentoring
of Savannah's African-
American youth.
As the needs in our
Savannah community contin
ue to grow in size and com
plexity, the Savannah’s 2010
strategic plan, "Mentoring the
100 Way Across a Lifetime",
addresses these challenges.
Tyson To Be Honored During the
ESSENCE Black Women in
Hollywood Luncheon
Cicely Tyson
Completing an already
exciting list of honorees
including Queen Latifah, Zoe
Saldana, Mary J. Blige and
newcomer Gabourey Sidibe,
ESSENCE is excited to
announce as part of its 40th
Anniversary celebration
Academy Award nominee
Cicely Tyson as the recipient
of the Legend Award at the
third annual ESSENCE Black
Women in Hollywood
The event will take
place during Oscar Week on
Thursday, March 4, in Los
Angeles at the Beverly Hills
Hotel. Cicely Tyson will
join past ESSENCE Black
Women in Hollywood
Legend Award honorees
Ruby Dee and Diahann
Carroll as pioneers who have
paved the way and broken
barriers for African-
American actresses in
"Cicely Tyson is an icon
who has transcended time
with classic performances
that have touched our hearts
and made us proud," said
ESSENCE editor-in-chief
Angela Burt-Murray. In
1972, Cicely Tyson received
a nomination for the
Academy Award for Best
Actress for her role in the crit
ically acclaimed movie
Sounder and won two Emmy
Awards (Outstanding Lead
Actress & Actress of the
Year) for The Autobiography
of Miss Jane Pittman in 1974.
Tyson's roles in films like
Roots, King, A Woman
Called Moses and The Marva
Collins Story have all brought
meaning and vision to real
life American stories and
have garnered several Emmy
Awards for her lead and sup
porting roles.
In 2005, Cicely Tyson
joined the then budding
Hollywood director Tyler
Perry for his first feature film
"Diary of a Mad Black
Woman" and again in 2006
for "Madea's Family
Reunion" which are both
adaptations of Perry's hit
stage plays.
Ms. Tyson has used her
career to not only entertain
but as a platform to uplift and
educate the African-
American community. In
1995, the Cicely Tyson
School of Performing and
Fine Arts opened in East
Orange, New Jersey, named
in her honor. The school,
which serves one of New
Jersey's most underprivileged
African-American communi
ties, helps to teach and devel
op budding actors and artists.
AWWIN Announces Honorees for Top
Ten Working Women of the Year
Awards Gala
AWWIN is pleased
and excited to announce the
honorees for the AWWIN
Top Ten Working Women of
the Year Awards. The
Awards Gala & Silent
Auction will be held Friday,
May 14, 2010 at the beauti
ful Mighty Eighth Air Force
Top Ten Honorees
include Camellia Pflum-
General Manager of for Joy
100 and 92.3 The Pointe;
Senea Crystal- Marketing
Director-Savannah Mall;
Stacy Jennings-Marketing
Director-Savannah Morning
News; Rev. Dr. Jonetta
Prater-St Peters
Engineering Process
LaWanda Law-Human
Resource Director of
Hospice Savannah & First
Lady of New Birth
Savannah; Norma Curry-
Missions Outreach
Aldersgate United
Methodist Church; Tanya
Scott Pilcher—Owner/GET
Shirley James
Owner/Savannah Tribune;
Mary Morrison-Community
Leader & Advocate;
Taffanye Young- Director-
Community Planning &
Development -City of
The 2010 Gala
Honorary Chair is
Cathy Hill of Georgia
Power and Gala Co-Chairs
Barbara Treadwell,
Treadwell & Associates,
LLC, Kathryn Martin,
Georgia Medical College-
Savannah Campus, and
Mary Morrison,
Community Advocate &
This year’s
keynote speaker is Lora
Outreach Coordinator for
Curtis & Elizabeth
Anderson Cancer Institute
Miller Bargeron,
Jr., Managing Partner of
Boan Consults, LLC
Empowerment Consultant
and Motivational Speaker
will serve as master of cer
Entertainment will
be provided by Larry
Brannen & Daysha Nabors.
For more information
call 912-659-0241. As you
can see this is an exciting
time for AWWIN.
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