Newspaper Page Text
Jug Tavern is to have a brass band,
A fire company has been organized at
M. M. Folsom will be the editor of Ce
■dartown’s 'newspaper.
On April 13 Lumber City will vote on
the question of incorporating.
It is said that St. Simons Island has a
population of more than 1,200 people.
Mr, Williamson, of Fancy Bluff, Glynn
county, has invented a new car-coupler.
Mrs. W. IT. Wardlaw, of Walker coun¬
ty, gave birth to two boys and a girl a day
or two ago.
i During a wind storm last Saturday the
negro Methodist church at Senoia was
to the ground.
It is reporters fhat there is a youeig lady
living near Bronwood who cau repeat the
whole Bible from memory.
I The dwelling house, corn crib and all
on Mrs. Faun’s place, in Dooly
were burned Friday.
It is saul that the young ladies of Dub
intend to boycott the young gents who
to parties swelling of whisky.
B. F. Hogan, living near Gem, Bulloch
accidentally had three of las fingers
off*Tuesday while running a planing
Some counties in the State make the
of robins a penal offense, and can
fine of I?5@0 or six mouth’s im
prisonment. "
A. I. Branham, superintendent of public
schools ot Brunswick, had an arm disloca
ted in tlie railread accident at Dalton
few day’s ago.
It is reported that a company is now
fcjrtning in Athens to bushi a
cotton mill at one of Uie shoals <m the
North Gcotioe river.
- Four scoiva^ons live in a feoirso in Cen
tral Falls. It. I. There are mother a
daughter, daughter’s daughter «ud a daugh
ter’s daughter’s daughter.
Capt. Rook, tlie counterfeit detector and
expert, says that some of the Smitberu cit
ies have been recently flooded with coun
terfeit 5-dollur bills.
A new enterprise has-sprung up in Law
rtnceville. It is a trade iu English bull
dogs. Mr, Austin sold a pair of pups for
$25 a few days ago.
On Harry Dickenson’s plantation, near
Steam Mill, in Decatur county, one day
last week, two negro women gave birth to
five children—triplets and twins.
At Acwoitli Wednesday a citizens’ meet
ing war held, and it was resolved to build
a first-class forty-room hotel in Acworth
cost of from $25,000 to §40,000.
The polar bear at Madison Square Gar¬
den, New York, had his claws cut the
other day. It took twenty-four men with
ropes to hold him while the operation was
pci formed.
The gold and tin mine known as the De
S ito mine, in the eastern portion of Murray
county, owned by Lampkin, Bates* Goer,
has been sold to a Mr. Dean, of Virginia,
tor $ 100,000.
A cannibal hog went round among hog
acquaintances owned by a prosperous fat m
er n Greene county, Ohio, and chewed off
the ends of forty-four tails, the cannibal’s
own being the one left.
Mrs. Catharine McMahon, of Greencas
t’.c, Iml., is 103 years of age and has lived
to see the seventh generation of her 1und.
One of her brothers died at the age of 100,
and another at the age of 98.
A mao aged $6, who died recently in
Fluvanna county, Virginia, had com¬
menced to cut his third set of teeth, and
bis ha : r, which bad grown while, was
turning to its natural color, it is said.
Pref. B. G. Green has in his school,
three miles from Vienna, three sets ol
twins, two of twin boys and one of twin
girls. Not often do three sets of twins
receive instruction from the same source
Rev. Z. B. Graves, son-in-law of S.
Ritch, was tried at Jefferson last Monday'
tor the cause of Christ before he
There is a committee from a New York
club visiting Brunswick to spy out the
laud. Heretofore they have gone every
season to St. Augustine, but they say that
place is getting too fashionable for their
Tom Woolfolk was trustrated in another
attempt to escape from the Bibb county
jail, at Macon, Friday night. He had
sawed off his shackles when discovered,
and would have used the saw 011 the bars
of his cell.
At Americus Monday W. T. Harvey
preposed to Nick Jordan that they see
how many oranges they could eat. Five
dozeu oranges were bought, and on tiie
last dozen Mr. Harvey was two ahead
They agreed to stop.
At MilloJgeville tbe contract has
let to Samuel Ennis to replace tbe span of
the bridge across the Ononee river, that
was washed away by the last freshet, for
51,800. Mr. Ennis obligates to put tbe
span up within three months.
Oliver Hays, recently of Smithvillo, now
of De Soto, has recently bought from the
Americus Investment Company their saw
mill at De Soto, with tire right of using
timber off 2,000 acres of land adjoining,
paying therefor §16,580 cash
George B. Lnmpkin, of Lexington, has
recently patented a device for taking up
lost motion on the spindles of vehicles. It
is simple and perfect, and will add very
little to the cost of a buggy or wagon. He
is receiving bids for their manufacture.
W. J. Williams, who was struck by a
train at Brunswick Thursday evening is
in a precarious condition. Dr. Incker
-as called ia to render aid. »«d
alter a thorough examination, it was found
necessary J to amputate 1 the left foot at the
Some of the New York legislators, who
were on a train that was snowed in near
Schenectady, had to pay fancy prices for
reliesUtnents. Pics cost $4 apiece, sand¬
wiches 25c and eggs 25e each. A farmer
was hired for $20 to transport the edibles
six miles to the train.
On „ March „ r , 2 1 th M. B ,, Smith, o •,!, who woiks
in the express office in Atlanta was bitten
by y a rattlesnake which vas concealed n a
ot . cabbage , which . . , . lad , been , .hipped
from Florida. By a speedy use of pum m
gnhato of potash, which was injected hy
cerdermically, * he soon recovered.
At Atlanta Thursday while a country
man was driving in his wagon on Marietta
street, near the Exposition mills, the wagon
was turned over by a strong and vigorous
young cyclone. The mule drawing the
“»»*“"»**■*-* “* “•
and shaft of the veh'« s brokin.
Five fcamps, .L«™ critt MUM «•
tention, were rescued in a most pitiable
condition from a locked box car, at Bir
mingham, Ala., on Monday. They ex
plained that they had got into the car
Chicago, five days before, and during
time had nothing whatever to eat or drink,
They were scarcely able to walk from
weakness, but after a hearty meal fnr
nished by the trainmen, they showed signs
of recovery and were allowed to go their
-m*-_ „ OH, CrOOl
" “ " “ “ " g’lfl,
and * ertll,zers - The following brand of fertilizers on hand 1
We keep a supply of the above goods at Fort Valley for tbe
convenience of our Crawford county customers, which can be
had on application to us.
?n the lower end of Washington county
two brothers, Henry and Purify Holmes,
have for some years been conducting a large
turpentine business together, and in an
effort to dissolve and settle the firm’s busi¬
ness, they disagreed and resorted to blows.
In the fight Ilcnry, the smaller brother,
shot Purity in the left side with a shotgun
loaded with buckshot. A heavy silver
watch caught a part of the load, and it is
claimed this saved his lite. The wound is
regarded as serious, but not necessarily
Freeman Brooks, a young farmer of Wil
, kmson . county was killed on Monday night
about 8:30 0 clock. Mr. Broods and sev
eral others were cutting old sap trees on
the plantation of G. S, Johnson, in the
Bethel district of the county, to prevent the
spread of flames to the woods. While
resting after cutting down a tree a young
man who was cutting one near by saug out
t ■ him to look out or the tree would fall
on him. The warning came too late, and
before he could move away the tree fell on
him, crushing his head and limbs. He
died instantly. Mr. Brooks was about 22
years of age.
April Sheriff’s Sales.
G I SL i « 0 S'uSo"££V'i It '
tlie town of Knoxville, said county 0 “
the tart sSe file following de'
scribed property, to wit: Whole lots of
SgOSSSj^SJSU^OS in the Seventh district of said
^y-nine making in tlie aggregate five
county, hundred and one-fourth
six acres, more
or less po ied 011 as the property of L. T.
Lee to c tisfy two ti fas issued from the
Superior C mrt of said county—one in fa
vorofi O .Skellie vs. L. T. Lee, and
one in fa \0 ' of II. C- Harris against said
L. T. Lee
Also at the same time and place lots of
land numbers seventy-eight Seventh district and of eighty- said
three in the
county, containing in tlie aggregate four
hundred and five acres, of more E. or Lee less,
levied on as the i property from tlie S. Superior to
satisfy a fi fa sued
(; 0ur (,' 0 f sa j,i comity in fpvor Lee of Sterling
;^eil against L. T. and E. S. :
Also at the same time and place lot of
land number one hundred in the Sixth
istrict of said county, half containing two
hundred two and a acres, more or
,-’ r 'to^atisf y of a Yi^fa'issued. said county in from favor the of
Superior Court
J. M. Poole against said J. W. Gurr :
Also at the same time and place the
of^nr P m?roor pounds lessT’in of
t, ie shuck, live hundred fod
der more or lee*and six bushels of
${$$”fiSd by^iiWof a fl fa
“t" land M.^e’S.V'S number sixtv-six M in
,,-art and lot of
twelve acres of land, being and parts hundred of lots
one hundred and ninety mm
of sMd wtnt^InaklnS fif ty-fij^and in theaggregate one-half
j 'umdred^and
oriy william Carter to satisfy of a ii said fa
j issued from the Supe. for Court
; ^ said WiTliam Carter.
13. A.
o- ti IS38
First— It is a safe company. The laws
regulating life insurance investments in
Ohio, where it is located, are more strin¬
gent than than those of any other State.
Not a dollar can be invested in railroad
stocks or bonds.
Second— it is a cautious company. Its
death rate is almost one-third less than
the xpectatioii Table of Mortality, and
less than tliht of any other company in
the United States.
Thirl— it i s an ably managed compa¬
ny. For several years pas tits funds
been so invested as to yield over seven
and a half per cent, or nearly two per
cent, move than the average of the East¬
ern companies. The prodigious benefits
of Conpound shared by Interest each policy-holder. at this high late
Fourth —Its policies are Capital in¬
vestments. it has been demonstrated
that a limited payment Life-Rate Endow¬
ment Policy in the Union CeNtral pays
better than 4 per cent, government
bonds, besides furnishing the constant
protection Fifth— it of is insurance. Liberal Company. Its
policies are incontestable and non-forfelt
ahle, and there are no restrictions wliat
ever with regard to residence or travel
after a policy has been issued.
I am now prepared to do Repairing of
?Hh Neatness and Despatch. Call 011
“ortbltW?fiuddo D ? heU y0U wlsh any
t J. PI. HOLT.
1 ST O T I C K
If you want Houest Goods at Reasonable
Prices you will find them at my store on
my Plantation three miles Nortli-east of
town. Good Coffee 25c. Korosine 20:.
L. L. Bryant.
When you want a first class meal or s
good place First to sleep come to the Harris
'.louse. Class Fare, Comfortable
Rooms, Reasonable Charges, Accommo¬
dations Not Excelled 1
SB 11
1 IrigS&SSI
j IS lit, 4 T* ™"™
i | S^ 0 '{j";^ d , ifiS tl B °nd FJrS« n »an“
ISl gpSffiaSfeSSSS
iSKSSSSSSSssS p^^t, ^ i ,S
or i c h e h M^n& noticed
t t
S 6 ?3?^,^e' 8 t3 of *i |, » no«« eViry
au h patentees r andtitfaofcvcryfcJut'ion ptpnt Si
mu: ‘ th5 lw °" d “ ?