Newspaper Page Text
Batlroad Seif* from Zehalon,
Zebulos, Ga-, April 15—No track has
been laid on the A & F. R. R. during the
last week, havir.g been hindered by the
building of the trestles, but it will be re¬
sumed to-day awl tbo trestle* will not
hinder gfen soon. The tiack lacks only
three mil-s of being to P .tsto creek. A
regular freight and passenger schedule is
run to Ze'iirloR now.
The d*pot isbeinb built rapidly by our
fellow townsman, Mr. R. Banks. Ere long
Knoxville and Zebu ton will te very near
each other.
tMxcu Disfi let Items.
From Mr. E. L. AnUman we learn that
Bill White (col.) has a sow pig jus* a yeai
old, that recently gave birth to fonrtee
healthy pig*. Bull's prcsi-iects for bacon
are good so Wig as Ire keeps the same
stock of hog* and something ©n which to
fatten them.
Air. A alt man says the fanners in his
section are about four weeks earlier than
usual about planting cotton. He, and a
good many of his no gbbors have good
stands- The oat crops are magmfieet
Hern* Frew Ceres.
Last Saturday and Sunday was a quar¬
terly meeting occasion at Union e arch.
Rev, H. B. Parks, P. E„ occupied the
pulpit. and wife in
Capt. W. H. Dent were onr
v-lle Sunday, the guests of Mr, ami Mrs.
J. L. Harrison.
Mis* Josie Aanrison assumed the posi¬
tion as teacher iu our academy this week,
while Miss Emma Hall made a visit to her
relative* in Talbot county.
Misses- Minnie Lou and Attie Moore, and
Air. J. M. Moore, of Macon, spent Satur¬
day and Sunday in our town visiting th<
family of th ir unde, Air. M. J. Moore,
Mr. M. J. Moore’s clerk was somewba -
surprised not iong since when one of hi
customers asked for a 1 balf-er quill ol
dunce cap paper.’' in
Col. B. J. Jones, of Tbomaeton, was
town Saturnay, nicely,
Cotton is coming i» coming up
corn is looking well and the oat crop is
piomising indeed.
Last Saturday wlrile a party of boys and
girls were fishing they were surprised ti
see Dr. T. J. Dewberry, winding bis way
through the swamp with bis medicine cast
on his shoulder; but the doctor informer
them that bis road cart was broken down
and he had taken that mode of visiting his
patients, t hereby getting the benefit of “near
cuts’’ through the 6elds. Watchman.
On Saturday last Sheriff Edmonain, of
Ttoup county, went to Judge Ferrell’s
placo, about four miles from LiGrango,
with a warrant for one Sam Beasly. Beas¬
ley has a boy about 32 years of age, to¬
ward whom he feemed to have no very
great pah r.ial love, When the Sheriff
reached Beasley’s home the boy was stand¬
ing in the middle ot the floor, with a trace
chain around his neck, fa teued with a
padlock, and tho other end fastened to a
joist. The Sheriff, wn examination, found
the boy’s body covered with scars as big
as a man’s band. One of his arms was in
a sling, being very badly burned, Beasley
having tbvowu him in the fire. The brute
was taken to town and placed in jail.
A Louisiana man has been arrested for
etealing three boxes of cigars worth 80
usats a las. The defense will be insanity.
Clark’s Mill.
Tltc birds are singing, the Mowers- are
blooming, the trees are pitting am their
robes of gecen jthe hi acts gna*s are hum
wring, the redbltgs are cooling, themes
quitoes are biting, O mercy! so keen the
honse-tlj is laughing, yortr beverage he’s
quaffing, you shoo at him and away he
goes to wash in yoar birtter, then with a
great splutter he finally settles upon your
nose. ’J'bts is Spring
Capt. vsrnea h-ss moved his convict
camps to a point rear here, and from what
we can learn if will not be long ere we
will have have the advantage* and benefits
of a railroad.
Mr. B. W. Knight, one a.rrong the oldest
citizens In the county, died ot cancer it
liis home near bore on last Friday night,
Mias Alice Williams spent last Saturday
ar.d Sunday at home with relatives and
Mr. Stank Parnell y and lady fpmt
Monday night in onr liitle ville, the gue.-ts
of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Clark.
There is organized at this placoa Farm¬
ers’ Alliance club with a membership of
about twenty-six. They speak of a better
date of affairs for the future. Cairo.
lDot* From CJosUen Talley.
Goshen Valley, April 10.—Mr. John
Worsham comes to the fioi » with the
biggest hawk story. During last year he
killed 36 hawks; it was a had year for
killing hawks too.
We regret to learn tfeit Mr*. Hugh
Bankston, who Isos been quite tmwcl for
several weeks, is still very sick.
The peach crop through the valley has
been killed by the cold snap.
One of our most esteemed citizens, and
merchant, H.C. Bowers, is speaking of
moving to Knoxville for the purpose of
going into the mercantile business, so we
have been informed. We wish him suc¬
Mrs. J, >Y. Blasingarne and Airs. R. 1).
Smith spent last Tuesday in the valley,
the guests of Airs. J. S. Blasingarne.
Mr. Jesse ChiMre was made happv the
fi rsv d a y of April by killing a tine wild
turkey gobbler.
Col. VV. P. Blasingarne was out this
way a few days ago on a courting expedi
tim. From all indications it was plainly
t> be seen that he meant business.
A Few Hot, from (1.1I.E
Mr. Edifor :—I noticed in your valuable
paper a call for sews. 1 have no exciting
story to eomnimnicat', but ns this j, the
first paper ever printed in Knoxville. I feel
wo not only should write, but subscribe
and aid you with the pitiful sum yon de
mand for the Journal. You have conferred
on the people of Crawford county a great
favor. They should help sustain t-bc good
work that bus been- wrought by a man
with such a brave heart, energy and zea
to take rspou himself the responsibility
of giving Clawford county a good news
Our community is in good health at this
writing, and farmers are well up with the
We have an interesting school, taught
by Miss Lucy Wilson.
Rev. George White will preach for ns at
the school house o» the second Sabbath at
eleveu o*cloek in each month. it, tj. E.
(Sruud Jury Presutmeala.
We the Grand Jury sworn and irapan
neled, fur the April Term of Crawford Su
perior Conrt 1888, beg leave to> make the
following general presentments:—We
have by committee examined the Court
bouse and find it >» order. We
have also examined the bo,ks of the Corn
ty Treasurer and his vouches and find
according to law, and recommend
that, his bond be strengthened.
We have also examined the books of the
County Commisioners, and of the Ordinary
and of the County School Commissioner
the books of the Sheriff and Clerk of
the Court, and find them neatly and cor
The following is a statement of the con
.lition of the School Commissioners de
N umber of White Schools ro
rr Colored „ CO
Total 30
Number of White Children in Attend
ance cs;
„ Colored ,, 584
Amount Received from State $1562,09
Poll 'lax Received §1038,40
On hand from 1887 28 17
Total 2023,66
73 Paid to teachers § 2442.42
Percy Y. Howell 1.25
r» County School Com. 201,00
Total Paid Out 2,644.67
Over Paid $ 21.01
The following is s statememt of the con¬
dition of the Treasurers office.
Amount of Poor Fund Received from W.
'«• Derd, E* County Treasurer $689.91
» 1 w,i mvt tf 1W iu,ul 2t > 5 ’ 50
37 Now on Ivaod 484.41
County fund received of W. IP Dent. Ex
Tr asurer 2411.32
33 Paid out of County fund 67.35
73 Now on band 2,843-97
Jary fund Received of W. H. Dent Ex
County Treasurer 785-23
Total amount on hand $3,613.63
We recommend A J Causey to fill tin
vacancy as Notary Public caused by tin
removal of J A Eubanks from the county.
We have elected W M Ray to fill the
vacancy in the board of education cause,
l >y Uie resignation of A V Williams And
® Causey ,o fill the vacancy caused by
the resignation of W H Dent. And F II
Sanders to fill the vacancy raised by the
expiration of term uf J W Blasingarne.
We recommend that the County Con,
m'ssiouers take immediate steps against
the Atlanta & Florida R 11 authorities for
trespassing «i the Public roads of tin
We have examined the books of the Jus
“ccsol Peace and Rotaries Public and re
ort ns b’Hows;
^ Notary Public incorrect has no iten
izcti l> 'll ot cost,
^^2, N. P. G.rrest. J. P. Correct.
577 N. P- correct. J P. correct.
494 N. P- conect. J. P. correct,
573 J P. 1 cry incorrect. N. P. No hook
kef .re ns,
497 J. P. correct. N. P. Moved from Co.
^’9 N P No itemized bill of cost.
521 No books from N P or J P before us
We tender our thanks to Hon. Geo. V'
Austin and Sol. Gen- J L Hardeman for
courtesies extended on* body during conit.
We weettmend that these General Pre
sentments be pnbiisitetE id the Knoxville
J ct'RXAL.
William A Watson, Foreman Carey H
Smith William J Walker Van B Horne
Milton F Jordan Wiili ') ivis West
W Johnson L C Fulrrii Julius ® Fincher
I L Marshall E E Deni M J M,*>re Berry
J Champion Elliott S flick* -l ur es Taylor
S H Carney J E Jordan f F Kenedy J II
Irby W E €6ampiui b fl SchofiH
J i' f’artl.jy, Clerk
Orneretl that the motes' . f the Grant?
Jury be rnmplied wit an* tm ir present
meuts pnblishec. 3 - .. omimiias,
.Sr i -:t«r General.
So ordered. '■ t. V . tjUSTIN,
Apr® i 8. JS8R ■J. », CV
Fnr ? • I
One 25 H. P. Engine -i.h 3-5 H. V.
Boiler. 1 .Plaining M —plains 2-t
iinches wide T.mgirs ■ grooves 11
wide **£ from | to 5 inch- Trick, On*
Geared Gnat mil), Us--; r- (dr. No. 4
corn ami cob crusher ,<\> .: nrticlwnent for
grinding cotton seed, i - with best
’4-ply bshmg for driving .machinery.
Also 35 feet 2| inchab f' . with 14 pul¬
leys. 1 set B’.acksrtwilh • is. I set Car¬
penters tooth. All above . schiuery as
good as new. Will «1! . together or
.<tie-hnlf interest, a ad . ■-e it myself.
Will sell very cheap an 1 , ,;e terms easy.
Address B, B. C.cirri
148 East F dr Street?
Atlanta, Ga,
fSbooiingj? lire «_.<>trier.
Air. R. K. Webb is a g , 1 farmer, and
he is equally good as » huntsman, Air,
Webb has had one eve turned from Ins
c >rn and cotton toward- a drove of wild
turkeys, and laid plans -ome time ago for
the slaying of this game. One evening
not long ago about dusk ir friend betook
btr nsclf to the swamp oere the wily
...wls bad their hiding pkna. Mr. Webb
knew exactly where to go tud how to act.
He has a natural talent for hinting.
He had not been concealed in the swamp
long when he discovero<J on ■ ot ihe m b a
birds perched in a tree. Onr hunter could
till, even in the darkness, (hat the turkey
was a gobbler and a largo one. With tbo
aim ot a true marksmio la. sent a charge
if B B shot into the shrewd old bird.
Down Ut> came.
Now, onr friend 1*. invited about a
lozen of bis neighbors > r to a turkey
feast and they were all wailing to help eac
hr gobbler f.r suop.-r. Our bunto
cached the house, and l ! neighbors cause
ait to see the turkey. Then* he was, rv
large old fellow, --me of She kind known its
i.he turkey—buzzard.
Two Sensat;»nv,
Atlanta had two seu- . '.as last week,
A young man named McDonald, whoso
wife had left, hin, on account of his
lissipation and cruel troomen', an I had
gone to the home of her mother, went after
her to n ’uce her to return with him. He
was drunk and violent, and when his
nother-in-liw interfered to prot.'Ct her
laughter McDonald shot her. He is now
n jail. A few weeks ago an old blind
man claiming to be a wealthy mine owmr
of Montana came to Atlanta, and, alter a
brief c ii tship, married a handsome girl of
thit city. Ilia name is deming. On
Friday last Mrs. Fleming No. 1, of Illinois,
arrived iu Atlanta, and now Air. Fleming
is behind the bars under charge of bigamy,
and lit i old wife and his young wife ai®
trying to console each other.