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Knoxville, Ga. as second class
transmission iurough the mails.
Subscription 6 months ............$0.76
12 ,.............. 1-00
Advertisements 1 inch 1 insertion.....60
1 column 1 „ .. •. 6.00
1 year .. -GO 00
z 2 ); 1 ,, .. 100,00
No advertisement inserted for less than
; 20 cents. Terms strictly cash in advance
or all except lagre contracts.
The Haiis.
The mail from Knoxville to Fort Valley
Iraves daily, except Sunday.
dav, Thursday and-Saturday.
the mail for Forsyth leaves on Tuesday
and Friday. for Macon, with 24 hour lay
The mail Monday and
over at Warrior, leases ou
The last cotton cron will he larger thail
the proceeding by half a million bales.
It is sometimes the case that a woman
is outspoken, but they are never outtalked.
The tariff ought to be improved so'that
the necessaries of life may bo sold cheaper
and all luxuries made dearer.
The Flair bill ought to be given a -rest,
and Blair, himself, should he made to rest
after operating the crank so much.
The man who can tell you exactly how
to make money, and doesn’t seem to have
much else to do, will be easy to find.
So-called Republican presidential
booms are getting to be as common up
North as blackbirds in Mississippi, and
there is about the same attention paid to
the booms as to the birds.
In the city of Minneapolis the compara¬
tive rate of divorces to marriages is one to
•ten. This would be political pie for
Northern journals if some Southern city
showed such a state of heathenism.
BrtoTiiEit Bexns, of the Butler Herald
in ad vocating protection to American in¬
dustries, writes as it something hurts him.
Ho seems to get Ins ideas badly mixed
■ when lie tackles this great national issue.
The Prohibition party uses Washing¬
ton and his wife as examples in the cause
of Temperance. It will not help the cause,
to have it known that old lady Martha
gave a national recipe lor making cherry
The export of bidis from this country
amounts to ion million of dollars a year,
and the export of woolen goods amounts
.to half a million a year. The question is
•why did not the republican government
put a duty on hides to protect the cattle
business ?
Me. Sidney Lewis, one of tbe best
writers among the Georgia press, has been
appointed private secretary to Senator Col
.quitt, and the Maccn Telegraph congratu¬
lates Senator.Colquitt. There is no stron¬
ger or more able advocate of tariff reform
iu the country than Mr. Lewis.
Should the great European war start
: about the time onr government reduces the
■tariff fifty per cent a season of prosperity
such as was never known in this country
will be the result on our side rf the water.
■The war seems inevitable and tariff reduc¬
tion is the crying need of the hour.
The farmers of the South are taxed forty
per cent on their clothiug and implements.
After working as hard as any people Under
the sun and economizing in every way- the
majority of them barely make a living.
How then can auy public citizeu or any
journal that is for the people advocate
protection ?
Senator Blair seems to bo rather fa¬
natical. To put the matter mildly, he : is
cranky. Tbe.Sonator is working on a bill
to enfranchise women, and lie is accnsed of
using unfair means for exciting interest in
his project- Blair ought to turn his atten¬
tion to something profitable and sensible.
Bills are pending in the legislatures of
New York and New Jersey, providing for
the execution of criminals by electricity.
They are getting too nice up there. The in¬
dications arc that those two states are
drifting towards the way of doing things
in the baked beans country of Boston and
(Mass.) suburVs. ✓
IIon. W. J. Noiithen, of Hancockconn
ty, President of the State Agricultural So¬
ciety, is working on plans which, if
developed, will make the society more
useful and' beneficial to the interests of all
classes of Georgians. Mr. Northen is a
successful farmer and progressive citizen,
and deserves more praise than anyone else
for the prosperous condition of the Society*
Ex-Mayor Lowe, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
in a speech to the republican league recent¬
ly, threw cold-water on both the “bloody
shirt and the high protection hobbies of
the party. He told them that the agita¬
tion of old war issues would cause them to
lose new voters ; also that they “might as
well expect to keep the ocean at high tide
as to keep the-tariff in times of peace sub¬
stantially -what ia was in time of war ”.—Jix
It may be a source of gratification to
some people to know that the circus -show
busin ess is about to be driven into obscu¬
rity. Under the inter-state commerce law
it has become so expensive to transport a
circu-G that most ot them have disbanded
aud gone out of business There wore
forty-three circus shows traveling in the
States about two years ago, and the
amount of money they drew out of this
country was astonishing when made
knowu. Some of the shows operated at a
daily expense of $6,000, mat¬
ters may be easier among the common
A majority of the Democrats of the
Union and the best of the Republicans ad¬
vocate a reduction ol the tariff. At pres¬
ent the duty on certain classes of goods is
so enormous that there is no chance for
foreign manufacturers to compete with
those iu this country, and the people are
compelled to pay the prices that the man¬
ufacturers agree among themselves to
charge. In many cases they charge double
as much as they would if the taxes were
cut down ; wheu, if such were the case,
they could still undersell foreign manu¬
facturers by reason of natural advantages
which enable them to manufacture more
cheaply.than can be done elsewhere. This
great imposition in the shape of war taxes
is a blot upon the fair name of America.
Against Internal lfevenue.
From the Monroe Advertiser.
The Atlanta Constitution, wiih a few
straggling folloivcrs, the majority of whom
are monopolists, or the agents ot monopo¬
lists, is using every means to make an
aboliyion of the internal revenue. The
Constitution is uo more attached to the
theory that it advances than arc the people
of Georgia interested in it. It places its
theory before the people with all the inge¬
nuity of expression and unscrupulous fig¬
ures can present it; and yet the Constitu¬
tion cares not a cent whether the internal
revenue is abolished or not. 'Its iutention
aud sole object is to keep tho mind of the
people diverted from the issue that is vital
to then interests, and bids fair to be a bar¬
rier to tho progress of monopoly..
Ordinary’s Notices.
yARDINARY’S Office, Crawford
V/ County Georgia—John • J. McCarty
has applied for exemption-of valuation personalty of home¬
and setting apart and
stead, and 1 will pass upon the same at
11 o’clock a. m.-on the 10th day of March
next at my office. GEO. L. SAWYER,
This Febr'y. 16, 1888 . Ord’y,
/"<EORGIA, Crawford County—U. Sol. A. L.
U Mathews, administrator for
Pope, lias applied for leave to sell the
real estate, m said county, belonging to
the estate of said Pope, and I will pass
upon the same on 1st Monday in April,
1888 This is therefore to cite all persons
to show cause if any they have, why granted. the
leave applied for should net be
GEO. L. SAWYER, Ordinary.
/"i EORGIA, Crawford County—To John all
VT whom it may concern: E. R.
Burnett, guardian of Georgia for Burnett,
having made application administration to me per¬ the
manent letters ot on
estate of John S. Sandefur, late of said
countv, deceased, to bo granted of H. M.
Burnett, Clerk Supr. Court said coun¬
ty, with the will of said deceased an¬
nexed : This is therefore to cite all
persons concerned to show cause if any
they can, before me, on the first Monday
in April next, why such letters should
not be issued, Given-under as prayed for, to said H
M Burnett- my hand and
official signature GEO. this Feby. L.: 21st, 1888.
SAWYER, Ordinary.
VJ /"<EORGIA, Crawford County—James
a. Eubanks administration has applied to estate me for of
letters of on the
.lames D. Eubanks, late of said county,
deceased—This is therefore to cite all
persons concerned to show caus, March if any
they have, why said by the application First. Monday should in be
next not
Feb. granted. 3rd Witness GEO. my L. hand SAWYER, officially,
U EORGIA, represented Crawford County—It being
to me by petition
that Martha S. Stembridge
recently died in said county
intestate leaving an estate, and that
there is no administration on said estate
and not likely to be by the heirs at law, said
whereby loss is likely to accrue to
estate—Tliis is therefore to cite ail Tier
sous concerned to show cause if any they
have by the 1st Monday in March next
why letters of administration should not
issue to II. M. Burnett, hand Clerk officially, Superior
Court. Witness my this
Jan. 24, 1888. G. L.SAVVYER, Ordinary.
/"iEORGIA, U Crawford given that Ge-unty—Notice will be
is hereby there
held at the voting of said preeiuts of each Friday, Ma
litia District county on
the.24th GountylTreasu'-er, (lav of February 1888, the an election
for to fill vacancy
in said office caused by the resignation of
W. 11- Dent. Said election to be conduc¬
ted as in general elections for county
officers, and returns thereof to be made
to me by 12 o’clock in. ou the official following
day. Witness my band and sig¬
nature, thislst day GEO. of JAnruary L. SAWYER, 1888.
AEDINAK Y’S Office, Crawford
V / County, Georgia—E. having S. Lee, guard¬
ian of Mary S. Lee, made appli¬
cation to riie for leave to sell 125 acres of
land belonging to tlie estate of said ward
This is therefore to cite all persons con¬
cerned to show cause before me, if any
they have, ou the first should Monday-in March
nent, ed.Witness why such hand order and official not signature, be grant¬
this my of February
1st GEO'. day 1888,
L. SAWYER, Ordinary.
E Mi ll A. Or awfod Coun—'To those
VI whom it may concern : G. W. Ault¬
man having guardianship in due form of the applied to and me
for the person
property Seaborn Edgar F.olloman, minor
child of William Holloman, late of said
county, deceased, notice is hereby given
that his application will be heard at my
office on the first Monday in March next.
Given under my hand and official sig¬
nature, this 2nd day of February, SAWYER, 188S.
One building new, the other in
. • -r* jDOtll tv xublic -] i,
gOOCL repair on
Square in Knoxville
"0" T y-ffljIiC. t
When you want a first class meal or a
good placo to sleep come to the Harris
House. First Glass Fare, Comfortable
Rooms, dations Not Reasonable Charges, Accommo¬
Sheriff s Sales.
TXriLIi VV BE SOLD before the oour*
house door in the town of Knoxville
on the first Tuesday in March next the
ville following Male and property Female to Academy wit: The building Knox¬
together with the ground on which less. it
stauds; Bounded containing one Baptist acre more church or lot.
north by
East by the public road leading from
Knqxville west bv lands to Fort of H. Valley McCrarv. and south Levied and
on to satisfv a fi fa issued from the Jus¬
tice court of the 573rd District, G. M, in
favor of John W. Blasingame vs. Trustees
of Knoxville Male and Female Academy.
Witness my hand officially, Jan. 31st 1388.
Also at the same time and place lot of
land liumber [21] twenty-one in the 7th
seventh District of said county contain¬
ing two huudred and two and one-half
[ 202 ,]] acres, more or less. Levied on a*
the property of S. Alex.Smith to satisfy
a tax fi fa against said S. Alex. Smith.
Also at the same time and place [4*1
forty forty-two aeres in Of the lot [6th] of land sixtli number [42]
District in
said county. Levied on as the property
of G. William Aultman to satisfy a taat
fi fa against the said G. William Auitman;
Also at the same time and place 250
aeres, more land or less, same being and parts of
iots of numbers 107, 118 119 in
the SeventluDistrlct of said county, lev¬
ied on as the property of husan D. Har¬
wood, said to satisfy D.Harwood: a tax fi fa issued against
Also at the same time and place lotnof
land number one hundred and sixty eight
said (168) in the seventh (7th) liandred District of
two and county, one-half containing (202J) two and
less. Levied acres, more of W.H. or
on as the property
Mathews to satisfy a tax fi fa agaiust
said VV. H. Mathews.
Also at the same time and place lot of
land number (116) one hundred and six¬
teen in the [7th] District of said county,
containing two hundred and'two and oho
half [2021] acres, more or less. Levied
on as tbe property of Mrs. Martha Glan
ton to satisfy a Tax fi fa agaiust said
Martha Glanton.
Also at the same, time and place lot o£
land number eighty-nine, (89) in the7rt»
seventh District of said county, and one
hundred (100) acres of lot number 0B
sixty-five in the 7tli the District of said ot Tlios. eoun»
tv. Levied on as property
F. Mathews to satisfy a tax fi fa again**
said Thos. F- Mathews.
Also at the same time and place lot fi
laud number two hundred and thirteea
( 13) in the seventh (Till) District of
said two county, containing two huudred and
and one half ( 202 J) acres, more or
less. Levied on as the property of Al¬
satisfy fred Hammond fi (JI. against A. Bell, said agent) Alfred to
a tax fa
ALSO at the same time and place one
hundred (100) acres more or less of lot
of third land (3rd) number District thirty-four of said (34) of tbe
Levied county.
on .as the property of Nancy S.
Long Nancy to satisfy a tax fi fa against said
S. Long;
Also at the same time and place lot fi
land number seventy-one (71) iu tbe 7tfc
seventh District in said county contain¬
ing two hundred and two and Levied one half
the (202]) "property acres, more of G. or VV.Garmany, less. Agent, on as
to satisfy a' tax fi fa against G. vv. Uar
manv as aient; time and place lots ot.
Also at the same
and number 6and 7 in the old Agency
Reserve of said county, containing in the
aggregate 405 acres, more or loss, le-vWa
on as the tax property fa against of A. J, said Daniellv Dau- to
satisfy ielly; a fi A, J .
Also same of
number 97 In the Seventh District of said
county, levied containing the 202% acres more Mary or
less, on as property of
F. Andrews to satisfy a tax fi fa against
said Mary at'the F. Andrews;
Also same time and place lot of
land 256, in the Seventh District of said
county, containing 202% acres, more or
less, levied on as the property of Ellen K.
Atwater to satisfy a tax 11 fa against
said Ellen 13. Atwatei;
Also at the same time and place thrte
hundred acres of land, more or less,
being parts of lots county, 195 and levied 198 in the 7th
District of said on as the
property of Flanders Bros., to satisfy a
tax fi fa agaiust said Flanders Bros,
Also at same time and place lot of land
number 102, in the Seventh District of
said county, containing 202% acres, more
or loss, levied on as the property of the
estate of VV. W. Mathews, deesd., under
a tax fi fa against said estat j of said W.
VV. Mathews, deceased.
Feby. 2, 1S88. Sheriff
VJ / i EORGIA, to Crawford order of County—Agreed the
ab'y an court of
Ordinary of Crawford county will be
sold at auction at the court house door in
said county on the First Tuesday in
March next witlnn the legal hours of sale
the following property to wit: Two him
°ne and one fourth acres of the south
east portiou of lot number 121 , and one
huudre 1 and all forty number [146] acres, hundred more or
less, four being lying of north lot of Beaver one creek
in the seventh 7th dUtriet cf said county.
mill Also one-half inter one-half st in Interest a grist in mill and
site, and The old homestead a wool of
carding Alary factory. Bryce, late of said county dceas¬
ed. Sold for the payment of debts and
for distribution. Terms cash.