Newspaper Page Text
What the People are Doing and
Talking AbDut. •.
Society News and, IVelglitioi:
liood N»l,es— I'ersaaai .
ne*t week.
Several new and important, advertise
marts in this issu
The detestable English 3parrow3-hiaire at
last sorted a colony, at ..Kgoxxjllle.
The wheat and oat crops are very good
nd bid fair to turn out ,a fa r : yield
Messrs. McCrary and Bob
went to Macon on, bnsiness on Monday
Major Lewis, a large planter. of Upson
county, was in town on business a day pr
two ago.
The hogs and cows still have the run ,o f
the streets, notwithstanding the stock, law
was passed.
There is a good deal of business done in
thq manufacture jug ware in this county,
ai d it is agood paying business.
Every farmer in the county should, look
after bis gardening at once, for,-the better
tho garden the more money will, he, ,ha ye
noxt fall,
Hortman’s grist .mill has, been out of
order some lime, and the citizens of our
town have, suffered great ineonvenienc on
seepunt of it.
Messrs. Hollenger Andrews and Henry
Ray, formerly of this county but now of
Macon, came down Sunday to see old friends
and kin folks.. .
The road from town, to the place where
the depot will he is very bad, and the, town
will suffer if it is not made &eod before the
road i? put through,
Misses Alpha McManus, Lillie Blasin.
game, Alice Williams, Mollie , Grace, Ida
Hoptman, and Kiziah Lowe, paid a visit to
our office during the week ,. k
Bead the professional card of Dr.; Saw¬
yer-. Le needs no recommendation of us
in.order to do a large practice, for the peo¬
ple, are, like us, aware of his,ability,
The weather lias been such that the ay
erage citizen has been jed tp think of the
preparation of gardens for spring truck.
An editor is hard run when he writer such
stuff as this.
Feather beds ought to be cheaper in
Knoxville than anywbare else, for there,arc
'more gcofe here than can be found this
side of Cuba. The squawking, bawling;
fowlsa>-ea nuisance.,
Mr. W. T, Bussey, of Warm Springs,
Merriwether county, was here yesterday
seeing about starting a grocery store. Mr.
Bussey has .shown good judgement in se¬
lecting a place for a store.
After the raifroad is completed some one
can make a fortnne with a street car Udo
from the centre of town to the depot, over
which can be carried both passengers and
Ireight. This idea is w orth something.
Lev. Joshua Balt had. a good audience
at the court house on last Friday night.
He lectured strongly against attending
theatres, but his lecturing was nothing
less, than acting on the burlesque order.
This is the season when fires..often
spread through the pino woods and do
much damage t<» timber. Care shonld be
exercised in this matter of new ground
tires, for the timber will soon become quite
valuable. The long leaved pine timber in
this county will be the nearest ly railroad
t j Atlanta when our line is completed,
Prayer meeting services • Wednesday
night were unusually* interesting. .These
meetings should be'better attended. When
people .feel , a deep .interest ill. religions
mattersothey generally prove is byuattend
ing the meetings.- .
Web^o one will think hard of us for
not sending a. paper beforedt Is paid for.
Some of, the best : men in the oonuty hare
written, aud sent us word to forward this
paper and they would settle .as soon as
they eomo, but .we cannot do it.
An'unfortunate difomlty occurred a few
night 8. ago- in ,the'Sixth district of Carroll
county ? at or near the; bouse of Marion
Kifmey, trot-fait from Temple. The difi
culty wasibetwcen.Rftinoy and 1 : 8 . Turn¬
er.,- a-brother of A.B.(Turner, of
'and resulfe-.Lin th* latter being- so scriouslv
bfcat and cut-up that it Is- thrdly expected 1
(that; ha-will li ve,,
' Just at the hour of going to press on the
last issue of the paper we inserted the pro¬
fessional -car®- of Dr*.- J. ■ W. Joilcs.-- Ifi.
the ..burry of the hour v.’Oh neglected ' to
makp' mention editorially of (he advertise¬
ment ae we did ; of. the others*., This was
an oversight for which we are-soiryv Th'e
Doctor may think less of us on account of
it, shut the public will tqink no less of the
Doctor, c
Ccrtain individuals who know no more
about running a newspaper than they do
about serontuties have predicted that this
paper, will not live a year,because the sub
scription price is only onej dollar/ 1 For
thejr benefit-we -willsey that if the subscrip
tion price',ww-one cent instead of one d»l
tar we could make indecent living with the
paper any way. TBS editor of this paper
knows,what he is doing, if some-people- do
not understand it.
tkrait Changed:*'
By -a-recent act of the Legislature, the
time for-holding Superior- court in this
county haa. been changed from third-Mon
day in Mareh and September to-third
Monday in 'April and October. In'some
respects the change will benefit the peo
pie. The time for. the Sdl term is better
than it was before, though the spring -term
will come,at a had time-for-the farmers t- ;
We sincerely desire that those who have
paid for the paper will not lend it to these
who have not paid -for it; x,It would be
cheating the printer to loan it. If you
think well .of the- paper you will do us a recommend and Shew it to
these who have not seen it. (if any there
are) hut there may be those who expect
to read it every week without paying for
it, and we do not think it fair to let them free.
Tire- List Growing. -
The first issue--of the /oubnal, and
this one also, could not be made as com
plcfe and interesting as we would have
wished, but we promise to improve the pa¬
per as soon as circumstance?.will admit of
it. Our subscription list; nevertheless, is
.growing steadily, and almost every hour a
new name accompanied with a dollar is
given us. Wo procured seventy names
in less-than an hour while canvassing oDe
day recently.
Hilled With u Hoe. ‘
On yeserday Mrs. Wilson Allen heard
her chickens making a great noise as if
something bad was the matter, and on go¬
ing out sho saw a large hawk catch a hen.
With remarkable presence of mind she
seized a hoc that was convenient, and be¬
fore the hawk could rise with its prey she
ran up and struck it a death blow. It
measured four feet across the wings, Mr.
J. C. Culverhouse iuformed ,us that Mr.
Reviere made a .stew of the hawk
and enjoyed it exceedingly.
This is enough to make the crack shots
about town, ashamed of themselves as
marksmen,, ..
KiraxyXIJLE, - - GEORGIA • *
Faacj ail Family Groceries J '
I kdep an-assortment of General Sfel-ehdndise v . and trjr to suit
everybody both in quality'of goods and in prices. I have-now .
on Land a lotof Fresh Garden: Seeds, also a variety of;
Farmi To©!:^;
Df-t1ib i fed&t ; rrmkes ; whfijlid:sell iclieapj Cali on-me. f*.
1 El, .WEIGHT; Ga.
A young man by'the name oi McCord
3 is in town for-the purpose of selecting a
site for his saw, plainiugmnd s',ingle mills
Mr. McCord iaJrorn Nawton couuty.
Mf. J. H -Hoib telteiiho .public in anotlv
er column what he can do, and v/e-. recons
mend him. as -being a- good .workmam
TakaSsour-work 7 to Holt’s shop..
The railroad work near-towm ^progress
, n g nicely- If the weather stays faff most
0 f t h e t i,ne durlng the next two- months
wc ,expect - of His A. & F. to he
foy. somewhere within hearing djofanoe-of
town _
Knoxville is on no regwlarboora
; s surely getting ready tor one. . People
with means are-selecting this place,-as a
loieaffoivfcra goad,business acdothey are
not going .to be mistaken in it. Owr twam
has a,g«jabfuturo:before it-.. <
tisement jlu another, ot one: column of the appears- leading the-adrer- hotels of
this-section, ; .I has Hatiis House. ltiie
house has.lately been renovated thoroughly
4U?d the genial proprietor, Mr Z. X. Harris
is bound to do a.good business.-. The rooms
are all very large aud-comfortableaud plea
ty of light, and fire can-be had, in eaeinroorrt.
He can .alsoiaccommodate a. large
hijrses-at his. public feed stables, -s
Mri* Eliza Fitzparick, aged- efghfjt years
died to day at the homo,of Mr. J. F. Dube
in this county. Her remains will be inter
it the Andrews burying ground near town
to ninrrow
/GEORGIA, Crawford applied 'Countiy—Jame« for
U A. Eubanks, ihas tome
letters of administration; 011 tho estate of
James. D. lEuban’ss,'late of said county,
deceased—This- is- therefore to cite alt
they pdrsons , conoerned to sliow,caus,,n Monday in March any
have,-,bv tUe-Flwt
Feb.,3rd ^ T 1888. 1 »^SCWE geo. L. saw-tek,^ 3 SrajSS«
Physician ^g, S u-rg^e on 3
Patronage respectfully solicited; flrS,
Horses for Sale!
1 Horses. Will sell for cash, or an
time with f. good W. .security. JONES, Knoxville Ga.
When you want a first class meal ora
good .place to sleep come to the Harris
House. First Class Fare, Comfortable
Rooms, Reasonable Excelled Charges, Accommo¬
dations Not t
lam now prepared, to do Repairing of
With Neatness and Despatch. Call on
me at the Post Offic e when you wish any
work of this kind done.
lawyer;,’ .
.1 Office in the Court House; • f b 27 -
WT. F. r R L A S Iff GAME;,
Attorney at Law 9
entrusted Prompt attention given to all business -
to his cave.- . jy27
DR. 'Ji W. JONES,’ ,
t* ■O'
CaWs promptly attended, day and higiif .
TheKnoxvilleDrag §tore.u
Is the 'ijiacfe-awhere- yon can'-always-Chd.
Reliable Goods^.
Besides Drags' and Medicines I Keep ■
*- Whencvepyen comedo ferwn come to see ■
’ I an^vpr^jiared-tbToan 'nioney •
on... improved farms to the •
ara©«whitt£ -tod itpwaids ■
on. Bioab liberal terms;' ' I rep- -
resent the Georgia Loan & Trust
Co. Amerieu!, Ga.,. a eliar- -
tered: ' 4 isMfe»ti«n- -■ of - the* .Stnt/. .
T 1 w*ii'’SSifl«aBtee .... ta-st-enp'COin
. . • . .
missions, are at least , Xl’Om-tWO -
*>««« per ««t A^per-Ow ,
that of any other ompany. Pay- -
nx&rets can be- made at any time, ,
and itheidoan tntay be taken up -
whenever desired, - Qait the-* -
warehouse and try us.; We are
cheaper ana give you more lib- -
erty, and we-don’t want your ■
land. ..The warehoiises are get- -
ting it. W alter P. Rlasingamic
Good Hay For Sale/
packages. . ®d or separate, loose or in 100 1 pouml
Apply to