The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, September 28, 1888, Image 8

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TOWN AND COUNTY. What the People are Doing and Talking About. THE TIMES IN CRAWFORD. Ssiocaety Sews and Ncigla «*«»*• hood rVotts—Versoiial Mention. Work on the new jail is. progressing rapidly. Editor Howell is in the Central City ou business. Miss Jimmie Merea, of Macon, is visiting friends in town. Col. B. II. Ray, of Macon was in town dining the week. BABBITT METAL Fob Sale at,the J uuiiXAL Office. Cotton brought nine, cents per pouud byre last Saturday, Mr. B B King,:,of Detroit, Mich, was in town during this week. Mrs. Sallio E-. Mask, of Americus, visited relatives in town this week, Judge Aarpu Clark, and his estimable lady spoilt Sunday last in our town. M. A. J. Dauielly has been spending sometime recently in Upson county. Judge T, J. Simmons, ot Macon, is visiting relatives and friends in Crawford Dr. Sawyer is filled with rejoicing be.i cause the mumps have at last released him. Prof. \T- R. Pierce lias closed his school at Oak Grove and is. spending his vacation at this place. Prof. C. E. Worsham was in town a. clay or two ago. He had just returned from a trip to the 6th district. Misses Lizzie and Fannie Pounds, of Epson county', visited the family of Mr. Z. T. Harris tiiis week, Mr. Jack Johnson, of the upper portion of the county, thinks of opening a store at the depot, so report says. People from ail portions of the county attended the lecture Friday night, and were highly pleased with Dr. Chiton. Mrs. Dickerson and Miss Ada V ilsun, ol Culloden, spent several days with the fam¬ ily of Mr. J. W. Blasingame tins week. Mr. Jim Wilson, of Macon, has rented the old Allen corner store in which be proposes to open a large stock of goods. Mr. W. T. Bussey of Meriwether county spent several days in town this wees. lie tninks of opening a large store near the depot. When you go to Atlanta stop at the Tal.madge House, opposite custom house ou north side. We liud this one of the best places in the Gate City, Very few case* have been returned to the October term of the superior court. Ther e is but little involved in what hew lousiness there is ou the dockets. Col. J, R. Wright had editorial charge of the paper for a day'or two this week. Had he occupied that poei.icn slj the week the paper would have been better. Tax collector, W. R, Thames, was iu Knoxville Wednesday ,an<} Thu s ay on his collecting rouuds. He says that tax mon¬ ey is hard to find in Crawford just at this time. The Journal returns thanks tq.Mr. Jim Beeland for some magnificent potatoes, of the pumpkin yam variety. One of them measures a foot in leugth and fifteen inches in circumference, If any one will bring, in a finer one, it will, receive, favorable mention. Knoxville ought, by all means to make every reasonable effort to keep the money arising from the sale of Crawford county products in the county. Every man of business subscribes to this assertion. Nolan, the furniture man, has come and opened ihe business with a stock of serv¬ iceable goods. Chairs, tables, beds, ben reaux, washstands, safes, coffins and caskets. Col.'O. P. Wright has had applcations for money every day this week, and none have been turned away without receiving the desired amount. You that ueed mon¬ ey and have not. applied come and. see what he can do for you. Mr. Wesley Blasingame leaves us today for Atlanta to attend a seboo' of Dentistry Wesley is a young man of magnanimous heart and fine traits of character. The Journal sends with him wishes for suc¬ cess in his efforts to prepare himself for his chosen avocation. Knoxville is rapidly assuming the pro¬ portions ot <v first class cotton market. Mr F II Wright has bought several bales and paid a price that comes., close to the city market quotations. READ THIS. We will sell lumber at the following prices for cash on the yard. Heart lnmoer $1.00 Good square edge .75 First class re¬ fuse .50 Second class refuse .35. We sell strictly for the Cash. au 7 Mathews & Garrett. An Aral Eh'ffiKen. A little daughter of Mr. Pope Braswell happened to an accident the other day that lias caused her much pain, but is not con sidered serious. Slie was playing in the yard and had climbad upon a fence, She fell off and broke a bone in her arm. Dr. Jones, who attended, thinks she will be all right in a few days. fSchoboiii Association. At the. recent meeting of the association at Thomaston it was decided to convene next year at Knoxville. The church at this place nad decided not to invite the association here, but as no invitation from other places was extended it was voted to meet here next year. List of 3* ran cl Jiirarg Wrawn for itvt. Term, of Crawford. Superior €e u >’t. John T Andrews Wins Rutherford JF Hartley W. W Johnson II N.Britt BF Leo T A Kendrick Z T Aultman J F Duke JnoS Rhsingame R V Nickols R J LeSucur J W Jack W R Thames A J Schofill Van B Horne Jno M Sanders J C Fincher Wm Carswell W I) Vinson C II Smith E E Dent J YV Dickey Jas M Sauciers J W Blasingame Jeff Davis \V P Carr B K Webb L T Junes. J L Sanders. jLiMt ol Traverse Jsu-ors W M Ross Frank W B Davis Tiios L Stenibridge W C Hunnicutt O C Wilson W E Rowell F II Wright Albert L Mathews 1 J -Long J \V Brown J E Jordan 51 B Matliows G H Ilutto Joel Bankston, Jr J L Harrison E S Lee Jno. D Sauders M W-Pearson A J Johnson J C Bond J R Joyner J T Visage G E Reeves A H Clark Monroe Taylor J C Hicks H P Moran L T Lee W II Mathews J Z .Smith H F Sanders Wm Hamlin J T Cochran B T Parham J W Flowers. Two interesting communica¬ tions were received too late for publication. We correspondents are glad to know that our have not forgotten us. Please send in your communicath&c a sooner. Subsetfbnifle TiwJoirasiM... F. H, WEIGHT, KNOXVILLE, - - GEORGIA V -DEALER IN- aicf aii Fail! finest! NOTIONS <0 DRY GOODS HARDWARE. ETC. I keep an assortment of General Merchandise, and Ay to suit everybody both in quality of goods and in prices. I have of now on hand a lot of Fresh Garden Seeds, also a variety JP e* rm Toohd of the best makes which I sell cheap. Gall on me. F. E. WEIGHT, Knoxville, Ga. M 0 N E Yd 1 M 0 N E Y M M.0 N EY1!! Parties desiring to borrow money can get it from me on easier terms and at a lower rate than it has ever been offered in Crawford county. If you wish to borrow any, come and sec for yourself. Respectfully, 0. P. W R I GII T. 100,000 Bushels Cotton Seed 7 W-AJN r JtMEO. Apply to GEORGE L SAWYER OXIOIOK, FRESH zG a O G E R I E S JUST REOEIFED BY J. P. JENKINS Sc CO. Choi e Selection of Can Goods Cheap ! Best Flour Cheap ! Best Lard. Tobacco, Cheese, Sugar, &c. Low Down. Give us a trial. SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPAIRING VAN’S BRIDGE. Fifteen new sleepers 6x13 fifty-four feet long; Five pieces 6x12 ten feet long ; Five bieces 6 x 12 forty feet long. Swing- 22 ,s pieces 2 x IS fifteen feet long. 12 in" Braces 27 feet long 12 x 12 at one end and id x 10 at other. 3 Swinging Caps s x 12 twentv-two feet long. 5 pieces for Bnlister Floor¬ ing 3 x 10 eighteen feet Iong bridge. Braces. New Bent at East end of 'Ihe above contract will be let to the lowest bidder at the Bridge on, the 13th day of October 1888. Contractor will be required to furnish Spikes and do work iu first class style, lumber and timber tube first class heart. Commissioners, This Sept. 13th 18S8, County Bibb & Crawford County. NOTICE TO DEBTORS & CREDITORS Ct TATE of GEORGIA, ) All persons O /having mauds de Chawforo County, i against James N. Mathews, late of said county, are hereby, notified and attested, required to the to pre¬ sent same, properly within the time prescribed un¬ by dersigned, ‘ And all fpersons indebted to said law. required make deceased, are hereby the undersigned. to immediate payment loth, 1888. to This August Mathews, Admr. J, W. { Rule ni si to fore Miss Jimmie Meava > Crawford close mortgage Superior in vs. \ ]> Court, April term, Chas. H. Meara. 1888. It appearing to the Court by the peti¬ tion Miss Jimmie Meara that Chas. 1L Meara on the ist day of January, law, executed and delivered to said Jimmie Meara a mortgage and tract of land lying in said county, to wit: an uudiviiied half tenants”iu'coinuioii Viy said" parties et For b wrffiS^Ww^ h< fiHhrprim a hundred dollars niade eipr.l sum ofoue H. Meara, the said by the said Chas. I8877and on payaole to 1st day of January, rfteMUte'.lwith interest a?the raS°of'» Snd'at'S/s'Tees month, whiflh said note the said chas. h. Meara refuses to pav. It is therefore ordered thai? the said Chas 11. Meara temu^^ default thereof. rfie Court will proceed urtimr U orde e rwi‘ a ta!is 8 ruieTe published inr once a month for four months Ui tb. iK-i,^fi y. ^'•“"‘'EVKSkn.cuo- 0. P. WEIGHT, LAWYER, KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA. Office in the Court House. f b 27 W. P. BLASINGAME, Attorney at Law, KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA. entrusted Prompt attention given to all business to his cave. Jy2i DS. J. W. JONES, KNOXVILLE, - - - - GEORGIA Calls promptly attended day and night. GEO. L. SAWYER, P hysician Surgeon, KNOXVILLE, GA., Patronage respectfully solicited. fb3 New and Fresh (reeds! Reliable Goods. Having sold my drugs I am now making : --A SPECIALTY OF-- GROCERIES DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES HATS & HEW HOME RJSWING MACHINES, . J. W. BLASINGAME. THE OLD RELIABLE, THE HARRIS HOUSE. KNOXVILLE GEORGIA. When you want a first class meal or a good place First to Class sleep Fare, come to Comfortable-' the Harris House. Rooms, Reasonable Charges, Accommo¬ dations Not Excelled ! MONEY TO LOAN! O' t I am prepared i to j. loan i ■ money oil urnv/ovc.'1 l*m 1 n t' tq ™ yli... amO-UOt of * £200 and upwards on most liberal terms. • I rep-. resent tile Amei'icU; Georgia Loan & Trust diar (jo. , Ga., a ■ tered institution . ot £ tile bfcate. o, , . T vail guarantee that our com missions are at least from two . to three per cent cheaper r than that OI any Otner Ompanj, ray-. „ merits can De made at anytime,, and the loan may be taken my, whenever deSireU. CjHlt the warehouse and try us. We are cheaper Mia give you mane lib- gpjjir nii iL , w@ doHi.t want VOUV • laid. Tla lrar#ktai»8 ue g*L