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About The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1888)
Keep a Bouquet of Flowers Fresli. queer way to keep a bouquet of cers fresh, but a very striking and ctive one, is thus described: In a lel of water place a plate, and on this id a bouquet of flowers, weighted at bottom, so as to stand upright. This iguone, the bouquet is covered with ill glass, the rim of which ought to ‘xaetly the flat part of the plate; the glass should be entirely filled with er and without the least air bubble. ■n raise all together, bell glass, plate bouquet, and place on a table, leav on plate around the base of the bell is a little water to Keep the air from .■ring. be The flowers in this situation preserved in all their freshness several weeks and their beauty is in ised by a great number of bubbles of produced by the respiration of the es, aud which attach themselves to leaves, looking like pearls. The edge he plate and the water that it con s should be concealed by a light bed loss, in which are some flowers. A quet thus arranged produces a [■ming effect, especially in the even — Good Ho usekeeping. Etiquette of the Pantry. he mistress should lend her co opera to the task of making the pantry d attractive. for the shelves, Papers either should plain be white sup ;ayly colored cut borders that come the purpose. The latter show dirt than the white, and are not costly, excellent plan is to cover the shelves white marbled o 1 -loth, tacked on fcly, that the edges may not curl, can be wiped off with a damp cloth ess expenditure required of time and labor would be to scrub the shelves. The bright papers may be used along the edges, is not enough simply to keep the rhauled try looking neat; it and will need to be every week, ea h article ed inside and out, as well as the ves on whit h they stand. The tins uld be brightened once in a while, the stone china and pressed glasses ,,,,,, - , , , f “T -T- d,Shcl f¥’ in t I.eSoSK" .Tp" “ialorSi ‘ their tneir own own esplicS especial use use. TheTshould lliey should uld be thrown into hot water strong ^” 0 h e ° k UI3 thev d «h?u”d° n Mve‘ a opportunity to »e s kct.a to giro p.hookib.oo.o.ti,, .flood .,1/ ous rags into which they are quickly isformed, even in otherwise well 1 „ 0 / 1 a Recipes. st. cold add six eggs well beaten and nut¬ meg to taste. Mix all well together and bake in a buttered dish three-quarters of an hour. Beet Salad. —Place boilod beets in steamer over kettle of water until warm, then slice and cover with following dress¬ ing: three Two-quart bowl of sliced beets, tablespoons melted butter, salt, pepper and mustard to season, rather sharply,and seven tablesp ions of vinegar. Cover bowl while warm and place in cellar or refrigerator to cool quickly as possible. * A very nice salad, Onion Soup.-—Two large Spanish or three Bermuda onions, two tablespoon f u i s 0 f butter, two quarts of soup stock, ga lt and pepper. Peel and chop the onions into dice. Put the butter into a frying-pan,and when hot add the onions, and stir until a nice brown. Put the stock on to boil; when it boils, skim the onions out of the butter and add them to the stock; let them simmer for thirty m'nutes, add salt and pepper, and it is ready to serve. Preparing Potter’s Clay. It is well known that the pots used by the glassmakers must necessarily be of the best material, but what that material or where it is found, is not so gener¬ known. A gentleman connected with one of the largest houses in New York city dealing in glassware, who is also interested in the manufaclure, said to a Mail and Ex ress reporter: “Eor a long time no clay was found that equaled that found in Stourbridge, but now no glassmaker in this country need import any, for in the immed ate vicinity of St. f ouis a clay company produces from its m nes an article fully equal in every respect to the English clay, and this United is now in general use throughout the States, The interesting. process of preparing it for use is most “The clay is taken in carts from the mines to the works, and there shoveled through an opening in the wall directly into huge vats when it is dissolved in weter. 1 rom that moment the cleansing process begins. This is the most im¬ portant thing in the whole and for this reason the carts are not al¬ lowed to enter. “Not only are the carts kept out, but strangers are rigidly excluded, and some influence is necessary to secure perm.s sion to visit the building. When one enters carefully, he is requested introduction to clean his shoes very as the of the most minute particles of dirt will in ure will remain in solution for a long time " « «* at this point it is constantly and care fully watched by two workmen. “f n the tanks it remains for about a bo(tom and tbe clear water is drawn off t0 be used a ^ in ’ The clay is takeu ' ; wbil , k veted witk coil , c[ tfsxzsmsxsssx " d itb ™cn turn , tneciay over ana witn shovels until it is of the consistency of “Thence it is taken to another room where is a powerful bloik molding machine which presses it into a slab whi h is cut into blocks by a hoy. He uses a sort of a bow with a wire string, and as he cuts he stamps each block with the factory mark. baked Then in the drying room they are slowly for five days, when they are reduction ready for sale in that is shape, sold or in for l arrels.” to powder, which a new The latest news from England is to the ef¬ fect that tlie wheat crop is poor. A Dish of New P’s. Aon i?i/ or - Pu e Cli ?f' fot ' Peach and f °r Pear, The Pig with a ring in his nose; For I.’.,?m? Physic, r and and People Printer who sell and it: Press, Take slcI i’ L° relieve J?" distress fake at once Pierce’s Purgative Pellet. Oh, yes, indeed! These are the P’s for you, for m .? n ? r wom an. Nothing like them keeping order the bow-els and stomach regulated scarcely in larger tiny, than sugar-coated granules, Work gently but thoroughly. mustard seeds. They y , A man has invented a flatiron that rings a little bell when the iron is hot enough. Catarrh Remedy 5 ’ bUt n ° eqna1 ’ has Dr ’ Sa S®’ & To study human nature, Evangelist Moody advises young men to act as book agents. Try Long’s Pearl Tooth Soap for cleansing your teeth and perfum ing your breath. If afflicted with - ore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp son’s Eye-water. Druggists sell at 2r>c. per bottle. The Log Cabins of 1 America have been birth¬ places of some of the grandest men. Lincoln, Grant, Sheridan, first saw the light of day through the chinks of a Log Cabin. Warner’s Log Cabin Sarsaparilla also originated in a Log Cabin and stands pre-eminent among the blood purifiers of to-day as Warner’s “Tippe¬ canoe” does as a stomach tonic. e for $ 10 . P r ' e •=3 »: A. P. STEWART & CO., 69 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. MEMORY KlAKVitLOUS DISCOVERY. Any book, Mind learned In one i reading. Spea-insr wandertn. without .... red. Wholly n otes. unlike artificial Mystemn. Piracy con<leiiined by Cupreine Court. Great inducements to correspondence classes. mond, Prospectus, the wilh r’d-famed opinions Specialist of Dr. Win. Mind A diseases, Ham¬ wc in I. an i cl (irecn I cal' Th o m "son, the great Psychol¬ ogist, PBOF. and A.LO otht ra, sent post free by SETTE, 237 Fifth Ave., New Y ork. ELY’S CREAM BALM W-FEVERfflS %:mc # - |CURES| — ATARRH. ^ ,W * a or Sun ft. Apply Balm into each nostril, vy--# LiyxJ Kl.y BROS.. 56 Wan-en -St.,N. V. A13X Engine Oil COIMStl Miff, .’""•f'rfS'Jy? _ SSI JSS—- "®* 9 **®* raeKSI x* *I < -I- -I- ^1- ’»• ’’I* *1- •I- -I- •f* -I- ‘T’ ’■I- Jk Tnc man who lius invested from three We otter the man. who wants service to five dollars in a Rubber Coat, and (not style) a garment that will keep at his first half hour's experience in K ■ ■ gfifl MB him dry in the hardest storm. It is a storm finds to his sorrow that it is liftff H. ■ called TOWER’S FISH BRAND hardly a better protection than a mos- HV ■ “ SLICKER,” a name familiar to every quito netting, not only feels chagrined m m ■ Cow-boy all over the land. With them at being so badly taken in, but also Qj Barea I Kl fa A | the only perfect Wind and Waterproof feels if he does not look exactly like Coat is u Tower’s Fis h Bran d Slicke r.” ______ Ask. tor the “ FIS1I BRAND ” Slicker ■ 8 ki I bI and take no other. If your storekeeper dr. as not have the fish brand, send for descriptive catalogue. A. J. Tower, 20 Simmons St., Boston, Mass. 10,000 AGENTS WANTED to supply FIFTY. MILLIONS people with HARRISON the life: of I ! By the author of BEN. ben end of Gen. Hmrridon hur. ii writing of Ind. Mlllun.bkV. Rid Bvn llurnuti want Beil Harrison OOcW byname author. Sidling I«m»wi». Btj mt*l aa.OU. otmotsi £Eone>Mskiaabv»k it. ttndttn HUBBAJBU BROS., 7S3 Cliestnnt 9t„Philo* , healthy Mandrake action with Dr. Schenck’* ' Pills. CHIL LS.—No chills without congestion. All congestions yield to Dr. Schenck’s ” Mandrake Fills. CONGESTION. —Vessels of Liver or Stomach gorged. Unload them by use of Dr. Schenck’s Mandrake Fills. COSTIVE NESS. —Bad digestion tell¬ ing on the bowels. Correct all by using Dr. Schenck’s Mandrake Pills. DYSPE PSIA. —Stomach congested and inflamed. Cleanse and beat with Dr. Schenck’s Mandrake Pills and Seaweed Tonic. ERUPTIONS. —Boils, carbuncles,&c., show impure blood. Cleanse and purify with Dr. Schenck’s Mandrake Pills. For Sale by nil Druggists. Price 25 cts. per box; S boxes for 65 cts.; or Bent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price. Dr. J. H. Schenck & Sou.l’lul*. WEBER PIASO-FORTES. ENDORSED BY THE LEADING ARTISTS; SEMI¬ NARIANS, AND THE PRESS, AS THE BEST PIANOS MADE. Prices as reasonable and terms as easy as ooosisteafr with thorough workmanship. CATALOGUES MAILED FREE. Correspondence Solicited. WAREEOOMS, Fifth Ame, cor. 16th St., HY, WE SELL ALL AMERICAN BICYCLES. And guarantee LOWEST PRICES. A. W. GUMP & CO., Dayton, O. OTTO, Largest factory retnil stock in America. 52 In price $ 60 . 00 , our price <40.60. 50 in. “ “ “ 55.00, “ “ 35.00 48 iu. “ “ “ 50 00, “ “ 33.00 46 In. “ “ “ 45.00, “ “ 30.00 44 In. “ “ “ 40.00. “ “ 27.00 Order quick. Also250 second-hand Wheels. Repair itiEC d' Nickelinn. Bicycles * Guns taken in trade $160 SAW FARMERS MILL. OAUIDES, Hood Plusn. Circular Hege’s Improved Saw Mill With Universal j Log Beam Simulta- Recti- WEI jdj linear neons Double Set WorklH and Ec¬ centric Friction ||iU* l|>> il l iiiiiil jillili liilliilUHIP 11111 Feed. Manufac- " tured by the WORKS, SALKUL ^ C. _ SAJLEH IRON ^ JONES HD PAYStheFREICHT Ton scales, Iron o Uafoo Levers, S reel Beariogi, Braic Tare Bearti and Beam Box for aite •QVOv/a Yor liaa Ererr Scale free pnoe mention this paper and address JONES OF 8 INSHAMT 0 N, BTNUHAMTON, N* »• MAKE Ivl ICE MACHINE. YOUR ICE Ice, BY Ice cream, THE hie DELPY waters^ etc. > in a few minutes. Price insignificant,, the salt, serving half indefinitely. pounds 18 Ice pounds machine of making Price by $6 operation $120. from to ice. to Ask for 25ili circulars. 1,, QEKMlLrNY flSrw & CO., A Sift West Street, York. WJ EAR Men and Women made STRONG. VV Our Diseases, Remedy cures contains Brain and Nerve-Troubles anct all Blood no poison,, purely vegeta¬ Con¬ ble, but a powerful Diseases remedy. Permanent Urinary Organs. cure of stipation and of the Sent free on trial on receipt of postage, which is 26 cents. Address Tue Hakt Medicine Co. , Unionvil e,. Concu UI>ila>VD!ll« Hlau Sr all Great Riieum English uio Remelv. Gout and 3 9a Oval Box, Aj round, 14 Pills* COLS Live at home and make more money working- for u« than I at anything else in the world Either sex Coatly outfit FKLK. Terms VRKK. Address, Truk. 4 Co., Augusta* Maine, A. N. U...... .........Thirty-six, ’8&