Newspaper Page Text
Wliat the People are Doing and
Talking About.
Society Sews and Nieiglibor.
Itootl Sotes-Pcrso»al
Our trade Will be large next fall.
Dr. Green, of Fort Valley was in town
a day or two ago-
Apples, peaches and watermelons sell
readily in this market.
Several members of Z. T. Harris' family
are down with the measles.
Mr. F. II. Wright has sold several
wholesale lots of goods recently.
Messrs. Frank and Jeff Houser, of Fort
Volley, were in town yesterday.
Col. W. P. Blasingame Is still sojourn¬
ing at the Piedmont Chautauqua.
Howell & Wright have for sale two stores
and seveial farms, timber -lands etc.
A communication from Ceres was unar
voidably crowded out of this issue.
Dr. Holly, from Bibb county, was here
for a short while this week jtrcspecting.
Miss Lizzie Jones, of Macon, is visiting
the family of her brother, Dr. J. W, Jones,.
A wealthy merchant of Meriwether
county will open a store nere after a while.
Go to J. W. Blasingame to buy your,
coni, bacon, flour,.meal and laid at Atlan¬
ta prices.
Misses Bessie Smith and Mamie Blasin¬
game arc visiting relatives and friends in
the country.
Col. 0. P. Wright is in Fort Valley to
day, where he has gone to meet a brother
and a sister from White Plains.
When you go to Atlanta stop at the
Talmadge house, opposite custom house.
A select place,, fare §1.50 par day.
More goods are shipped to Knoxville
than to any other station on the road, and
the ball hasn’t opened in earnest yet.
A couvention of stockholders of the At¬
lanta & Florida Railroad Company will
convene in Atlanta on the 8th of August.
A go od deal of interest seems to he felt
at the meetings which are being conducted
at the Baptist chnroh by Rev. A CWeltons.
Atlanta drummers are beginning to
strike Knoxville, ami being a rarity in
these parts, not one of them has yet been
killed here.
Surveyor 0. C. Collier had his arm bto
ken on Tuesday by trying to boards
ing train. It is thought hevviil be "bout
t-.gai u soon.
The Editor has not been able to give
much attention to the paper this week on
account of the sickness and death of his
infant boy.
Miss Lucy Wilson, of the western por¬
tion of Jthe county, spent several days
with the family of Mr. J. W. Blasingame
during the week.
Mr. 11. K. Webb sent us a musk me) on
the other day, which was of delicious qual¬
ify. Mr. Webb is one of the. host Jrieuds
The Journal has.
Miss Moilie Jackson, from Vienna, will
leach the school at Walker’s Chapel this
year. Miss Jackson is said to be both tal¬
ented and accomplished.
Railroad track has been laid to within
«v« inta.of F«l .. the AIW &
Florida. If the company can keep mate
,iai the balHooe„f the track «U1 be l,M
next week, and South-west Georgia people
v,.,. have g new market opened to them-
The wife of Mr. Cicero Blasingame
found a snake occupying a chair, in her
parlor a day or two ago - How the snake
managed to get in the room is a mystery.
Two Fort Valley merchants, who are
long-headed men, and who know of the
great oponir.g, for stores at this place, in¬
tend to open stores at Knoxville in the fall.
Our correspondents may think that their
contributions do not help the paper, hut
they are mistaken. Their letters are a
great help, and the paper will be better
when our friends contribute.
Master Albert Hatcber retnrned home
to Ceres a few days ago from R. E. Lee In¬
stitute, bearing the first honor and receiv¬
ing the highest commendation from the
good people of Thomaston in point of mor¬
ality and religious culrnre. He will enter
one of the leading Macon storesjat an early
President. Dunn Dead’
The community was shocked on the 16th
to leard of the death of Mr. John N Dunn
president of the Atlanta and Florida rail¬
road. Col. Dunn had been sick oidy a
short lima. Ho had just returned from St.
Simons Island, and an operation was per
formedon his arrival in Atlanta on Sunday
tor an abscess of the bladder,. In the course
of afew hours afterwards he was dead.
Col. Dunn was oue of the best and one
of the most public spirited citizens of At¬
lanta, and be will be much missed even in
that great city..
The military company is on the increase.
Captain McGee deserves much credit for
his untiring efforts in behalf of the Craw¬
ford Guards.
The Warrior mail route has been
ed to Tuesdays and Fridays-
mfr in
J w
i It
Ilf .—My darling, you look irresistibly
lovely to-night!
Sie.r -Do I ? Thanks very much! you
are handsome as a Prince, Charley, in your
dress suit.
ID .—Give the credit to the Diamond
Shirt, my love, which I wear for the first
time to-night; it is that which gives tone
to my toilette. Here is its prototype (slip¬
ping the Diamond engagement ring on
her finger).
She .—May our love be as enduring as
the fame of
“ The Diamond Shirt.”
LI® ,v nr -d
. If your dealer does not keep it, send his address
to Daniel Miller.& Co., sole mauufc 1 Hirers, Haiti*
more, Md.
WeORGIP vT , Crawford County—To Wesley all
wliom it may concern ; J.
Mathews has in due form applied to me
for permanent letters of administration
on the estate of James N Matliews, late
of said county, rf deceased : This is there
£%? first f,“S5 JS?to August why
the Monday in next,
official siguat-ure this the 18th day of
June, 1888- GEO. L, SAWYER,
I. E. WBI 6 HT,
Faicj ail Family [groceries
I keep an assortment of General Merchandise, and try to suit
everybody both in quality of goods and in prices. I have now
on hand a lot of Fkesh Garden Seeds, also a variety of
JJ’Ft T-iira Tools;
of the best makes which I sell cheap. Call on me.
F. H, WEIGHT, Knoxville, Ga.
Meara }Kule ^close ni mortgage si to fore- in
Miss Jimmie
vs. i > Crawford Superior
Chas. H. Meara. Court, April 1888. term,
to the 1 Court by peti¬
It appearing the
tion of Miss Jimmie Meara that Chas.
II. Meara on the delivered 1st day o£ to January* said Jimmie 1887,
executed and
Meara a mortgage and tract of land lying
in said county, to wit: an undivided half
interest in 4io acres of land owned as
tenants in common by said parties. For
the purpose of securing the payment of
cipal a certain promissory one-hundred note dollars, for the made prin¬
sum of
by the said Chas. ii. Meara, on tlia said
1st She day of Jimmie January, Meara, 1887, and due payable six months to
after date, with interest from at date the rate thereof, of 8
per cent per annum
and attorneys’ fees of 5 per cent per
month, which said note the said Chas. H.
Moara refuses to pay. It is therefore
ordered that the said Chas. II. Meara
pay into this Court on or before the next
term thereon; the ■principal, interest, and
attorneys’ fees due on said note together
with the cost of this proceeding, or in
default justice thereof shall the Court will And proceed it is
as further to ordered this appertain. rule be pnbiislied in
the Knoxville Journal, a newspaper
published in the county of Crawf.crd,
once a month for four months previous
to the next term of this Court.
G. W. Gdstin, J. S. C.
True extract from minutes.
H. M. Burnett, Clerk.
rib EORGIA, Crawford County ; W. J.
VJ Slocumb as Administrator Cum tes¬
te mento aunexo of Sarah J. Williamson,
deceased, has fully discharged having represented trust and that peti¬ be
tioned that he be discharged from the
same. This is therefore to cite all per¬
sons concerned to show cause before ma
by said the application first Monday should in Octon.-r not he next granted why
and petitioner be discharged from his
said trust.
Witness my hand official Jy, June 25,
18S8. GEO. L. SAWYER, Ordinary,
VJ rib EORGIA., Crawford County.—To
all whom it may concern : Whereas
J. B. Hammock, Fowler, executor deceased,, of has the will applied of T. to
utorship me for letters therefore, dismissory ail from his Exec¬
cerned ; hereby required persons to con¬
are show
cause, first if any Monday they have, before me, on
the in August next, why
the said J. B. Fowler should not be dis¬
charged, Given under my hand and offi¬
cial signature, this Abril 30th, 1888.
GEC. L. SAWYER, Ordinaiy,
m J1 S'®
- :rf K|-.a 1
fill After FortTpanf
1 i STSS&AtfiSi' I!ISdb?i
fef Bfl tries, the publishers continue to of net tho Scientific sohoifcore
American trad ts arks,
n for patents, caveats, 3 -m copy
SffiU. 0 invent
Office in the Court House. fb 27
Attorney at Law,
entrusted Prompt attention to his given to all business
care, . jy27
Calls-promptly attended day and night.
Physician^ Surgeon,
Patronage respectfully solicited;, fbh
Encaville Drug Store
Is the place where you can always find
Reliable Goods.
Besides Drugs and Medicines. L keep
Whenever you cofne to town come to see
When you want a first class meal or a,
good House.- place First to Class sleep Faro, come to Comfortable the Harris.
Rooms, Reasonable Charges, Accommo¬
dations Not Excelled!
I am improved prepared farms to loan money
on to the
amount of $200 and upwaids
on most liberal terns. I rep
resent the G eorgia loan & Trust
Co. of Americut, Ga., a char-
8(1 , lliStltlltlOIl . ... ,• r tHe .1 OttllO; ■
161 ’ 01
T will guarantee that our com
missions are at least from two
to three per cent cheaper than
that of any other ompany. time, Pay
can be made at any
and the loan may be taken up
whenever desired. Quit the
warehouse and try us. We nra
cheaper and give you more lib
erty, and we don’t want your
land. The warehouses are get