Newspaper Page Text
What the People are Doing and
Talking About.
Society Sews und Meifthbor
hootl Solcs,-Pers»naI
Read Sheriff’s sales for April.
The school now numbers about fifty pu¬
pils, and the number is increasing steadily.
A new sigu for the post office at this
place now shines forth in largo new letters.
The average gardener now feeleth like
Kicking himself because he planted so
Mr Milton Moore and wife, of Ceres,
spent Sunday iu town, the guests of Mr.
F II. Wright.
Mrs. Charlie Spillers, of Macon, spent
a few days here the first of the week
visiting relatives.
Miss Leila Webb, of tbe western portion
of the county, is visiting tbe family of Mr.
J, \Y. Blasingame.
Mr. Howard Persons, of near Culloden,
spent Sunday in town, visiting the family
of Col. R. D. Smith.
Pastures are being fenced up, and the in¬
dications are that most of the farmers near
town will force the operation of the stock
If the weather admits of it the street force
will put the’walks and drains about the
public square in good condition on the
Messrs. James Spillers, F. II. Wright
W. P. Blasingame and others have given
free land for now streets, and they will be
opened iu a few days.
We have added the names of several
Texas people to our subscription list this
week, and a lady in Brooklyn, N, Y,, sends
us a dollar for the paper also.
Hon. J, Northrop Smith, of’ Hickory
Grove, paid us a pleasant call the first of
week. Dr. Smith wishes The Journal
well, and is one of Its best patrons.
In a difficulty between two negroes at
Visclir’s railroad camp between this place
and Fort Valley, on Wednesday, a negro
was badly cut in the abdomen with a
Mr. F. II. Wright was elected County
Treasurer ou the 24th, ult. There having
been no opposition, and the weather at thal
time being unfavorable, a very small vote
was polled.
Mr. A. J. McAfee, of near Culloden, was
in town Wednesday looking after business.
Mr. McAfee runs a first class dairy and
stock farm in this county near Culloden,
and is making a success of the business.
Misses Alpha McManus and Lillie Blas¬
ingame wish to extend thanks to Mr.
Boliver H. Ray for ins handsome donation
to the Parsonage at this place. If every¬
body had the liberality of Mr. Ray our
parsonage would bo more comfortable.
f The public square around the court¬
house will be worked tomorrow. The cit¬
izens raised the money for the work by
gratuitous subscription. Our citizens need
no persuasion in order to raised money to
improve the town, but give freely to any
step of this kind.
Mr. Frank Hudson, of Thomasville,
made a business trip over to our town the
first ot the week. Mr. H. was raised in
this county and has not been hero before
in thirty years. lie believes we are going
to have a good business town after the
rail road isput through .
At (he meeting Tuesday night the fol¬
lowing gentlemen joined the Citizens Union „•
C N Pierce, A P Spillors, M T Perry, J.
T Andrews. Moses Mathews, G W Hort
man. Thero are thirty members of tbe
Union, and keep open doors for all wbo
wish to attend the meetings.
Married-Ill athcws-J o ties.
On Tuesday, the 28th, Mr. M. C.Math¬
ews aDd Miss Josie Jones were married at
the residence of the bride’s mother uine
miles north-west of Macon. An elegant
reception was given on the following day
by Mr, J. N. Mathews, father of the
groom, at his residence in Knoxville.
The Lecture Last Kisrlit,
Mr. J, A. J. Ross, of Fort Valley, deliv¬
ered a lecture last night at the court house
to the farmersof this vicinity, Tbe leet
are was delivered for the purpose of organ¬
izing a farmers alliance. Crawlord county
farmers do not seem to be in any hurry to
organize an Alliance, but an organization
of the kind may bo effected yet.
I>itl You liver-!
Probably the best cow in Georgia is
owned by Mr. John Clark of this county.
The animal will not weigh much, if any.
more than 200 pounds, and her milk uddei
is a perfect sight, She gave more than
four gallons of one.milking before
she had her first calf. The heifer is only a
iittle over two years old, and with careful
treatment may beat the record of all the
blooded stock. Mr. Clark says the cow is
of common scrub stock..
Deputy Sheriff Culverhousc, who fur¬
nishes us with the above facts, says lie
never saw anything to equal the heifer as
a milker
I^i’ogress in the Siuh.
A search over the Union for a.small sec¬
tion of country just suited in every way to
the growth of most all the crops raised in
this country would be useless if the man
who had undertaken it should come first
to the 6th district in this comity. The soil
is as fertile as a farmer would have it, and
admits of the use of farm ma¬
chinery, since the land is level and easily
worked. There is no town in the Gth, but
the few people living near Hartley’s store
want the conveniences of a town, and are
preparing to have some accommodations
seldom enjoyed by country people.
The latest step towards the conveniences
mentioned is a new telegraph line from
Taylor’s cross roads to Byron. The line is
being put up, and probably by this tim<
next week the instrments will have been
put in at each end of the line and will be
conveying the news between neighbors by
lightning. The line is nearly seven miles
long. A daily mail will also be another
feature that will he worth a good deal.
mi:, editor:
The report has gone out and been noised
abroad throughout tho larger portion of
the county that the citizens of Knoxville
have bell a meeting for the purpose of
trying to influence tire Commissioners ol
Roads and Revenue for Crawford county
to appropriate one thousand dollars of the
funds iu the County Treasury, to bo used
in the improvement of the public road
from tbe town of Knoxville to tho depot
site i n the lino of the A. & F. R. Ii., near
the residence of Mr. Jas N. Mathews.
The citizens of the town have never, at
any time, held any such meeting for any
such purpose, and the circulation of re¬
ports of this character is calculated to
reflect wrongfully upon them. Moreover,
the people of the town are not mendicauts,
neither do they belong to any secret or¬
ganization. Meetings have been, and
will continue to he, held for the purpose
ol devising and putting into operation
plans for the upbuilding of our town ; and,
the same time, for tho advancement of
interests which arc common to a ll
people of the county,
I keep an assortment of General Merchandise, and try to sir
everybody both in quality of goods and in prices. I have no
on hand a lot of Fbesii Garden Seeds, also a variety of
Farm Tools
of the best makes which I sell cheap. Call on me.
F. H. WEIGHT, Knoxville, Ga.
The meetings are held with open doe
and all who fee! so disposed, whether in
out of Knoxville, are cordially invited
attend and participate in the proceedin
Those who do attend and therefore km
what is said and done, are prepared
who do not attend should not
reports upon @iere hearsay that are
damaging alike to the people of the town
and all others iu the county.
<; o sn i Et !
The Spring poets are not allowed to
monopolize the whole business for the
editor is in the ring:
Oh! the fly,
The rhetorical fly;
The student of composition •
Drat the fly !
The punctuating fly,
We invite him off to perdition.
Ho the wall,
And that isn’t a! i,'
He: on your clothing and face;
He :V: and he Aggers
On white folks and niggers
And is cussed by the whole human race.
The farmers of the Oak Mouta,in Alli¬
ance in Garroll county have resolved that
they will not go in debt this year. A
number of them say they will not purchase
a single article unless they are able to pay
cash for the same. Many of them will Dot
use a pound of commercial fertilizers.
William Robb, of Philadelphia, has sold
to the Teal & Adams Gold Mining Com¬
pany one lot of land in Lumpkin comity,
the consideration for which is §250,000.
Tiic Western Cyclone.
A cyclone at Mount Vernon, Ills., Feb.
20, destroyed three hundred houses,
placing 1,500 people without homes'
About thirty persons were killed by falling
walls and others 3re badly wounded. The
town was almost destroyed by the wind,
The same storm visited New Haven. Ky.,
where it blew down a bridge which cost
$7,500, but the track of it not being
through the business part of town, very
little damage was done.
A mob in Illinois hung a negro the other
day. The republicans will not have much
to say about the affair, but will coutinuoto
poiut the finger at the South as a heathen
/ARDIN U ARY’S Office, Crawford Uoun
t”, Georgia—Whereas appointed the apprais¬ and
ers duly to White set apart
assign to Mrs. Elizabeth a year’s
support, and furniture a sufficiency out of of household the estate
and kitchen husband, William 15,
of her deceased
White, have made their return : This! is
therefore to cite and admonish all par¬
ties at interest to show cause if any they
can on the first Monday said in April should next,
by 10 o’clock a. m. why return
not be made the judgment of the Court.
Witness my hand and official signature
this March 1S t„188| aL
Office iri the Court House. fl) 2
Attorney at Law,
entrusted Prompt attention given to all basin
to his care.
Calls promptly attended day and nig'.
Physicfanp^ Surgeo
Patronage respectfully solicited, fill
The Knoxville Brig Sts:
Is the place where you can always fh j
Bsliablo Goods.
Besides Drugs and Medicines I 1:
Whenever you come to town come to
I am prepared to loan mor
on improved' farms to 1
amount of $200 and upwa: •
on most liberal terms. I r
resent the Georgia Loan <fc Tr
Co. <°f Amerieur, Ga., a ejx
tered institution of the St:
—5 will guarantee that our co
missions are at least from t
to three per cent cheaper tl
that of any otherompany. P
merits can be made at any ti:
and the loan may be taken
whenever desired. Quit
warehouse and try us. We
cheaper and give you more
erty, and we don’t want y
land. The warehouses are i
ting it. W alter P. Blasing.