Newspaper Page Text
At Madison, Tuesday, the bird hunters
turned out in force and about 400 birds
were bagged. A feast was given at the
city 1 ball, to which a hundred tickets at a
dollar apiece were sold.
Last week a serious cutting scrape oc
curred near 5Z ebuloD.'Jbhn Gregory ,and
Jack Reid were eating oysters, anil
Reid, who was a clerk in the store, refused
extend credit to Gregory, by instructions
from Gregory’s father. This offended
Gregory and he reached around a third
party and cut Reid,s throat. Mrs. Ridley
grasped the arteries and held on until the
doctor came, or Reid would have bled to
death. Ried is in quite a critical condi¬
tion and will probably nbt recover.
A negro woman 72 years old was sent
from Talbct county to the Chattahoochee
brick yards, last week, where she goes to
serve out a two years sentence for stealing
$>600. This old negress stole a thousand
dollars last year, but was not prosecuted
because she gave up the money.
W. J. Duke of Orchard fjill lost his
pocketbook at Griffin Wednesday. It con¬
tained $400 in notes and .$60 in cash. He
laid it down h: the Griffin Banking Com¬
pany’s office while transacting some bus¬
iness and went off and forgot it, amd when
he returned in a couple of minutes it was
gone. A negro who had been around at
the time is suspected of the theft,
The 6-year-old son of O'fver Blackshear,
colored man of Haw kinsville, was acciden
• tally killed on Friday '.evening last. The
boy was going to town with bis father on
=« load of cotton. While going down a hill
the forew heels of wagon ran into a hole,
throwing the boy off, and before? the team
could he Stopped the whaels ran over him,
crushing his skull and'breaking his neck.
A report reached Columbus Thursday
night of a peculiar and fatal accident
which occurred at Jernigan, fourtaen mile
from Columbus. A party of negroes were
.outcoon hunting early in the morning, and
treed a coon near a cotton field. The
was cut down and fell on a negro
was picking cotton in the field,
him iustftntly. The falling tree also
ed a fine coon dog.
Are in the ring and must have a showing
Fresh Groceries.
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Drugs
and Canned ‘Goods.
All'grades corn and Rye liquors
Home-made Peacli Brandy.
Lager Peer, Imported Imported Rum ant
Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars.
If so you can he suited with what is
offered here.
A Well Improved Farm
Of 70 Acres. Good Dwelling,
7 Tenant Houses, Orchard Large Barn,
all new. Nice anc
Vineyard, Splendid Water and
Plenty of it.
Also Plantation of 320 Acres
Fifty acres of well drained Bottom Lands
in this tract, and Fifty acres covered with
Original Timber. Good Barn on the place.
On this place are a gin house and a tenant
house. Lands are producing good crops.
Fences Extra Good.
Ifirst Class Buyers will Find
terms easy
Apply to B.H.RAY,
Macon. Ga.
Rev. D. P. McDonald, who shot and
killed Frierscn Chandler some weeks ago,
has given himself up to the authorities at
Blakely. ■
During a meeting At the Sam Jones
tabernacle, recently, an amusing 1 incident
occurred, in which an aged minister and a
deck of cards figured conspicuously. The
preacher referred to had need of an over¬
coat and borrowed one df the family with
which he was stopping. On reaching the
church he divested himself of the borrowed
garment. As he pulled off the coat a pack
of well worn playing cards dropped out,
and it was funny to see the reverend gent
reach after a ten here and a jack there and
at the same time trying to be-sly about it.
At Athens Tuesday Alderman Murray
while in attendance on the mayor's court,
had his pockets picked, and was deprived
of a fine gold watch,
li I After Forty years*
to; jja 1 I experience preparation of in the
1 than One Hundred
oa Thousand applications for patents in
‘5 tries, the United the publishers States and of Foreign the Scientific! coun¬
w American for patents, continue caveats, trade-marks, to act as solicitor* copy¬
rights, etc., for the United States, aud
to Germany, obtain patents in Canada, England, Their France, e/peri
and all other countries
•nce is unequaled- audthoir facilities are uusur
** Drawings and specifications prepared nnd filed
in the'Patent Office on short notice. Terms very
reasonable. No charge for examination of model*
or drawings. Advice by mail free.
Patefits obtained through Mucu <fcOo.a!yenoticed
"“& 6 ^e S and jpi.mflidiy Castrated newspaper
&y”une^de i ile™ ur ttonllls £or °“° d °“‘ r '
JiTt pYuats mailed fr«.
Cotton Oil Mills
and. Oil. Machinery
ATT, kinds of foundry work. &
direct. \SaMK
to us foi prices. We can save you money by purchasing
“Come to Headquarters r^rkat You Want— a
E. Van Winkle & GO m Atlanta, Ga. Eta
ju22-3 Post Office Box 83.
mas. M. B. FIERCE
Quite a Choice Lot of Hats, Ribbons, Laees and other Novelties
Also netv line of Hosiery and Fall Dress Goods. Babies' Hoods, cheap and prettv
1 have a lot of good and neat CLOAKS aud JACKETS. Prices very low.
In the Latent btyles, cut by measure* My ladv friends are cordially invited to
come to see nre. to oe5
Ths BeLoach Variable Friction Feed.
A New and Valuble Device, Simple and Effective.
-Capacity proSi ,5000 to 50,000 Feet per Day__—
S3 h
m is :
BBS ife is .
^ggsgm KM'5, ®
.v'-uawa- xViwiru
Has only been on the market one year, hut lias become so popular that
made to all parts of llie United States and inquiries coming from abroad
With this mill the feed can bounder Hash and Perfect Control- It is now the most
Popular as well as the most Saleable mill in the market
■Saw Mill, Portable Corn Mills and DeLoach Wa ,ter Wheels Etc.
DeLoacb Mill Mf’g Co., Atlanta,Ga
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Cotton Presses.
And, Seed Cleaners