The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, July 20, 1889, Image 1

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■y, /TJEOlMiiA, pralsers appointed Crawford to county:— .set apart Ap- and Assign to Sirs. SI 1. Sawyer a year’s sun JWt have made their return: i ills' is t therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, before me on or before the first Monday in August next, why t-ueir return sliould hot be made the Judgment of the court of Ordi¬ nary. Given under my hand and official signature this, July 2 nd;, ltwg. O. P . VUilGIiT, ORDINARY. __ GEORGI A, Crawford County—To all concerned: IV. M. Taylor, administra¬ tor of Rufus Carlor, deceased,'.has in due -orin belonging applied to the for estate leave of to sell the lands ibis said deceased : is therefore to cite ail parties con¬ cerned tp show cause, if any they have, before me on the first Monday in August, next, bo'granted why said application should not my hand and as prayed for. Given under This official signature. July 2nd, 1889. O. P. VVRIGIIT, Ordinary. HOME COUNCIL, We take pleasure in calling the attention of mothers to a home cure for all diseases of tlie Stomach and bowels, a medicine so long needed to carry children safety through the critic*.] stage of TEETHING. PITTS’ C AR. 11 NATIVE, Is an Incalculable blessing to mother and child. It is an instant relief to colic of infants, a dis¬ ease with which they ee' er so much the first four months of their life. It gives sweet rest to tho sick and fretful child, and etrengfeenr and builds np tho weak, gives appetite and flesh to tho puny, corrects drain form the bowels, cures diarrhea and dysentery. A panacea -or children. Try' bottle. It costs osrf- Twority-Eive Cents abcttlc, Vor *tlo * r ' rr.'-' ifgPfftfll 1 *~fl jSg jy| tho Thousand United applications ►Unit's and for Fwi-ai p.Tt-euts conn- in Dj tries, tho publishers of tho ttcientiRo * American ee-utinao to act as solicitors ior patents, c.wonts, the United trade-inarke, Stat copy¬ and right.'.; ere., for es, to obtain patents in Canaria, England, France, Germany, is uneuualed and all other and their countries facilities Their evpori \ Cnee aro uusnr \ passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed ; !n the Patent Office ca short notice. Terms very roasonablo. No charge ior examination oi models or Patents drcwi'nga. obtained Advice by inaii >r<. Vo. noticed ■ r firenui' A! nun A nro the-lajgost inthe S«3IBST* F'K! A j.V V -K'.s h, inriuential which }uu* circnlatio i and isf Do m< ; >L newspaper of its ! iml puiMh-Lod in tho world, Tho advantages of each a notice every patentee • This } and PT)’.rr>' , i<V.v i?. *!«*▼** od rowspapor 5s published W'FhTK.hY c.t ck' o h 1.00 '.00 n- ii year, yiJ nut is admitted to be tbe •sc jutr'er u*. v-m to snecnamcs, mechanics, inventic: m i r, fi'iU’.GVoriH g worses, A other lislied gepartmcnbis in any country, 0.1 i indiv.v; v-uk-.-.v. if- oontnins lai ,v.\ j j.-vu. ih let gross. llltlT 4 oil patentees arrdtitlo f ove.-yii: .'ertfio < each week. Try it fou r mo Bold by all newsdea’ers. patent- write to If yon have an i i iuvenUeu to Munn & & Co., publishers hlishttvs of SoleotiRe AiuericM^ HARWOOD’S Made by Harwood M’f’g. 00., EGSTOI‘L 13' {Ur‘fl‘jm Wan} a“ : £53.13: 43-5691: 23% _ ' Lip?“ "r . (Kh‘j'fil’jztr :rmmsu' 6 , . ,u_ “am"; huff“ i 3») ,> A . L4" Q may “1' v 3" Wiffiififéh _‘«‘T4 41% a‘th- 5”»fi‘vfitfv'féw. (LIA-~19» «1‘ ms. .3" «’ «ML-3,812. :V-‘x, ‘3}?th », ”inf 3.13“”;5’ '-“"":‘.'>."»I:':3r “21?." ”a .9”, .47 ”a; fie Tarfi'fly‘r’fli-i V‘.‘;.f:$’;«-V-,.-q 532%» =5“ “Mil 2 L 7f ""w-m 4;§.»r;1;;§1.z;:~: .2593» 2,1344;- 5.1g. "XW' *n-W’y! .gsr ~ wrvrwwz! $1,429.; .v wjf ". "a“? 5“» .P“ f L» >33 WANTED [N EVERY FAMILY To Replace Brolren Cane, ffE-SEAT Y0UB CHAIRS. Anybody "can apply vjfVft ■§ * ' THE3I. No Kechanic needed. SOIL® BY Famitnre & VB 0 (a Hardware TRAI5RS. In baying now Cbcii3, ask for those with Harwood’s Ked Leather Pinish Seats. THE PROPOSAli .MWi Wl k t r u A m mm W lovely He .—My darling, you look irresistibly to-night 1 She .—Do 1 ? Thanks very much! you are handsome as a Prince, Charley, in your dress suit. He .—Give the credit to the Diamond Shirt,' my love, which I wear for the first time to-night; toilette. it is that which give3 tone to my Here is its prototype (slip ping her finger). tlie Diamond engagement ring on She .—May our love be as enduring at the fame of “ The Diamond Shirt. Tableau. ■ wamsutta 2I00LINFTN. mWBf wm SP iftou ^ a IT your dealer does not keep it, sead his addres* iti Ooaicl Miller tk (Jo., sole maatife- turers, Halti jdirc, Ud Affeeilouff. OrgonJa *r*rtknoH3, UanoniitdK, StyplMMe am! Doionniuod isciitnti-C'Ueatiuentt "ruittiJ. Ceil safe aihI IF', r.irj io ha d 'TeMrijiR or write for oi aTsswca ay • !ia«a treatment by mail euffoiriuefrou! fii;pinr*'«><tun!tf scad their address,!> ieusa eometfainx to their j. 11 !,< not a truss. t'ii , h. AUGU,arid PhjsIUan fa fttwn . r. . ■ . , t wer • • - .. L . AGENTS WANTED. TIE MOXYILLE JOURNAL. VOLUME II. TOWN AND COUNTY. What the People are Doing and Talking About. THE TIMES IN CRAWFORD Secieiy ■’tews and Ei«o<3 jHotes—Personal Jirstion. Mr Oliver Bateman, of Byron, was in our town this week. Miss Lena Jack spent several days this week in Zebuloa. Mr. J. B, Wilson, of Macon, spent last Sabbath cea>- Knox wile. Mr. John \Y. Blasingamc made a bus¬ iness trip to Atlanta this week. Mr. Jndson Williams is the boss water¬ melon raiser on the A. & F. R. R. Knoxville will be tho best cotton mar¬ ket on the A. & F. road next fall. Professor J. 0. Blasingamc, of Reynolds, spent several days this week in town. Mri Tom Lowe returned with his wife and two children to Dawson on Sunday. Mr,. A. C. Ayant is this wfeek enjoying himself in good old Washington county. The wife and children of Mr. J. B. Stembridge, of Macon, are visiting in Knoxville. A limited number of the celebrated um¬ brella China trees—one year old—for sale by tii# editor. A First Class new Sewing Machine for Side at nearly half price. Apply at the printing office. Crops are beginning to stiller on account of drought, but a large portion of the corn has matured. Mr. L. F, Collier, of Hawkinsviile, was in town, a fosv days ago, on his way to his in this county. Mr. Jerry Britt and wife, of Macon, Sunday with the family of Mr. Hen ry Britt, above town. Let us seettro to Knoxville the inestim able advantages oi’ another raihoad, if there bo a single chance. One more railroad through Crawford county—hear •'the center—would give us fecilitics about equal to those of Macou. The Editor greatly appreciates the gift of a watermelon which J . W, Horn brought several miles ou the back of a Texas pony. Foi a safe and certain remedy for fever and ague’ use Dr J II McLean’s Chilis and Fever Cure, it is warranted to cure. ’ With another railroad Knoxville would 1)9 a most desirable location for a cotton reed oil mill, a guano factory ami a cotton factory. A negro woman walked into town the other day followed by a swamp coon about half grown. The coon was geutle playful. A big crowd will attend the railroad no ting today, for the people realize that is at stake upon the success of this enterprise. Misses Eddie Jarielt ami Florence Wright I returned from Salt Springs on Wednesday It is mmeeessary to state that they a delightful time. On Wednesday Mr. Frank Wright shot a chicken snake which was sharing a frog in front of the store. The reptile Las his home under a pile of goods boxes. If Knoxville gets the new road Crawford county gets a first class home market. If Crawford county gets a home market she becomes at ones one of the best counties in the state. Judge John Perry, of Newton, Baker stopped over to tee his brother, this county, ou Sunday. Judge Perry left next morning for Rome, whore he goes to attend the general conclave of the Legi u of Honed. A half-witted “coon” named Rousseau a mania for preaching. One night he disturbed the slumber of manv Knoxvii’.cites bv holding open rr service* the court house square, preaching from favorite text, Drv “Bones.” Even the most vigorous and - hearty have at times a tceling of weariness i';;: : ■ - vrgro and vitality. ’« hebb arc times whena foeliDg of lassi will ovcrhom.e the most robust, when system craves Ur pm, blood, to fur I ho best tltflciemerasofh^ i(unci-j roi punlymg h and Lie slrenghL blood Dr J. II. McLeans Sarsayarilla. w V JOBTlIlfiBLOOD, tS Mtllllrla lliliousnc-- eSS ’ ’ IUdiSe Sti ° n aDd _'^o^iKioWN’S laed’cSe^Gct'Che IRON BITTERS. b> aU * m cenuina I'ovc. nvst*EPsiA t T nu .‘lutswiFM Trim filtlprs. I’liysiuiKr. •; ivomnioiu! it. ii v‘i-.’t ku y i t.O-j |i- iGiu. CriiUi:. • ;, GEORGIA. JULY 90, 1333. |l .Per Amiu..i. Snperiar Court In September. Representative Johnson has succeeded in having.the time for holding Superior court in . Crawford eonniy changed to the former time by tho house. March and September are the monihs that suit the farmers of this county best, us the grand jury recommended. Prahford Co. Fruit Abroad. W. I’. Allen shipped this wet k a crate of peaches to bis mother in Fairbavtn, Mat'S. They were magnificent specimens of the Chinese cling variety, and grew in I’. F. Matthews’orchard. 'i’i'o people in the baked beans country will be carried away with this luscious GeorgiaTruit. Picnic as EIScIi £8i5>, • Yesterday the people living near Rich hill had a quiet picnic. The friends of Judge John Perry, of Baker county, got up the dinner mainly on his account, and the several families enjoyed the day finely. There is talk of having a wholesale, big picnic there at no very distant day. NOTICE!!! Notice is hereby given that a bill will be introduced at the present adjourned session of the Georgia Legislature to pro¬ hibit the sale in any quant' of spirituous intoxicating or malt liquors within three miles of tbqjBaptist andMetbodist churches in the town of Knoxville, Crawford county Ua. and for other purposes. July 19th, 1889. NOTICE! NOTICE!! Notice is hereby given that at the Ad- 1889, of the General Assem¬ bly of tho State of Georgia, to convene ou the first Wedesday in July, prox.. a bill will be introduced before said body to be entitled as follows :, An Act to prohibit the sale of Seed Cotton in the County of Crawford in quantities of less than five hundred pounds, and for other purposes. This June 12th, 1889. A young man near this town had It a eating cancer ott his face, which had de¬ stroyed his nose and was eating towards his eyes. As a last resort I: put him on Swift’s Specific, and it has cured him en¬ tirely s’ouml and well. M F Crumley* W I) Oglethorpe,Ga. ST. LOU/S, MO., Post-Dispatch says “Indian women are proverbially healthy and strong, olten marching for days with their baoiea upon their backs. in fact, they frequently go the day before and aftsr confinement, with their tribes, upon the march. Those women acquire this grisat strenght and power of endurance by using a weed that grows ih their locality, out. ii£ which a medicine is .now being made, and kept by,the druggists, under the name IN¬ DIAN WEED (Female Medicine.) Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver, and the whole system becomes aetatiged. Dr. J. II. McLean s Sarsapa rdk; perfects the process of digeotiou and ssiinilation, and thus makes pure blood. Ncnmhf in Persons And from those troubled overwork with will nervousness be relieved by resulting taking ears or Brown's Iron Hitters. Genuine, has trade mark and crossed red lines ou wrapper. -CA LL UN--- J. S. M c G E E At Ceres or McElniurray'j old stand For Fine .Whiskies,j Braiuly, Ultra and Gin and general Gro cerifts. Everything at Macon prices. « Tlie White is K iisg. OVER 7000,000 Now In Use. Ipllllllll ■ g I 1*’ W®*® gM jj ||M f' 1 UJ WaA K'&lfsBBtetBfr 1 | | =5 do >u' w«n% to please your " j V( , H y , a qp, dn VM) , osir(! lf) , ij!htaD v , mrlaborg ? (Jo yi , u wihl , t() ^ onicrs ^ S ”’ " >Ujr 11 x one 0,1,1 ot ' , .V verdict of the people at is that the White fills the bill in ev O' respect. We Know Tint W:4|t Tho Best. \ Go'den Opportmiitv For Dealers. A.DDRftSS; WhIK IKvrirg Ci., Cu Vcl.’GU'! 0 • ( Jrrnyl : oid Comity’s Kiglu tise Wrongs, The physician will ascertain what is wrong with the patient before he will pre scriba a remedy, If a merchant does not make money he will go to work to learn why. If a tact try does not show the gain expected the management will be looked into. In all pursuits where results arc not satisfactory, the first action taken by (lmse in charge will be to find out what is wrong. Now, there is something wrong with the produce!s of 'his country. / V.'hat is it ? It is not ifcit they Jo n..t work enough, for they have prfknlce.l enough wealth in the last thirty' years to enrich other classes until As erica is almost able to buy the world. No country has ever known so rapid an accumulation oi wealth. It is not that they do not economize, for it is a H ell known fact that no class is so poorly fed and and clothed. It is not that they are profligate, idle or criminal, for statistics show them to be in a high degree sober, industrious and law-abiding. Now then, what is the matter with tbe produce's ? They are simply producing at a loss. This is evident, for in the length of time (thirty years), in which other classes have gained so enormously in wealth, they have not held their own. At the beginning of this period they owned one-half of the wealth. Now they own one fourth. While they have fallen behind other classes have gained ftom 100 to 1000 per cent. Now suppose produc¬ ers could double praduction, would that help them ? Not at all. It is shown tnat labor as the? may, others get tbe profit and they the experience ? Well then, if increased production will not help, let the producers get to work like men and find out what will. In discussing this matter we must take producers as a class and not as individuals, because there are exceptions to all rules. Now let us examine the conditions. We are buying on erddit at great loss, because for tbe credit we pay from 78 to 100 per cent extra. Wo are selling everything in the lowest market and buying' in the highest. We pay from one to two per cent per month for money to handle on crops. We pay double tlie transportation rate we should to get our produce to mar¬ ket and our supplies back. In addition to tin's we pay 80 per cent of taxes, while owning only 25 per cent of the wealth of the Now, with such conditions surrounding us can we hope to accomplish anything? Will not we become losers each year until onr children become the bondsmen of the speculative class? Hence the imperative necessity for changing these conditions. What shall sve do to he saved ? In the place, we must organize—unify on. - - remember wo must stand or as a whole. Let the wisest counsel be had in order that we may deckle intil ligently upon a lino of action. In the next place let- us attack the credit system, Let "us take the potter of credit from the merchant and control it ourselves, We can do that by each Alliance looking aft, its members and helping thorn to got cash with which to buy enough supplies to make a crop without mortgaging to the merchant. Be sure to require good se¬ from each member for the amount he wants, these amounts to be agreed tip on ar.d approved by tha Alliance. Then Jet a note for the sum of these amounts ! c made to a trustee*- who will effect a loan upon the best possible terms. Now, the to bo gained by this can scarce be estimated. The merchant is forced to compete in prices with others who seek get your cash trade. You can never this while you buy on credit, for when mortgage to a merchant you are for that year, if not for all time to You will find that he will charge enough for “carrying you,’’ as he calls it. Stop being carried and be independent. Now some may and will say ; -‘I don’t want to be security for another man.” Let remind such a brother that as it tow is pays his share ot all the merchant’ll losses. Consider >.ve!l this step, for I regard it as or.e of the most important t0 be n,SM,# in onr condition. If have no Aliumcc Exchange then go to wUh nji 8 ht and main ,0 esteblit ’ J . 0 your purchasing power to ^ “ lhe th ^ m f ket ' , ^ ExcbanR ° , “ My al che «l"y as * 10 owned the capital stock. For instance, if yon a wagon you could rmki- through having f dun* tha the same. Tiro ,; ra! agent ' l,,i - for al! can puruhaso as cheaply as b^rtug like at tbe amount, rate and you if get one wagon *amo as vou > « ght them all. Blusanmadvan ,» gained in buying a barrel of carloSl. yonr^ORler goes with others to make a Now, with such an advau whcK) duty is it to look out lor your hqptmg the best maiket to buy and the bc*t to sell in. Bend your energy to Change the present con¬ and don’t let’s make war on any I or tj;, to pull anyb dy down. If uTercht'.tjt c.ui't, votiine:,.- i-n • ' t!.• ic to .. nG - ...v NUMBER, 26 does, al! righ t patronize hitn. You have the option and he must meet the competi¬ tion. Let’s bulk our cotton audd offer di¬ rect to the factory on as good terms as tho speoijator. -As it is we do not sel! our cotton but only stand by and have nothing to say, and see some one else sell it. Let ns change these conditions. Let us step up from dependence to independence. We can do it and we must do it. In the name oi our country, and Dr the sake of your wives and children let every true Allrartce man do his whole duty in this matter. We ' ni l l( jsel ^4 per cent of the voters of this c01 'ntry. Let a uni.a to elect men to rep r ‘ ;s ® nt nR w ho wil1 flefond our interests . , ,,lts entente otirse.tes in finance, trans¬ portation, taxation and everything that concerns our welare. We must to tho front, wo can no longer evade our public duties without criminality; our re¬ sponsibilities are too great—let us exercise our suffrage understar.dingly, unhampered by prejudice. Do not consider individual*, but select the best men—those who can stand the application of Jefferson’s rule : is he honest, is he competent, will be stand by us? Let’s apply this rule and make choice from the people—not necessa¬ rily from the Alliauce, but from good men all occupations. Let’* find out what we want and make our demands with reason and intelligence, and we will be heard. We can tbits alter every condition that surrounds us, and it will be our fault if we fail. Subscribe for and read our Al¬ liance papers, help each other, have con¬ fidence in ourselves and in each other. Let's deserve success and we will attain it. Dare to be right, lear to be wrong, and God will bless our effort. S. B. C. Our by. Our baby when two mouths old, was at¬ tacked with Scrofula, which for a longtime bestroyen her eyesight entirely, and caused us to despair of her life. The doctors sailed to relieve her, and we gave S. S. S. which' cured her entirely, and she is now hale bcartv. E V. DELK. Will’s Point, Tex. SICK headache, biliousness, nausea are •promptly and agreeably by Dr. J. II. MrLean’s Liver Kidney Pilletb (little pills.) Wrapping paper for sale at office at ids per pound- Many Persons Arc broken down from overwork or house hold cares Brown’s Iron Bitters rebuilds the system, aids digestion, removes c-x oefag of bile, and cures malaria. Let the gouuiL**. nrYOU’T r.ACK AGUE* 1/all uealer^ m medic.ii.-. • *n sntrjT pm possojo puv rtratn apun svq eujmioo -ti ips sjopvopijv -ij puaimnojoj uins 'vts'Gds.ut ■ilUVt'Ja ‘sssuanoiiid [*J0u?.fi pm; ‘cioiisoPipuj 'ssansnoAjajg 'e:i •BPW sojnj SU311I3 HOm SMiOiSS S@s? 5S Finest THE £5?^ WOODWORK-T^Xgl _______ AffAe-HMEfifS Nfw fiQMf Mwititij f iaCh 31 mmmm cm0°L. TLflNra,E fl ST.t0U13.MQ. _____ ifQAI.LAS. iEX, J. W. iita.ii ...... .. Ki.o.Yviile, Gu. ‘3 HICAQ 'P’VCL ‘0, k w) ARAEL‘, *7 V x ' CL , ~— fL‘.C‘ON, GA., DEALERS IN— Whibiu’ , E- f‘: r7137 / 71—; WIWL ,. R' l ‘ - ‘ T BACW cf O . ~ ‘ / ’ 1 , ‘ 4L .‘ ./‘~ \. J Having bought out Mr. Hoizcmiorf’s bacineezr, we are me? parml t0 supfiy 0::1‘ iriemis With the ”best Liqx‘mz's cigars and Tobaccos the market afi'um‘s 2t living prices. Nrm‘ whemvw 1:011 come to town come to see Ci‘um Hicks. G EORGIA, Crawford county~Will ft* lft sold before tlie court house door hours Knoxville, Georgia, wilhin the legal of sale on the first Tuesday in Au-j gust, 1889, the following property to wit: One hundred and fifty acres of land, more or less, in being parts of lota numbers 141 142, the Seventh Districr. of said county, bounded north by land of Daniel Harris, east by lands of Proctor, south by lands of Posted and west by lands of Mill- levied on as I he property of defendant by virtue of a fi fa issued from the Super rior court of said county in favor of if. Gi Bayne, Pardeman and Davis against Rachel Jefferson. , .Julyylth, 1889> __li. A. HARTL EY , Sheriff- ' ' ‘ sdTifil: ’ . ;r Notice is hereby given that at the ad¬ journed session of the Legislature which will meet on the first Wednesday in July noxi, a bill will be introduced to provide for Tax Assessors for Crawford connty. May 31st 1889. If health and life are worth anything and you are feeling out of sorts and, tired out, tone up your system by taking Dr. J II. McLean’s Sarsaparilla. INDIAN WEED (Female Medicine) has, proved a great blessing to the weak,deli¬ cate, over-worked women of our large citiea for it is that all who use it keep robust and healthy. 4 My father had for years an erting cancer on bis under lip, which had been gradually growing worse until it had eaten away his under lip down to the gurus, and was itself ou tiie inside of his check, anil the surge** said a horrible death was soon to corns. We gave him nine bottles of Swift’s Spe¬ cific, and he lias been entirely cured.. W P. Lathrop. South Easton, Mass. Swift’s Specific is entiaely a vegetabl* remedy, and seems to cure Cancer by forc¬ ing the poison out of the system through the sore. Send fur took od Cancer and blood poison, mailed free. ( 1 THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,. f Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga. Pimples,blotches, scaly skin, ugly *p>ti sores unhealthy and ulcers, discharges, abscesses such and tumor*,' - . zcttia, ringworm, other forms of skin dii eases, are symptoma of blood impurltjr LakcDr. J. II. .McLean’s Sarsaparilla. : if No need to take those bigcathartic pill*; one of Dr. J. II McLean’s Liver and Kid¬ ney Billets is quite sufficient and morc agreeable. U A 'S'--. Bjp '•"'VxS - m SWIFT • i SURE SIMPLE * \) ' SILENT I SIR0N5 •r* l New uaproveflhigh arm,new mechanicalpitacN der, richly emsmented, Bickel plated, And AiStei glvea perfect satifitaction. Send for cucnlua. a. AVERY 813 S^ACHINE^COJ Broadway, New hdliSi ONIY ^ development* ; ^ r. ' - -.dyoProofs, talldeeoriptioaaa* ^ELMSOMORE aotoA xj i Fucceaeful speci&lista to the V .L ■ nc.w r «u, ti; lorthacure ot Xnrmtmm OfMIU*. JLoet ua;,;',DrKKklBteoebln :xanh<roit, U reftiMMUil DeeaMtu 1W ■ Address DR WARD & CO., LoaUm, Me. WSAMDEVELOPEB ”.10 I'-- ,.'dii.fl(Gt\w HOQV KNLA nmmTLiAA — 1 cto 1 ’. i'si-NoviTit,Nil!5! EsaimiiiArrairnT- b y. ■ ,-f) t liMHt HI H j 11 OPT ttttPgf. 1 v:. ■ wi tl «>v tha? rhere i* no grid Mi' LU bldT"" pi.oiT 1 ♦it’s On the cont.gnry.thaadTgrttaerii^w Terr n joined. G i threat od .iT* > l,in Hl1 nUnin^N.-Toledo ^^icniRrw. by addiSSSSTSS jly snlnX. V H i. V *• r.M . A j fi cl \ iL£' ■ & Best Business Colifi^G College LExiWaroN, injhe WorkL ky. ► Honor »na fclold Medal onr *n Mh*r CollifM, A vi-ld'j h Su.'acn vpnjl-io.; ttilnoittM. for 8;Men of MN BMkJtmbl SnlnM ■* Im lo 'l'oachera employed. Ooet of Fall BuhiNt inoludit.g Tuition. Stationery and Board, nfemlO*. fur c.rcaU-J^Mdrw^Ughrnlmv L ^mlth. Ttjtrtjliif . ’ . E. VAR WINKLE & C O., ATLBNTA, GA. ", the be* Gins, Feeder and Condetsirc. ■OHDOiSU Cj [v'l -Mu