The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, September 28, 1888, Image 5

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GENERAL NEWS. Eev. Sam Jones is said to be worth over >0,000. / I Property iu Georgia has increased $123, pO,000 in nine years. J. L. House of Fish Creek at one slaugh r on his farm killed 192 large rats. Already 200 copies of the life of Bishop ierce have been sold in Hancock county. "The boys” want the brutal and old Ishioned gander-pulling revived at the lodge county fair. Authur Simmons (colored), a planter of Kirnter county, sold $1,800 worth af cotton I Americus Monday. I D. W. Cash and Miss Mattie Youug [ere married at Dalton a few days a t o rbile sitting in a buggy. I Hog cholera is becoming prevalent in litchoil county, and some apprehend that ( will amount to an epidemic. Dp to this time last McDonough bad pceived has over 1,000 bales oi cotton, aud this par not received more than 100 up to ,te. On account of flood damages, Augusta p postponed the opening oi the expsuion pitii ^November 8th, It will close Decern pr 15 th Mrs. Mary Barker of Forsyth county is he mother of lilteeu pairs of twins, twelve iris and eighteen boys, and twenty-three he now living. A wagon came into-Americus from the ountiy Friday morning bearing nine pavy bales of cotton, every one of which las-eovered with white osnaburgs. l-y 7 . ,: F. Morris, of Brunswick, of the Ea. t [euntssee, Virginia and Georgia road, hab curiosity in the shape of a postal card, on [’Inch as written 1,4UU words, which can be -read. j Little Mattie Hogan was hr ught to Franklin Tuesday lohave a toe amputated tome months ago she dropped the tongue If a little wagon on the great toe ol her left foot. It continued to .grow worse uutil [ho foot had swollen fearfully and the end If the toe had decayek, making amputation lecessary. IFAIR PLAY!! M°GEE BEOS. L4ie in the ring and must have a showing Fresh Groceries. Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Drugs aucl Canned Goods, ft]] grades corn an A Rye liquors Home-made Peach Brandy. Lager Beer, Imported Imported Gin. Rum and I Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars. ■0 YOU WANT A FARM? ; If so you can be suited with what isj ffered here. I N Well Improved Farm >f 70 Acres. Good Dwelling:, J Tenant Houses, Large Barn, ill new. Nice Orchard and Yineyard, Splendid Water and Plenty of it. ilco Plantation of 320 Acres fifty acres of well drained Bottom Lands n this tract, aud Fifty acres covered with )riginal Timber. Good Barn on the place. ALSO A FARM of 287 ACRES. )n this place are a gin house and a tenant louse. Lands are producing good crops. Fences Extra Good. Irst Class Buyers will Find TERMS EASY. ypply to B.H.RAY, Maeon, Gtu On the Mitchell's bridge hill in Clarke county there has been discovered a clay that is thought will make a first-cless arti¬ cle of mineral'paint. It is very inach like ochra. « An old negro woman who lived a mile or two south of Guthbert, went out to the well for a bucket of water last Sunday evening, and -while drawiug it up, fell down dead. Cotton pickers around Americus are in demand by the farmers, as their cotton was mostly all blown out by the late wind storms, and is ruining by lying around loose ou the ground. The warehousmen of Hawkinsvilfo now pay a quarter of a dollar for eqerj bale oi cotton carried to them. There is nq differ euce among them in the price for strriug cotton, but all charge the same. At Louisville, Thursday night, some ras cal turned a freight car loose ou the rail¬ road just beyond the river, and it came near running into the washout, it was stopped by striking the pole car which was badly damaged. William Tiner, of Arnericus, says that his house dog became mad lust Monday and he“kiiled him Friday morning, lie kept the dog tied, but he broke loose, and ia.i around in a circle, biting every thing in his reach. lie bit down every weed and bush iu a circle of 150 yards, the track he was running. The flesh of the dog was as red as flannel. Dr. Moffett’s TEETM (Teething Allays Irritation, Aids Di^stion, Repiilatps tho Eruptions Easy and Cons only 25 CentsV^Teethina'curio and Sores, and nothing equals it for the bummer t roubles of Children of any age . It itsafeatidsuix. without TEKTHINA Try It long and you will nerar ba as as there aro-child* Sea la the House. Ask your Druggist. autY b FlH b a y rtfoyfx a yfo®Ga!': KU0XViU ® fed VAN WINKLE ■MANTIFACTU ATLANTA, GA •! cs RE- Oottwm. @1133. Efiflis and Oil EWaalmirlery SAW MILLS, WIND MILLS, TANKS, SHAFTING ETC ATT, KINDS OF FOUNDRY WORK. ^• 111111 ^ Write tons fox prices. We can save you money by purchasing direct. —Come to Headquarters r„wliat You Want— m m E. Van Winkle & CO.,- - Atlanta, Ga. - 'i ju22-3 Post Office Box 83. ■i NEW MILLINERY GOODS. MRS. M. B. FIERCE —-HAS,— Quite a Choice Lot of Hats, Ribbons, Laces and other Novelties Also new line of Hosiery and Fall Dress Goods. Babies' Hoods, cheat) and nretff ttT X have a lot of good and neat CLOAKS aud JACKETS. Prices very low. P DJRESiSMAIOLlvCS e toteo S tyleS * CUt ooc“ eaSUte ‘ My ladv friends aro cordially invited to wme mc. t The DeLoacli Variable friction Feed. A New and Valuble Device, Simple and Effective. * Capacity prom ,5000 to 50,000 Feet per Day.—_ II mm mm -M - ■m , SISsSPl M WBm s i. a Has only been on the market upo year, but has become so popular that shipments tv«wi' S u l- l !j‘l, t0 a J* P arts of lhe United Dates a-.O-inquiries coming from abroad nil this m.,1 the reed be under hash and Perfect Control- It is now the most Popular as well as the most Saleable mill in the market ft a\v Mi l, Portable Corn Mills and DeLoach Water Wheels Etc. De5j ° ;W -‘ it Nlill Mfg Co., Atlanta,Ga smi {EBSl ■' : - ttnL It C ■ ■ ! ‘ r ss Cotton Pregfiseg. And Seed @leamers