The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, May 10, 1889, Image 1

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Notice to Contriutorii. 'V XT ILL bo let to tSe lowest Wilder-on thofirst Tuesday in July, 4H89, com. act for repairing bridge known its vera’s bridge seeosdiug to following jccificatii ns : Two spans and one l>enen : old bridge to be slightly curved up ' ream ohi bridge. and to be raised addition to same height A new 44 feet ng supported by 4 new benches; this iditlon to be connected with the two >ans aforesaid and to continue the irve and to be on a level with the Old irt of bridge. All timbers to be of line of size good as heart those lumber, in old Midge, A-lso ) an em ankraeut of dirt and slai».2t0 feet long ?d be 36 of feet wide on top. Etnoankment . ijeting end, same height as bridge, naught at .con and to taper down to | ie the old end road. whore it must W. connect .>• with Chairman Board Co. dent, Coins. HOME COUNCIl bw ’ We take pleasure in calling the attention of lotbers to a home cure for all direaavs of the ©outsell and bowels, a medicine so long needed » carry children safely through the eriticaj Ugo of TEETHING. PITTS’ CARMINATIVE, i afc incalculable blessing to mother and child, t ia an instant relief to colic of infanta, a dw *ae with which they suffer sou inch the first bar months of their life. It gives sweet rest to he sick and fretful child, and att'eng&eSM ad builds up tl;a weak, gives appetite and ash to the pmiy, corrects drain form ths oweh, cures diarrhea and dysentery. A auaooa |er chiidren. Try one bottle. It o»t» o*»r Twenty.Hi vo Cents a bottle, Eov =*k - ’ r I After Forty yeanj* ■ilSfl expiiTivrico in tha ^T preparation .One Hurirtrei olnioro r rt -g- Thousand .. . ; ra R aa tbo United kppIicatKsJS fttates and PoTWRa patents oonn. ia u Wi Scienfcifio SI trios, the publieliers of the Ameiican continae to act r»« SDlicitora ■BaiDiflMES B 1 B for patento, raveata, trade-marks, copy to obtain riRhts. etc., in for the United Kngland, Stc.tes, Francs, and ; Germany, and pateuts all other Canada, countries Their eiperi •yics U uuequaied and their facilities are unsur * H 35nlirtoc» apecifloations praparert and filed . 1 la the Patent Office on short notice, 'forme very (reason able. No charge for oxamination of inodelu Ot Patents drawings obtained Advice through by mail Munn froe. ACo.aronoticed v totha •he SCIENTIFIC AMERK) AS,which has largest circulation-and is the most influential 1fwopaper of its kind published in ti»e woi'id. % luajaetstandB. Thse advantages of such a notice every patentee s This large i'.»nitrated tfl and splendidly newspaper and \ aduaittod j»al>Wahed to be WEEKLY the beat &t devoted ©13.60 a year, to science. ia ; Meohaoics, inventions, paper engineering works, and i other lished departments in ot industrial It progress, ths pub¬ of •XI any and country. of contains invention name* patented •&«& patentees week. Try title it four every months for one doliar. Bqld by all newsdealers. in UcMdwsz. rtf w York Handbook »bout pr.teutA uiailod fro*. ■" ' *' A ■ , HARWOOD’S CHAIR SEATS iid'e by BOSTON. Hmmfi? ; ' ”$9.,“ ‘ : WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY j To Replace Broken Cane. RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. 1 | Anybody can apply i J! 1 THEM. No mechanic needed, sor.n Iiy Fnrnitnre & X / Hardware TRADES. 'to 1 .? iw! 0 * new chairs, ask for those with :Bab-wood'* Ked Leather Etaish Keats. lauCMCtf Ottne IHoou, Sfeu* a£3 ««ua.-N ortons BeM.ity, •p«teB^^Orgsnf 9 'TMkoesg. TrecteX • fcloaorrfcwa, Write Syphilitic rui 4 jjkfioaato medic®. J>eformitieji b&onswered Call or for Jis* ol by (horn desiring treatment bj- d&iL u»4 lean* ■n ftoneiblngtotltcir Boring from Bcpriir** ndvaintp^. saoald Acnd ItL Ibefr address,^ nota t nur,.& dveM Dr. C, Xi. JLaBARGR, Pro©’! ami P&yaiclRa Ju Charge elrhl n« 4 . A Ssrff. laalttut*, BZO tocast 6 t., ^t. boala. Jio. >|P JButte’ JDispoUA»vyr JSiIbU bilahad flO I#ar©5 fHE PROPOSAL '^§Wi S^-ii to Ssi Mm •SiSSl -5 m Tr.yyi'. ib 'sMm Ik ;i M ;| fvely Hi .—My to-night darling, 1 you look irresistibly | She handsome .—Do !? ■ Thanks Prince, very Charley, much! in you e as a your less suit. He .— Give the credit to tire DlAMonn iirt, my iove, which I wear for the first ne to-night; toilette. it is that which gives ton. my Here is its prototype (slip ag the Diamond engagement ring on r finger). , Zi:.-^May our love be as enduring at »/- “ The Diamond Shirt.’ tableau. 5:100 LINEN S 2 •OANiELd m 5F rrr, Md, ' AGENTS WANTED. THE '. ■ 4 f ) X i -*• VOLUME XI. TOWN AND COUNTY. What the People are Doing and Talking About. THE TIMES IN CRAWFORD Hocteiy Eiaetl Mmvs iVotes-Persokki smd KeJgjibor* itlenttou. Rain is touch need»d at this time. The gardens are looking well considering tlis dry weather. Dr. George Sawyer is still very low, but seems to be improving. Cut worms are destroying tho cotton plants all over the county'. fAr. E. S. Murphy, of Barnesville, was in town a day or two ago, Mr. J. A. Burney, of Dublin was here a day or two ago talking insurance. Mrs. S. Nash accompanied by Miss Mal lie McAfee, are visiting Atlanta this week. > Mr, F. M. Allen .and wife, ot New York, ar© visiting the family of Mr. J. J. Hanea. ProfJ". C. litasingame add sister, Miss Lena of Reynolds paid a visit to friends Knoxville Sunday. A long communication hy Fool Killer and another from a new writer were both crowded out this week. Miss Ida Ilortmatj, forrcerj.y'of this town but bow of Thomasvillo, wa3 to see old friends in Knoxville last week. The, many friends of Dr. Sawyer, will ba glad to hear hs is some better. Dr has been quite sick for several weeks. Miss Bcrap Wright of Macau returned home Sunday after a visit of several weeks to relatives in Ceres and Kuoxvills. The iro-crcam festival on Friday night was a pleasant affair and a profitable ven¬ ture. The praise belongs to trie ladies. Workmen are busily repairing tho Blas ingame ^bonding house, B1! d otheis are finishing the inside of Hanqs’ new store. Fox a safe "and; certain remedy for ferer and ague’ use Dr S H McLean’s ChiTIs and Fever Cure, it is warranted to cure. No need to take those bigcalhartio pills; one of Dr, J. H McLean’s Liver and Kid¬ ney Fillets is quite sufficient and more agreeable. It is said (hat Mr. James Wright has the most forward watermelon crop in the county. It is said that ho has lots of young melons Mrs. It, D. Smith who has boeii visiting relatives iu the Central City {returned home yesterday accompanied by her sister, Miss Minnie Persons. Ik health and life arc worlh anything, and you are feeling out of sorts and - tired out, tone up your system by taking Dr. J. H. McLean’s Sarsaparilla. Mrs. Pierce will receive this week a new Hue of Summer Millinery, the latest styles, beautiful arid cheap Come and see them, it will he to your interest Cut worms have, almost destroyed some garden crops about town, and Captain Jeff McGee reports a ten acre field of cot¬ ton ruined by these posts. S(CK headache, biliousiierS, nausea, costiveness, are promptly and agreeably banished by Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Pillets (little pills.) DIZZINESS, nkurcay drowsiness 1 , dis¬ tress after eating, can be cured aud pro vented by taking Dr, J. H - MaLean’sLiver and Kidney Pilletf (little pill!'.) The most-delhtalu constitution can safely ties Dr, J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm. It is a sure remedy fur coughs,loss of voioe, and all throat aud lung troubles. John Smith, the harbor, has opened branch shop at Culh daa, where ho will work on SatOrday*. Oallotleu peop-e wifi be pleased with John’s work, for he is neat and polite. . Faults of. digsation, cauftfi. disorders of : the liver, and the , wholo system becomes deranged. Dr. J. If. Me Leap’s 3,atsapa rdlu perfects the process of digeo'.ion and ssimilation, aud thus makes pure bfotui. The colored people of Knoxville will build a new Methodist church at an early ■day. They respectfullv ask tbo help of tho white people through John Smith, chairman of the building committee. Dcspito the earnest efforts of Professor Power, (ho pupils frequently rob . the flower bods at the cemetery, so it is said. Patrons of the School should all caution their children against committing these depredations on the homes of the dead. Co). W. P. B!atdngam6 and bis ©fetor, Mies Mamie, attended the S. S. celebiation at Ze.bulon on Saturday. * If. L. Fates, a drummer for tho firm of J. itegen8toin & Co of Atlanta was in our town s few day© lost week. KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA, MAY „ i0 1889 Price $1 Per Ajuiu..i. - Cray fold County’s Organ. A klorsc'thlcf ©hot. On Tuesday morning this community was thrown into a state of excitement upon learning that the stranger who traded a fine horse and bu«gy property, to W; H. Dent, had traded stolen had been shot, Tl\p captured and brought back to town. boXlulc intMi of new-* went to Mr ti,o Drni’i and in one of boot rooms he found a tall, strongly built and rather nice-looking -.young man who-had afresh wound on the cheek. He seemed disposed to talk, and between p uffs at his cigar, he assisted Mr. Him Hollis in telling the following : J, T. Brown, the prisoner, hired a horse on Monday of ill-. Gilbert Davis at Ma con, gaying his name was Adams aud that he wished to go to a picnic near the city Ho drove straight to Knoxville and traded horse and buggy to W, H. Dent for a pony and road cart,"Mr. Dent paying $25, as boot. Brown inmied o9 towards the river immediately after trading This-excited suspicions smd ho telegraphed to Macon to find out if any* livery-man was minus a horse and buggy. The answer affirmed his suspicions find he set out in company with James F, Hollis to overtake the horse thief. Late in the night they tracked him to the house of Mr. John Pei j t iss. iloliis was stationed at the window ol the room occupied by 1 tho adventurer armed with a shot gun. Dent, went into tho hall with young Perkins and started to operi the door. Brown jerked the door wide open and raised a long knife ai if to cut down the two men who obstructed liis passage, when bang 1 went Dent’s revol yer, and the young man reeled hack ward from a wound which was made in hie cheek. The lamp light showed that the bullet had entered . hi* jfaco and made exit throjjgh the back of liis neck. j Brown was then brought back and plac ed in jail at this place. He was arrested on » warrant charging him with cheating and swindling and anoiber charging him with larceny. , Brown say that if Dent had not shot him ho would have killed Dent with bis knife. He owns up promptly to having hired the horse for the^pnrpose of stealing him but says he was dniri^ or be would never ^ave done such a thing. - He had a valice when he loft town with the horse for which he traded,. Ibut-he. did not bring it back with him. He fcks told several tales about the valise, aud some have suspicions that there were burglars' tools concealed in it. Brown claims to hail from Russel coun¬ ty Alabama, near Columbus Ga. His Wound seems to be healing rapidly, though it was made by a pistol of 44 calibre. “INDIAN WEED i Female Medicine) has proved'a great blessing to the weak,deli¬ cate, over-worked women of our large cities for it is that all who use it koep robust and healthy. - - Oilr Skafiy. Our baby when two months old, was at¬ tacked with Scrofula, which for a long time bestroyen her eyesight entirely, and caused ns to despair of her life. The doctors sailed to relieve her, and fife gave & S. S. which soon ciued her entirely, and she is now hale and hearty. E V DELE. Will’s Point, Tex. CALL ON. r. J. S. MCGEE At,Ceres or MeE'murray’s old stand For Fine Whiskies; Bran jy, Rum and Gin and general Gro¬ prices. ceries., Everything at Macon Tho White is King . OVER 7000 . 000 , Now To Hsr. •. c - P| |j j j jj 54 i V w W ,r GeiUltmulu, do you want to ff'ease your Wives? Ladies do you desire to lighten yourlafcors ? Dealers do you wish to satisfy your cus¬ tomers? If so, Buy THE WHITE. The one and only verdict of the people at large is that tho White fills tbo bill in ev¬ ery respect. )Ve Know y.-ij Want The Best. A Golden Opportunity For Dealers. ADDRESS, .White Sewing Madhinj Co., Cleveland 0 Veres Callings. gfWe are glad to see Mr. H. F. Sanders improving after a severe illness Corn is looking well at this time. are heading out very low in this neigh ^rhood. Someot our farmers are in K thfc >r cotton ever, as they failed to get * *tand Irom the first planting, on account of having no rain recently. A good pect for a large fruit crop in.these parts. Mis. Saliie Smith, a fascinating young lady of' “Cedar Hill, was in our town «’«*k ▼ieitin? tho family of Mr. Moore. The surveying corps of the MacoD & Birminghctr. K. R. was in town Iasi week. Farmers in this section ere well up with tbcil ' work - We have the beet school and by far the best teacher this place has ever had. flora© of onr boys had a hope . old at *he festival at Knoxville Friday uight. The justice court of this district is now held at the station. Mis© Sailie Williams is teaching a mu S ’*C.class hero. ^ r ' T. , .Tacksop, tt.popular drummer representing Braunan Bros, of Atlanta, was very much surprised last week to find * ,ettcr for him in Knoxville which had been opened through mistake by Mr.T. W. Jackson f(, om our town. The former J^bson says; “aud it was a slick letter from my too.” Watchman. ----- , Sa "® y 1 is.fungi Tho farmers of this section seem to w«H up with their work. Many aro plow their corn which is looking well for this of year. There has been more cane ted this year than for some time past. Cotton planting is still going on. who planted before the rain will have to plant again to get a good stand. That which was planted before the rain is doing nicely. Oats are growing and look well. From the present indications we will predicta good crop. Mr. II. M McE'murray has the finest patch of oats we have seen anywhere The fruit trees ere full of young fruit. Unless Some unforeseen calamity befalls it fruit will he plentiful ^his year. Garden 4. peas are no rarity with Mrs L. Low man as abo has been eating them foLmore thau a week. Mrs. W. K. ‘Eubanks can justlv claim to tho best garden of this and immediate neighborhood©.- She.has planted her fa mous square of watermelons. Hasten O y e time and bring the watermelon 1 Miss Lon Ellis is at home now after an absence of.some months. She will giv 0 two months vacation, after which she will resume he- school duties. Dr. Yarborough and hii mother return¬ ed homo after a vieit to Miiisdgevilie. Mrs. Willie Yarborough of Macon is vi« iting relatives here. Dave. — Ripples from Sweetwater. Editor Kiioxville Jotirnai;—I will on deavor to submit Somo'of the news of this quiet little settlement to the readers of yoitr most weleome aud appreciated paper. A lovely and accomplished romi'j lady of this vicinity while looking from her win dew a few evenings ago, was startled by seeing s tremendous dust rising down the road at. the rate c.{ sixty miles an hour. She saw in the dust something shining aud sparkling like tho falling of tho stars, bnt after a closer observation she saw as it as¬ cended the-hiR not fav away, it was neither the'stars falling nor a golden chariot, but a cyclone ot new buggies glittering in the evening sunshine as they were rapidly flying by. ■Miss Pearl Hamlin,daughter o- Mr Yi’m Hamlin is convalescent after a severe at¬ tack of pneumonia. Stem, the champion' sardine eater has been transformed into a large fish, and has escaped to McElmurryV mill pond, and sustains life by preying upon the minnows ar sardines. The young farmer who took Father Time by his hoary looks Will choose tho young lady ofSandv Point not only for his /■■chaperon” bnt for his sweet little com¬ panion to go with him west, where trials and tribulation will be dispersed in that re¬ mote land of bliss and happiness. G. Q Teachers’ Notice An examination of teachers will bo held in Knoxville on tho 29th of May. Ail teachers of public schools are required to bo present. H. F. Sande!-'*, 0. S.0. ST. LOTUS, MO.. Post-Dispalch save “Indian women are proverbially healthy and strong, often marching for day© wiih their babies upon their backs; In fact, they frequently go the day before and after confinement, with their tribes, upon the inarch. Those women acquire this great strenght and power of endurance by nsing a weed that grows in their locality, out of which a medicine is now Iwing made, and kept bv the druggists, under the name IN¬ DIAN WEED (Female Medioino.) Even the most vigorous and hearty people have at titnev a feeltug of weariness ant, lassitude. To dispel this-feeling take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsstparilk; it will impart rigto and vitality. NUMBER 14 THE OLDEN DAYS. --- When Crawford < ’0Ullty wa8 First ” Settled. ___ SOME IDEAS ABOUT RELIGION . - Ma **«** l'oniinw*s Misaorlc “* »U*t«£*C»ntrn.t _ Concerning the views entertained bv the Primitive Baptists of olden days, our contributor, Baker, ssvs: They had hepe for the out aud out sinner but none for members of other denominations. prejudices wore so strong against other de nominations that they did not like to have any intercourse with them. They had three prominent- churches in the county— Salem, Providence and Mount .Parian. The mtuiaters were a hardy race as a gen thing. Some were educated men, roe most of :hem were illiterate. preached for the good of the soul and uot f>e the money. They took whatever congregation gave them and were In waim weather they took off their coats on entering the pulpit. Their were about two hours in length, cr to the end of their powers of people heard and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, were converted, and saved. Could great learning; and pure rhetoric accomplish more 1 Ail honor the hardshell chnrch ! Some ftf the best l!ira y evcr knew were members of °bovch. Of the ministers 1 will mention ,,De i 'V. C. Cleveland. He was a man ouburo Rud feScc-msnt. He wore out his “ fe ilJ l,:e ministry without reward or the do l' s 'hereof, so far as this world concern*!, b «t he found a true and sure reward awaitix.g him in heaven. Of the members I will mention the came of cue, Everett "Walton. He was an cid man w ben I was % child. He had a limiled ''ducation but was the best biblical scholar 1 ever knew. Fe reared a large family in l be region of upper Sweetwater creek, “ ob,e 8on » and d »«8hters. He lived to a great 3ge ; wa * aIw *- vs tree—iwt-hing could t!lr0 ' v him off his rd 'gious equilibrium. acce T ted ©B the dispensations of wdenco 88 coming from God, and bended Sl »broi«sivety to His will. His acta were always consistent, Ins every thought »««!—•» was indeed-without guile.' 1 b ° pe I ,vl!i bopardoued for enlarging ° n the I Ue . ° f th,s good raan ’ but ns he . butob!u walks of 'J“ ^ that m rlbute life !‘ are Say a p!Cper < bas :)e,rs P al , t0 D / B °' am . ' !1 L ”‘ s '^ a ’ a,K - Jo . a J> . testimony W8S W to “ the atld hie Tved of tbaU COrrapfc tl ^ es >, and , the of grace was so deeply implanted in bis j heart, that nothing could cause him to.j swerve from Lio Christian faith and j Christian but I must torn back- to the point 1 started out (o make, lias there beeu any improvement in religious conservatism ? oa Alt men now who belong to any branch of the Christian church and live up to the requirements of their church and the teaching* of the Bible are regard ed a.-, Christians, and that too by the Hardshell church as well as others. Docs not this demonstrate that there has been a great improvement in tho religious world ? The Methodists had been working and they gradually got. a foothold in the established churches and commenced prosper. In the life of a person who ob¬ serves everything that transpires there art* many incidents and coincidents. I will mention one instance where tho desert was made to blossom as the rose, in a religious point of view ; where God planted Word and caused it to grow and using ose man as Ilia instrument, and this man became a Methodist. This happened about forty years ago and th» man I speak of was Vinson Nichols. Ho was neighbor to my father and wn©-living ifctre when I can first remember. He was not a very wicked man, but made no pretensions religion. All at onco he sold his land and moved to the sand hills I wrote of before. and built :i mill on Deep creek. He was iir.prcssfld with the idea that there ought to bo reiigious services in that benighted country where the- sound ot tho Gospel had never .been heard. Many people down there had never heard a sermon or a prayer. He built r.t first a bush arbor and i invited any and alt ministers who would' SisrxwiS aar .': ground. , .. Hanftenvarus , bccattt©eonveitod , joined tho Methodise church, built a good house of worship alniost at his own ami ex- ) pause, organized a sabbath school dirt ; ! »N could have been done to have n firet class church and Sunday school. j All honor aaiTsrss the ! to memory of tbit .man. He wa, latoin beginning hits work but he was faithful alter ho commehetd, and Itehl on* faithful to the end. He is gone, but hi© wovfeft do follow him ! There wero other religions io thexounly • at tbo time Tom P*yn# had his deoeipts,! Voltaire hio, but they did not prosper. of some of the men who were on the stage my next letter f ui< » i • %» «•• UU« Its, As it has beet: seme time since anything has been ( ui lie fromiibis section f ask for it small i-pttoe in the Jott’.NM. write of things gem-rally. . A* to the scbo<i! at this place it is need¬ less for me to say but little, as H is gen eraiiji known to Ite one of the best in ihe county, 'ibs'e as in attendance of sixty pupils, and it bids fair to reach eighty—so much for unity among the patrons. »i , Ot r community has several enterprises in addition to what it has had before, J. 'mubt ^ Wl is ) k * the 14 best sel, thing | n S “ of P nn5 the P kind which ever a » minted, T, F. Mathews and J. T. An drews have made amngemenU for making br '^- <>" a large scale. There is also n famous "cpre-all” being sold in anr coroinuniry. In regard to ita merits I mill .imply refer your readers to air. E, Finney, be having tried the same. Nothing has been heard recently from the ‘ TonC8 tr *P; except that one day re ce,,tl >' u P or ' g° in g to ^e trap with high expectations of taking therefrom Brer' Rilbbit or Brer’ Fcx, when lo and behold f lle found o!d Sutler the famous rabbit dog safel v lod ff ed ia the trap, - Air, Billie Dunn was ahead of anybody , chopping—planted ‘ n Cutton .aid cotton Iu Janu, D' fiafn Hlrjory. Swift’s Specifi is a simple vegetable compound, prepared from root* gathered J r * s b'.v from the forest and contain© noth, v '■' mineral kingdom or any yibivon ous EUi} s4»nca or any article at all which cotr 'f s frots tbe chemist Vibratory, The f ' jnun!a <j{ >be rsmedAwas obtained fr0 “ 1 | b « Creek Indians In Middle Go. by Arable white men, who had witnessed the "'°r.derful cures made by that tribe of Ir - d ‘*, os of blood disease. Mr Hugh L Houston C-> Ga, 1-egan using ‘ S ,vi!t ’ 8 S P ecific ia l s -9 and continued its use lul '“to and asserted that ne had ! ’ fc y e: kcr-vr, ;t to fail to cr.ic any case of tair.t or contagious bleed poi * on - this testimony has been corrohiini-* ’ ed “ Vcrj ’ da 3’ ‘ or year-.. The present Cora - P an ? wa s formed in 1S79 and have since “ ade known to the world the virtures oF ^ w ‘ f V s Specific and to-day it is ©old in ev- 1 Li -y, ' n an.i country store all over America • rreat Butian, and many other portions of the world, I have seen Swifts Specific used 'and kn0WD many cases of tae worst form <>y blood diseases which have been cured by * 1 k ' 10 ^ «>© proprietors to be gentlemen f tha highest type and utmost reliability. 1 rccw ® n “ oca 11 38 a 8 rpat : fl« od remedy une< J aa,le ' J ' r " n T f b’.ng that know of. ■ B Wharton, Pa8tor ^Baptist Ch«ch,Montg.djftry Alai ife^twe-on Biooc i-nd Skin Diseaie© maded free_ ^ Sw ‘ ft Sp8clu< _ L Draivar e, Atlanta, f G«. Twenty 5*»oce» ofRene My little neice, left me by her mother had one of tbs worrt cases of white swell *«? I «»« More than twenty piece© of bone came out of her leg, one piece being about ibe size of the small end of a walk lag case, and nearly three inches lohg. The hole left-by taking these pieces ou‘ was as large as n good sized walnut. She was not able to walk a steo for eight months, and was afterward© compelled fo use crutch©* for neatly a year. The doc , or© said there was no cere, and advised amputation of tile limb. This I would oof. consent to, but pul her m takhm ;3. S. S v leaving off p.1! other treatment It hrtg cured her sound and wall, km! I shall nev* cr grow weaty of speaking its nrafse • ' j >fre Annie Geesling Commons, Ca.. Feb. 11, 18.89 8«iu tL XVRCcr. Swift's Specific has curcd 'a cancer on my face, and has almost made a young mat? of me. Waci-sa, Fla. : T J Teate. A sr-rvar.f has been afflicted,many years ~iih a ounce: on her nose, which resisted treatment. She lias bean entirely Ctt'« ! ’. v Swift's Specific, Thomson, Ga. Jco Hill. . Swift’s Specific has cured my cancer, which was very bad. I ara now in fi 1!0 health —never belter. Have gained 25 pounds sinea I began taking Swift's Spe¬ R S Bradford Tiptonvillc, Term. A young man near this town bad nn c:\tiug cancer on his face, which had de stroyej his nose and was eating towards his eyes. Asa last resort I put him on Swift’s Specific, and it has cured him cu ti rely sound amf weii M F Gi urn'ey' jj D Og-ctttorpc.Ga. . My father had fur rears an ori-n- cancer - ' "■■ ■ growmg Worse iron) rt r-ed eaten awa-his "**'' t,-u h p i , , : rtSt,,i ' . and ,,T ’ "* n, ‘* the surgecu 6al ^ a 'horrible (hath whs roon to come. '- v <- gave him nine bottler, of Swift’s Spe-. ciSo. and he has been entire!*’ enrett. *»»»** *«> ■ Swift’s Specific is entiaoly a rego»ab?c remedy, and ©cams to cure Can m by to 1 fbro. P F 1 V ,c- ‘ lb: ' ,,5J Z . a G f0r0, ■ V oil faac^r arid p^**30* rrailed fr^. THE SWIFT SFLCin.d GO, Drawer 3. Atiaa ta Gi unhealthy dtochiraw, gB-j»a!%irb e"’’ TahtDr.