The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, February 03, 1888, Image 7

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cc. i i xLtx mu,vi. i We pray that the world grow better, • And we say its roads are rough; We fret over fancied sorrows, But the world is good enough. Springs the bright grain if we sow it, There is work for hand and pen, Nature ever smiles on effort— What we want is better men. By the cloud we know the sunshine; Smiles are sweetest after tears; After toiling cometh resting, And calming of our fears. Shall we murmur that the snow falls— Doth not Summer come again? Ah! this might be half an Eden, If we just had better men. When the Summer fails to reach us, And dear love shall lose its power, When the angel, hope, refuses To illume the darkened hour, We may ban the world for coldness, But our course is clear till then— Let us face toward its sunshine. And fill it with better men! Better fathers, friends and brothers— More its worth to understand; Better hearts toward each other, \ And sometimes a helping band. Never whimper of decadence When misfortune meets our ken The old world will answer nobly To the claims of better men. Wm. Lyle , in Journalist. PITH AND POINT. Opportunities are like vacant lots. able. They must be improved to be profiit The waves of old ocean are by no means ready to sleep when they put their white caps on.— Picayune. A small Alleghany boy recently de¬ scribed a cross eyed individual as a “man with bandy-legged eyes .—Pittsburgh Chronicle. “Hello, Brown! Have you any new factories going up at Hellebore this falll” ‘Yes, our powder factory went up last Then week .”—Burlington Free Press. it’s ho! for the muffler and sealskin cap, And And ho! toboggan for slide and and slip skate: and fall, a start And a bruised and bleeding pate. Mail. —Chicago There band. is one thing to hangs be said for and the brass It never back, blushes and protests ineompetency when it is asked to play.— Bur'inyton Free Press. hands!” Highwayman—“Throw Physician up your (absently)—“It's out of the question, sir. I haven’t an emetic of any kind with me .”—Nebraska State Journal. Our esteemed contemporary, Mr. P. T. Barnum, always was a Incky man. He found three dollars in the stomach of one of his recently-destroyed elephants.— Boston Courier. Although it the much Government complains that has too money, it is weekly coining more. This shows that the Gov¬ ernment is not unlike the ordinary in¬ dividual .—Philadelphia News. “A friend in need's a friend indeed,” The statement is not true said Jones, The friends in need are friends that bleed You, for they’re always wanting loans. —Boston Courier. •Mrs. Dumpsey-—“Our Bessie is the brightest little child you ever saw! She picks Popinjay—“Something up everything she like hears.” Willie. Mrs. our He picks up everything he sees.”— Bur¬ lington Free Press. When blizzards bliz, An’ coal is riz, their boldest, An’ tempests temp We And shivering shiv, live— scarce can For street cars are coldest. —Detroit Free Press. “Young man,” he said, “do you re¬ member the old saying: ‘Money is the root of all evil’?’’ “Yes. sir.” “Well, do you know that many of the-e old say¬ ings contain much that is food for serious thought:” ’Wes, sir; there is ‘Root, hog, or die, ’ for instance.”— Drake's Mag¬ azine. War on Carrier Pigeons. The Russian Government has besn try¬ ing experiments in the capture of car rier P'S eons by falcons, and they have prove cd as successful as the Minister of War expected, The falcon sees the pigeon at a distance, goes for it, and captures it promptly. The idea is to utilize the birds in time of war to inter¬ cept messages sent from the enemy, and falconry stations are to be estabbiished at the different fortifications in Russia. AH Vttu WU1UB, The country place of W. E. Bake*, the sewing other day, machine millionaire, whodiea the was at Wellesley, Mass. extended He was noted for the hospitality he to visitors, especially to those from the South. The outside walls of the stables were decorated with a series of enormous paintings Nibelungenleid. representing scenes from the the Everywhere upon grounds the visitor encountered some elaborately By the planned piece of extravagance. the sha lake a lofty monument constructed in pe of a champagne bottle, of thousands of empty bottles; in another place a towering pile of rusty smoke¬ stacks from dismantled locomotive en¬ gines; here a maze, there a subterranean herein grotto lighted with colored glass; the pathway a concealed platform on soft springs, which, as you step stool upon in it, sent of you a lurching; there a front a flowering cactus, and when you sat down upon the stool to inspect the cactus, the plant sank out of sight in the ground and there sprang up a wooden devil, painted red, which grinned insolently in your face. Thebe were lynched during the than year 1887 in these United States no fewer 123 persons. Of the various States and Territories, Texas leads the list, with fifteen lynchings, and Mississippi is en titled to second place, with fourteen to her credit. All the victims were men, eighty of them being negroes. A Bloody Affray is often the result of “bad blood” in a family or destructiveness community, but nowhere is bad health blood more in the human of happiness When and the than is foul sluggish system. with life current and impurities, and is slowly the distributing its poisons to every part of minent. body,the Early peril to health,and dull life even,is im¬ feelings, headaches, symptoms are coated and drowsy appetite, severe indigestion and general tongue, lassitude. poor Delay in treatment may entail the mOBt seri¬ ous consequences. Don’t let disease get a stronghold on your constitution, Golden but treat yaw Discovery, self by and using be Dr. restored Pierce’s the Medical to blessings of health. All druggists. The Chinamen in New York are said to send home over $150,000 a year. “Consumption ran be Cured.” Dr. J. S. Combs, Owensville, Ohio, says: “I have given Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites to four pal tients with better results than seemed possible with any remedy. All were hereditary cases of when Lung disease, and advanced to that ttage Coughs, pain in the chest, frequent breathing, Ali frequent pulse, fever and Emaciation. these eases have increased in weight from 16 to 28 lbs,, and are not'now needing any medi¬ cine.” Itching Piles. Symptoms— Moisture; intense itching and stingiiig; worse by scratching. which often If allowed bieec and to continue tumors form, Swayne’s Oint¬ ulcerate, becoming itching very and sore. bleeding, heals ul¬ ment stops the ceration, and in many cases removes the tu¬ mors. Equallv efficacious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR.SWAYNE & SON, sold Philadelphia. druggists. Sent by mail for 50cts. Also by Life is burdensome, alike to the sufferer and all around him, while dyspepsia and its at¬ tending evils holds sway. < omplaints of this nature can be speedily cured by taking Prickly Asli Bitters regularly. Thousands once thus afflicted now bear cheerful testimony as to its merits. now “ T ra oWsl»rw»K£ Pharmacy, 204 2 Broadway, New from .York. the City All Hali who suffer with tliis disejee should write there at once. Free pamphlet. Aged People Whose blood has become thin or Impure are especially liable to attacks of rheumatism, or to that weakness called “general debility.” The pains and aches of the former are relieved by .Ilood's Sarsa parilla, which purifies and vitalizes the blood, while it also tones and builds up the whole system. Try Hood’s Sarsaparilla and realise the peculiar benefit which it gives. “I have taken Hood’s Sarsaparilla for dyspepsia and as a tonic alterative, with the most beneficial results. I have also used it for rheumatism with good effect. I regard it as one of the very best tarn iiv medicines, and would not wll ingly be without It/’—A. B. Curky, Providence, R. I. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Prepared only Sold by all druggist*. *1; six for $5. by C. X. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar MEMORY MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike aillfieial Nj-stenis. Aliy beck leu rued In one l-eadine. Recommended b.v Make Twain, Riciiabd Pboctok, Ben.i the Scientist. Hons. w. w. Astok, Judah P. a urn D r Minor. &r. Class of lull Columbia Law stu¬ dents ; 2to at Meriden : 2Su at Norwich; 850 400 at Oberlin Uni ColkBKe; two classes of 2HI each at V aie; at verity Of Penn, Phlia.; 4[«i at Wellesley University, College, ami three'large classes at Chatauqua Sc. Prosi)e<d^|v>sT idiKD^ron^ Aye __ New York. EXIC AH W AR HOME STUDY. Bb orthand, Boo ik-keeplng, Ac., thoroughly Penmanship, taught Arithmetic, mail. Cir BttYANT’8 COLLEGE, 457 Kiln St., by Buffalo. eularafree. N. V. in preserving Level, their lands, is the sold Universal by Gravity manufactured and John R. This Wilkinson, Level-is 37 scientifically South Broad made, St., Atlanta, of brass and Ga. iron, easily manipulated, good very simple builders’ in tool, con¬ struction, lasts always, combining square, tri-square, two-foot meas¬ ure and plumb. For terracing small there is no level made to equal it, for the amount invest¬ ed. (All Level complete, with target, the for premiums $5.) The Gravity captures all More of them sold at fairs wherever exhibited. and better satisfaction given than any Level made. Thousands of testimonials from leadi ft! farmers throughout the States tes ify to merit. When one goes into a community it sells others sure. Never has failed. Write for cir¬ culars and and agents’ commissions. Instruc¬ tion in ditching, draining and terracing this ac¬ company each Level. [Mention paper. For Only 20 Cents You can get a beautiful distinguished picture (“A from Message fine of Love”), Color cannot be a Water worth $25. A full size paper pat¬ tern worth 25 cents—Design and size of your own selection—.besides the finest Magazine number that published. contains Send for wonderful the February picture and pat¬ this tern order. Price 20 cents, or ask yournews dealer to get it for your inspection. Tell hm If he sends for it for you to see, he will prob¬ ably sell hundreds of them. Published by W. Jennings Demorest, 15 East 14th St, New York. Now is the time to subscribe and get ten times the value of the $2 per year. The Wealth of a Home Is dependent upon the happiness therein. If sickness Is there, what a shadow falls. Par¬ ents, cold, you should never neglect a slight cough or but give in time Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. If afflicted with 1 ore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp¬ bottle. son’s Eye> water. Druggists sell at 25c. per fey ^(Paine’s (gmbound For The Nervous The Debilitated . The Aged ■ URKS Nervous Prostration,Nervous Head ache,Neuralgia, NervousWeakness, Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all affections of the Kidneys. AS A NERVE TONIC, It Strengthens and Quiets the Nerves. AS AN ALTERATIVE, It Purifies and Enriches the Blood. AS A LAXATIVE, It acts mildly, but surely, on the Bowels. AS A DIURETIC, It Regulates the Kid¬ neys and Cures their Diseases. Recommended by professional and business men. Price $ 1 . 00 . Sold by druggists. Send for circulars. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.. Proprietors, BURLINGTON. VT. We Give a 850 Cold Watch X ond To the ble of wa tal with we send the cli. before the middle note, a your $25silver Enclose next two first silver Mar. answer chapter rolled person *5 watch. 25 15. a or cents gold for $5 in The stamps) naming the which nickel doub¬ Each (pos¬ sec¬ Bi¬ § le-heart rings and illustrated i,ART t“^ v paper c.o > W. is. I)(M (J LAS $4 8HOE. S4 the original and only hand-sewed welt shoe in the world, equals custom made liand-sewed shoes that cost from $6 to $9. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 The only S3 SKAMEKSS Shoe in the world, with¬ out tacks or nails. 4/0 Finest and warranted. Calf, < perfec* ongreos, fit, <> | | Button and L,nce, all erjsr ^ 8 styleetoe. and durable As stylish those c A, ? ffl jg as costing $5 or $0.Boys>/ W. JT <0 M all wear the ^ggs***^ L. DOUG •2 Shoe. - [Nun* *ad prie* on bottom of • Mb 8 ho*, j W. L. DOUGLAS *2.50 SHOE is unex celled for heavy wear. If not sold by your dealer write W.L. DOUGLAS. Brockton, Kass. ASTHMA BRONCHITIS, HAY FKVEll, and all Dls C Ur* of TrMUnitHEtV* whlcnianow recognized by the medioal world &i the only one that will positively and permanently ;*ure Asthma, its kindred affections and all blood diseases. Not only does it excel ail other methods in giving quick relief, but it absolutely cures the worst oases permanently. Thousands have been cured by it. Convincing and conclusive proof will he found In my 04 page Treatise, sent free. Hr III. D Di \M II HHIIIi AID £33 W. FOURTH ST., ft. CINCINNATI. OHIO. CHI niF LI RS lw bounty collected: Deserters relieved: 22 vears’ practice Success or no fee. Lawe »«ut r rce. A. "VV. McCormick & Son. Wa>h lweion,D» Blair’s Pills. Great English Gout and Rheumatic Remedy. Oval ltox, 34i rouuil, 14 l’ilU. /'"'I O Iz D is worth $500 per ib. Pettit’s Eye Salve is VT worth $1,000, but is sold at 25c. a box by dealers. f 4* THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN. Cores Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciat¬ ica, Toothache, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Swell¬ Sore Throat, ings, Frostbites, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns and Scalds. WHAT IT IS. | Idla nf It Is in one word a cure; it is not merely ft is the a relief and in no sense a cure-all; product of scientific research. •Ijl tU. It dues, strengthens heals and while it soothes it literally and sub- con¬ cures; quers pain. QJ uUi Its the effects whole are curative of muscular and permanent, miseries to and agonies. group nervous fit L It does not merely irritate the outer sur v 111. face, nor does itmercly soften or relax i constricted muscle. To its specific action a superior curative virtue is superadded. It an^Jfort penetrates deeply but gently ^search spot in to conquer. Cfli □ III. Each constituent of the formula has a surely recognized the intrinsic pain. virtue to serve most cure of Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere. THE CHARLES A. VOGELEB CO.. Baltimore. Md. KIDNEY, LIVER & IsPECincJ BLADDER CURE (US BEAD SYMPTOMS’ and CONDITIONS This Her. . ay will Believe and Cura. If II Vnn IUU are *' i catened disease, with, or already trouble. have, Brig U. .s or Urinary If II Vnn I UU ha\sediment in urine like brick dust, frequent calls or Retention, with distress or pressure in the parts. If You have tame Back, Rheumatism, Sting¬ ing, Aching Fains in side or hips, ifYouSSMs or scanty or If You SM 1 !* If || Vnu IQU have Irritation, Spasmodic Stricture, or Catarrh of the Bladder. If IT Vnn IUU have BLOOD humors, Pimples, TJloers, If Seminal Weakness, or Syphilis, Vnn have Stone inXidney,or Gravel in Blad II I UU der, Stoppage of unne or Dribbling, If Vnn have poor Appetite, Bad Taste, Foul- 11 IUU breath, or internal Slime fever, QniliJn up quickly a run-down constitution. SUnGS Don’t neglect early symptoms. Evert Dosr Goes Bioht to the Kfot t Prepared at Dispensary— Recommended by renowned physician.—“Invalids’ Guide to Health” free. Advice free ill! Genuine have Dr. Kilmer’s likeness on outside and inside wrappers. '-lid ’ 01(1 by Binghamton, all Drugmsts, N. Y. and Db. Kilhxe t Co., ! 51.00—Six Bottles $."5.00 EXHAUSTED VITALITY k Great Medical Work for Young and Midilie-Agej Men. EKDW THYSELF.^*®* Bnston, H!hs.8. wm. il. PARKER, Hi. D.» i'cmso rl :>s Phvslciau. More than ono million copies fold. It treats upon Nervous Exhausted and Vitality, Physical Impaired Debility. Premature Decline, and the untold t Igor, and Impurities spur.tie: of the Blood, miseries consequent sequent thereon. Contains 300 pages, substantial era .c«.s d binding, binding, full fu gilt. Warranted lii o best popu lar mo-!leal treatise published In the Km rlish lanart gauge. Price only $1 by mail, IUwitrativ postpaid, and concc* sled if lu md a plain wrapper. Address above. # a iwi •nplefrer you sen now. a* ..... ’ b'lW * I CUBE FITS! them When X say cure I do not moan merely to atop e arrant my remedy to cure the wore* cases, because others have failed is no reason f««- not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a trea;.*wand aufi_Fost a *reo Chfice. tfoiu* of my infallible remedy. Give I’earl Express -New \ urk. H. fl. BOOT. ill, V.. 183 St. JONES HE W2*W2FS£«J Iron 1/evtTn, Seel Behrings. Brua Tare Beam a nd l U-am Box for ^ met.lion Evert this paper and a*ldrcM prwe )la» . JONES OF BINCKAMT9N. Y» BINUHAIUTON. N. J.P. STEVENS &BR0. JEWELERS. Atlanta, Ga. Sr ml for (‘nta logiip. __ it? $5 SS SSS FREE. A. N. U Four.