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About The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1888)
F.H Si MIS i KNOXVILLE, - « - & GEORGIA. DEALER IN Fucj ail Fanil? Errand STAPLE m FANCY DRY GOODS HARDWARE. ETC. I keep' an assortment of General Merchandise, and try to suit everybody both in quality of goods and in prices. I have now on hand a lot of Fresh Garden Seeds, also a variety of Farm Tools hi Die best makes which I sell cheap. Call on me* F. H. WEIGHT, Knoxville, Ga. THE JOURNAL, &NOXV1LLE, CRAWFORD CO. GA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY PERCY V. HOWELL. This paper is entered in the post office at KiidxiiUe, Get. as sctoiid class matter for transmission through the mails. KATfiJS. Subscription 0 mouths.......... ..$0.75 12 „ .. .......... . 1.00 Advertisements 1 inch 1 insertion.....50 1 column 1 ,, 5.00 ff 1 ff 1 year .. 00 00 2 „ 1 „ .. 100,00 No advertisement inserted for less than fe cents. Terms strictly cash in hr all except la'gre contracts. A few days ago, hr Indiana, the remains' 6f Samuel Jones were disintered. for the pufpoijo of transferring them to another Cemetery; Mr. Jones died fifty years ago. It required the strength of six men to lift fh'e coffin out of the grave, and it was found that tho body was petrified. Every feature was the same as when the funeral took place, Indiana is fiinishing fnor c fhan her share of sensations those days. A'n old man died in the autumn, aged more than 80 years, and a kind friend sent a shfeaf of rye,- emblematic of maturity, “ to place ddio lihd on' known ids' coffin. deceased A female all neighbor, his'lffe, the ' attended his funeral, and seeing the sheaf Of rye, exclaimed: liquor.”—Albany ‘'How appropriate. Jour¬ Ho always did like nal. 11 ow true is tire' saying that “the evil that men do lives after them, but the good is interred with their bones.” Here is the meaning: People love to talk of the faults of others, but they neVer mention any gobd. This is almost literally true of one atfer death; O. F. WRIGHT, LAWYER, JtNOXVIliLB, J - - - - GEORGIA". Office in the Court House. f b 27 W. P. BLASINGAME, Attorney at Law, Knoxville, GEORGIA. dntrusted Prompt attention to his given to all business jy27 care. DF. J. W. JONES, KNOXVILLE, - - - - - - GEORGIA Calls'promptly attended day and night. geo: l. sawyer, ’ -S.V Fhry sic . van . ^ c Surgeon, KNOXVILLE, ,,. T w n GA., a j...,. iG.trbfiage respectfully ,, .solicited. fl>3 Besnlt of the nomination. The following is the consolidated vote received by the several candidates in the nomination on the 4th hist, i For Senator 23rd district. Sanford Total, 429. Smith., it 225. For Representative. Johnson ............ ta, 20 5. Futrcll., (( 187. Ray.... ti 155. For Ordinary. Wright Total, 420, Spain.. a 108. For Clerk, Birrnete. .v; Total, 384. Sanders.... 273. For Sheriff. Hartley..... Total,- 262; Grace.. .. 262-. Smith...... u 138. For 1 Ta.-f Cbllcdfo*. Marshall 1 .......Total; * 20 : Thames.......... ti 125. McGee.'..... .v... 136. Harrison... a 189. Haromacl?. . ■ fi 84 1 . For Tax' Receive/; Knight.... Total, 253. Perry..... • • it 173. Taylor...., ff wz. Smissoh.. v • • (C 38. For Treasurer, Wright...... Total; 448; Blasingame.. <<• m. SAVveyor. ’...Total; 580'. White. Coroner. Dnta*.. v. Total, 134. Holloman Ci 423". County Comiii'ssloiiiShf. ■ Dent... • • • . Total; 214. Danieliy.. 188. McNeice.. 175. Sandifuv......., « ?83. McElmurray.... u 16G. Charapioh....... 407. Davis........ ;. «-«■ 81K Turner.......... i'i 454. The Knoxville Drag Store Is tlie place where you can always find Reliable Goocfe. Besides Diugs and Medicines I keep GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS &c. Whenever you come to town conic to see J. W. BLASUSPGAMlJ. Tim OLD RELIABLE, THE HA KRIS HOUSE; KNOXVILLE GEORGIA. W1 -, cn y0lt vrtlht a tfrst ci ; tss ^Hai good House. place First to Class sleep Fare, come to the Rooms, Keasonable Charges, ilations Not Excelled ! Cnllodeii, - —■DEALER IN--- Creorgia, GENEKAI UEDEETAKmt’S a MERCHANDISE SUPPLIES <fe 1 keep a Full Lino of Family Groceries and Heavy Dry Goods, Shoos, Hats&c ; Large lot Crockery,. Giasswafe, Farm Implements & Cutlery. . Country Produce taken in exchange at -Fair 1 'rie««. 1 'ndertaker’s supplies a spoeialty. .1 always keep the a complete' cheapest stork the ol la tl'-so at. duraO goods. Rob both Metal Wrappers. & Wood, To Cases, till; line wood of 1 have from to 1 -- & mv ous iiiess (so umeli-apprecialwl hope by to uiy merit patrons liberal since patronage its 'introduction) from I give special al tention, mid by so doing promdtly. a My charges will be tho public. I shall spare lio pains in serving Will you attend burials 15 miles with hearse more reasonable than vou can buv elsewhere. -Without extra change when eases are worth $20 or upwards- in connection with me Miss Achsali Ilolloway has an immense line of Millinery and Ladies’ Dress Goods, "White Goods, Notions and Novelties in profusion which she is offering at remarkably low prices. Dresses cut, made an(l fitted promptly to order. Her superior skill and tact in tills line of her business just-cant be excelled. Then she naturally loves to see you and show yo’ii through her stock of goods, She invites all the ladies to call to see her when they come to our little city, and don’t be in a hurry; spend the day and she will make it pleasant for you. Veky J(ESPEC'r?ur,i,y, __3, 0. H OI.MBS, Cullodeii, Ga. ROBERT COLEMAN BOLIVIA! II. RAY JOHN N. BIRCH So COTTON A ^aatmmar ill /' hMHBHl IHIMIIIIITHIIIWI ! . 1 jaaii.. III Maeoiij - - - - « Georgia, Dealers in Groceries, Plantation Supplies, Kentucky Muled and Fertilizers. The following brand of fertilizers on hand : NAVASRA ACIl). NAVASSA CO'ITON FK1OTI. IZF.R, GEORGIA PACIFIC GUANO. We keep a supply of the above goods at Fort Valley for the convenience of our Crawford county customers, which can be had on application to us. ATLANTA & FLORIDA R. R. The following schedule goes into effect June 10th, 1888. SOUTH BOUND. No.Is No.3s No.5d No.7d Leavd a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. Atlanta.. 6 40 3 90 S 00 2 30 E.T.. v.& 6 55 3 20 R 10 2 40 Buchanan...... 8 15 2 48 7 20 3 45 8 27 3 00 Riverdalo .. 7 47 4 05' 8 45 3 18 Selina..... 7 57 4 15 8 51 3 23 Fayetteville. Woolsey... 8 28' 4 43 9 20 3 42 8 59 505 9 40 4 00 Lowry .... 9 13 5 15 9 50 4 10 KalulaJiinc .... 9 55 4 16 Zefella 9 3? ’ 5 35 10 10 4 30 Wit’mson. .10 00 5 58'' 10 22 4 42 Zebulon ;. .10 23 C 18 10 40 5 00 Meansville .10 43 G 3# 10 53 5 13 wye..... 11 08 7 00 11 08 5 28 mV n cobh IT M 7 18- 31 20 5 40 Yatcsvillc. .11 48 7 40 11 40 6 01 Arrive Ciillbdun.. ,12 00 8 00 12 00 6 20 rfoHTH liOUSB. . No.2s' No.4s No,fid No.3d Lea vo a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. Culloden... 4 10 1 00 6 30 2 30 Yatesville .. 4 30 1 20 6 50 2 50 ups’n co b e 4 50 1 44 7 15 3 15 Wye.... .. 6 05 2 00 7 D’0 3 30 Meansville. 5 25 2 20 7 45 3 45 Zelmlon .. 5 45 2 43 8 00 3 57 Wil’mson.. G 05 3 08 8 12 4 10 Zetella 6 ‘.5 3 28 8 27 ar4 25 . . . lv4 Kalula Jen..... 8 37 5 00 Lowry.....6 45 3 60 3 42 5 05 Woolsey.. . 7 00 4 06 8 55 5 16 Fayetteville 7 25 4 43 9 15 5 35 Selina..... 7 57 5 11 9 33 5 55 Riverdalo.. 8 06 5 20 9 38 6 00 Haasville .. 8 30 5 45 9 53 6 18 Buchanan . .. .. • . V 10 05 0 36 K.T.V.& 8 50 6 10 10 12 a as Arrive Atlanta.. .. 9 00 6 25 10 20 G 45 dDaily, except Sunday. sSuuday only. All trains leave from and arrive at E. T,, V. G. Ily, Pass. Depot, Mitchell street,, JOHN N. DUNN, President. II. L. <JOTJJ F.i t.”t /CJ.EORGIA, XT Crawford County: Will’ be sold before the court house door rn the town of Knoxville, said county,' on the first Tuesday in July next, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to' wit: Whole lots of land numbers 37, 46, 76, 77, and fifty acres off of the east side of lot number 82, all in tli6 f irst district of said county and aggregating ( 800 ) eight hundred and sixty acres, more of less; said above de¬ scribed land levied on as the property of defendants in ft. fa., to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the City Court of Macon, m against favor of A. A. W. Gibiaii, Gioson, surviving partner, trustee, et ai. Also at the same time, and place one undivided one-fourth interest in212 acres of land, more or less, in the Seventh dis¬ trict of said county, being lot number 102, and ten acres off the south east cor-, ner of lot number 161, known as the Rufus Carter place and whereon W. M. Taylor no.w resides; also lot number 66, in Seventh district of said county, con¬ taining two hundred less, .levied two and bn one-half the acres, more or as property of Wnt. Carter to satisfy a ff fa from Crawford County Court in favor of James U. Turner, Administrator, etc., (II. II. Ray transferee) vs William Csr ter. May B, A. HARTLEY, 3Tts, 1888, Sheriff. SOME STRONG POINTS. Tho strong points Of the Union Cen¬ tral may be boiled down into the fol¬ lowing dozen sentences which it will pay you ft to has paste thd ip your hat: LOWEST DEATH RATE. It realizes tho HIGHEST INTEREST RATE' on its investments'. It pays the "largest dividends lo policy MOST holders, and lias made tho RAPID PROGRESS of any company id the United States It issues endowment insurance at LIFE RATES. It mokes its policies incontestable NONFORFEITABLE. It continues .ill policies in force, with¬ out surrender, by the application of the entire reserve there;h. It does not own a dollar in FLUCTUATING STOCKS & BONDS. It imposes no rostrietions on resi¬ dence or travel, and PAYS LOSSES Promptly. W. P. I3LASINGAME, KNII.1V' l.'.l. (4 a , AGENT.