Newspaper Page Text
Prof. Vaughan reports a successful at¬
lar tempt to produce iu a cat a disease simi¬
to typhoid fever, by the use of the
germs found in the water used by the
300 victims of the scourge at Iron
Mountain, Mich.
Sometimes the pressure of an artesian
flow of water results from a gas pressure
instead of from a high head of water.
Dakota, for instance, has several artesian
■wells 1,000 feet deep, with 350 to 380
pounds pressure, but there are no high
places near by to give this head of water.
The advisability of testing as foggy
weather signals sudden flashes, such as
those of gunpowder, has been suggested
to the British lighthouse authorities by
Lord Kayleigh and Professor Stokes,
who think the flashes might attract atten¬
tion where an equal fixed light might
escape notice.
We have heretofore been led to believe
that ice purified itself. Now we are told
that in good marketable ice, taken from
where the water is polluted with the
sewage of cit’es, there exists an almost
indefinite number of living disease
germs, and they appear to thrive under
the condition of being frozen for an in¬
definite period.
Some people doubt the poisonous
effect of nutmeg, but several cases ol
nutmeg-poisoning British- Medical -Journal have been during noted in the
the past
summer. A whole nutmeg was taken in
four of the cases, and five whole ones in
the remaining case. '□ still another case,
the use of half « nutmeg in a hot drink
was nearly fatal.
Dr. John Murray, of Edinburgh, in a
paper on the height and volume of. the
dry land and depth and volume of the
ocean, makes the statement that “should
the whole of the solid laud i:e reduced to
one level under the ocean, then the sur¬
face of the earth would be covered by an
ocean with a uniform depth of about two
miles.” From Dr. Murray’s investiga¬
tions it also appears that if the dry land
of the globe were reduced to the sea
level by being removed to and piled up
id the shallower waters of the ocean, then
its extent would be about 80,000,000
square miles, and the rest of the surface
of the earth would be covered by an
ocean miles. extending to 113,000,000 square
The course which an earthquake runs
is usually very rapid. From the moment
. when the first shock was felt at Lisbon
to nearly the period when all was killed, over, and
30,000 people were not
more than four minutes elapsed. A few
seconds, we learn from “Our Earth and
Its Story,” are usually a more frequent
lime for the shocks to last. Vet, while
Caracas in Venezuela was almost de¬
stroyed and 13,000 of its inhabitants
killed by tho earthquake of 1813, within
the limits of half a minute, there are
cases in which constantly recurring
shocks last for weeks, months, and even
years, as if the laboring earth was still
trying to relieve itself of some of its
superabundant energy.
The climate of the Sandwich Islands
is peculiarly adapted to the cultivation
of rice of a peculiar quality and in great
quantity, its evenness of temperature
permitting without the raising of two crops a
year any particular strain upon
the soil. The crops are raised in fields
called patches, most of which were
formerly used by the natives for raising
taro, and which are often not more than
an acre in extent. The fields are
situated in the lowlands, where abundant
irrigation can be obtained, and some¬
times on slight elevations where artesian
wlls can be successfully established,
and kingdom. are the The highest-priced cultivation lands in the
is almost en¬
tirely in the hands of tiie Chinese.
A Corn Supper.
A novelty is a corn supper, where this
standard cereal enters into the name or
ingredients of served every dish The following
menu was recently at a
Com la some-way—Maizma Roast eerealism.
Fishes a maizod. com a ia patron.
Corned beef. Corn Bread. Bread corned.
Hulled corn. Succotash a la grange.
Indian puddingbaked. Indian pudding boiled.
Patron’s corn pudding' Hasty pudding.
Corn starch.
Corn colored cake. Cake corned. Corn cake.
Corn starch cake. Starch corn ca ke.
Milk from corn-colored cow.
Butter from corn-fed cow.
Corn ice cream. Com candy. Balls a la corn
Corn de la corn popper. Corn coffee.
Pure juice of corn. Corn juice.
The raising of forest trees is one of
California’s most profitable industries.
I irr. city of Philadelphia lias o,421> ap¬
plications for liquor license, about 3,000
of which will be issued, Each license
taken out. will yield the city $400. aggre¬
gating $225,000 $1,200; 000. Of this erection amount
will be set aside for the
of school-houses.
“Golden at morning silver kS. noon, and lead
at. night,” But is the old sayii about eating
oranges. there is something that is right¬
ly name 1 Golden, and can be taken with ben¬
efit at any hour of the day. This is Dr. Pierce’s
Golden Medical Discovery, literally worth its
ulous weight in gold to any one suite ring with scrof¬
affections impurities of the blood, or
diseases of the liver and lungs. It is uufailing.
By druggists.
Rev. Dr. McGlynn emphatically denies that
be has aslsed to have his case re-opened.
For Rickets Mnmmusnnd Wasting Dis¬
orders ot‘ Children,
Scott’s Emulsion of Pure • od Liver Oil with
Hypophosphite t is unequaled. The rapidity
with which children gain flesh and strength
upon it is very wonderful. Head the follow
mg: ‘T have used Scot t’s Emulsion in cases of
Rickets and Marasmus of h ng standing, and
have been more than pleased with the results,
as in every case the improvement was mark¬
ed.”—J. JV1. Main, M.D., Xevv York.
In There Any Gittn In Ii?
Is there any gum in it? is what all prudent
men ask before taking hold of any new enter¬
prise. Tavlor’s (lierokee Remedy of Sweet
Gum and Mullein has gum in it, and the finest
stimulating principle known. It cures coughs,
coldsard consumption.
% o M vA | & M F/* § Ip* L
% ii.O
W, :< X3 O' L< i; !
*0 v ~?
£ O UV£R.,BL00p -?A ■r
y an >»
:Vv Ujwg ■
Do you feel dull, languid, low-spirited,
lifeless, and indescribably miserable, botli
physically of fullness „ and mentally: bloating experience after eating, a
sense or
or of “ goneness,” or empt iness of stomach
in the morning, tongue coated, hitter or
bad taste ill mouth, irregular appetite, diz¬
ziness, sight, “floating frequent specks” headaches, before blurred the eye¬
prostration exhaustion, irrita¬ eyes,
nervous or
bility of .temper, hot flushes, alternating
with sient pains chilly here sensations, mid thgro, sharp, cold biting, feet, drow¬ tran¬
siness after meals, wakefulness, or dis¬
turbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant,
i Riiinirc
1— Attack. 1
—-- very highest beneflt therefrom."
Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which is
tho fountain of health, by using Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant
spirits, established. and bodily health and vigor will
Qolden Medical Discovery cures al!
A medicine possessing tho power to euro such inveterate blood and skin diseases as the following testimonial portravs, must
certainly be credited with possessing properties capable of curing any and all skin and blood diseases, lor none are more
obstinate or difficult of cure than Salt-rlieum.
Q T DUtllfUl World’s “Columbus, Dispensary Ohio, Aug. 18th, 1837.
OHLI-nnmiii Kg Medical Associa
TION, G63 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.:
AND Gentlemen— For several years I have felt it
HuEllilATIQbi to be my the duty to give to you tho facts in rela
nnLUmfllliSRl. ti° n to complete cure of n most aggra
vated ‘Golden case Medical of salt-rhoura, Discovery. by 1 tho elderly use of your
“"■“■"■““““a™ An lady
relative of mine had been a great sufferer from salt-rheum for
upwards of forty years. Tho disease was most distressing in her
hands, causing the skin to crack open on the inside of the fingers
at the joints and between the lingers. She was obliged to protect
the raw places by during means tho of adhesive winter months plasters, had salves, to have ointments her hands and
bandages, and
drosscd.daily. Tho pain was quite severe at times and her general
health was Catarrh badly and affected, rheumatism paving caused tho way for other deal of diseases suffering to
creep in. a great with
in addition to tho salt-rheum. She had used faithfully, and
the most commendable perseverance, ail the remedies prescribed
by her piiysicians, but without obtaining relief. She afterwards
began treating herself by drinking teas made from blood-purify¬ but
ing roots and herbs. Site continued this for Severn! years de¬
rived no benefit. Pierce’s Finally, small pamphlets about ten years ago, forth I tho chanced merits to of read his
one of Dr. setting
‘ Golden Medical Discovery ’ and other medicines. The name struck
Golden Medical Discovert cures Con
sumption (which is Scrofula of the Lungs),
by its wonderful nutritivo blood-purifying, properties. For invigoru
ting and Weak
Solomon Butts, of North Clayton, Miami
Co., Ohio, writes: “ X have not the words to
I i vuiiwviiii a—Bn—anaw | express ‘Golden my Medical gratitude Discovery* for the *rood your
i. „,, -.«iii it has done my
wife.^She was taken with on^dollar consumption^and fiftho worki”! after trying ono doc
poor and having but prayed to God that
he might show me something; and then it seems ns though some¬
thing did tell me to get your ‘Golden Medical Discovery.’ My
wife took it as directed, and as a result she is so she can work now.”
GAINED ° f < B °x l<^)-%‘n>^M^pTinZ F Edwanf Z fsta?ui’,
25 Pounds.
pounds. ^ Then I I used weighed to eat 122 about pounds, and" to-day I weigh 147
eat four five if I dared to.” one meal a day, and now can
'tiki-' MARK
T hC Case Stated— Jan’y 17th,1883. Messrs.
George Mass., C. Osgood & Co., druggists, Lowell,
wrote to the undersigned as follows-.
“Mr. Lewis Dennis, No. 13d Moody street,
wishes to recommend St. Jacobs Oil, anil
desires especially to say that:
“Orin Robinson, of Grantville, Mass., a
boy of 12 of years, 1881 walking came to liis house in Vic
cummer left leg being bent the knee on crutches, for his
and at over two
months, had could mot be bent back. Mr.
Dennis some St. Jacobs Oil in the house,
and gave it to him to rub on bis knee. In
six days he had no use for his crutches, and
went home well without them, as lie has
been ever since.’’
Corroborative and Conclusive Testimony.
—Lowell. Mass., July 9, 1887.— Gentlemen :
Mr. Lewis Dennis has just called upon me,
and informs me that the boy Orin Robinson,
who cured was a by poor St. cripple Jacobs on Oil cratches, and
was in 1881; the
cure has remained permanent. The young
man lias been and is now at work at manual
St. labor; Jacobs tliecase Oil.—Dr. certainly proves theeiiioaoy of
Guo. C. Osaoon, M. D.
Sold by Druggists avd Dealers Everywhere.
THE CHARLES A- vwtei Eft Of!., B.ilfinmre. KM.
[Copyright, 3337 .}
indescribable feeling of dread, or of im
ponding if calamity? have aiL, considerable
you of these or any
number symptoms, you are
suffering American from maladies—Bilious that most common of
Torpid Liver, associated rvith Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, or
or indigestion. disease has become, The more the complicated the
your number and diversity greater No
of symptoms.
matter what stage it has reached, Du.
Pi Knee's Golden Medical Discovery
wili subdue it, if taken according to di
motions for a reasonable length of time,
If not cmed, complications multiply and
Consumption Heart Disease, of the Lungs, Skin Diseases,
other Rheumatism, Kidney Dis
ease, or grave maladies aro quite
Mrs. I. V. Wehber, of Yorkshire, Cattaraugus
I LlifED SUES I I Co.. A. T., writes: “For live years previous to
(Wanr taking I ‘Golden Medical Discovery ’ and * Pellets,’
UldCAOili | right was side a great continually; sufferer; had a severe pain in my
g was iinabio to do my own afl work. 1 am now well and strong.”
humors, from a common Blotch, or Enip
tion, to the worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum,
“ Fever-sores,” Scaly or Rough Skin, in
short, conquered all diseases by this caused by bad Wood,
invigorating medicine. powerful, Great purifying, and
rapidly heal under its Eating influ¬ Ul
cers benign
sufferer from ealt-rhenm. She commenced taking it at once, and
took one bottle, but seemed to be no better. However, I realized
that it would take time for any medicine to effect a change’ for the
half-a-dozen better, and encouraged her to continue. She tiien purchased a
to notice improvement. bottles, and before these had all been used she began
an Alter taking about a dozen bottles she
was and entirely healthy cured. Her hands were perfectly well and as smooth
as a child's. Her general health was also greatly
almost improved; the rheumatism entirely leit her, and tiie catarrh was
cured, so that it ceased to be much annoyance. She lias
enjoyed excellent health from that day to this, and lias had no
return of either sglt-rheum or rheumatism. The ‘Discovery’
seems to have entirely eradicated the salt-rheum from her ey stem.
She is now over eighty years old, and very healthy for one of such
extreme age. ,
I have written this letter, of which you can make any use you
road ■ fit, it lioping that some sufferer from salt-rheum might chance to
and obtain relief by using your ‘Golden Medical Discovery 1
—for ‘Golden’ it is in its curative properties, and u3 much above
the multitude of nostrums and so-called ‘patent medicines,’ sc
zealously metals. flaunted before the public, as gold is above the baser
Respectfully y ours, Wheeler, 1S2 21st St.”
Lungs, Breath, Bronchitis, Spitting of Chronic Blood, Shortness Catarrh, of
Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred
tions, it is a sovereign remedy. While it
Oquoh Mrs. N. “I W. Rice, liberty of Newfane, to acknowledge Vermont.
of says: feel at
the benefit I received from two bottles oi
jTit/r Fist VrJD?’ s LStlo the eougli ‘Golden of five Medical years' Discovery,’ standing, which and dyspep. cured
a long 01 I'MJIrJ sia, from which I had suffered for a
J, time. I have also used Dr. Fierce’s Extract
of Smart-Weed, or Water Pepper, in mj
family, with good effect."
WemSlOOOsfi; fl Dr, I I sound and
DU 7 I Ti I Lt. r I cured and of consumption. have only spent am three now dollars, and
M well, thousand dollars and
I would not take threo
bo put back where I was.”
Discovery $1.00, Six Bottles lor §5.00; by Druggists.
_ m MsEMmssEm
Be3t in Cough time. Syrup. Sold by Taste3good. druggists. Use
I beliovo Piso’s Cure
for Consumption saved
my life.—A. H. Dowell,
Editor C\, Enquirer, 23,1887. Eden
ton, N. April
The best Cough Medi¬
cine is Piso’s Cube fob
Consumption. Children
take it without objection.
By all druggists. 25c.
WBWWMSE ;H jjfaeSTii
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use
in time. Sold by druggists.
m Cy return man. Full Description
Cutting. 2X00DY & COm Cincinnati, 0.
A . S’. 11...... .....................Ten, *8 8.
liable to set in, and, later, Ji
sooner or in
dime a fatal termination.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dtscov
EjtY acts powerfully upon the Liver, and
through cleanses the that great blood-purifying blood-taints organ,
system of all and
impurities, It equally from efficacious whatever cause arising,
is in acting upon tho
Kidneys, and other excretory organs,
cleansing, diseases. strengthening, An and healing their
tonic, it promotes an appetizing, digestion restorative
and nutri
lion, strength. thereby building malarial up both flesh and
In districts, this won
derful medicine 'ms gained great celeb
rity in curing Saver and Ague. Chills
and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred
ence. Virulent Wood-poisons are, by Its
use, robbed of their terrors. Especially
lias it. manifested its potency in curing
Tetter, Eczema, Scrofulous Erysipelas, Roils, Carbun¬
cles, Sore Hip-joint Eyes, Disease,“White Sores and Swell¬
ings, Goitre, Swellings,”
or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands.
sirengthe pronmtly cures the system tho severest and purifies Coughs, the it