Newspaper Page Text
It is claimed that-2,700 acres in Brooks
epunty are planted in watermelons,
A day or two since an offer of $1,260
was refused- for a lot - 6 5 feet froDt in
Appleton’s orphan homo in Macon is in
-sadly straightened circumstances. Sub¬
scriptions are being taken for' it.
' Seven new posoffices have been estab¬
lished in Newton county during the past
year -or two. This is one of the good effects
of Democratic uule in the -administration
of-the government.
McDonough WAkly; Uncle Bob Warren
has three of the oldest pieces of furniture
in the county, to wit: A watch, -a washpot,
and a cat. The eorimined ages of these
pieces of furniture amount to 1C4 years.
Benjamin Birmans ef Waycross came
near having a serious .accident last Mon¬
day. He was trying toget a -ball out of
his rifle when, by some means, the cartridge
exploded, -'filling hie faoe and. eyes with
powder. In
Pulaski superior court last week, -a
white man, who, it is said, was a gallant
confederate soldier, was tried for the offense
of stealing a Gcwffromi f, negro. He was
found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of
$76 and costs, or be confined six months
in the county .jail.
The huckleberry crop in the mountains
is larger than ever known before. There
is a-gentleman in Gainesville paying 20
cents per gallon for them and shipping to
Atlanta, where they are canned. A child
MO,years of age can make $1 a day gather¬
ing them.
At Macon Thursday morning, as W. G
Solomon was driving up Cotton avenue in
#.e-direction of bis home, his pocketbook,
containing $125 and some valuable papers,
dropped from his pocket and has not yet
been.recovered. He-was on liis way homo
■after his family, aud was soon to leave for
St. Simon’s Island, where they will spend
ten days or two weeks.
Bridges & Land, who are doing a butch¬
ering business at Cuthbert, took from the
paunch- of a fat cow, one day last week,
seven No. S, two'No. S, and four No* 4
nails, and one staple such as vs used for
putting up wire fencing. The staple and
some of-tho nails were very sharp-pointed,
and no doubt all of them had been in the
cow’s, stomach a long while, as they were
worn quite smooth.
At Ac-worth, Saturday, the 8-montks
old boy baby of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith,
a healthy and robust little fellow, got some
cotton seed in his mouth, and before his
mother could get them out he had sucked
one or more of the seeds into his lungs.
-Dr. Humphries was called in, and did alt
•that skill and efficiency could suggest, lnit
could not relieve the child, which died after
five days of great suffering.
Bluffton Weekly Springs: J. M. Bryan,
Who lives about two miles west of Bluff
ton, has lost about fifty chickens this year,
and for some time he was unable to
account for their rapid and mysterious
disappearance. One night last week he
“set” for the thief and found it to bo a pole
cat, which was promptly-dispatched. In
looking around he found his catship’s tier,
in a hollow log, and his surprise may be
imagined when he|found twelve half-grown
chickens deposited therein in a space so
-small that no human being; could have
packed the same number in it. There
were also four dozen eggs stowed away in
vows of a half dozen each. The strange
part of this story, aud which, by the way,
may lead to an important scientific discov¬
ery, is that although it is kuown that some
of the chickens had been there more than
two weeks, no sign of decomposition was
noticed. It is supposed that the peculiar
-musk, or scent, emitted from the pole cat
preserved them from putrefaction.
At Dal onega in the class about'- to grad¬
uate at the North Georgia Agricultural
College, John Charles Woodward of Locust
Grove was awarded first-honor. The second
honor was-shared by Henry M, Fletcher
JacKson arid William A, Sheldon ef South
Douglass county will have a county fair
at Douglasville on the first Saturday in
August. Full preparations have been
made and a building arid grounds secured.
Nothing will be left undone to make it a
complete success and the display a fine one.
Some time ago Glauber & Isaac bought
a valuable wharf property m Brunswick
for $10,000. They have just'been offered
$15,000 for their bargain.
At Griffin a year and a half old child
Green Butler,negro-working at the ice
factory and living near T. G. Manley’s
place, was poisoned by; eating mushroom
growth on Wednesday night and died
■shortly afterward.
vT nn whonTlt may-eoneern •• Whereas
D. TI. Hammock, 'Fowler, executor deceased, of the 'Will of T.
me'for lias applied to
letters disniissory from'his Exec¬
utorship cerned ; therefore, hereby all persons con¬
cause,-if are thoy have, required before to show
the first any Monday me, on
Hi August next, why
the said J.-T5. Fowler should not bo dis¬
charged, cial signature, Given this under mv hand and offi¬
April 30th, 1888.
GEC. L. SAWYER, Ordinary,
riff BORGIA, whom Crawford County; To all
it may concern : J. i, vy
Mstlie-ws basin due form applied to me
for permanent letters of administration
on the estate of James N Mathews, late
of said county, deceased : This is there¬
fore to cite all persons concerned to show
cause, if any they have, before me on
the first Monday in August uext, why
such letters should not be granted said
applicant. official Gi7en under my isth hand and
J«ne, signature GEO. this ilia SAWYER', day of
1883- L,
Ordinary. *
- u ,.
Cotton 025.1 Milk;
and 011 Machinery
Write to us foi prices. We can save you money by purchasing direct. i£mj
—Come to Headquarters for what You Want.iz
E. Van Winkle & CO., Atlanta, Ga. WSm
ju22-3 Post Office Box-83-.
Primus Jones will have a bale of new
cotton'in the market by July 4.
At Gainesville' Saturday afternoon the
3-year-old child of H H. Perry was burned
so badly that he died Sunday moruii ..
His nurse let him go up stairs alone; cries
were beard, and when found his clothing
was burned off. The supposition is that
he by some -means found a match and
struck' it.
Douglasville has the only canning fac¬
tory in the state.
W. T. Maynard of Forsyth lias secured
letters patent on various plowshares, in¬
cluding • the scooter, bolter, bull-tongue,
shovel,-etc. These plows are so construct¬
ed as to save loss of time and expense in
repairing, sharpening, etc.
Chi Friday evening last'Sheriff 'J. 'B.
Griffiths of Stewart county was driving a
team ef mules, hauling oat straw from -th-.
field,-when by some way he lost his balance,
as the straw was piled up very high, and
off, and it is supposed that two or three
vibs wore broken.
The orange crop for this year bids fair
to be the largest ever raised in Florida,
judging from the quantity of fruit now i n
the trees. For the past two years the cr j>
from Orange county lias been very liglr,
and, uotwifhstan rag the r greater number
of trees coming into , bearing during , . ti
D ,r
, both ,, ■ lignter ,
past . two . years, crops 1 were
than that of three years ago. The outlook .
now, supposing other sections are in about
the saKe condition as this, is that the crop
will in all probability reach 3,000,000
boxes, if not more. This, in connection
with the increased planting of vegetables c
this ... year, as well the tobae-co -the
as crop,
first raised to any extent, makes the out
look for Floridians this year very flattering
indeed. ,
gBg 1
rnr r : | ff <
fagS® §:il j
wsmsrh H A: ■? flip .A 1 ,
-ISA I '
■".A SM
Mill m
i l§§§!l3sisl§£5
In Important Announcement,
New York, May 5, 1888
Gentlemen : I’ feel in duty bound to you
as well as to all sufferers by rheumatism
* j write you thy experience with this terri¬
ble disease, and the use of Swift's Specifier
hoping that these words will be beneficial
to all who suffer as I -did.
About six weeks ago, while at business,
I was suddenly attacked with excruciating
pains in my'feet, knees and hands. So
severe the attack that ■ I took to my bed.
immediately, and in two or three days my
joints were swolen to almost double tlieir
natural size,-and sleep was driven from me.
After suffering the moot 'excruciating pain
for a week, using liniments and various
other remedies, a friend, who sympathised
with my helpless condition, said to me:
“Why don’t you get Swift’s Specific anti
use it? I will guarantee a cure, and if it
does not the medicine shall cost you
I at once secured the S. S. S. and after
using it the first day, had a quiet night
and refreshing sleep. In a week I felt
greatly benefitted. In three weeks I could
sit up and walk about tire room, and after
using six bottles I was out and able to go
to business. Since then I have been reg
ulaiiy at my post of duty, and stand on
nr leet from nine to ten hours a'day, and
>i.t entirely . , free _ from . pain. . n These „ are the
: and , simple . . facts , , . ami J.
am r in my case,
wul , cheerfully , „ ,, answer all inquiries relative
thereto, either . , by mad.
in .person or
,, w _ 18th s New ifork City
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
m.riled free.
Vhe Swift Specific Co., Drawer a.
Atlanta, Ga.
The state Sunday school convention
meets in Gainesville next Wednesday, and
will continue in session two days.
Cotton Presses.
And @6601 Cleaners