Newspaper Page Text
There are 113‘ 'children bow attetiding
school in Perry; •
Covingtori capitalists' are establishing
a guano factory and oil mill.
A boy with six fingers and a thumb bn
wft-hnnd wasjo Bast mite-last week.
_y J T&: Piicy Woods Hotel at ’Thomasville
has upwa'rdA'bf 150 guesta. and engage¬
ments for quite a number more.
One of the besit and 'irnfet successful farm
ers of Sumttr county said Mouday that he
had paid out $1,890 cash for mules in the
last, thirty days.
Some of the citizens of the western por¬
tion of DeKidb county’tvant td be annexed
to Fulton county. TheprojEci is-beingex
tinrsively'disoiissech !
The residence of Dr; J, P. Philips; near
GldrksVille, which was burned on the morh
ng- of- Jan."21, was insured for 3,000 vThich
will not coverthe loss sustained.'
The plans fbrtbteSi. SimonsBeachHo
tcl by architect' WilRam Anderson has
latm completed and shbmitteSM It is beau
tiful in desigu and arnodel in comfort.
At-Augusta fire destroyed $2,000 Worth
cotton 1 in the Langley factory picker room
late i uesdsy flight, but the machinery es¬
caped uniujured. < Everything insured.
At Tallapbosa on WiSlfffesday 'a brake,
mati by the name of John DrSwford jeoiored)'
was crushed'to death, being instantly kill
ed by a freight ear turning over'Ofi him.
Mr. vSpringer;tbe GhOrokee county farm¬
er whose wife left-trim to go -iff with 4*-Mr.
Johnson, a hireling on-Ms-farm, now offers
a reward of $400 : for thc x-.aptwe of b ;j’
wifb’s *
paramour. •’
A movement i* on foot to organise ’afire
insurance company in Newnan with a
large paid-up capital, and the projectors
arc-meeting with- encouragement 1 among
tbo- moneyed mem of the town.
Mr. Cciially, of Rerhe-, euffi>red r a‘verj- pftii,
l'ul accident Tuesday'While making a trip
out' to see his cousin, Hon. Charles Mem¬
ber. He was thrown from his buggy and
* ; is toft arm was broken below the elbow.
Airs. Fate;-mother of J. F. I’sfci* of Claj
county, has a pocket-knife that has'been
in her family for'more thah lOO ybars, and
;t is thonght that the'first weaver’s siey
that was ever used-in Georgia was ma<V
with this knife. -
The students of the State University at
Athens have decided to build in that city
a handsome club bouse, to cost $2O,0(K) or
25,000 to be erected ou some site conven¬
ient to the campus. This club room is de¬
signed as a place of pleasure aud recreation
for the students. ■
A lady of Marietta recently attended a
fashionable wedding dinner where the sand¬
wiches were tied with a white satin rib< n
Tlethg extremely- liear-sighted she did
not see the ribbon and did not know that
she had eaten it with the sandwich nntd
she felt it in her throat.
At Ty-Ty Saturday night, at a negro
chnreb, there was a stabbing affray in'which
one negro woman severely cut another one
iu the breast and another long gash over
the eye. In tbe-fight threo negro women
sud one negro man were engaged/ but only
the -one woman was hurt.
Before the lato war some tobacco land*
in ‘Decatur contraty rented-at $40 per acre.
Cno year L. M. ! Griffin, who was then
a merchant; and wlibia now living at
TBainbridge, bought ou the streets of Bain
bridge over |200;0fi0 wdf-th of tobacco
raihed in Decatur and GadBden counties.
iltiSStSf&XSZ; Kirfff v. T ,. ,, , „
Tho motlMW'te b<. y lo*ed Ih,
little fellow ,n the kmM and wont away to
^tteudto she fomi‘1 lrcr on y-the‘ehhrred oadydutK-s remains On TtiOMte? of hef
offspring still broil,ug on the coals.
- the farmers’ Alliance has stired up Troup
county. Theteommotion arose' over the
fact that a large dealer atT.aG range refus*
ed to loan two good farmers money because
they were alliance men. 1 Some of their
members withdrew to get nv.ilEs, or be¬
cause the alliance stores wiH not credit
Sunday seemed to be h'bad day for the
Anifericus, Preston and Lutrpkln railroad
Besides the accident at Americus, as the
train left Johfrston, and just between that
station and the river, some miscreant had
left a pole car too near the track, and as
the train passed, tiie pole car knocked-off
four pairs of steps from thg eoacheCi
Tom McOulloughs/'Waltou county, teas
tried for insanity recently; and the jury-fail
ing to adjudge him k-fit'subject for the as¬
ylum he-was tried ntSfer a peace warrant
sworn cmt by his brother, fie was com
mitted under a bond 0f $109; avid after
spending sometime-in jailkijr father went
on his bond; w;lh'the understanding: that
he was to l*»vt the’county;'
The directors' of'the'-Jvek narr'cottcfn f4c
^ or F met Tuesday, arid sevOraF thousand
( *°R a r»" of UtldiUonAt subSeViptions weffeht
P ortc d since last meeting. The Commit
tee 0,1 Location reported numerous ptojio
sitons made by property owners iu and a
round the efty, all of 1 whorfi were willing
to exchange their lands at reasonable- fig¬
ures for paid-bp-stock- in the company.
The veil worn oh the occasion of recent
marriage of Miss-Lula Rockwell, of Mill
edgeville, and Mr ID W. Hall, -was 80
years old. It was'presented to the late
Mrs. Samuel Rockwell, of Baldwin couuty
on the night of her marriage; at Providence
R. I. The lace was worn at the bail given
in honor ot Son;" Lafayette Id Milledge
ville in 1825> Tne bride was presented
with a set of pearls valued at $300.
Harrison, a town situated midway be¬
tween Tennille 1 aud fPrrgfitsvillc, on one
of the principal branches of the great Cen¬
tral trunk line, the'Wrightsvflle and Tenu
illc railroad, three years ago hai ouiy two
families. To day the population is 800.
The advantages the place holds out to
capitalists as a business centre have caus
ed a regular boom in real estate, aud dwell
and storehouses have sprung up as if
by magic.
In South West Goorgia the Watermelon
plautcrs arc busy preparing forthat impor¬
tant crop. There will be increase in acre
age in and around Dougherty county
There will be perhaps more than 1,000 car
loads of melons shipped from stations be¬
tween Smithville and -Camilla, inclusive
for 1888.
Atlanta’s black listing of-'dstinkards is no
new thing- In 1876 E. H. ’Gronby, the
pvopriatoi- and editor of a paper in Blakely
blacklisted himself iu the following onlcr;
On and after date the undei.figned gives
notice that he will prosecute any person
him intoxicating liquor of any kind
to the full extent of the law. This is not
for the purpose of injuring whisky dealers
but to get sober and stay so."
J.'W, Calhoun','of Arlington, has de¬
monstrated that 'Tartiiirtg does nay when
properly conducted on the intensive system
cotton .M mhEMST &■»£? 5
,;,fe 0 - bnshe | s oT oats . 20 - bale8 of
cotton and 20* bushel* ot coin.' After
paying off his feuds and $400 ; f6r lAam.Ves
he cltafc , betCT& $m and
It. L. Brjomfiiiltl has purchased 150 acres
of land at Harriett Shoals’ near the site he
has chosen for his new thread mill?. Mess
eas. P roomfield aud Cheney now own sev
oral thousand acres of the most 'valuable
land in that'sectioh, including many fine
shoals and wood lands-
W/’J* 'Matthews * waS severely injured
Monday'in Amcricns. PrJstori He is a conductor
on fcbd Americas,' and 'Lufnfcifffail
road, and was oil his train'hWVrhg it tWn
cd on the turn-table. While standing'ou
the platform of one of the cars, ar.d -aS the
table get near the proper position, the train
started and ran off, throwing Mr. Matthews
from tbetear to the ground, dislocating his
knee and bruising’ him on hi3"face and
Oft' January jg James Rent!, a good cit*
izen of Tattnall countv, was walking
through the mill of Mr-’Bazemore/bn the
Olioopec river, when he stumbled and fell
across tfie saw. The saw struck him on
the top of the head and made its way
through hi? body aud came out near his
left hip. entirely severing ha left side frotn
Iris body.
At Atlanta, the Shit brought by if. B
Frank agaiust the Atlanta and West Point
Railroad fi>f $25100) ife recompense for
damages received by him in the
■with' a train on the Savannah. Griffin and
North Alabama Railroad, at Newnan,
about a year ago, has just ended in a \er
diet of $10,000 for the plaintiff
James /Pirant, a colored boy, was
di owned at Darien a'few days ago. He
fell from a dock from which lie was fishing.
Atlanta’s traffic in mules is estimated at
$3,500,000 jjei jear. It is estimated that
the receiqts during the five months of this
busy season will average - ’ eight car load,,
per day, which is equivalent to oVer 25,000
A boijer. esplerirtn at "’Downs’ mill, in
the upper part of Marion county, Friday
resulted in tbo death of three men.
TO Ti!i: JOtthdW'AiLs - ■
The following little waif strayed into
our office the other day, and there was
nothing about it to show where or from
whom it came. It was found near the’
door, Some modest but warn hearted
friend of THE JOURNAL will recog¬
nize it:
We welcome you into our lmme’f’ *
With cheery, hearty will,
And hope to see the day soon cctne'
When each house on tile hill,
And every cottage round about *
Shall know your cheerful face;
A journal honest-like and free,
Is gbod about the place.
We’ve waited for your coming long,' -
Vour advent makes us glad ;
We greet you with this little song
Ami hope times wont be bad.
Feby. 1. 1888. K.
Life fnsuranc. statistics are said to’ Bhow
thcie arc now 820,000 policies in this coun¬
try, representing an aggregate insurance of
$ 2 , 100 , 000 , 000 .
I*rood of tile Paper.
In a letter to Mr. F- H. Wright, of this
place, Mr. John I. Champion,a prominent
citizen of this county, in speaking of the
“I have received^ copy' oFthe kkox
VILLB JotmsAt. ,1 read it closely and
h ed it awaywithmy private paners, that
nly grand children may at some future dav
se : ’*> *? rt js fye (irat paper' ever printed '
m our dead town', f hope the editor is an ’
enterprising young mam I will give him
all the aid I can, an, 1 hope every body will
*. a life-tune subscriber—.hope oan muvU ®ya3» as
of his little gem ’
a paper may shine as a bright star,”
Savannah Morning
. i vdustrious j’ he 'ndustrious than - bee will have to he more
honey ever, now that artificia’
is being made. The comb is man¬
ufactured from white wax, placed in ajar
and the Syrup poured over it. It is not i
very good imitatijn, aud can easily be de¬
tected. but it is- much cheaper than the
real article, Will the dealers raise c
price and pass off as genuine honey ?
A Cincinnati man whose fine, blooded
buggy horse becime siek, concluded to
turn him. out with some mules in a pasture
and allow tho auimal'to take a course of
Nature’s treatment, The mules found the
horse lying down and turned in and ate
all the mane and tail of the blooded cours,
er - This shovfs tlmrauything mean Cmeinu.iif; ‘
Fort Geo. ValleyTEntetprism Alexander, '
Ivan president of the Central
road, in conversation with a promt.
nent citizen of Houston-County few davs
said a
ago, fbs Saya*& Ahd Fort Valfev
railroad would certainly be built, and that
work would be commenced on it within
two months, or as soon as they could finish
the tunnel on the Good wafer'* extension.
This news, coming direct frofu headquar¬
ters, will be greeted by our people with
delight, from the fact that if will beoefit
•our town very much as it will give u
three outlets to the sea. The completion
of the Good water extension will give us
direct liue a
to the coat and iron field?,
thereby insuring ns cheap fuel and a cheap
freight rate on iron for our manufactories
which ‘will be a big help t 0 the town
The completion bf the A. & F. R. R
which is now a certainty, will give our
town a competing line north and west.
thereby securing for us equally as low
rates of freight at either Mac n or Atlan¬
ta get, whic will call for the opening tip 0 f
wholesale houses hete to supply the trade
of South»v(9t Georgia.
Appoinraenrs filie for (he Kno*
For'February i- IP89’
Knokvifiji the 5th at 11 A. M. & 6 30 P
MaecSofiia the 11 & 12 at 11 A- M.
Hebron’the 18 & 19 at 11 A. M.
Dixon the 25 & 26 at 31 A; M.’
Bethel the 2ff : 'at 3 P, M.
Beaver Dam the 19 at 3 Pv M.
Prayor mooting every Wednesday eve,
ning aH 30 P. M. at Knoxviile.
W. L. Carter, P. C.
Notice tO'Tewehei'i ^FutrouW
A RRXNGBMENTS have'bseh made by
the Board of Education tor the op
eration of Public Schools of Hie county.
J. W. 13 LASIXGA M.JBf■'(-■: S. C.
Mules for Sale.
ASB U MULE, seven ycais f cRI.’ cash ;nfdLs» -’t
‘ for sale cbvap ‘ r ot
size Also term
time with good papers- one
mule for sale for cash or on time ---«■
good papers until fall. - -