Newspaper Page Text
Sotlce to Cniitraclnrs.
TiriLLbo lotto the lowest bidder on
tract thollrft for repairing Tuesday bridge in July, known 1889, con¬ af
Avara’s bridge according to following
of jpeoificath old ns : Twfi spans slightly and one bench
stream bridge to be curved up
and to be raised to same height
of did bridge. A new addition -14 feet
long supported by 4 new benches; (iiiij
addition to be connected with the. two
spans aforesaid and to continue the
curve and to lie on a level with the old
part of size bridge. All timbers to be of
same as those in old bridge, and to
be of good heart Juixlber. Also an cm
bank in cut, of Ain and .slabs 210 feet, long
and lb feet wit.a oti ton. I moa.’. hrieot
to he of same height ■ Ini a<
uectlng the emi, ai.dlo lar.:-.- low ., to n-.uglit
Jl ,!e0id oa-i ^Chairman where' it niu-ft -omie-.t K v.ith
We take pleasure in calling the attention ct
mollicvs to a home.cure for all (Ureases of the
stomach and bowels, a medicine so long needed
to carry children safely through the criticaj
stage of TEETIUNP;
U an incalculable Massing to mother ami child.
It is an instant r<lief to colic oi' infants, a die
Case with which they suilfei' s ; umch tho first
four months of tl: oil- life. It giv s sweet rest to
th'c. sick and fretful child, and stvengfteni
ftnd builds rip,the pi,by, weak, gives appetite and
flesh to the coireets drain form tris
(lov.cls, cures filavrl-.Ma and dysentary. A
panacea fejr ohildrcn. Try one hottlo. Ii
costs oa-» Twenty-Five Cents a bottle,
for sale >--• r.
■ HE
I ^ p*4 jgjj S Thousand the United awoLicrDious fchttni raid for Foreiifn patpntr, in
Y coup,
O' n ^ ra tries, Anieric.-m the pnbli.-Riera continue to or act tlie,.s-oien{ido f.s e-'Hoiturs
g KJSij a a for pattnl- ec.vcn.ts, 1 rade-inarics. cony-
CBMBaacS righi'i.c-Rt.. , for the United States, and
|o Qerxjntiy, obtain and putouiH.iu ai! t;4r C'stnr.da, ccjunfi’i&ti Engla-ud, TiiuirExperi¬ Franco,
is o; facilities
ence psbscd. uneiiualcd a::d their are uusur
Drawings and speciFlections jirevarod nr.d Tied
In the Patent OUitui on f.Uovt- notice. Terms very
{reasonable. drawings. IVo cliarge foe exhiDinaticu of uiod-jls
or Advice by uuiii free noticed
in . Patents obtn in--Imuch ’.inn:! A Do. hva
the S€l E.Tt’J m € A ’if llil: i A .v, v hioli has
ihe largest. cmv.l:u: i;> i and is ui • b i hueutial
newspaper of its E.:,’i J.sillisiu-'l ir. Die './orId.
understands. The advanta^ea of such a notice every patentee
This large and sn'fmdi.Hv i.,nD rr-l-ni newspaper
is Admitted published AVK'KDIU V at t. year, r.mi is
to be the bo.»t pp.p?-;* .b-v -teu t.' soience,
mechanics, inventions, online wovua. and
other lished departments of juiRistiiid u,i. pub¬ of
in any country. It- w iv- tlmi • j.vs
all ench patentees and title it of every v i ci \ r”i ion DTt-tnl.piT dollar.
week. Try four moi. Rita f-.-v on a
(5oLd If by all have newsdealers. write to
* yon an irivantten to
Munn A Co., publisiu-vs of Scleatiiiv Americas,
161 Handbook Broadway, New V'orlc mailed fr
about patents eo.
Masé by Harwoad iffy. 60.,
To Replace Broken Cane.
Ko Ary Mechanic body T1IE3I. can needed. apply <§sjt>
Furniture k
. BADL a. ■ \5NsSis35?
la buying new Chairs, ash ter thtoc
Eaewood’b Ecd Leather Fiui l: .‘teats, '
Eerouria! ik&|)of.cni?s Afftctioc.<. Orgacla «?chO cifk-iti;-,; oucrriitoD, SrphlHCo ehic
Iwaedics. DcfonuUics Trrruc-i. tri’/ULieut; C-M for aa^i list
faeeCionBto by or vriic
be answerer! ci?,o'o 'livinup fr;*r.Hu‘er.tby
t/Per-moM sn&rimsfVost rtrjvf-ur?- s-t.r.Hi*: a t* Jhalr ajnrc>;
(can* KiiJnPliiiuylo I;: ,;. ; .-> 2 P. 2>i.; not a
4d(!t’Cs3 T)p. C. L, P-v-s’t <s;si! I : hrslc!*tt 5a
Wei. & Sam IuKfirutc. Flit* S.vmsfr O.. lit. hanix,
. fcccaaioLfu Hiv BuitVDiJiiCiiiiuy £stab!is!ied SC
H i
tfmnfMi “
, //<-.—My darling, you look irresistibly
lovely to-night!
She .—Do I ? Thanks very much! you
a't’e*handsome as a Prince, Cliailuy, in your
dress suit.
He .—Give the credit to the Diamond
Shirt, my love, which I wear for the first
timA to-night; it is that which gives tone
to my toilette. Here is its prototype (slip
ping the Diamond engagement ring on
ht r finger).
She. —May our love be as enduring ai
the fame of
“ The Diamond Shirt.’
; W
-if your dealer does not lu-cp it, sepd his ad-ires’.
^.Daniel Md, Miller § (^9., sst(!layout ' 4 iaif'rs H.-Uli
t 7£$09i
U. V
T( 1 tU 1 ’ V ‘' . ' -\ttx \ f T) U Pi 5 no M I N'l Y
‘ 1 "
vVhat HieJWo are Doing ami,
i tukiiig About,
Society News unci S'eigtibor*
boot! liotes -i'ersutial
Blackberries and plums are plentiful.
Bedbugs ditto.
The first poaches haven’t come in yet.
Who i3 ahead?
Bring year chickens to Wright & Allen.
Call cm J, il. Nolan for photographs
and fc-holypes,
Mr. Frank Wright made a living trip to
Macou on Tuesday.
M. B. Riviere visited Thomaston and
Barncsville yesterday.
Profepsor Power will give his school ex
liibiiioh oil tlio 28lh of June.
Highest market price paid by Wright &
Allen for chickens of all sizes.
It is probable that Mrs. Ilolt will lose
tier position as postmticier here.
Mrs. Eva Power has relumed ftom a
visit of a few wc-eks to Monticollo.
Miss Nellie Jones, of Mar*m, is visiting
her uncle, Dr. Jones, of Knoxville.
J. II. Nolan is conducting the picture
business which was recently managed by
Lasseter Satisfaction given'.
Some of the merchants here lik'd such a
good custom on Saturday that they had,lo
keep their stores open until 12 o’clock at
Miss Alice Williams, Mr. J; B, Wood,
Mr. J. .J. Williams, Mr. J. B. Wing and
Miss Josio Will'ams, all of Gajllard, are
in town.
Foi a safe and certain remedy’ for fever
and ague* Use Dr J 11 McLean’s Chills
and Fever Cure, it is warranted to cure.
Mi-. II. A. McCarthy, 8. prominent and
successful farmer of the southern 'portion
of the county, cfctme in to see us the other
•lay and gave the Editor a lift onthe score
ol renewing his subscriptioff.
Messrs.' \V~Y. Carr and J. life-Oiiem’s,
near Fort Yalley, wore in town several
A new lot of goods from Louisville, I\y.
at Mrs. Bierce’s at very lowest pnieS. And
llon ' t Corget the first day of June for rare
Bargains iu Millinery, Laces Collars and
Mrs. E. 0. Danielly invites the public
t-> call at her store when in need V.f tasty
and fashionable millinery, rilie occupies the
stand where Danielly & Blasingame're
cei.tly opened a store.
'ITnit an overcoat was centfo: table on
the first dav of J unc is sutuatbing remark
able. Brohnblv the oldest man in ihe
e')vu try ROY rr kliii'V I ii!-i Ritiil t,:'
w- a’.iier in Cat iltu M\n:e time he
Thin paper will ha sent six months to
the one who first brings us a peck of ripe
peaches grown in Crawford county.
Our people' are anxious to hear news
from tlio \V< o!folk frmT a’t I’erry. Here is
all you can learn bv reading about four
c ,,umns ' n a <lilil Y r«i ,cr - Wool folk is
being tried at Berry.
Col. Ben Sawyer, of Lexington', Ky.,
who has been hero this week visiting his
lu-other who died, is tin; the last one. lelt
of a family of seventeen. None of the
family except his parents lived to be old.
The first man ‘who brings us a ripe and
good watermelon will receive a subscrip
tiou to tlio Jouukai, for six months,-pro
vi,l«l ,1,0 i, ,„ua i„ tl,is:co,,nly.
Tomorrow the people will meet *< <3
clean up the cemetery and church grounds,
in order to be ready for the Sunday school
convention. Tho work cannot l-.o done in
one day, and anymi'e Who tviil volunteer
to help on Monday will confer a favor
upon the a-.'inmuiiity.
Even the most vigorous and hearty
people have at times To dispel a fecliiig of weariness
and lassitude. this feeling take
Dr. J. 11. McLean’s Mar.-apariHa; it will
impait vigro and vitality.
John Smith, the harbor, has opened A
branch shop at Cu'.lodou, where, ho will
work on Saturdays. Culloden people will
be pleased with John’s work, for he is neat
and polite.
Old man Brown, whoso son is in jail,
has been here again this week. The eld
man has been away from home about four
weeks, and does nothing hut travel hack
and forth and beg tho ollic- rs and these
who suffered by his son's crime to tarn
tho young man loose. The poor old man
lias become childish, and mjvor»ceascs to
pray these parties to set his son free, al
though thuy have told' hi hi time and again
that they arc entirely unable to aitl'l'lni.
Price $L Per Aunu Craw foni Coutity’s Organ
Kited t!ac <lo. CcniiKisstoiicvti
Sheri!!' Hartley is suing tit C '■ -its
sioners of Hoads and Revenues for j ay for
certain services.
lie claims (hat the law allows him $2
per day for attending Ordinary’s co-.irt.
Previously the Ordinary’s court has
been conducted without tho aid of sheriff
or other officer than the court himself, and
the Com issiouers claim that they ought
not to pay an officer for opening and clos¬
ing the Ordinary’s court.
Releasi d fioui
J. If. Holt, tlio man who was j tiled on
a wai rant charging him with cruelty to
his wife, was turned out on Sunday. IIis
father and Mr. Troutman, of Fort Valley
made the bond.
Holt is a shoemaker and lives at Fort
i’all i’es n t*. :4. i;eisYei:lion.
Believing that a thorough organization
of ail the Sunday schools ol this county
into an association regardless of denomi¬
national lines, under the auspices of the
State S S Association, will promote the
interest of Sunday schools, and result in
great good to liit- cause generally in our
county, we take the liberty of issuing this
call for a convention to be held at Knox¬
ville on Saturday, the 15th of June, fo>- the
purpose of organizing the Gra'JfToftl’cwmty
Sunday School Association. Program
be published next week.
W, L. Cautiui, Prof. Bower,
W. P. Ill. A SIX O A XI U, A. P, Sm.LEKS,
J. W. Jack. .
ESr. S., Sawjer Dead.
On WedncK'day evening Doctor Sawyer
brea’llied his .hist, after suttering unceas¬
ingly for about two months, lie died
from the effects of a cancerous growth in
the abd-nnSn.
DA. Sawyer was one of tho most prom¬
inent men in the county, although poor in
in this world's goods, and lie probably
had more friends than anyone in this part
of the county.
lln held tho office of Opd-tfary four years,
and would most likely have been a member
of the present Legislature, had he not
withdrawn from the race for the benefit
of iiis friends.
Dr. SSwver became a F and A. Mason
several years ago. lie wa-.i also a member
of the Farmers’ Alliance,' and was buried,
w'ifh Alliance honors at the Hancock cem¬
etery at Sandy Point,
lie was nearly thirty-six years old, and
died resigned to tifo will of his- Maker,
lie leaves a wife and six children.
KICK headache, biliousness, nausea,
costiven’ess, afe promptly and agreeably
banished by Dr. J. II. McLean’s Liv.-.r
aml Kidney Billets (little pills.)
4>tis- £*:!5>y.
0ur baby when two months old, was at¬
tacked with Sero.V.hi, which for alof/gti
Iiestroyen her eyesight entirely, aiid^ifnsed
u.s to her life. Tho -tors sailed
; , r.uh’.vc h-' •. B. S. Yvhieh
.ior! her eii i t. ’ • tv
Will's I'niiiL Tex.
*■ CA L L 0 N
J. s. M O' E
^ m MelClnnm ay’s oid'stffml
^ ^ ^ H10 \\ x i l'.'U 1J V ?
1x11111 £111(1 Gin trill! g’( ilGl’tU GlC
eeriea; Everytliing at Macon
TKo Wliifro is King.
o visit
7000.000 Now In Use.
ffflpWr w.M-^ mlP rt>
•'!' •.;<-(-.Ai
... -1
' T... .
Geutlcmon, do you want to please your
Ladies do you desire to lighten your labors ?
Dealers do you wish to satisfy your cus¬
tomers ?
The one and only verdict of the people at
largo is that the White fills the bill in cv
cry respect.
'Vo Know Volt Want The Best.
A Golden Opportunity For Dealers.
While Sewing M idbiu6 Co.,' Cleveland <3
Wan-iBi- itoSsl
... Mo have , ... h,ul . .■ I be- eday ..
n:;o rmns since
of unit week. Sit,ing u; potatoes is the
order of the day. Crops have come out
wonderfully since the rain ;• corn is
finely and cotton has come up well.
There are but two formers near here
" 10 have good e ttou crops. Mr. Leith
Sanders and Mr. 0. M. Newberry are the
men who have {lie line crops, and they
arc both wide Awake farmers and live at
home and board at the same place.
Sonic good brother, has advised the
farmers who failed to make a goo I oat
crop, to plant- cahc tor forage, but if you
will set out a large potato patch it won’t
be any disadvatago. You cannot raise
anything that is better lor fattening !mgs.
.Hvy shoiiiil bo cooked Mid the hogs will
eat them in preference * toltuv other food,
Tt ini. „ ,v. Watson Burnett ,, has joined the
ul ‘cn 0 v (.ti «i two-iiou., ..agon “"’f to T ivecp !*i it
out of the mud.
We* will !,ave Rev. Asliht-1 Spillers
with us at the new ■ hapcl next Sunday.
We have a nourishing Kabbalh selfual at
the uijiv chapel, nunilitflag about sixty
schvhirs. Some peqJe think that the
Wp.rnor is a bad place, but they arc 'mis¬
taken. We have more preaching anil
more Sunday’ schools than any country
district in Bibb county’, and we havens
many good people. But we have some
like you will find in any' community, not
Yri to live in a civilized countiv.
1 will close by asking my brother Al
liaiicemen to come to Walden on the 28th
to Hiit-r 1’reoident Livingston make a
speech. I'i.tkk CoL'fliB,
E B 2ain SB ©J*y.
. Swift’s Bjieeifi is a simple vegetable,
compound, prepared 'from roots gathered
freshly from tire forest and contains noth
iug_of the mineral kingdom or any poison¬
ous substance or any article at all which
conics from the chemist’s J^braiory.
Ihe formula of tlio remedy'was obtained
from the Creek Indians in Middle Ga. by
reliable white men, who had witnessed the
wonderful cures made by that tribe of
Indians of Wood disease. Mr Hugh L
Dennaid ol Houston;Co Ga, began using
K.vilt’s Specific in 1829 and continued its
use all his life and asserted that no had
nevei known it to fail to cure any cam!-of
sggfula blgod taint or contagious hlocd poi¬
son. This testimony lias been coivobara
ledi every day for years. The present Com¬
pany was formed fa 1 STD and have since
made known to tjio world the virturcs of
Swift’s Specific and to-day it is sold in cv
ery c-ity, town and country store ail oyer
America Great' Britian, and many c.llicr
portions of the world.
I have seen Swift’s Specific used end
known of many eases of the w jrst form
of blood diseases which have been cured by
it I know the’’proprietors to he gentlemen
(if t!?e highest typo and utmost reliability,
I feccnmmcml ii as a great blood remedy
hv anything: that l know of.
M B IVlnirton
l’astor 1st Baptist .Clinch, Montgomery Ala.
•itrieu7nN'^s« sjWife "
What is the Swift dimpany ?
W ho c«.-..-.rsa the org-vriMtii-n ? Is it a
clap-trap patent ihldieme humbug, gotten j
up to deceive and make money out ol the I
people? These questions we think are
by. the officials' and eifHcmi of
oti? city emit State.
Atlanta, , n Ga, v Nov. 10 .... 1888.
. \> v o v know the gontietnon coinpnsip^ the
c owilt ...... iSpcciiic ... ,, CnniP'UiY* r I ,. r h»*v are prom
J ‘
inetit . . - State, .
citizens ol our men ol mcaans
and , of f .. High , character , , and Mundmg.
W A Hemphill, l’res. Capital City Bank
J II Borter, Bros. Merchants’ Bank.
Pail 1 .' Rcmiare, Viee-l’res. N"at Bank.
L J Hill, Bros. Gate City Nat. Bank.
.Jno B Gordon, Uov. of Georgia. I
Alfred 11 Colquile, U S Senator. j
.1 lCooi'cr, Mayor of Atlanta i
I think Swift's Specific is the best Mood
letnedy in llio world. I have known it to
make some wonderful cures of patients
v lm were considered incimrido.
D M G i ay son, Cromvitle, La.
Treatise on Blood and Skiff Diseases
mailed (roe.
Thu Swift Specific Go;
Drawer S',Atlanta, Ga.
Col. Loyd Moore, of Macon, accompa¬
nied by bis bride, spent a day or two in
burg this week.
Tlio many friends of Mr. J. II, llay,
of Macon will be glad to learn lliat ho
of the many good citizens whom Craw fowl
county has given to Macou. The bride
was Miss Ida WHbournc.
•eiljaiMn\>oo3 '.'titoipaui Hi uaranp i;b /-(
Ptog u aAjXpuu 'noX ojiio ;£
’nun.ixiH xotn Iiusuoa v.A’uo;;;r
Saji|jou 4ij, -Autmop SI11 noA
Whoik .iqj i«ioS' -}uo iijom uu nav j#
uavu naox ai
N euralgic Persons
And those troubled with nervousness rcsultinj
from core or overwork will bo relieved by Ukifig
Brown?.-, Iron Bitters, oenutno
has trade marklmd croasotl red tines on wrapper.
Many Persons
Are broken down ffijmioverwork or household
caros nro Wi )-,s iron Bitters
Apbeilds (he sv-te-i). »: : .i ■i, p-l i.n-, rel.vivef ex
cikis of biltf, ausTeunt amlarix. tKt gouuiah
Soles fur lariucrs.
CuLLodkn, June 3, 1&89*-W« . have
had a glorious rain, and all things seem
cheerful in these parts just now;
the vigil’s are too cold for cotton. Far
mere are well up with their crops, and
considering the- drohtli they have just
passed through,, are looking very well.
Oats are very light—some places a failure,
Spring oats can’t stand a May
we must get a kind that can, or we had
um ’ heat r fields a w'“ nave ” U ‘^-vT become r,0B so small ° iU bus and ‘™* . s "
far between that the whistle of the travel
bug thresh has ceased to send forth its
cherry sound In years gone by our eyes
w*rcr made glad each returning June to
look upon broad fields ,.f llns gulden grain,
but now in.-te.i-l the plow and the hoe
getting in tVe-.r ch t'-.e 1 ’ work ^or*. ne'tiri" ry u ‘"«> our °i lr
soil at the increv of every rain storm: or
i*"**,-' hr**W w **■»• *•
mints to the sun’s absorbing and
rays- The cotton’s pnnv limbs ami leaves
too amnh to needed .
are give tne htna its
shade, and its mots too weak to check
washing rains. Is there any wisdom in
thus giving ii.,D. L,n uftlte rains and heat the soil
mi pithpis f. .u.t , us o . v,- A.-e i Maine, i and , justly .
toop-oiir fathers and slavery for dc-vastat
ing this once fair land, for they spared
neither forests nor soil.
Are , we doing , . any better? Are wo not .
cont ■■ mm ■ njyGte same destructive , , mclhods , . „ ?
. . ,, A , t;„™ ,. at ,
build us mouumeuts, 1 hope they will
burn us in effigy.
I was in your town a few days ago and
was glad to observe cheerful smiles on
face:; of your business men, for 1 know
such smiles are horn only of business stic
cess. You ought to push tho suggestion
thrown oitf in ycur last issue about clean¬
ing up your side walks. There is no clis
puling the fact that dog tunnel has got
yom-town. It seems a little odd to one
going from a town whose streets are kept.
smooth by (lie treag of business, to see the
eriizons cf Crawford’s capital, young
n,!(1 ,iel,ra .. following each
other in single file along the narrow trail
around the piihlic square. }*mer.n no of
tenso I only mean it ooesn t lqAMigni
li T,.r-.T TfbgreSsfyc. i b og mjpiK
While tnere I met up- with one of yonr
best Mr. J. f. Champion. He
told me he ?ia 1 carriedJ.a load of home
raised wheat to mill that day. and would
commence cutting the new crop next day.
So you sec- he made both ends meet, and
he generally docs that with all his crops.
1 fcuw v.-fiereol 1 speak. He has brought
a place, once run down and almost barren
of everything both soil and improvements,
np to J' ioIdiD S ahundant crops, and in ad
dlt,0 n t0 a comfi.rtable residence but re
ntly , Co,11 T !ell d 8nd P-^^ted, ho has
lmrB s for h:s « ra,n - b - ir »* for •»» Cil!tk ‘
botU 1! l,!t s aud c:lttIc > comfortable j
mill for etc. 1,is . In ,cna,lt short, -S a he ?ood ins ginnery, well j
a j
T u 'l'l'cd southern farm and home, all j
“f' 1 "’’ 101 ’ in a few years by steady per-|
’ n( 800,1 n,ani,goment - Tiiis i# not in *l j
0 * 1 *** 1>! f f°‘' M ‘-p-- h ^ b >es n ’t
' j U ‘‘ f "'' notor ! oty ~ b K- I ilo think
“ flt .‘'n , "“““f
l °, UI> RS beacon W l!s *» a bn<1 ]
" h 7 1 1"® ^ 80 1
others to success,
While ris ,
iu your town several of wore
up by Crawford’s champion
, , teller, . ,, , Mr. r 1;, . S. »\ actor. 1 learn
,, , all opposition ... tu . his , . cl« , has ,
i ms van
» , and , , lie ,. the hc.t , . with much
j. .. Even John r . ^ S.—Ins . . lieretotore
i )borll aad 8 „ ccrss r u | rival -has piolded
, mlm aod r ,, tirml frmn tll0 ( id , L M I
CY-'ty 4 TAYLOR’S ^0£7S CG* np£R ’
fS?! $
mm&s; mm | HBk sMh
5S V:
! Cb'S o,\TEirfSRWMIl-t
(Krasa Mnrticn this Chaiubersburg. Po.
tteppsi %'SBiuu Dscii
Iiifo Idxporionoo. Rorcar 3 £u,bl 9 and
W»nn» cures. for sealed Trial particular;'.. Packages, Send
^TAKD Addvoea
0^ & CO, LcMis^na, Wet
N 0 T I C E !
Notice is hereby given that St the
journo,! session of the lieghilatiiib which"
will meet on the first Wednesday in July
nexi, a hill will ho introduced to
for Tax Assessors for Crawford county.
May,31st last).
Ir liealtb ohd life arc worth anyth'ng
I and yob arc feeling out of soits and tired
out, lone up your system by taking Dr. J;
II. Tylci can’s Sarsaparilla.
“INMAN WEED (Female Medicine) lr.s
proved a great blessing to the wcak.deli- clue*
cate, over-worked women of our large
f pr it is that all who use it kaep robust and
ST. ‘ LOUIS, MO., Post-Dispatch snvs
' . ‘Indian women are proverbially hcaliliy
thehlS , , np“ ,, Xir" , In foot*
they frequently go the day before and after
confinement, with their tribes, upon the
niarc h- These women acquire this great
str enght and power of endurance by using
a weed that grows in 1 heir locality, out of
which a medicine is now being made, and
kept hv the druggists, under tho name IN¬
DIA X WEED (Female Medicine.)
Q ^VforeThcTourt'liouse^oiif ,
within Hi
Knoxville, Georgia, the legal
irroI" following 6 jmqmrty'to^vit'.- 'hot
of land tho, number 21*6 in the first district of
county, containing Uqustou, 202J now Crawford
less. Levied the “ acres, more or.
SSfc %St&28SiRi on as property of tho
"STSi, a
favor of K. P. »n;l L. I). Moore against
U- C. ; .White, deceased, administrator issued from of K. the lb
Crawford county court; one in favor of
•{• M". l-troml and one other iu favor, 'de- of
f-easut, and issued from JusUee court of
494'h District, G. JI-, and winch are now
], Tenants y j,( ;tm i controlled by George W. White,!,
in possession notified. Terms
^B-' A.'l(ARTILEY, I™..;-—. Sheriff
DlZ/.iAthoo, nausea, drowsiness, dis
tress . after ... eating, he cured and
can pra- l
vente,: , ■ by , taking , Dr-. J. , T1 II-MaLeau’sLiver , T T , T .
'Ihe most delicate constitution can safely
l; es Dr, J. II. McLean's Tar Wine Lung
L dm. It is a sure remedy for coughs, loss
: Vtl ioc, and all throat and lung troubles,
Txvenjy I»icces ot SJoue.
My little ncice, left me by her moth cr
had one of the worst cases of white swell
ing I ever saw. More than twenty pieces
of bone came out oi her leg, one piece he'u’g
about the size of the small end of a walk
ing cane, and nearly three inches long.’
The Lolc left bv taking these pieces ou
waS as large as a good sized walnut. She
was not able to walk a step for eWht
months, and was afterwards compelled “to
UJt . c ; 0{ch<?s for ncady a year . The d(Jc .'
oft said tficre was no cure, and advised
amputation of the limb.. This I would not
consent to, but put her to taking (S. S. S.)'
leaving ell all other treatment. . It .has
QtirciJ her sound and weR; aauW’sball uev
er grow weary of speaking its praise.
Mrs. Annie Getaling.
Columbus, Ga., Feb. 11, 1889.
Ssdn Cancer,
Swift's Specific has cured a cancer y
ou my
(*<*, «ud has almost made a young man
Uact-ra, Fh. T J Teato.
A servant has been afflicted many years’
with a cancer on her nose, which resisted
all treatment. She has been entirely Clir
ed Gy Swift's .Specific; •
Thomson, Ga. Jno Hill,
Swift’s Specific has cured my cancer,'
' vb |eli was very bad. I am now in fine
better. Have gained 25
pounds since I begau taking Swift’s Spo
. U S Bradford.
TiptonviHo, Term.
A ^ tIiIS ,
M * a nfc5r iowrl ™
cancer on his face, which had do-’
his nose and was eating towards
i:is eyes. As a ‘last resort I put him on
Swift’s Specific, and it has cured him en¬
tile!/,- sound and well.
31 F Crumley* 31 D Oglethorpe,Ga.
, h r !atbcr , , , 1,9,1 , .
>' hr Y™*™ erting.cancer
bis under lip, which had been gradually
worse until it had eaten a wav his.
down to the and was
nl1 Ibe inside of his cheek, and the surgeon
said a horiible death was soon to come.
We gave, him nine bottles of Swift’s Spe
cifie, and he 1,as Icon entirely cured.
Swift’s .Kj-.eeific is entiaely a vegotabla
remedy, and seems to cure Cancer by forc¬
ing the poison out of the system through!
the sore. Send for hook on Cancer and'
blood poison, mailed free..
Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga.'
Pimples,blotches, scaly skin, ugly spMs
s -res and ulcers, abscesses and tumors,'
unhealthy discharges, such as catarrh, ec¬
zema. ringwo ni, oilier forms of skin dis¬
eases, aie symptoms of blood impurity
lakeDr. .1.11 McLean’s Sarsaparilla.
No need to take those bigi ntbartic pills;'
one ol l)r. J. II McLean’s Liver and Kid
m-y Billets is quite sufficient and mow
Faults of digestion cause disorders of
the fiver, and the whole system becomes
deranged. Dr. J. II. McLean's Savsapa
rdlc perfects the process of digeotion and'
ssiimlatiou, and thus makes pure blood.
Dm W;>t, W. BLACK,
Offers his services to tlio people of'
Knoxville and surrounding country. He'
lias come to stay.
Wrapping paper for sale at 4c a po" 9 ^
a'- the priiitin^- clllec,'