Newspaper Page Text
What the People oi e Doing and
Talking About.
■Society Sews and .Vei jjlslbor
lioed Notes-Perssnal
Mr, West Dent, of Macon, is in town.
Mr. B II. Ray, of Macon, was in town
■ eveval day s ago.
Mi. F. H. Wright made a business . trip
o Atlanta receutly.
Col. M. G- Bayne, of the Central City,
vas in town Monday.
Col. 0. P. Wright is sojourning at
present in Greene county,.
A very interesting communication from
Robley was crowded out of this issue..
Contractor Poole is building the deput¬
'd will fiiuishod in about three weeks.
Mr. Ed Finney, of Pope’s Ferry, Jones
ornty, visited his brother, the Professor,
Cus week,
.fix saw mills in this vicinity are lnitn
pang constantly, and soma cf them are
large mills too.
Loc k out for some luminous Knoxville
advertisements shortly. The old town can
be kept down no longer.
Who said that Knoxville would never
’■■j anything? The question is like “who
• ruck Billy Patterson.’'
Friend Jack Danielly has been nursing
i use of ornamental mumps all the week,, is getting all straight again.
Kv. 1. L, Hunter, of the Central City, is
spending a few days here in the interest of
;kn Central life Insurance Company.
Borne of the Knoxville merchants who
' been buying groceries by the wheel¬
barrow load are now buying them by the
. a riosd.
We won’t call it a boom, but
!f improving as a market faster than any
ountry town in Georgia, Call it wbat
you please.
Miss Eva IVright returned to White
Plains yestei day, after a stay of several
weeks with the family of her brother, Col
P. Wright.
One new store lor this week, one for
i.ext week and another to be opened in
September, while buildings for two or
three others are going up.
Mr. W. F, Lester is building a cotton
v.’alehouse on the lot near the parsonage,
■■jnd“another will probably be built near
-.he depot before Christmas.
When you go to Atlanta stop at the
‘.L’ahuadgfe House, opposite custom house on
rorth side. The Editor finds this one of
i!.o best places in the Gate city.
Our depot agent collected over four bun
died dollars during the mouth of August
w freights received. There were several
’rain loads of lumber forwarded.
Mr. Tom l.ampas, of Meriwether county,
has.been .here this week to make arrange¬
ments ior building a new store. He
lacked by 'ample capital, it is said.
Dr. Northrop Smith was in town a day
or two ago. He says that Knoxville will
get a good deal of trade from his part of
the county as soon as our cotton market
A colored man by the name of Ed Har
vey was badly hurt yesterday by being
over by his wagon. The mules want
. d to have a little fun .and ran away,
lumping Ed in the road.
A lot of the young people o f ibis place
attended the camp meeting near Butler on
,lit Sunday. High water on the Flint
Misses Lizzie Jones and Hattie Rodgers,
of the Central City , are visiting D. J. W.
Jo*ie3, Knoxville, 6a„ and not Dr. J. J.
Jones, of Knoxville, Teon.; the Telegraph
to the contrary notwithstanding,
We will sell - lumber at the following
prices for cash on the yard. Heart lumber
$1.00 Good square edge .75 First class re
fusa .50 Second class refuse .35. We sell
strictly for the Cash. au 7
Mathews & Jack.
Happiness F*r A Dime,
A - communication just received, very
generously proposes to send the best family
paper published, four mouths on trial, to
each of our readers who will send teu cents
in silver or postage to Woman’s Work,
Athens, Ga., before 1st of next November.
We know “Woman’s Workknow that
it is filled with pure matter that will suit
each member of the lamily, and know that
every home will he improved by its visits.
We say this for the good of our readers.
How many will profit by it.
Mxiiicd *»y the Train.
On last Sunday night the down passen¬
ger train killed Mr. Tom Bowman at
Gaillard station, this county, Mr. Bow
man was standing on the track holding a
lantern which, it seems, ho thought would
be signal enough, without waiving, to stop
the train. Ee stood on the track until the
train earns thundering along, and then
attempted to cross the track, when he was
struck by tiw engine or a car and bruised
to severely that he died in three hours
Engineer Mitnrns says that he saw the
men on the track with a light but, could
see no signal for him to. stop, so he only
slacked up a little. When he got close to
the man with the light, he says the man
attempted to crosss the track, He lost
sight of Mr. Bowman and thought he had
bceu run over. Mr. Bowman was found
able to sit up an d able to talk after being
struck but must have been hurt internally.
Mr. Bowman was single and bad no one
dependent upon him for support.
A IjO* of Money.
Mr. M. H. McElmumy was in town the
first of the week and told us oi a bee tree
on his place.
The tree was a very large one and had a
cavity in its trunk about 12 inches diame¬
ter and extended a long distance up the
tree. It had been inhabited by bees for
several years, and they bad stored away
lots of delicious “sweetuin” in the hollow
trunk, Wheu cut down it was found.that
*he honeywas stored in nine feet of the
hollow. There must have been about
twenty gallons cf comb and honey. Ever¬
ybody, white and black, had more honey
than they, knew what to do with.
RaoxviSle llisli Seiioei.
For some weeks wa have been hearing
talk of building up a high school here,
only a few however seemed to he agitating
the enterprise, and we feared that it would
bo several years before a flourishing school
would be conducted at Knoxville.
But today we learn that our fears were
groundless. Several energetic spirits had
canvassed the community and substantial
backing was gotten up
Professor Charles G. Power, of Hillsboro,
a thoroughly trained instructor and taleul
ed gentleman has been engaged to teach
the school for a good salary, and patronage
from different parts of the country has
been promised.
One gentleman in town tells us that he
has promised to board thirteen scholars,
aud the prospects for a large school are
first class.
f. H WBI&ET,
- ; -J)EAL&R IN,
ini Family ETroceries
I keep an assortment of-Geneva! Merchandise, and try to suit
everybody both in quality of goods and in prices. I have now
on hand a lot*of Fresh Garden Seeds, also- a variety of
Farm Tools*
of the best makes which I sell cheap. Call on me.
F. H. WRIGHT, Knoxville, Ga.
Dr. CliRoa on the SSnd.
The date set for Dr. Clifton’s lecture is
the 22nd prox 1 and not the 2Gtb, as was
stated in the paper last week. On Satur
urday, the 22nd this, learned gentleman
will deliver the lecture here for the benefit
of the Crawford Guards. A small sum
will be charged all at the door who come
to hear the lecture.
Even if we had an ordinary speaker for
such an occasion, the fact that we would
be helping the military company by ^at¬
tending ought to be enough to impel us to
patronize the occasion with onr presence.
But this is not th* case. For that occasion
we wilhhave one, of th most distinguished
and talented citizens of Georgia for onr
lecturer, and even if the public had to pay
a large price for admission there would be
a big audience. People from a distance
will come to hear such a scientist as .. Dr.
Clifton, for it is rarely the.- ease that geology. one
hours a lecture from, apply anyone science on familial
Dr. Clifton will to
subjects in a manner that, will surprise .and
enlighten ail who Rim.. . Come out
anu briug all your friends. It is not like¬
ly that you will ever have a chance to hear
another lecture of this kind.
Alliance Notice*
The.Sub Alliance* of Crawford county
are requested to send delegates to the
County Alliance to convene in
Tuesday the 18th, inst. at 10 o’clock
sharp. Every Alliance man in the county
is earnestly solicited, to. come and to with
us. J. J. Clark, Pres, C, C- F. A.
J. W. Jack, Sec’ty.
ri TATE op GEORGIA,,) >having All persons de
O )
Crawford Countv. mauds against
James N. Mathews, late of said county,
are ssut hereby properly notified,and,required attested, to the to pie* un¬
same, within the time prescribed by
dersigned, law. And all (persons indebted to said
deceased, kre. noreby required the undersigned. to
immediate payment loth, 1888. to
This August Mathews, Admr.
J, W.
•J Rule ni si to fore
Miss Jimmie Meara. } >close mortgage in
vs. Crawford
Chas- H. Meara. < Court, April term,
It appearing to the Court by that the Chas. peti¬
tion of Miss Jimmie Meara
U, Meara on the 1st day of January, 1887,
executed and delivered to said Jimmie
Meara a mortgage and tract of land lying
in sa'd county, to wit: an uudivided half
interest in 4i5 acres of land owned as
tenants in common by said parties. For
the purpose of securing the. pay meat of
a certain promissory note for the prin¬
cipal sum of one hundred dollars, made
by the said Chas. H. Meara, and on payable the sard
1st day of January! 1887, to
the said Jimmie MeKi'a- due six months
after date, with interestat the rate of 8
per cent per annum frofiv date cent-per thereof,
and attorneys’ fees of 5 per
mouth, which said note the said Chas, H.
Me ara ref vises the,.said,Chas to pay. It i,s therefore
ordered .tirat; H. Meara
pay into this’ Court on or before the next
term thereof, the principal, interest, and
attorneys’ fees' dutqonjsaLd note, together
with the thereof cost of the this JCburt proceeding, will proceed or In
default justice shall appertain.. And it is
as to published
urther ordered this rule'be
fthe Knoxville Journal,, pi a Crawford, newspape
published in the county
once a month lor four mbnths previous
to the next term of this Court. J. 8. C. „
G. W- Gustin,
Office in the Court House, v fb,27
Attorney at Law,
entrusted Prompt to attention.given to ail business
his care,, jy27
Calls promptly attended day and night.
Physician!^ Surgeon*
Patronage respectfully solicited. fbS
New. and F fosh Goods
Reliable Goods.
Having sold my drugs I am uow.making
When you want ; a first class meal or a
good place First to Class slcqp come to the
House. Fare, Comfortable.
dations Rooms, Not Reasonable Excelled Charges, Accommoi
t •
I am prepared to loan money
on improved of $200 farms to the
amount and upwards
on most liberal terms.. I rep
resent the Georgia Loan
Co. f'f Araericur, Ga., a char
tered institution of the State
? will guarantee that our com¬
missions are at. Jeasf.from two
to three , per cent cheaper than
that of any othfisr ompany. Pay
ments can be nnwle at any time,
and the loan m*»y be taken up,
whenever, desired. Quit the
warehouse and try us*.. We are
cheaper and and give don’t you.more lib¬
erty, land. The we warehouses want your
Walt** are get-