Newspaper Page Text
What the Beople are Doing, and
Talking About..
Society Hews aiul Heigitliar.
hoed. Notes-Pcrsoaal
Knoxville will soon be a cotton market.
The nomination for-sheriff comes off to¬
Mr. John R. Wright is visiting in the
Central City.
Mr. II. G. McAfee, of: Holton,, was in
town yesterday..
Col. Robley Smith made a flying trip to
Atlanta Tuesday.
The Editor made a business trip to the
Gate City this week.
Professor Power, of Austell, was iu
town.several days this week..
Mr. Stephen Goodivin, of Houston
county, was in town yesterday.
Miss Laura Long, of Fort Valley., is in
town visiting Mrs Robert LeSueuiv
The editor and wife return thanks to
Miss Emma Andrews for some nice fruit
Jimmie Dent came out from Macon a
few days ago on a visit te friends iu this
The election this morning for sheriff goes
oo very quietly, and very few people are
fa town..
Col. O.P. Wright had the position of
editor of the Journal, on Monday and
The company that made the cleaning of
goose laina specialty has gone. out. from
among us,
A considerable number of our young
people attended the singing at Saudy Point
last Sunday.
The fall term of Crawford Superior
i? nearing, consequently road working is
now in order.
The Farmers Alliance held au interest¬
ing meeting fast Saturday and reoeived
several new members:
Dr. J N, Smith of Hickory Grove,drop
ped in to see us a few-moments Monday,
The Doctor is as friendly-as-can be at all
l’ain has been interfering this week with
cotton picking, but if the weather is fail
next week a great deal of the staple will ho.
prepared for market.
Mr. C. Saunders, who has been teaching
for some time at Taynr,, made the Jour¬
nal a short but pleasant visit this week.
He is now taking vacation.
The singing at the residence of Mr. J 'W
Jack a few nights ago, was well attended,
and afforded pleasant as. well as profitable
pastime to tbe young.people..
Knoxville should apply at once for
light, freight rates and ship the abundant
crop of Weeds on and around the court¬
house square to some other point.
Gotten is opening rapidly and will soon
be read.y for market. By all means
Knoxville might to arrange to buy a por¬
tion of Crawford County’s crop this season.
Saw mill men are locating in different
parts of tho county. Within a few days
quantities of lumber will be shipptd over
tlie new road to various sections of the
What are the several coinittees doing in
be half of the military company?. The
members are preparing to grace their r.ew
auriform, and lets have them ready by the
*pppin‘ej time.
Mr. John T. Andrews informs us that
the basket dinner and-pienic at Champi¬
on's mill'was-a grand sBcccss. Had plenty
of something good to eat,.excellent music,
dancing and other amusement!.
It appears that some of' our ■ country
friends might dispose of some of theirsnr
plus butter in Knoxville? There are people
here who have tojbuy tills article, and.often
there is not a pound in towufdr said.
Now is the time for all who feel inter¬
ested iu the upbuilding of a good market
in Crawford county to work towards that
end. As sure as the world stands there io
going to he-a good town somewhere near
she center of Chav;ford' county in a-few
months from this time.'
i Wo will sell lumber at, the following
prices for cash on fch yard. Heart lumber
$!()& Good square edge .75 First, class re¬
fuse 50 Second class refuse .35. We sell
strictly for the Cash. au 7
Mathews & Jack.
tiood Mtooling;.
. Mr. Will.Stembridge tells, of.some very
good marksmanship as executed by Tom
Green, a youth about sixteen years of age.
Green f-.'tud six turkeys—four of them
about half-grown and two of them old
ones. He killed four turkeys at the first
’shot, and killed the remaining couple, with
a shot at each. Six turkeys in three shots
may be considered good shooting.
TF-sJe Htcnic t'esierdar,
.! A* good looking, good humored crowd of
three- hundred’ people gathered at Fair
view yesterday and enjoyed talem selves in
a wholesale way.
The scholars acquitted themselves quite
creditably, ami ‘ consequently were happy
on account of it, as were also their
and other relatives. That embraced Pearly
everybody, so tti was a happy assemblage
all around.'
The- dinner-was a sncces-in- every detail.
There was plenty for ail, and a good deal
was left' over Resides.
In the afternoon Captain Jeff. MoGee
made a speech in behalf of tile military
company-, and the-effect of his speech
to-draw forth a handsome subscription io
the fund for uniforms.
. The occasion was-vofed a grand success,
and ail went home with pleasant recollec¬
tions of the-day’s exercises.
llapiiines» i'iii- Ac Dime.
A communication just received,
generously proposes to send the best family
paper published, four mouths on trial, to
each of our readers who will send ten cents
iu silver or postage to Woman’s Work.
Athens, Gas, bbfiire 1st of fnext • Novem bcr„
We know “Woman's Work know that
it is filled with pure matter that will suit
each member of the lamily, and know that
every-homo will, be improved by its visits.
We say this for the good of our readers.
How-many will profit by it.
r i
Ties* After Forty years*
^ experience preparation of in
-ftw rnuro»
t jjun (> ut Hundred
ra .Thousand Applications. for patents in
the United States and Foreign conn.
361 stolsh tries, American publiebera continue to of act the as Scientific solicitors
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to obtain patents in Canada, England, Their France, experi¬
Germany, is uuequaled und all other their countries facilities
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passed. Drawings and Specifications- prepared and filed .
in the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very
reasonably No chargeior examinational model*
....drawings- or., Advice by mail free.
Patents obtained through M.rinn AOd.are ryctitom
lathe. SCIENTIFIC AJIERICAN, influential which has
the largest circulation and is the most
newspaper of its kind published in the world.
The advantages, of auch a notice every pa tentee
tinders tands.
This large and splendidly iLc.strated newspaper
fa published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, and iu
admitted to be the beet paper devoted 1 q science,
mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and
other -departments of industrial progress, pub¬
lished-in any country. It contains the names of •
all each patentees week. Try and title it- four of every months invention for patented dollar. •:
one .
Bald by all newsdealers. write*ta
If you have an invention to patent
Munn & Co., publishers of Scientific Amerio&v
161 Broadway, New York mailed
Siaadhookabout patents frea^.
1 . 1 . WEIGHT,
Fancy aii tail? Grams 5
TSeep an ass«rfcme»t" of General Mercliandise, and try to suite
everybody both in quality of goods and in prices. I have now
bn hand.a. lot o£ Fresh Garden Seedb, also a variety of
'Farm Tools
of. file Best mates which C sell cheap.. Gall en rae.
F. H. WEIGHT, Knoxville, Ga.
gl’ATE of GEORGIA, 1 All persons
S having de¬
Crawford County. mauds against
James N. Mathews,. late of.said county.
are hereby same,'properly notified and' attested, required the tsrpre
sent to un¬
dersigned, within the time indebted prescribed said by
law. And all (persons to
deceased, are hereby required to make
imm ediate payment i5tli, to the undersigned.
This Aiigusl 1888.
J,- W. Mathews, Adnir.
E'iRGIa Bibb County—B y virtue of
\7 an order granted of the court atthe of July Ordinary of
said county, term
of’said court, will be sold at public out¬
cry, to House the door highest" in the MdSer, city before the
Court of Macon.
Bibb county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday
in September next, within (lie legal hours
of sale,, the following property towit :
All that tract of land lying in theSevcuth
district of' Grawfdrd eouirty, known as
the East Waif of Lot number two (2) con¬
taining one hundred (100) acres m re or
lsws,. binvnded as follows: North and
East by lands of estate of.Vince Nickles
South by lands of Robert Bryant, and
West bv the other half of said lot‘No two
owned by Bill Dunn,.' The property
hereby described being the same proper¬
ty conveyed to Alfred WiUiorn by A. B.
Small bv.deed Stli August 1883and record ¬
ed in office of Clerk Supr. court of Craw¬
ford CO, Said property to- no sold for the
purpose of'paying the debts of Alfred
Wrilborn, .deceased, and settlement/of tho
Estate. Terms cash.. August 6 1888 .
Ben L Jones, Exr.
\T7JLL Vt BE BOLD berore the court bouse
door in the hours town of of sale Knoxville, the first Ga.
within the legal September,next; on follow¬
Tuesday in the
ing property to. wit: One- hand rod and
sixty acies of numbers land more Eleven or and less,.being twelve
parts of lots
iii the third district of originally Houston
now Crawford county and hounded on
the north by lands of T. J. Simmons, on
the west by lands and belonging to estate of
A. J. Oul-verliouse on the south by
lands known as the Watson Sawyer Pi ace
Levied on as the property of E. E. Atwa¬
ter to satisfy two- Fi. Fas. issued from
tlie Superior court Crawford countv one
in favor of D. J. Baer vs July Ai it;Ap¬
pling and E. E. Atwater the* other in fa¬
vor of D- J, Baer vs E. FL Atwater and
Thomas Atwater. Terms cash. August
1st 1888. B. A. U artley, Sheriff.
j Rule ni si to fore
Miss Jimmie Meara 1 close mortgage in
vs. ) Crawford Superior
Clias- Jl. Meara. ( Court, April 1888. term,
tlie j Court by peti¬
It appearing to tlie
tion of Miss Jimmie Meara that Clias.
H. Meara on the 1st day of January, 1887,
executed and delivered to said Jimmie
Meara a mortgage and tract of land lying
ill said county, to wit: an undivided half
interest in 415 acres of land owned as
tenants in common by said parties. For
tlie purpose of securing the payment of
a certain promissory note for the prin¬
cipal sum of one hundred dollars, the made said
by the said Clias. H. Meara, on.
1 st day of January, 1887, and payable to
the said Jimmie Meara, due-six months, with interest at the rate of 8
per cent per annum from date thereof,
arid attorneys’ fees of 5 per cent per
month, which said-note the said Chas. il.
Meara refuses to pay.. It is therefore
ordered that,the. said Clias H. Meara
pay into tills Court on or before the next
term thereof, the principal, interest, and
attorneys’ fees due on said prooeedihg, note together
with the cost of this .or in
default therecl the. Court will And proceed*, it is
as to justiae shall appertain.
Mtlier ordered this rule he published inr
fthe Knoxville Journal, of a Crawford, newxpape
oiice published iu the for four county months previous
a month
to-the next term of this Court.
G. W. Gostin, J. S. C.
True extract from minutes.
11 . M. Brntwirr,
0, P. WRIGHT »
Offico in tlic Court House.' fb2f
Attorney at Law,
, enttasted Prompt to attention his given to all bnsiness
care. . j>'27
Callihpromrjsly attended day and nights .
Physician^ Surgeon,,
Patronage respectfully solicited. fbS
New and Fresh- Goads!!
Reliable Goods.
Having sold my drugs I am now making.:
When you want a first class meal or a«
good place to. sleep come to tlie Harris
House. First Class Fare, Comfortable-:
Rooms, NdifExcclIed! Reasgg.abie Charges, Accommo—
I am improved prepared farms to loan money/
on* to tbe*
amount of $200 and upwaids -
on most liberal terms. I rep- -
resent tbe Georgia Loan & Trust ’
Co. rf. Americas, Ga;,..a char¬
tered institution of tbe State..
T will guarantee that our com¬
missions are- at least from two*
to three per cent cheaper than :
th at of any other ompany. Bay- -
merits can be made at any time,,
and the loan may Be taken up >
whenever desired.. Quit the
warehoxise and try. us. We are *
cheaper and and give don’t you* more lib¬
erty, land. The we warehouses want your
tingit.. W P. Blasinoaie&c are get—