Newspaper Page Text
Wliat the People are Doing ami
Talking About.
Society Mews and Meighhee
hood. Motes-Persenal
Crops are fine.
The railroad celebration.
The rains have been copious.
Citizens Union meeting tomorrow.
A depot is being built at Culloden,
Master George Harris is -on a visit at
Hou. J. Northrop Smith was'in town a
few days ago.
Mr. Rod J. Horne, of. Macon, was in
town yesterday.
Mr. Jim Spillers has gone to Macon to
work at his trade.
Col. R. D. Smith visited both Macon and
Alauta tduring the week.
.,. Dr. Sawyer says he has the finest,new
hoy in town, and lie believes it.
The Editor’s family thank Mrs. Lydia
Wright for some nice vegetables.
A communication from Mossy creek, ii.
the Gth. district, was crowded out of this
Col. W. P. Blasingame has moved liis
office to the north-west corner room in the
Come to this office for your election
tickets. They will be furnished at Atlanta
Attention is called to the announcement
< f Mr. M. F. Perry, which appears eise
w here.
The Atlanta & Florida is going through
iu a hurry. Our people want' a schedule
at once.
Have your baskets ready for our big
railroad celebration on the 28th, next
The schedule from Kuoxvillo to Atlanta
and vice versa will appear in this paper in
a few days.
Mr. F. II. Wright is making the race
for Treasurer. See his announcement in
another column.
Mr. Jas. E. Wright was the first to
firing in a ripe watermelon. It was small
but it got there.
Messrs. W. H. Dent and B. II. Ray, of
ihe Central City, were in town during tin
first.of the week.
Read the announcement of Mr. Joh 1)
McGee. lie wants his friends to make
him Tax Collector.
Mr. John A. Kendrick, one of the best
farmers in the county, iias our thanks for
a peck of nice pears.
Mr. II. D. McCrary made a visit to
Atlanta during the week. He went for
the purpose of trading.
This is the longest day in the year, and
the man who pulls the Smith hand press
can swear to the statement.
Miss Bessie Smith went to Macon the
first of the week to spend some time vis¬
iting her aunt, Mrs. B. H. Ray.
Howell and Wright have for sale some
nice farms and timber lauds, building lets
in town ; i-iso two store buildings.
Mr. F. EL Wright went to Atlanta a
few days ago to buy goods. This is his
first trip to that city for that purpose.
M ".;Dave Wallace lost a good mule P
few days ago by its being tangled with P
i AC >iy which it was tied in tho stable.
Mr. A. J. Danielly made a business trip
to Atlanta a few days ago. Mr. Danielly
went there to buy hardware and machinery.
Several of the young ladles of Knoxville
asked for and were given a ride on the
construction train as it rolled into town for
the first time.
If you want the best cotton gin in the
world purchase one of the celebrated Van
Winkle gins made in Atlanta. Read the
The children of the town are enjoying
the pleasures which vacation brings. Prof.
Piucey had a good school and expects a
large! aitendauce next term. ,
Mr. J. W. Blasingame left Monday for
the Gate City, where he goes to lay in a
supply of new goods. He is the first mer¬
chant from Crawford county to buy a
stock there.
When you go to Atlanta stop at Mrs.
Taknadge’s Select Boarding House, 37
Walton Street, next door to Dr. Haw¬
thorne’s chucrh and opposite custom house
on the north,
The news of a fire at Warrior, by which
Mr. LeVoir-Lamar bad a barn, some stock
feed, one mule and eight hogs, burned
reached town a day or two ago. We can
get no particulars.
t'ilizens Ilnien Meeting Called.
All members of the Citizens Union and
the public are requested to meet at the
Court House on Saturday (tomorrow)
night. Business of vital importance will
come before the. meeting...
J. W. Jones, Chairman.
Almost a Set'iOBs Accident.
Mr. John Andrews’ four-mule team,
which was engaged hauling crossties came
near being ruined the .other day. While
going down hill the ties slipped forward
and covered one of the mules, mashing
him to the ground. Eight or ten ties were
on his neck and he was held fast to the
ground. After the timber was taken off
the mule he got up, seemingly not much
The other mules would likely have run
away, had it not heou that they could not
move the wagon.
Attention* Crawford Guards!
All active members are commanded to
bring in guns, cartridge boxes, etc. All
who are not active members are ordered
to bring to the quartermaster, G, W.
Mortman, all guns, uniforms, caps, etc.,
and you arc
Further ordered to report at your armo¬
ry in Knoxville an Saturday, the 3(Ph day
of June, it being the day previously
appointed for meeting. All are earnestly
urged to attend. Jeff D. McGee,
Captain Crawford Guards.
'Jt'Sic ColeDvatloia,...
An idea has gone abroad that the com
rm'tocs who are working to arrange for the
railroad celebration are preparing for a
barbecue dinner, strictly speaking. Such
is not the case. The committees are get¬
ting all who are prepared to promise to
bring baskets of provisions. Some sub¬
scribe money. Others subscribe shoats,
kids or muttons. The fact is, it will be
out of the question to spread a large enough
.dinuer lor all the crowd from baskets alone,
and while everybody is expected to con
tribute a basket of eatables, others who
are able are furnishing carcasses, and with
the barbecued moats and bought bread
additional wo can treat our visitors horpi
tably and well,
•This will be a very important event for
tor the county, for she will be better adver
tised than ever before and good will be
a . lrn <n *
_ .
It seems now to bo a long distance over,
to Macon. Atlanta is quite bandy to .us,
asit yreew
*• “ r* 1 WEIGHT, -»
• « ■*> i $ I
Fancy aid Faiiij Emceries
I keep an assortment of General Merchandise, and try to suit
everybody both in quality of goods 1 and in prices. I have now
on hand a lot of Fresh Garden Seeds, also a variety of
Farm Tools
of the best makes which I sell cheap. . Call on met •
F. H. WEIGHT., Knoxville, Ga.
Sandy Point Sifting; 9 *
Sandy Point, June 21.—It seems like
an age since last w@ wrote to Thf. Journal
but to some it has been only three short
weeks, Nothing has happened in that
time to break the quiet repose ioto which
our neighboahood seems to have settled
Now and then you can see some candidate
hunting up and renewing old .acquaint¬
Mr. Will .Hatcher says that while plow¬
ing one day last week he was startled by
seeing a dense smoke in the field, On
looking round he was surprised to see
some boys carrying ligbtwood torches and
fishing rods. They told him they weie
going a fishing. Will is yet wondering
what they were going to do with the
torches, as the sun was two hours-high
and shinilig very brightly.
Miss Leah .Harris tells--us of a very
antique curiosity, which her grandmother,
Mrs. Martha Long, has in her. possession.
It is a purse which was made for her
great-grandmother's great-great-grandfa¬
ther, when he:was a very young man in
Germany. Miss Seali says its size is- -im¬
mense, but did not state what the material
was of which it was made. We are sorry
she did noi describe it more accurately.
Mrs. Mary Grant has a goose -which has
hatched and reared the secoud breed of
goslings. Not being much acquainted
with the ways of geese we did not think it
very strange until we were assured that it
was a thing most unusual for her gooseship
to do. So we tell it to The, Journal.
Sandy Point holds her reputation for
good singings. The leaders rank among
the best of ringers. The singing last Sun¬
day was a success, and enjoyed by all who
We haven’t heard many speak of the
picnic, but know they will go forwaid
and do their part in helping to make it a
Some of the boys are looking “awful
lonesome.” Hasten back, “teachers,” and
cheer them up.
Watchman, Yucatan, or whatever yon
call yourself; you are a clucky fellow.
Why, you have got the cheek of a brass
monkey to speak of the girls as you do.
But with all your egotism you didn’t miss
the ti nth very far. Girls would rather be
old maids than marry a man whose aspi¬
ration?, go no highor than those of a dude.
At Gainesville, Tuesday noon, a young
lady employed-in the n atch factory dis
covered a pistol (unloaded,- cf course) in
the watchman’s room, and at once decided
to have a little fun by.snapping,it at some
of her,companions,, when it went off, the
ball striking one of her friends in the
forehead,'inflicting a slight wound,
At ., _ Eastman, ,, Ilea die ,, ton & „ „ Benton, , pro
printers of the Dodge County Journal, have
dissolved, Mr. Pendleton buying out the
ere st uf Mr..Benton. .:.
Office in the Court -House. fb 27 :
Attorney at Law,
entrusted Prompt attention given to all business -
to his care. jyji
Calls promptly attended day and night
Physician^ Surgeon, ,
Patronage respectfully solicited. fii3
The Knoxville Drag Stores
Is the place where you can always find .
Reliable Goods.
Besides Drugs . and Medicines I keep .;
Whenever you corne to town come to see
I am prepared to loan money
on improved farms to the
amount' of $200 and upwai ds
on most liberal terms. I rep¬
resent the Georgia Loan & Trust
Co. < r 'f America-, Ga., a char ¬
tered institution of the State. .
1 will guarantee that our com¬
missions are. at least from two *
to three per cent cheaper than ,
that of any other ©mpany. Pay¬
ments can be made at ally time, .
and the loan may be taken up
whenever desired. Quit the
warehouse and, try us. We are -
cheaper and give you more lib- -
erty, and we don’t want your •
land. The warehouses are get- -
tingit. Walter P. Blasingame i
When you want a first class mealortv «
K°°d Piece to sleep come to the Harris-- •
iiooms, tiad 2(ot Reasonable' Excelled Charges^'AccommcS-Y 1,
ons .