Newspaper Page Text
Eighteen passenger trains pass through
‘‘Dalton daily.
Dawsonites used $1,500 worth of pos
' tage stamps last yeur.
Quitman’s the Herald, ha 8
new paper, j
‘ made a successful debut.
Brooks county is shipping carload after
carload of beeves and hogs.
Griffin people have subscribed $78,000
for the erection of a new cotton factory.
The estate of the late Editor Dwinell, of
-the Rome Courier is appraised at $50,000
The slock law in Clarke county is work¬
ing nicely, and all opposition to - it has
Two hundred and twenty-four marriage
licences were issued in Coweta county
last year.
G. J. Tripp, of Dodge edumty, killed re¬
cently a pig only >18 months I hat weighed
510 pounds.
i In a few days from now Atlanta
diavc fifty-seven bar rooms, each
$1,500 license.
J. T. Mallory, alias J. T. Smith, was
arrested at butler, Ga., Saturday, on the
-charge of forgery.
There are in And around Athens several
‘degraded white women who aro living in
houses with negroes.
On two adjoining lots at Athens aro
ing five couples, all of -Whom have been
‘married since'Christmas.
At Tails poor a active operations were
begun Monday morning on the Parker &
■Leach-broom manufactory.
The building boom at Tallapoosa is phe
■noinena], Over ICO stores and buildings
having been erected sfcce Sdp.'l.
’The body of a dead infant Was found in
! the river at Rome Friday. The Coroner’s
jury was unable to solve the mystery.
’J. Heilbron.-An old resident of Cutlibert.
1 died Wednesday. He was 94 years old,and
• served under Napoleon Bonaparte in 1815,
The Bainbridge Democrat, last week
-devoted four and a half colums to boom¬
ing tobacco cts an industry for
An enthusiastic Satilla river ‘man
'that they grow cabbages so large up
'that (hey can't ship one in au
ffli fir barrel.
Dr.'Long, of Nt-wnar, lias e brother in
Alabama who presented him with u car
had of coal list wdek. The freight
aun tinted to$53
Frank Edmunds, a young-man, while
••dancing at a ball given at his father’s house
'•near Gumming dropped dead on the floor
•Iasi Saturday night.
•Joseph Shields, ot Marietta, had a foot
badly tnaslud a day or two ago by a block
of marble weighing 2,000 pounds which
fell while being raised.
The census of Tallapoosa was taken last
week and shows an increase of over 1,000
since August, the population at -that time
being 721, and to-day 1,721.
Gold has been panned froth tho very
•dirt In the streets of Franklin, and the
•out croppings of many diflerent kinds
valuable minerals can befound on
•cvi ry hlfi.
A party of gentlemen from Dawson
•spent two oj three days in the neighbor.
4 .ood of Joiner’* pond lank week hunting
*nnd fishing, and caught 2B5 fish, wine
‘aggregated 360 pounds.
W. B. Wood, Georgian, has received
Ilia letters of patent on his elevated rail* ay
invention. He has been offered $26,000
*r it aa<3 to refused it. One m«n
written him to name'his price. "'One man
can propel 1,600 pounds sixteen miles
per hour with perfect ease. The cost of
building a track Is a mere trifle, Wood
is a poor man and has a large family.
A certain person fn Tallapoosa bought a
piece of property there }uite recently for
$4,000, paying $5 down to bind the bar¬
gain. A short Time afierwaad the purclms
er sold the property for $5,000, thus mak¬
ing $ 1 ,000 upon an investment of $5.
A great muny of the children of Wash¬
ington have been sick the past week, and
all of them have been affected very much
alike. They are suddenly taken with vi¬
olent nausea, which is followed by high
fever. It almost amounts to an epidemic
Mr- Winfield, a prosperous merchant
of Clarksville, about fifteen years ago
married a Miss Jacksou, of
After living together one year they were
divorced, and lived apart for fourteen years
At Athens Thursday they Wefe r remarried.
There is a man in Warren county a good
conversationalist, worth $15,000, Who
since the war has not combed his hair, nor
shot a gun, nor worn a starched shirt or
collar or cravat, nor had a Siikday suit of
clothes, nor voted for a President, except
Gus WickS Was arrested at
Wednesday afternoon under a warrant for
stealing corn in Washington c-uinty. At
the coiu t house Wicker managed to escape
He was pursued by policemen an f
who fired many shots at the fugitive, who
was at last brought to the ground by being
dangerously struck with a bullet in the
left thigh.
Wood Marik all, of Terrell County, is
raising white rabbits. They breed eleven,
times in one year. Mr. Marshall uses them
on his table, and says they are as .juicy!
and sweet as a spring chicken.
Miss Sallie Sanders, of Lexington, has
a ball of cotton thread spun by a great
great-great aunt ol the editor’Of the Alvin
during the Rovolfitionary WKr. The cotton
from which it was spun had to be picked
from the seed by hand and the spinning
done on a crude flax wheel, yet it is as line
and smooth as fine spool thread of the
til-eseiA tfey. It is still'retnafkaWy Strong.
A peddler i\ ho insulted latllSs at
wick, was taken to the edge of town
day % : a band of yobBg‘nien, fiogge'd and
told ‘to go and sin no move.
Rev. J. P Chr.vry, of Hamilton, has in I
his possession a wooden dipper that the
Indians made over a hundred years ago. I
It has been banded down trom one
»»«»'• *» *.......
is-a fine .piece of work.
„ Master George, -tits srin ol
George W. Holmes, of Macon, (probable
owes his life to the sagacity of a dog. 'On
Tuesday afternoon a Texas pony he has
"been frequently riding ran away. The lit
tie fellow hung da mani'iffr/, and as the
horse flashed down the street lie passed
the house of Mr. Chauucey, Officer Holme's
Yrrother-ic-law, and was recognized by Mix
Ch.umcey’s setter. Tho dog evidently
knew that the ItorSe was running away,
and running ahead of him caught the
horse’s lip in his mouth and stopped lfim.
The Augusta exposition directors fcol'So
confident of a big success that-a committee
of the board lias been appointed to
tho capita) stock to -$10(),0£0.
From Xcbulnn,
The upon tho good na¬
ture of Mr. J. C. Blasingame aud pub¬
lishes Below a private letter from him
which his numerous friends about this
place will take pleasure in peruginf :
Today the second copy of the Journal
is in my hand. Considering the incon¬
veniences necessarily attending the inau¬ by
guration of a paper, it is unsurpassed
county paper 1 have ever read.
Although now hot a citizen of Ktioxville,
yet I am greatly interested in her future"
welfare, for among her people ’I labored
earnestly for two years and a half in the'
hope of benefiting her children—the future
hope of the town. Knoxville still'ha? her
place in'my affection, and my sincere hopes
for the undimmed luster of her future ca¬
reer. From her obscurity may she rise to
an enviable position among her sister
towns, and may your paper be one great
impetus to her advancement. I am glad
that Knoxville has secured such a paper
and such a citizen ax its editor.
Long live The Journal and may its
subscribers be numbered by the thousaud.
Yours Truly,
Jas. C Blasingame.
Rev. T. Df/VVitt Talmage prea ched a
sermon last Sunday at the‘Brooklyn Tab¬
ernacle that was, according 1 '! o our way of
thinking, full of good reason and common'
'sense. He advanced some strong argu
iiieiitragainst woman’s suffrage and Un¬
like, although iio said lie wanted them to
vote one time. There is notliihg more dis¬
gusting to flic Southern woman than to
>:ee one of her sex assuming to act in mas¬
culine capacity, and it is safe to say that
the mote virtuous and enlightened women
of our Southland will evei look upon this
woman’s suffrage business with contempt
and disgust.
a -Had (' Nlacuer.
'lit 'tills case it Was nol a fellow wh„'
wouldn’t pay, or anything 0 f that kind,
hut a regular old Vrindte catamout. Mr.
John 1. Champion had been troubled by
the depredations of this cat for some time,
i-o’.d undertook to trap’ it. The cat was
caught in the steel trap last Saturday
iiidrdiiigpandbhoWod the most evil dispo¬
sition, bill he was -kilted after so long a
time. It was one of the largest of its kind.
‘ he cat was not weighed, but one of the
teet brought to this -office weighed four
ounces. The cat must have weighed forty
Ofce %ail<Jing Tiew, the Other ill
ftUOcl repair Knoxville Both 0'S 1 ilblic
Square ill
I -Jm Ij. ISrysxif e.
the old reliable,
j fj ih flAHKlS HOUSE,
Wbbn you want afiyst class meal or a
good place to slcfcp crime to the Harris
Not Excelled!
aftTitow jnvp-tfred to~’do Repairing of
IAUaJ i if l/ypn A X OXlUHiO C [JA L’U Jte
A ~^r:ASi>—— ib IN US'S
d ith Neatness-and Despatch. Gallon
t-ISs Wiu{uone! h<,U 5 ° U WWU 8111
If you want Honest Goods at'Reasonable
Prices you will find them at my store ; n
my I 1 Ian (avion three miles Ncrth-east if
O O 0 *6 V) 'O t'» O O O O O O O O O O O 0
o o o o o o ooo o o o o o
‘ |
| ll
-—‘IN TKB-
FiRST—It is a safe company. The laws
regulating life insurance investments in
Ohio, where it is located, are more strin¬
gent than than those of any other State.
Not a dollar cSn be invested 'in railroad
stocks or bonds.
Second— dt is a cautions company. Its
death rate is almost one-thfrd less than
the xpectation Table of Mortality, and
less than that of any other company in
the United States.
Third— several it i s an ably managed compa¬
ny. For years pas tits funds have
been so invested as to yield over seven
ami a half per cent, or nearly two per
cent, companies. more than the The Average prodigious of the benefits East¬
of Compound Interest at this high rate
are shared'by each policies policy-holder. Capital
Fourth— Its 'has are In¬
vestments. It been demonstrated
that a limited payment the Life-Rate Endow¬
ment Policy in Union Central pays
better than 4 per cent, government
bonds, besides furnishing the'Constant
protection Fifth— it of is insurance. Liberal Com kany. Its
policies arc. ineontestible amtoion-foifelt
aiilb, snd theie arcmoT’estridfions 'what¬
ever'With-regard after policy has to residence issued. or travel
a W.'P. been
r «
P to
Pm-L Q%f mm
'M tt
Hr .—My darling, you look irresistibly
lovely to-night! thAnks
—Do I> very much! ydfx
are handsome as a Prince, ‘Charley, in.yohr
dress suit.
Hr .—Give the credit to the Dt'AHdnp
S hirt, niy love, which I wear for the first
time to-night; it is that which gives tone
to my toilette. Here is Its prototype ring (slip¬
ping the Diamond engagement on
her ringer).
She .—May our love'be As enduring at
the fame of
“ The Diamond Shirt.” •
If your dealer does riot keep it, send his address
to Daniel Miller& €b;, Sole mauufl turers, Balti
trtore, Jvfd.
■teM fipl SWIFt SURE, i •
•sJ IS lfaBBp
positive feed, nt> epriogs, few .parts, minimum
weight, no friction, no noise, no wear, always no fatij:uei in
Sri “ tuuirums,” capacity unlimited, plated, and gives or
ler, perfect richly estisfaction. ornamented, Send nickel for circulars. Address;
9tcwdWav> Tbi*.