Newspaper Page Text
—- ■
Society News unci Meighbor.
booa 3ole^Pe..,on; l «
Bring on
Your dollar and
Subscribe for your county paper
Ii yon have cot done so already
The valentine, pu-ty- was.a-splendid sue
How do you like The Joubnal hi,
week ?
Robin hunting about town is.all' the go
Come out to the citizens meeting, on
Thursday night.
The Knoxville High, School has. ?.%, at¬
tendance oi-thirty-six pupils.
Mr. L. L Bryant has several advertise.
merits iu this issue. Head them.
Letevery man carry a shot gun and kill
every dog he meets going about alone.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCrary lost tlicir
infant Wednesday. It was on'y a day or
two aid.
There can be no doubt but that several
large stores opened here next fall,
or before, then.
R. D. Smith, Esq., and Sheriff Hartley
of Knoxville, were here last Wednesday.
Vprt Valley Mirror.
Perbabs zhu doan dho ’.vat izer batter
wither teller tat talks iss way. He has a
spring cold, that's all.
Mr, H. M.. Burnett is improving his
place up town in various ways, The.
dwelling is about doue.
Uncle Billy Wilder, of Crawford county,
spent Sunday and Monday with friends in
town ,—Fprt Valley Mirror.
Two dozen nice. new. dwelling houses
for sale or rent in this town would pay, 150
per cent on the investment.
It is said that .trains will be running to
Knoxville in sixty days,. The news,is said
to come from manager Harris,
Those who waut to see their neighbor¬
hoods prosper should write us the news
every week and advertise the community
in which they live.
Farmers who planted much ground in
oats last fall may call themselves lucky; at
least everything indicates a splendid sea¬
son fyrthe small grain crops.
Misses Florence Wright and Lillie Blas
ingame are trying to raise money by sub¬
scription for an organ for the, Methodist
church. Of course they are ■ suceeding
Col.H. A. Matthews, of Fort Valley
was in town Tuesday on professional bus¬
iness. Col. Mathews has lately taken the
management of the Mirror in addition to
his law business.
Messrs. Dempsey aud Land, from Jack
son, Butts county, were in town a few days
ago. They came here to see about settling
and doing business iu. this place, and ex¬
press themselves as, highly pleased with
In an article on the front: page.'•‘WT
gives some sensible advice and valuable
Lints. The roads oyer the county are not
as good as they should, he, and the school
Louses aud church buildings are not near
v.hat they ought to be.
In,, Cold Earnest!
There can be no doubt of the fact of our
•iti^ns being in earnest about improving
the town. Every man in the place wants
to see Knoxville grow into a live business
town of one thousand or more inhabitants
building of the town assures the result.
<Vhen five hundred men in a. county like
Crawford unite on a purpose they invaria
b , accomp \ is h the result they desire, and
thjn that numb , r . wish to see this
town all it should be. Ail then that
mains to be done is to organize the ranks
for concert of action and tire ball may he
set in motion.
A number of citizens have determined
upon having a meeting at the court house
on the night of the 23rd of this month for
lie purpose of arranging trails looking to
the improvement of the town..
Everybody is interested in this.,matter,
and all are invited and urged to be,preseut.
V a I canine S*arty,
On last Tuesday night the roost enjoya¬
ble party of,the season ■ was-given at the
residence of Mr. <): W. Stroud; The
young people '.were unusually lively, aud
it is said that the little blind god got in
s ane of his best work.
The girls , leaked their brightest and'
prettiest, and the yoangaaen were never
happier. Although.,it is-. leap year it is
Said that-not one girl was kicked; but
of curse every body knows that Knox¬
ville girls are not of that kind.
Bad S14&P of Affairs,
Some time agoa mad dog passed through
Cullfden aud hit fifteen other dogs which
have not been killed, it is said. Other
dogs have passed through- different parts
of this county biting dogs and cattle and
a',t, ekirga few people,, two or, three tf
whom they bit. As, many as seven
dogs have been killed' in this aud abgut
Gullodea .in ,tli« past)three m oaths,., u hieh.
Avere thought to ,ba,- road. Of, course no,
one knows how many other dogs were
bitten at night by the rabid animals, and
the fact is, this thing is becoming too fre¬
quent and some precautionary measures,
must be adopted.;
l Every, man who lias a dog that he cares
anything tor should keep it confined where
no other dog can have access to it, and
anyone who catches a,canine running at
large should kill it. A*.good many have,
resolved already, to do this, and something
of the kind will have to be done, or terror
will pervade tbe country,
i Harris lionise Arrivals.
R Campbell, Bucknei, Ky ; 0 P Wright,
City ; J W Dent,. County ; H F Land,.
Jackson, Ga ;T J'Dam-psey, Jackson J:,C
Culverhouse, Oity ; A J-Danieliy County ;
R A Tharpo, Macon ; Willis Rogers, Bibb
County; J R Beland, County ; IV P Corbitt
‘Macon. Ga., Dr. J. M, Blalock. Tfeomas
ton. Ga.
Tlie Uti ls Alirmt al'lli- J'eason
—the Boys,
It may appear as rather a premature
announcement to say that the fishing sea¬
son is at hand but it is a fact - nevertheless.
Our reason for saying so is that we hav
seen the fish—a whole string of them.
They were in the possession of a-couple of
Knoxville young ladies who w r ere seen a
few evenings ago wending their wav,home¬
ward in a very leisurely, and self-satisfied
manner, and the cause of this satisfaction
became apparent as soon as one came in
full view, of eight fine perch they were
carrying. They ranged from about one
fourth of an inch to perhaps two inches in
length-, and though some of- them were
rather-diminutive they counted as fast as
any other fish. Judging from their suq
C0SS it -is not to be wondered at that -■ the
young ladies are anxious to try their luck
again before the moon changes.
A II | - id. ail Family Grumes I
I keep an assortment of General Merchandise, «nd tty to suifc
eveiybody both in quality of goods and in prices. I have now
on hand a lot of. Fresh Garden Seeds, also a variety of
Farm Tools
o£ the best makes which I sell cheap*. Gall on me.-.
Ji m . H. WRIGHT, Knoxville, Ga.
inalitci Mad Bog Shot.
On last Monday, morning a- dog came
into town whose appearance indicated
something unusual. He passed by tbe
court house and on down the hill toward
ii.e vail road. At Bart Dawson’s black¬
smith shop he turned out of tbe road and
entered tbs shop, making straight for Daw¬
son, who was pounding iron As soon as
the- dog got within arms length of Dawson
lie hit the dog a heavy blow. The lick
knocked the dog down, but he- made no
noise, but passed outiandlon in the direc¬
tion of the railroad crossing. Mr. J. K.
Blasiugarae secured a gun and mounted a
horse soon after the dog left the shop, and
overtook, it at Mr. Jim Mathews’ house.
A shot from the gnu brought the dog
down, but he arose and turned upon Mr.
BlusingamSvWho shot him several times.
more. The dog Wag, struck with the
hammer, shot three or four times,.and final¬
ly had to be knocked to death with a
rail; duringyilliof whjchkbe never utttered
a cry.
Sleeps in a B)og>«nt«
Jti:,i after, the terrible tornado visited.
Georgia several years ago a great many
people had pits dug as pjaeea-of refuge in,
times of storms. A great many individu¬
als who had these, caves always*entered
them whin, the clouds, thickened. and
looked dark, but .Mr. Seaborn Spiders, of
this place, has-shown more precaution
than auy one w.e know of.,. He sleeps iu
bis dug-out every night, although he lias a
good house not twenty feet away. Uncle
Scab, says that the storm pit is a most
comfgrtablo place in cold weather.
Ho Steal ?y
Do not get insulted when we ask you
this question, You may lie guilty of,stak¬
ing that which belongs to another without
giving anything in return, and at the
same time you may not Iqok at the matter
in that light. If you borrow this paper
every week and read it you aro
from the publisher. If the printer should
go into your garden or,your field without
your knowledge and take a basket of veg¬
etables or an armful of cotton or corn he
would bo doing you no worse than you are
doing bim, if yon are reading his paper ev¬
ery week and are not paying lor it.
This . appjies to those who expect to
wad the paper and do not luteud to pay
for it. .
A wealthy Maconite was in town one
day thin-week, and,may open a store, here.
People are beginning to find out what. a
good country we have out here, and the
locomotive, whistle will not sound here
many times before a magnifioeuttrads-and,
a building boom will strike the towns,
Mr. F. H. Wright- is improving his
place near his store, and will make. tbe
bouses comfortable...
Office in the Court House. fb 2T
Attorney at Law;.
Prompt trusted, attention given to all business
en tab is care. jy2X.
Calls promptly attended day and nigh*.
Physician Surgeon*,
Patronage respectfully solicited, fb&z
The Knoxville Drag Store '
Is the place where you can always find
Reliable Goods..
Besides* Drugs awl Medraimis I’k'ce-p-,
Whenever you come to towmeome-to re*.
Ji m beasinGame;.
I am prepared to loan money,
on improved feasts* to the
amoaai olr $2€9-<- and upwai ds
on most liberal tenns. I rep - ■
resent the Georgia Loan & Trust
Go. ‘T Anaerieni, Ga., a char¬
tered institution of the State..
-H will guarantee that our com
missions, are at least from two,
to three per- eent cheaper than
that of any other ompany. Pay- -
ments can be made at any time..
and the loan may be taken up ,
whenever desired. Quit the
warehouse and try us. We are
cheaper and give you more lib
erty, and we don’t want your
land.. The warehouses are get¬
ting it; Walter P.Blasingame