The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, March 16, 1888, Image 1
n si . VOLUME I. OUR NEIGHBORS. Ceres, Handy Point and Hick¬ ory (drove heard from.. THE LADIES GO A-HUNTING. Bobbing the Cut—Bore Had ■bogs—A Telegrapli School— farming "botes A party of ladies- and gentlemen went but hunting last Saturday. Mr. M. J. Moore shouldered his old “fuzee” and t joined in the sport, but after bursting quite a number of caps without any result, he examined the gun aud found both 1 barrels empty. Mr. G. W. Wright, of Macon, is spend¬ ing a few days in our town visiting the family of Mr.. M. J. Moore. Ohr farmers* are busy planting quite a number ht*ve fiuisbed planting their uplands. Mrs. S. L. My rick and Misses Minnie Persons aud Pearl Myriek spent Saturday in our villc, the guests of. Mrs. M. J, Moore. Mr. J. A. J. Ross delivered am address at cur academy Monday night on the Farmers’ Allianbe. Mr. Ross presented many facts concerning the deleterious ef¬ fects of- the ciedit system on the farmer, that can not bo disputed, A very good rule would be for our farmers to raise their own supplies. “Hog and hominy” are the most important factors, and there is no reason for not hnviug plenty of it. Miss Emma Iiall has a class at this place taking lessons in telegraphy. Viney Evans, an old colored woman, heaiTug tint a cat’s tail placed under the door would frighten rats away, decided to try Uto experiment and commenced to bob her-cat. The little animal, not liking the operation, used its teeth aud rmils in self defense, inflicting a had bite and several scratches near her,"wrist. Preaching at this place has been changed from II o'clock A. M. to 3 o’clock P. M. on Saturday before 2nd Sunday in each month: preaching on Sunday at 11 A. M, as usual Mr. J. H. Burks, of Troup county, was in our vtile Monday for the purpose of or¬ ganizing a farmers’ alliance. We nope our farmers will form a club at this place. All other fraternities are organized and the farmers should be also. Bandy Point Sil’tiugs,. BY DAVE. Ptof. J. A. J. Ross, of Talbotton, has Been tr.fing to form an- Alliance at this place. He spolro to a large crow d last Friday night, and came back on Tuesday to organize them but, the farmers were not out, so he failed at this place. Ho thinks that he will he able to organize a large club at Union Academy three miles east of us. Goll "(V. P. Blasingatne passed through last Tuesday. We do not know where the Col. had been, but know his trip was crowned with success, as he was smiling aud singing all to himself when he passed. Mr. S. B. Causey saya- he beat Mr. Smith in killing birds. He killed: 25, at one time and didn’t half try either. They were black birds. Mrs. J. W. OgRtree has been, visiting Her mother, Mrs. M, L. Ellis. Mr. Will Hatcher killed a hog last **»k which was acting in such a pecu ; KNOXVILLE/ GEORGIA., MARCH 16, 188s liar way as to make him think that it was going mad. Ii had been bitten by a mad dog lbat ; passed some throe weeks ago. The dog bit many thiogs. but was finally killed by a negro, who beat him to death with a fence rail. News is very scarce this week. We will have to advertise for some if we don’t get up more bv ne'.Jt-'weok. Uichory Krore Happening's. Dear Me. Editor: —Will you allow a country bumpkin to drop you a few lines from our little vill? Wo are all as- busy as bees in a tar Bucket, trying to fix up to plant onr crops of corn and fixing up our lands for King Cotton. Everybody, I believe, lias help enough and some more than they ought to have, unless they could keep out ot debt. Smali grain is looking as flue as I ever saw it at'this time of year, but unfortun¬ ately a very small acreage is sown, owing to the fact that we hayc had so many crops killed by the cold in the last few years. Our community is very healthy just now, and, not wishing Dr. Smith any harm, we wish it would stay so—but the Dr. doesn't care anyway—because I think he ifgoiug to try to farm this year on scientific prin¬ ciples. I walked over in his farm the other day aud he was plowing, and you ought to have been tbefe to have seen him wabble with a Boy Dixie. Mr. J. W. Dickey has the best oat crop I have seen. It bids fair for a fine yield, and with his 3000 pounds of meat he slaughtered this winter he says maybe ho can hold up his head next fall. We have other farmers about here who know- how ot guide the plow so as to roakt hog and hominy. With the Macon and Alabama railroad to help us out we would be o. k. Messrs. Fincher and Hilsmau aro doiug a staving busiuess near here, and when the Rail Road begins to break dirt we in¬ tend to have a big town with Hilsmau aud the Grove as one. Tf you have never been in cur portion of the county, Mr. Editor, yon should visit us by all means and let the people see the man who had the pluck and energy to do what only only one other man ever did ; that is to get up a paper for Crawford county. You may bo sure your reward will come. Crawford is entitled by rotation to the next senator. I wonder who will bain the field ; also who will he our next repre¬ sentative ? All ye candidates come up and let us take a look at you. C. E. W. The Bailread, The latest news from the track laying force is that the rails have been laid to Zebulon. Zebulon is 36 miles from Knox¬ ville by rail. If the weal her will con¬ tinue fair the iron gang will soon lay the track to Knoxville. It will he here before mos} people expect it. Accldeut on the A. & F. Last Friday while W, G. Crowder was working, under the trestle over Elkins creek hear Zebulon a heavy timber fell a distance of about thirty feet, striking him on the head and injuring him; fatally. H was a wondor to those who saw the acci¬ dent that'Crowder was not killed outright. Miss Mattie Miller, affera visit of 1 sev¬ eral weeks, with the family of Mr. J„ N. Mathews of our town, returned to her home in tho Cential City on. Wednesday. QPJjRR AND CASUALTY. . The “Lion” March Weather jj, the Northern States, NEWS OF ALL SORTS.. Fire at Bryan-Killed a Wo. man—tempted Sui¬ cide, etc. In some places in the Northern' states itsnowed as long as forty hours, when the recent cold weather was troubling us down here. On a road leading from Rochester, N. Y., a train loaded with two hundred passengers was stopped by snow for more than a day. A million¬ aire was the principal” cook for the party during the time the train was weather bound. Too Slimy Wires. A few months ago the wife of William Smith Dimsdaie, of Canton, ran away with Andrew Harper, leaving her husband and two children, and a few weeks afterward Mr. Dimsdaie received a letter from Cul¬ berson, N. C., signed by W. J. Harris, stating that, she had died there. On re¬ ceipt of this letter Mr. Dimsdaie had the proceedings for divorce, which he had filed after his wife left him, stopped. Then he married Miss Sarah Holcomb. Last da v night wife No. 1 walked into the presence of Mr. Dimsdaie and family. He thinks of giving wife No. 2 back to her parents and clinging to wife No. 1—until be can procure a divorce. Attempt at Suicide. At Stone Mountain a good’ deal of ex¬ citement was caused Thursday morning by the announcement of the attempt at sui¬ cide of Miss Martha Dickerson, aged 40, by taking morphine. A physician was suvn monsd, and vfter several hours os faithful work, succeeded in bringing about her recovery. It is said that bor attempt at suicide was caused by disappointment in a love affair with a prmninen w idower who, on Wednesday, wedded another. Alliance in illarion. The Farmers’ Alliance has over GO 0 members in Marion county. Contrary to the expectations of outsiders, the location of the alliance store at Buena Vista has increased the trade of,the town very ma¬ terially, and instead of doing injury to any other merchants, promises a business “boom” that the local trade has not known for many a day. SKIED FOB Rior. I Clinch Superior Court last week a well-to-do citizen, his two little sons and two pretty daughters, were tried for riot. The jpry found the father guilty aud re¬ leased the children, and the father w.a fined $75 and costs, or nine months on ho ebaingang . Ai'ClDG.TEAL SUUUTIAH. Bee Brown, son of Judge Lotm Brown, dropped a pistol lact Sunday at the depot at Abbeville, the nammer striking a cross tie, fired. The ball penetrated his left an klechiui ranged*upward and lodged a few inches above where it entered. Dr. May Q urd out the ball out aud reports no boues broken. NUMBER 8. itut’iPT i; Bi:u. Four of the five couvicts that escaped ■from the convict camps on the Chattanoo¬ ga Columbus and Southern railroad, have been captured Two were caught nerr Tallapoosa, one between Tallapoosa, and Carrollton, and the fourth in the vicinity of Newnan, A VHEt'B B StOM OUl^ki. A few days-'ago James Flicker & Bro., of Americus, received from China a check on the Hong Kong and Shandai Banking Covporation, China, for5 2 .75-, in payment for a pair of spectacles sent by registered letter to Chiua. The check, is payable in New. York. UOOD FOB BUCK.TURT. At Rockmart the contract has been let for the constiuction of two large two-story brick buildings. The brick will be man ufactured at Rockmart, the timber will be sawed in that locality, and both buildings covered with slate manufactured iuside the incorporate limits, A two-storv sixtv-foot bank building is to be built soon. killed a «ikl. AtValdosta, Monday, night, Tom Al dine, an ex-convict, and' a notorious char¬ acter, killed Tucksie Lane, a negro girl about 15 years old. Accounts differ about the first cause, but all agree rust it started in rivalry, and that the negro, provokep, struck the girl oo the head with a heavy billet of wood. The blow was a fearful one,.the entires skull being: sunken. The girl fell into the file and' suflered' agony* from the flames before death relieved her. Aldine escaped, but at last accounts wa t close pressed. FOFSD DEAD, At Crawford, Oglethorpe county, J. J'. Burt, an old citizen of that place, was found dead in his bed Sunday morning. Mr. Burt had been a sufferer for some time from a wound im his leg received during the late war, the ball! never having been extracted. JACJK-SOA AVBI.k, 3SITA. It is pretty generally understood in Heard county that Capt. R. II Jackson will oppose Hon. T. \V. Grimes for Congress. Capt. Jackson is President of the State Farmers' Alliance, and expects to receive the support, of the farmers throughout the district. 81TB£$j«S.A18 AUAIA. Sunday night the store of N. B. Head, four miles south of Bryan, was robbed and then burned. Two sacks of flour and three bolts of cloth were found in the woods near by. The tracks were traced to the house of Columbus Coleman, a negro living on W. C. Spring's place, aud there more of the goods were identified. Parties wore in pursuit of the negro Monday, sev oral times getting near enough to shoot at hhn. The loss to Mr. Head amounts to $700. William-Simpson, of Rockmart, sold his iron ore property r forty acres, to Ju hi Crabb, of Cedarfown, for $3-.0f«h and be¬ fore the deeds were made out it was sold for $5,000 to J. K. Barton and others*. They will