The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, March 30, 1888, Image 7

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MIRAGE. Clear shining through the swimming air, Across a stretch of summer seas. Far, lofty peaks gleam white and fair The heights of the Hesperides. O far-off peaksl O happy Isles 1 I sail and sail and long for * you, And still th’ enticing vision smi!e3 To lure me o’er tho waters blue. Below those fair and gleaming heights, Ne’er shrouded o’er by drifting snows, Lie gardens filled with rare delights, And there the golden apple grows. I sail and sail and long lor you, But never come to those fair isles; Still stretches wide the bounless bluo, Forever still the scene beguiles. Unclimbed those lofty mountain heights* Far off beyond the smiling seas, Unreached that garden of delights, Untrodden the Hesperides. —Edith Sessions Tapper. PITH AND POINT. A hard ease—Sehweizcr kase. The path of duty Through the Cus¬ tom-house. The poet who itche3 for fame should use a pen that scratches. “You are chokin’ ray fingers,” com¬ plained holding a little its hand tot to its mother, who was too tightly. A New Yorker can go to the Rocky , mountains and tackle bears cheaper than he can on Wall street .—Louisville Demo vat. It Is said that the man who invented Volapuk gat his idea from hearing Red Shirt, of the Wild West show, try to •peak French.— Til-Bits. The perforations at the stub end of a check, my dear boy, indicate precisely where the check won’t tear when you pull on it .—Philadelphia Call. A Texas woman ha3 invented a pie safe, but that is not what this country is aching for. A safe pie is the howling need of the hour .—Minneavolit Tribune. Arkansaw swain (calling on his girl) —“What makes the house shake so, darling?” Girl—“It’s pop, up stairs. He’s got the fever ’n ague agin.”— Epoch, Blobson, who never goes out or comes in without falling over an antique jar or piece of bronze, persists in calling hi3 wife’s collection “break-your-back.”— Free Press. • Minister (dining nice with tho in family)— church “You were a little boy this morning, Bobby. I noticed you kept very quiet and still.” Bobby—“Yes, sir; I wa3 afraid of, waking pa up.” “Roes your mother wear felt slippers?” asked an old of a little boy where she was yisiting. “Yes, ma’am, she do. I’ve felt ’em,” answered the small boy, significantly .—Detroit Free Press. “What part of the fowl!” said Adolphus Da “Whatever you like—that suits you." He’d been very attentive to her for a year, So she gave him a wing—and he flew. -Tid-Rits. A suicide who killed himself with a revolver said in his note: “I know it is foolish to commit suicide, but please see that I get credit with tho public for knowing that it was loaded ."—Boston Gazette. It is all very well For people to tell Of the land of the lotus and lizzard, But it shrivels us all When down from St. Paul Comes the blast of ils blustering blizzard. —Buffalo Express. A prominent circulars institution what of learning sent out had attained asking honors its graduates lady graduate responded: in life. “At A gradua¬ bright tion I received the degree A. M. Since graduation I have transposed the let¬ ters.” Yolapuk. Take n teaspoonful of English, A modicum of Dutch, Of Italian just a trifle, And of Gaelic not too much; Some Russian and Egyptian Add then unto the whole. With just enough to flavor Of the lingo of the Pole. Some Cingalese and Hottentot, A soupcon, too, of French; Of native Scandinavian A pretty thorough drench; •Hungarian A pinch and Japanese. Syriac, of With just as much Ojibbewuy And Turkish as you boil please. Now stir it gently, it well, And, if you’ve decent luck, The ultimate residuum You’ll find is Volapuk! —Buffalo Courier , J Kg; /' j jo r ’"-i W gaSHT \ J l T. * ■ : Be sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla, my child. See that they do not give you anything- else. You re¬ member it is the medicine which did mama so much good a year ago—so rellabi *, beneficial, pleasant to take— my favorite spring medicine. Hood’s Sold by all druggists. (1; six for $5. Prepared only by O. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. i_00 Doses One Dollar fits" to 8S a <lny. Samples worth S1.50, FREE Lines not under the horse’s feet. Write Brewster safety Rein Holder Co.. Holly, Mteh. r r. \ \ f\ in i - [ p- W: L'VT; [■ '5 & % um -i -r * E m Wi as a a i P : [ig =a f i r: muss' HOTEL MD SKICAL INSTITUTE, 663 lisia St, Buffalo, H. V. ©U3i FIELD OF SUCCESS. Nasal, Throat The treatment of Diseases of the Air Passages and Lungs, such as Chronic Catarrh in the Head, and and Laryngitis, Consumption, Bronchitis, both Asthma, through Luhs Diseases, correspondence constitutes an important and at our specialty. Institutions, We publish three separate books on Nasal, Throat and Lung Diseases, which Consumption, give muon valuanie in¬ formation, viz: (1) A Treatise on Laryngitis and Bronchitis; price, post-paid, ten cents. (2) A Treatiso on Asthma, or Phthisic, giving new and successful treatment; price, l >ost paid, ten cents. (3) A Treatise on Chronlo Catarrh in the Head: price, post-paid, two cents. 8 DISEASES OF Dyspepsia, “Liver Complaint,” Ob. I stinate rhea, Tape-worms, Constipation, and Chronic kindred affections, Diar I » mnreTinu among thoso chronic diseases in the | liiULOIIun, arc suc In anal cessful treatment of which our specialists have iiiii«!ii attained great success. Our Complete Treatise on Diseases of of ten the Digestive in postage Organs stamps. will bo sent to any address on receipt cents Kidney BRIGHT’S DISEASE, DIABETES, and kindred maladies, have been very largely treated, u and cures effected in thousands of cases which |||oraoro Uld j.noLJ, i I eases had boon are pronounced readily diagnosticated, beyond hope. determined, These dis- 1 or imai""niwwTii'i by chemical analysis of tko urine, without a personal examination of patients, who can, therefore, generally bo successfully of chemical treated at their homes. The examination study and of practice the urine in consideration analysis and of microscopical with our cases, reference to correct diagnosis, naturally in led which our institution long ago became famous, has to a very extenaivo practice In diseases of the urinary organs. C9 These diseases should bo treated only by a special¬ CSS ero ist thoroughly ascertain familiar the with them, and who is com¬ petent to exact condition and stage of advancement which the disease lias mado fwhich can only bo ascertained by a careful chemical and micro¬ scopical examination of tlio urine), for medicines which are curative in ono stage or condition do positive injury in others. Being in constant receipt of numerous inquiries for a complete work on tho nature understood, and curability of have these maladies, written in a style to Treatise be easily these diseases, we which published a large, Illus¬ trated on will bo sent to any ad¬ dress on receipt of ten cents in postage stamps. Bladder INFLAMMATION OF THE BLAD¬ DER, Gravel, STONE Enlarged IN THE BLADDER, Diseases. Retention of Urine, Prostate Gland, tions, be and kindred affec¬ may included among those in the cure of which our specialists have achieved extraor¬ dinary Pamphlet success. Drinary These are fully treated of in our Illustrated on Diseases. Sent by mail for 10 cts. in stamps. I I Stribtuse. |vR5Eg^ I of strictures, many of i ^LS7,^'^I them greatly aggravated ! S!i: of . inexperienced . . .by physicians the carelees and use of instruments in the hands urinary fistula;, and other complications, surgeons, annually causing false passages, relief and That of this consult us for cure. no case class is too difficult for the skill of our specialists is proved by cures reported in our illus¬ trated treatise on these maladies, to which we refer wiBi pride. To intrust this class of cases to physicians of small experience, is a dangerous proceeding. Many a man has been ruined for hf° byso doing, while thousands annually lose their lives through unskillful treatment. Send particulars of your ease and ton cents in stamps for a largo, Illustrated Treatiso containing many testimonials. Spring Hood’s Is and Medicine. the successful most Sarsaparilla popular Spring Nearly Medicine everybo¬ dy needs asprirg medicine like Hood’s Sarsaparilla expel the im¬ purities which have accumulated in the blood dur¬ ing the-winter, to keep up strength as the warm weather comes on, create an appet:te and promote healthy**digestion. Try Hood’s Sarsaparilla this spring and you will be convinced that it c!o?s possess superior and peculiar merit. A Good Appetite "When I began taking HoDd’s Sarsaparilla I was dizzy in the morning, had a headache and no appe¬ tite ; but now I can hardly get enough cooked to eat.”—E mma Shepard, 1 Coral Stroot, Worcester. Mass. “Last spring my whole family took Hood’s Sarsa¬ parilla. The result is that all have been cured of scrofula, my little boy being entirely free from sores, and a'l four of my children look bright and healthy as possibly can be. I have found Hood’s Sarsaparilla good for eatarrh.”—W m. B. Athehtow, Passaic City, N, J. Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar | i lazy (ElB A MONTH. AocnlsWantcd. DO bestsell ! tyflj Mr ins articles in the world. IsampleJ'ra. Address JAY BRONSON, Detroit, Mich. j &- E 3 X J EA.SA.X\TT REMEDIAL POME. PULL STAFF OF EXPERIENCED PHYSIOLS 2 SMS. Many CHRONIC DISEASES Sue - eeesfttliy Treated without a Personal Consultation. WE obtain onr knowledge of the patient’s dis * ' ease by the application, to the practice of medicine, of well-established principles of modem science. The most ample resources for treating lingering or chronic diseases, and the greatest skill, arc thus placed within the easy reach of invalids, however distant they may reside. Write and describe your symptoms, Inclosing ten cents in stamps, and a complete treatise, on your par¬ ticular disease, will bo cent you, with our opin¬ ion as to its nature and curability. u*'ll nERVOoS I ralysls, Epileptic Daisy, Convulsions, Locomotor or Tits, I’a ‘ 1st. Vitus’s or Dance, Insomnia, Ataxia, inability a or Ij'CCAeCQ EJiOLUOLO. jj to Debility, sleep, and and threatened every variety insanity, of Nervous affoc ,.i nervous rTnrms" ■ >. (j 0 n, ure treated by our specialists lor these dis¬ eases with unusual success. See numerous cases reported in our different illustrated pamphlets on nervous diseases, any one of which will be sent for ten cents in postage stamps, when request for them is accompanied with a statement of a ease for consulta¬ tion, so that we may know which one of our Treatises to send. Diseases We have a Special Department, devoted of exclusively Women. Every to the treatment of Diseases "of Women. whether by letter case consulting in our specialists, or person, is given the most careful and considerate attention. 1 m ^...... sMM i fg portant cases (and we get few which have not already of baffled the skill skilled of all the home physicians) have the beneiit a full Council of specialists. Booms for ladies in the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute are very private. Send ten cents in stamps for oub Complete Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated with wood-cuts and colored plates (160 pages). fEoTGuT 1 OF m [ matter is HERNIA promptly specialists, of how and (Broach), long willsout permanently standing, or RUPTURE, or knife of cured wiiat and size, no by UPTU SB E. onr £!ic without dependence upon trusses. Abundant references. Send ten cents lor our Illustrated Treatise. bowels, PILES, FISTL'LAJ, treated and other diseases affecting the lower are with wonderful success. The worst cases of pile Send tumors, are permanently cured in liiteen to twenty davs. ten cents for Illustrated Treatise. hi s decline Organic weakness, the nervous debility, premature 1 of manly powers, involuntary losses, Men. ■ will-power, impaired memory, melancholy, mental anxiety, absence of weal; back, and all affec¬ tions arising from youthful indiscretions and per¬ and permanently nicious, solitary practices, are speedily, thoroughly cured. Wo, many years ago, established a Special Department for the treatment of these diseases, under the management of some of the most skillful physicians ami surgeons on our Staff, in order that all who apply to us might receive all the advantages of a full Council of the moat experienced specialists. We Offer We offer no this apology ncgledtcd for devoting so much attention to class of diseases, ... - believing that no condition of humanity is fin ilu Kl SPHi in-uui, niiV 1 g t°° beet wretched services of to merit the noble the sympathy profession and Why to which we alleviating belong. suffering, any medical man, intent on doing good and should shun such cases, we cannot imagine. Why any one the should consider it otherwise than most honorable to cure worst cases of tbese diseases, we cannot understand; and yet of all the other maladies which afflict mankind there is probably none about which physicians in general practice know so little. We shall, therefore, continue, as heretofore, to treat with our best con eideration, " sympathy, and skill, all applicants who are suffering from any o f these delicate diseases. Cubed at Ml A Complete Treatise (138 pages) on these delicate diseases sent sea la!, in plain envelope, scpure from observation, All statements on receipt of only ten cents, in stamps, for postage. held made and secrets confided to us will be to be sacredly confidential. All letters of inquiry, or of consultation, should be addressed to WORLD’S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, — No. 063 Main St., BUFFALO, ¥.«. Big | CreMWItiSt FAILS. Uso n £ BC3t in Ccugh time. Syrup. Bold by Tastes druggists* good. f H I believe Piso’s Cure H for Consumption saved my life.—A. II. Dowell, |g Sj ton, Editor N. C., Enquirer, April 23, Eden- 1887. PISO The best Cough Medi¬ cine is Piso’s Cure job Consumption. Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c. PlSO v SCURE FOR CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good, Use in time. Sold by druggists. A. N. U. .Twelve, ’SS.