The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, April 20, 1888, Image 2

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A Chinese Trick. t r To dwarf trees, the Chinese first make an incision in an orange, about the size of a half dollar, by which all the pulp is extracted. The cavity thus obtained is filled with a mixture of cocoa nut liber, waste wool and charcoal dust; the seed of the tree desired is then sown exactly in the center of the cavity with this sin¬ gular mixture. The orange, thus pre¬ pared is placed in a glass, or any other recipient, poured and from time to time water is ered lightly through the orifice, and then cov¬ with wood ashes. The seed germinates, the and the roots shoot through peel of the orange, the stem coming up through the incision. These rootsave cut close to the surface of the orange dur¬ ing their growth. AVhen the tree is three years old it can no longer grow, and is about ten or twelve inches high, rarely exceeding these proportions; it lias, nev¬ ertheless, all the appearance of an old tree. Even the roots have ceased to grow. The orange is then colored and varnished, and a dwarf tree is produced with the special recipient in which it has taken root. The Chinese produce in this man¬ ner oak, nut, date and orange dwarf trees. • ♦-- “IVhnt Drug Will Scour These English Hence ? ” Wicked Macbeth, who murdered good King Duncan, asked this question in his despair. Thousands oi victim 4 of disease arc dailv ask¬ ing “What will scour the impurities from my blood and bring me health?” I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will do it. When the purple life-tide s sluggish,causing drowsi¬ ness, headache and loss of appetite, use this wonderful vitalize!', which never fails. It forces the liver into perfect action, drives out tlie superfluous cheek and bile, the brings the glow of health to natural sparkle to the eye. All druggists. Andrew Carnegie conducts his steel works in Pittsburg, Pa., on the co-operative plan. Bless He Lord Is wliat the grateful heartofold Cynthia Ram¬ sey, of Newnan, Ga., spoke when after a severe attack of asthma had been relieved by one dose of Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein, the great medicine for coughs, coUls and consumption. Think as you please about the tariff, but plant for revenue only. When everything else fails, Dr. Sage’s Ca¬ tarrh Remedy cures. fallible A chair sign holding of a bent pin is the most in¬ an early spring. Spring Medicine At no ther seaso 1 does I he human system eo much need the aid of a reliable medicine like Hood’s Sar &a par 111 i as now. The impoverished condition of the blood the weakening effects of the long, co!d winter, the lost appetite, and that tired feeling, all make a good spring medicine absolutely necessary. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adapted for this purpose and increases in popularity every year. Hood*s Sarsaparilla I* carefully prepared from Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, Plpsissewa, Juniper Berries, and other well known vegetable remedies, in such a peculiar manner as to derive the full medicinal value of each. It will cure, when in the power of medicine, scrofula, salt rheum, sores, boils, pimples, all humors, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache, indigestion, general debility, catarrh, rheumatism kidney and liver complaints. Purifies the Blood "We all like Hood’s Sarsaparilla, it Is so strength tiling.”— Lizzie Baifovr, Auburn, R. I. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $ 1 ; six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar THOUSANDS m say that Ely’s Cream Balm cured them of ICATARRH. Apply Balm into each nostril. v / w_dsa1 i';)v Bros., 235GreenwichSt.,N. Y. SENT FREE!tf ; ■ samples WALL ng Georgia States, adjom- and of BUILDING PAPER, with prices, and book on how h to apply it. all. M. ittAlJCK, Atlanta, fin. m at h«m« and make mere money working tot M(flat r «t anything el»« in ihe wor!J Either Vx. r»«i» outfit VHKfc. fr-RGK. AvUl ***, T uva h . Co., Lujqiu, Utkin*. NERVES! NERVES!! What terrible visions this little word brin"» Headache, before the eyiS of the nervous. “s Indigestion, Neuralgia, Sleeplessness, •« Nervous Prostration. All stare them in the face. Yet all these nervous troubles can be cured by using ^4 Celery Pam's (gmbound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TONIC Also contains the best remedies for diseased con ditionsof the Kidneys, Liver, and Blood, which always It accompanj* Nerve nerve troubles. is a Tonic, an Alterative, a Laxative, and a Diuretic. That is why it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. $i.oo a Bottle. Send for full particulars. WELLS> RICHARDSON & CO ., Proprietors, BURLINGTON. VT. "The ^AK^f Only , TEED „„ (?te. A Nil M tiT/ mk £ wW 1/ •; m. © mM m m m m J r" __ [ COPYRIGHT, 1887. ] The only medicine for woman’s peculiar ailments, sold by druggists, uuder a positive guarantee, from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded, is Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrappers, and faithfully carried out for many years. THE OUTGROWTH OF A VAST EXPERIENCE The treatment of many thousands of eases of those chronic weaknesses and distressing ailments peculiar to females, at the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N, V., baa afforded a vast experience in nicely adapting and- thoroughly testing remedies for the cure of woman’s peculiar maladies. ft . Br. Pierce’s Favor, HDON un outgrowth, I,e Prescription result, isthe of Tfl ,,, WflllFII or ibia great and valuable III llUlfltn. experience. Thousands from and of testimonials, from physicians received who have tested patients it in the aggravated more and obstinate cases which had baffled their skill, prove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suf¬ fering women. It is not recommended as a for “cure-all," woman’s but peculiar as a most perfect Specific diseases. As a powerful, in. & Powerful “trthe _ Tonic. whole system, and to the uterus, or womb and its appendages, lar. For overworked, in particu¬ “ worn out,” ” run down,” debilitated - - teachers, “shop-girls,” milliners, dressmakers, seam stresses, ing mothers, feeble housekeepers, generally. nura and women Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest appetizing earthly cordial boon, and being restorative unequaled tonic. as an It promotes digestion and assimilation of food, cures nausea, weakness of stomach, indigestion, bloating and eructations of gas. TREATING THE WRONG DISEASE. another Many from times liver women kidney call on their family from physicians, suffering, as they imagine, one from dyspepsia, another from heart disease, they all present alike or to themselves disease, and another their easy-going nervous exhaustion, or prostration, another with pain here or there, and in this way and indifferent, or over-busy doctor, separate and distinct diseases, for which he prescribes his pills and potions, assuming them to be Buch, when, in reality, they are all only symptoms caused by some womb disorder. The physician, ignorant of the cause of suffering, encourages his practice until large hills are made. The suffering medicine, patient gets like no Dr. better, Pierce’s but probably worse Prescription, by reason of the delay, wrong treatment and consequent complications. A proper Favorite directed to the cause, would have entirely removed the disease thereby dis¬ pelling all those distressing symptoms, and instituting comfort inbtead of prolonged misery. 3 PHYSICIANS Mrs. B. F. Morgan, of No. 7t Lexington St., i inwiumnw Boston, Mass., says: “Five years ago I was a dreadful sufferer from uterine troubles. FAILED ■ Haw. Having cians, 1 was exhausted completely the skill discouraged, of three and physi I so weak could with difficulty cross the room alone. I began taking Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and using the local treatment recommended in his ‘Common Sense Medical Adviser.’ I commenced to improve at once In three months I was perfectly cured, and have had no trouble since. I wrote a letter to my family paper, briefly mentioning how my health had been restored, and offering to send the full particulars to any one writing me for them, and enclosing a stampcd-envelove I for reply. I have received over four hundred letters. In reply. have described my case and the treatment used, and have ear¬ nestly advised them to ‘do likewise.’ From a great many I have received second letters of thanks, stating that they had com meneed the use of* Favorite Prescription,’ had sent the $1.50 required for fully the ‘Medical Adviser,’ and had applied the local treatment so and plainly laid down therein, and were much better already. for which I totfkT ^suffered from^retroversion of the uterus. Doctors Failed.— Mrs. F. Corwin, of Post Creek, N. Y., writes: X doctored with three or four of the best doctors in these parts, and I grew worse until I wrote to you and began using your Favorite Prescription.’ I used three bottles of it and two of the ‘Golden Medical Discovery,' also one and a half bottles of the ‘ Purgative Pellets.’ I can do my work and sew and walk ail I care to, and am in better health than I ever expected to be in this world again. I owe it all to your wonderful medicines.” Oil LEWIS. 03 V» $ •P.ZLX R P as e+ MORDECAI 0 O' O WHITE co H* a * pr ft TRADE MARK. & JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS., WARRANTED 1’IIKE White Lead, Red Lead, Litharge, Orange Mineral, Painters’ Colors and Linseed Oil. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. I'S sa 2 *r=? . «-e5 g BE g a S’J II S’2 a p=j M *—; ■ c^. HV3AS WATER o m SUPPLY ttod S PISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION & SOOTNIKS SiETiS As a soothing NFRVINF Prescription qualed and is ” is une invaluable Ing in allaying and subdu ity, irritability, nervous excitabil¬ hysteria, exhaustion, prostration, spasms and other distressing, nervous functional Bymptoma and commonly attendant the upon womb. It induces organic refreshing disease of and relieves mental anxiety and sleep de¬ spondency. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip, tion is a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman’s delicate organization. It is purely perfectly vegetable Harmless in in its composition effects and its in any condition of the system. iM RfinniJtl UUnUMU 5 nsjp!@j£ ness of stomach and Other distressin g symp toms common to that condition. If its use is kept up in the latter months of gestation, it so prepares I If-.-.. Mrs. Ed. M. Campbell, of Oaldand, Cali H |Q|Gt forma, my life writes: with hysterical “I had been attacks troubled and all _ rRMI ISM _ ICftQUIk oxysms, and periodical par or spasms, recur l num wurunilM. rences of severe headache, but since I have ■ i ur i Mirrm 11 un »' been using your ‘Favorite Prescription ’ I have had none of these. I also had womb complaint so bad that I could not walk two blocks without the most severe pain, but before I had taken your Favorite Prescription' two months, I could walk all over the city without inconvenience. All my troubles seem to be leaving me under the benign influence of your medicine, and I now feel smarter than for yearB before. My physicians told me that I could not be cured, and therefore you will please accept my everlasting thanks for what you have done for me, and may God bless you in your good works.” Later, she writes: “ It is now four years Bince I took your ‘Fa¬ vorite Prescription.’ and I have had no return of the female trouble I had then.” Well as I Ever Was.-Mrs. John Stewart, of Chippewa Falls, Wis.. writes: “I wish to inform you that 1 am as well as I ever was. for which I thank your medicines. I took four bottles of the ‘ Favorite Prescription ’ and one bottle of had your symptoms Discovery have and four bottleB of the ‘ Pellete.’ All of the disappeared. I do all my own work; am able to be on my feet all day. My friends tell me I never looked so well. tw Favorite Prescription is Sold by Druggists the World Overt Large Bottles $1.00, Six for $B.OO. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce’s large, illustrated Treatise (160 pages, paper covers) on Diseases of Women. Address, World’s Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. IT. If so. write BIKOW'N 5: KING} Manufacturers and Deniers in Cotton. ernl \Voolun Mill Supplies. and Gen~i ‘ W'muzht and Iron Brass “£0 omls. Fitllugs{ m s.snom Sn. ATLANTA, cu the extern for delivery as to greatly lessen, and many times almost entirely do away with the sufferings of that trying ordeal. “Favorite Pre. Cures the the most complicated ... Worst . Gases. and obstinate cases of “ leucorrhea, excessive or flowing monthly whites,” at periods, painful men¬ struation, failing unnatural suppression, prolap¬ back, sus or of the womb, weak “female weakness,” anteversion, retrover¬ sion, bearing-down sensations, chronic congestion, of the inflammation, inflammation, and ulceration tenderness womb, in accompanied pain with and “internal heat.” ovaries, | “Favorite Prescrip¬ Tor the I tion,’’ nection when with the taken in of con¬ Dr. use I Kidneys. | Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis¬ covery, and small laxative doses of Dr. Pierce’s Pur¬ gative Pellets (Little Liver Pills), cures Their Liver, combined Kidney and also Bladder dis¬ eases. use remove* blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from the system. Don’t buy until you ^find Kb*a*. out Improve* the new [I 1 w ments. Save the ^ Middleman’s Profits. &‘Sen l for Catal ague. J. P. STEVENS & BRO., 6a. 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta, mm “OSGOOD” U. G. Etaadsri Scale], l Sent on FullyWarranted. trial. Freight f paid. 3 TON -$35. __ Other size., proportion¬ Catalogue ately low. Agents well paid. Illustrated free. Mention this Paper. OSGOOD & THOMPSON. Binghamton, N. Y. Blair’s Pills. Great English Gout and Rheumatic Remedy. Oval Box. ;i4i round, 14 PIIU. tfeZaui A MONTH. Agent8Wanted. 90 best sell sssmssgss^ssssissi A. N. U...... .......Fifteen, ’88.