Newspaper Page Text
Gainesville’s electric lights have just be
gun to glimmer.
A branch of the Farmers’ Alliance has
been organized at Tennille,
Tom Cassiby, the Tybee murderer, was
killed by a fall of slate in,the -coal mines,
last. Tuesday.
A band ol boy thieves, ranging in ago
from 10 to 14 years, were captured in At
lanta this week
O. F. Mathews, living near Greenville,
had a $150 mule stung to death by bees
last Wednesday.
Hand & Tennyson of Pelham have grown
a watermelon that tipped the scale at sev
enty-five pounds.
James Grant, a broker of Athens, sold
6,000 sacks of salt between Thursday at
.noon and Saturday evening.
The “skilled”.burglars.that have been
operatingso successfully in Atlanta, proved
to bo seven white and four colored boys.
All have been arrested, tried and dismissed.
Tire Buena Vista and Ellavillo, has the
youngest .conductor of any railroad in the
country. Ho is not quite fifteen years of
.age, and is in charge ot a passenger train,
A regular farmers’ alliance was organ¬
ized at Chattooga last week with thirty
three charter members, by P. W. Smith of
Haywood, who is organizer for Walker
and Chattooga. This is the First regular
alliance in that county.
Quitman comes to the front with a bad
affair, Lewis C. Lane, a Savannah drum¬
mer, attempted to assault a young lady
while out riding. . Her father..shot him
dead in the presence of the sheriff - with a
double barrel shot gun,
Albany is to be lighted by the Edison
electric Halits by a local con.
puny, at a cost of only $2,200 annually
for a term of five years, with the privilege
of purchasing the ..-plant at the expiration of
that time for $12,000.
J. L. Thornton, while standing at the
Americus, Preston . and Lumpkin track
Thursday at . Cordcle, conversing wi‘li
friends, did not notice ihc train moving,
and before aware of its presense had sev
eral toes mashed off one of hfs feet.
Milkdge Haynes, of Hart county, has re
reived notification that he has been placed
upon the-pension list Tor injuries received
while removing the Cherokees from Geor¬
gia to their reservation. Ho will get about
$200 back.rations ami then $3 pier monin
for lile.
Near Leary Mary Low, an old colored
woman, who was in the habit of fishing,
nearly all of the time, was found dead with
her fishing* trick ieby her side, at one of
the favorite resorts, on Saturday morning.
She had been heard to remark that some¬
one would find her dead at some fish pond
some day.
Friday night last during die school exhi
bition at Woodstockjan attempt was male
to kill Jeff Gunn of that section by two
brothers,'Will and Charley Shcrror’ fnm
Wilkes county. They knocked him sense¬
less with a club from behind and were
slashing him with a,knife, when a crowd
compelled them to flee.
YV. N. Ki Hebrew, who succeeded in es
caping from jail at Mcllae twice, but was
recaptured each time, and was tried at the
April term of court for larceny after trust
and sentenced to three months imprison¬
ment in jail, finished serving out bis lime
Thursday, and was, on Friday turned ova¬
te Sheriff Moore, of Emanuel county,
where he is wanted to answer three charges
cue for embezzlement and two for larceny
after trust. Killebrew will be remembered
as having paraded himself as a preacher,
and by this means obtained money, cloth¬
ing, etc. .
Mrs. Mary E. Hill, an old lady of Ben
Smith district In Gwinnett county, received
notice Tuesday that her application for
pensions was allowed, and that she was
entitled to.$2,731 13. She is the widow
of Joshua Hill’ who enlisted with the fed¬
eral army and as such she thus receives the
bounty. She has been in hard oircumetan
ces for long years.
At Atlanta Monday afternoon r.
white girl by the name of Katie Bezy,
while walking on West Fair street, found
a cuspicious looking bundle in a gvUy near
a bridge. The bundle was opened, and.
wrapped up. in a piece of calico, which, was
in a corn sack,- was-found the body of
dead white child. -An-inquest uas held, developments were made g< ing
show whose child . it was or -the cause
the infant’s death.
A few days ago some miscreant placed
hand car across the track of the
and-Madison road near HardiaW crock
near Madison, which one of the
on the road ran into while moving a?
speed down gsgde, resulting in-the
complete wreck of the engine- Tiic
discovered the obstruction in tlie vt r: nick
eftimomid escaped .serious injury A
ment later he and his fireman would
doubtless been, killed.
At Berton, "Rabun coilnty, last. S
while Charles Grant, a lad of 17 was
ing in his field ou the Tallulah river t
place mentioned,-a man by the ->.u.e
Bill Ledford came along and d i.v ; tied
that ■ put him over tl
Grant said he would when he fink-bed
row. That did not suit. Led for: so
came at Grant in a .threatening r
but he soon found himself on th ;
with the print of ajioehandle on his
and unable tofurtber- resist.
1 is H 6
amtfison @211 M1115
axxd 0311 Maollinery
Write to us for prices. We can save you money by purchasing direct. afi # JBfc2s5>
ziCome to Headquarters ijrhat You Atlanta, Waut.~ 6a. i WM
E. Van Winkle & CO.,
-Post Office Box 83. -
Last week a druggist in Lumpkin was
making a compound liniment and had put
several ingredients in the bottle, and in¬
tending to add some spirits amonia, by mis¬
take poured in sulphuric acid, and was
shaking.the mixture, when the bottle ex¬
ploded with a loud report scattering the
caustic contents over his coat, and cutting
his face and hands with the fragments of
glass. In a few minutes the front part of
his coat burned into chreds and fell away
in patches. • It was a narrow escape from
serious injury, for- bed'the- liquid been
dashed in his face it might have cost him
his-eyes and disfigured-l;:m for life.
A strange report is-coroborated by the
minister in charge of the Pleasant Grove
church, a few miles east from Jug Tavern.
A young man went into the church before
tire congregation had assembled, when a
few came he walked into the pulpit, laid a
pistol on each side of him'; opened the Bible
and pretended to preach. As he finished
lie remarked that he might repeat the per¬
formance some time, and deliberately
walked out, shaking hands with the pastor
whom he met-at the door. For cool
dence this beats any thing ever having
curred in that community. He was
molested but went away.
A fatal cutting occurred at Seville,
Americas, Proton and Lumpkiii road
Friday. There has existed an old feud
tween a Mr. Gibbs and two brotheis, whose
names have not been reported yet.
was renewed at the barbecue on Friday.
During the fight Mr. Gibbs received a
iir'the back which v,-illrpro’:o fatal.
other parties were arrested and placed
Amlersen Taylor (colorcdl cut his
almost fatally at Teunille Saturday
hut made bis escape though pursued
closely that his coattail was torn off,
t m '''-wlfiv mBSm /
mmmm m m
Miss Blanche Durant rode sixteen miles
on last Sabbath on a tricicle iu two hours,
The trip was made Dear Atlanta in com¬
pany with her two brothers.
The strong points of the Union Cen¬
tral may be boiled down into the fol¬
lowing dozeu sentences which It will pay
you to paste in your hat:
It has the
It realizes the
on its investments
It pays the
largest dividends
'to policy MOST holders, RAPID and has made the
of any company id the United States
It issues endowment insurance at
life bates.
It mokes its policies incontestable
It Continues all policies in force, with¬
out surrender, by the application of the
entire reserve thereth. It does not own
a dollar in
dence If.-imposes travel,'and no restrictions on resi¬
Knoxville, Ga. Agent.
’ffljj 1 § k..| 3 R 2 e 3 §1 ll I
ine By System slTlugtonotoaml cm! building strenctheninT the Uter¬
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corrects all Irregularities and annoying troubles
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Ask your Druggist.
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