The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, August 03, 1889, Image 1

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/TJEORGiA, vd Crawford county:— Ap praiaers appointed to set apart and assign to lira. M 1. Sawyer a year’s ibis sup¬ is port have made their return: therefore to cite all persons concerned to show’ cause, if any they have, before me on or before the ffrst Monday in August riot next, why tneir return should he the Judgment of the court of Ordi¬ Given under my hand and official sigiiatuie this, O. P. Julvffird, iVRIOUT, 1889. Ordinary. GEORGIA, SV. Crawford M. Taylor, County—To administra¬ all tor concerned : of Itufus Carter, deceased, has in due form applied for leave to said sell deceased the lands belonging This is therefore to .the estate cite of ail parties : to con¬ cerned to show cause, if any they, have, before mo on the first Monday in August, next, be why said prayed application Given should not granted hand as for. under wy and official signature. This July 2nd, 1889. O. P. WRIGHT, Ordinary. “JJ EORGIA, Crawford county—Will he sold before the Court house door in in the town of Knoxville, salt said county with¬ the legal hours of on the first TuedSay In September next, the follow¬ ing property to wit; one-horse Pour mules and two oxen, also one wagon and one two-horse wagon; the above being the properly set out in mortgage fi fa under which the same was levied. Levied on as the property.of J. I*. Horn under and’by yjrtiie of a.inbVtgagg fi comity fa jSsped from the SuberiofT.-ourt ors aid in jednceiWied'legally favor of Colethau not!:iod^ d. Rivy. A11 ' ' parties .b this Printer’s August £ 1.688. «. A. BAIiTLBY, fee J3_ She r iff. ROME COUNCIL, Ws take pleasure i in calling the attention ol jr.othera to a home cure %r all diseases of the etocoach and bowels, a medicine so long needed to- carry children safely through the crilicaj {tag* of TEETHING, FITTS’ CARMINATIVE, i fg an incalculable blessing to mother and child. It is ail instant relief to colic of infanta, a dis¬ ease with which they Buffer so much the first four months of thoir life. It gives sweet rest to .the sick and fretful child, and strengSusnt ind builds up the weak, givos appetite and fieeh the puny, corrects drain form tha bowels, cures diarrhea ilr.d dysentaiy. A panacea *nr children. Try one bottle. Ii gioste oVw Twenty-Blve Cents a bottle, ' - ,?woW wt s.-fwy.SS. BBSS0B2BB HARRIS’ PSfc ^ffeiKERVOSISUESIUTY tSTPlATfAilTC 3 &X 4 M& V vrL/O V&r orer imposition brain work. of pi'eten* Avoid *• •n TTRTT. yrV. _____ *’ tyi\» f ti0U3 rerueCics for tl ’V~ S troubles. Get our Freo Circular and Trial Pack- t ^PHYSIC ago, aud learn important facts oefore taking treat¬ V DECAY, ment elsewhere. that Take a jsURE Keuedt HAS CURED thcusand’i, cloth' not interfere with atten * Nested tion pain to buslBcsp, iuccnven eauso in EARS BY for USE overS:> IN MAIM m t any scientific way. or medical Four.aeSi sc jnincl- nee on KOUSAMD CASES, j ples. By directappncatiGP nss r o the eeat of aiseaao its .* tl-C T specific tvithout delrt influence Tho ia felt nab ural ftmetioi f the ho*. rr'imu rg and --------- R' rhe animatins eiemcctA TREATMENT. yf life, vfMch nave been One Month, - $3.00 m (Tasted he patiltitbecomescaeer arfgiven bftck.and ‘Two Months, * 0.00 Tul uud rapid/y gains both Three Months, 7.00 strength and sexual vigor* HARRIS REMEDY C*6.. Hi’reC hemists lUGOGELE^gS^^lUim 806K N. Tenth St., ST. L OVla. MO. 1 mfl rim 5^ rt. - k i MK^ ort v ‘ J&s* experience . in th*9 fgsrsi 1 ® \£*3£& Si ■ Thousand applications Statro and ter Fovsign- patents ia the Linitod of tho Scipr.tilic «mj. PS tries, American tho publiahora continue to act os Ph^oitors STAX&Tl g Ba3s a for natents, caveats trade-inarkr ctpy . SfeBUaRMsS rights, etc., for the United UngiRnd. States, an a to’obtain patents in Canada. Their l t Hice, Germany, unequalcd and all ether aud'heir countries faciJ.ties pyperi «noe ia mo unsur In.the ^^Drawings Patent and Office specifications short notice. prepared, Terms and fiied on models very reasonable, fto char :» for examination of ■or drawings. Advico by free thd largest circulation andAthe pitolished im*i ; t tho inunential world. newspaper cf its kind iu Tho advantages of Guch a notice every patentee Admitted to be the best pupor aovoted to science, *\A mechanics, inventioua, >ng* th,»*v v^ works. other departments of industrial sre*#, pi tlD- of Wished in any country. Ij coRtaiHs : ntRlflS i of all patentees And tiffio <•*ovo.y ir ..m • t ion po.S-esi'tPd di»!l«i each week. all newsdealers. Try it f months > >i cue i Gold by %&Su&a£&!Z ex’ mailed hm. » THE PROPOSAL 1111 % ;lE 3 m 'gjm ii f p f U He. —My darling, you look irresistibly vely to-night! She .—Do I ? Thanks very much! you e handsome as a Prince, Charley, in your ess suit. He .—Give the credit to the Diamond lirt, my Jove, which T wear for the first ne to-night; toilette. it is that which gives tone my Here is its prototype (slip ng the Diamond engagement ring on r finger). She. —May our love be as enduring a: e fame of “ The Diamond Shirt.’ Tableau* WAM<3UTTA mM .. SOO LiyjEN. m §2, mm r 0-^pC •‘olCa Kon 1 ts, Md. THE KNOXVIlt m f l) L _ SSK^X l -- Vt % % s -a. t\ A Z. T || *< h > 3 VOLUME II. TOWN AND CODNTYS What the People are Doing find Talking About. THE TIMESTlTcilA^FOED Sociciy WewB sail Hiclghtooi"* «io«(5. Hones—Pcrsituul RPonlioia. - Miss Emma Andrews is visiting friends in the Central City. a'. •’Misses Minnie Persons and Bessie SinijU are, ? visiting at Ljthonia,. . t .{«, , i oJr-H. Solan is having * storm pit dug ■‘mostly for other puvposss.” Mr. William Flanders, of the Central City was this week in the burg. Miss Classic Drew, of Upson county, is visiting Mrs. Z. T. Harris at the hotel. MissrAlice Roberts, of Augusta, is vis¬ iting the family of Mr. J. 1. Champion. Captain J. F. Joiner, of*Montgomery, Alabama, spent Sunday last iu this city. tins Avant has returned from « two weeks visit to relatives in) Washington county. Mr.-Berry Long has the Editor’s thanks for the gift of a peck of mighty fine Tiuley peaches. A limited number of the celebrated um¬ brella China .trees—-one yfiar pla—for sale by the editor. A First Class new SewifigsMacbine for sale at nearly half price* Apply at the printing office. Mr John Jeiildns, of Peach [Fort],Val¬ ley, has been spending several days-in our burg this week. Mrs. Pierce will have one more bargain day this season, the 14th and 16tb. Como and get cheap goods. Col. 0. P. ’Wright spent moat of this week', with his father’s fdhiily at White Plains, Greene comity. 1 Mr. W. 0. Crawley has closed out his sawmill business heve aiid>,^,yiil retiup to KaFayetcj, Ala, sc it i« sZsicf. Deu’t forget to come to See Mrs. Pierce on t-hc 14th . and 15th. I have a few patterns of dress goods at cost. Foi a safe and certain remedy for fever aud ague* use Dr JII McLean’s Cbi 11s and Fever Cure, it is warranted to cure. V • There is an effort cm foot to move the postoffice from Knoxville to some building near Mathews & Ray’s gin house. This is a fact. The family of Mr. Smith, of the Sandy Point district, miffirn tlit^loBS of an infant child, whose clefith 'occurred several days ago. ' Laces, Ruching, Huts knd Flowers at at Mrs. Pierce’s. Now is i the time to goods cheap. I want room for my fall stock. Mr. ii. W. Fiuney presented the Editor it mammoth 50,pound watevntfelon of purity of heart ft+iif a gem’of the firs! (class) water Mr. Jr ’ Wiiiiamii shipped the Lest car j "’hterrocions ,IVcm Oaillmd - . stAlon * • ' 5iaS l " vn reW ’ Tet5 5e Atknt * tWa seas,in, it is said. The famous white opoBs-atw which was on exhibition at Wright & • Aden's store has escaped. Who ever beard of a white opossum before? Prof. Huekaby did not “chow up” with bis show o'- Tuesday, lie says he will be boro ii; & few days. Hiio-kaby is said io be the mat. with whom Ordinary Holton bad a row about faxes. Evkn t.hft most Vigorous, and hearty people have at timer a feeling -this of weariness lassitude.. To dispel feeling take Dr. -J. II. McLeau’s Sarsaparilla; it will vigvo and vitality. ‘ •< • Thebr are tii'.:ca*wbcna feeling of lassi¬ will- overcome the most robust, when the system craves for pure blood, to fur¬ the elements of health, and strenght. best remedy for purlfyttlg the blood II. McLean’s Sarsayavllla. The rains on 1 hursday evening raised little creek near hr-wn-to such a degree Jesse Pout was ’afraid’to.-venture in ; his back. So bo nulxarnessed a nd | bis horse into the water. The horse into >v bole and Jesse rank under times. He was washed against the log and clambered out. On Saturday the Editor was plcascii to an invitation to a watermelon feast the home enyiyciF'iS^only of Mil Samuel A. huugry Lon^. The edi was a car enjoy anythipg of the kind, and vve(Fieturtic.l homo he sent another melon and a whole lot of peaches. Lnug lias a good little farm, and ho it- solf mstain n t. ■ Ho is a good and a Alliaucetnari. GEORGIA, i-AUGUST 8, r^BV:.. Price .Per Anuuui. JFali-vfew S’kdcIcs. On the morning of the 18th inst,Messrs. T. J. Piles and Brant Smith caught a fine red fox near j. T. Andrews’ house. it cost a considerable effort to dig it out*w a gopher hole forty feet long. They have a fine pack of hounds which never fail to catch a for when put on tlie'Cbasa, On walking over Mr.Mitchell Worsham's crop we find that lief has as'fine a field of up ' hied-‘corn as scy man can show. Mitch is a good farmer The fKends of tlie ; cause' have organized a Sabbf tii Btfliboi «t Pairvifew.' It is eoter fain'ing, inCtjuctive t! »ncf .wifi eventually prove * benefit to the ccafmunity. It Sa taken hold of by live men who mean success. Tiler* are fifty scholars and will be more when the weather gets cooler. The ladies:’generally - are busy canning, preserving and drying fruit for the coming winter, If they continue as they have begun there will be as much fresh fruit in the winter as in the summer. X. a Ice-cream a si '< g,et»j«>*:-s3tSe. Wc are requested by the ladies to state that.there will be an ice-cream stand on the ground where the Alliance dinner is to held, from which Will he dispenced a bountiful supply of delicious ice-cream and lemonade for all. The proceeds from tb6 same are to We donated for repairs being made on the Baptist church, TtOTTCE ! NOTICE !! Notice is hereby given that at the Ad journeuVTerm, 1889, of the General Assem¬ bly of the State of Georgia, to convene ou the first Wedesday in July, prox.. a bill will bo introduced before said body to be entitled as follows: An Act to prohibit tiie sale of Seed Cotton in the County of Crawford in quantities of less than five hundred pounds, and for other purposed. This June 12tb, 1889. A young man near this town had an eating cancer on his face; which had'de¬ stroyed his noso and was eating towards his eyes..' As a last resort I’ put him on ' ,, Swift .. , Specific, ... and , it ., has , cured . ,- him ew s tirely sound and well. IS. F Crumley* M D Ogletborpc' 1 !?a. "Indian ST. LOUtS, MO., Post-Dispatch healthy says strong,'often women are proverbially with arid marching for days tneir babies upon their backs, In fact, they frequently go the day before and after confinement, with their tribes, upon the march. - These women acquire this great strerigjit and poiver of their endurance by using of a weed that grows in locality, out which a medicine is new being made, and kept by tjMddrnggwts, under the mime IN¬ DIAN WEED (FenuRe Medicine.) Faults of digestion cause disorders of the- li7er, and’ the whole- system becomes deranged. Dr. J. fi. McLean’s Sarsapa¬ rilla perfects-the process of digeotion and and thus makes pure blood. Weuralffic Persons And those troubled Vith will nervousness resulting taking from care cf overwork be relieved by Brown’s Iron Bitters. Genuine has trade mark and crossed rod lines onwranner. CAIi-L O K- -y Mc'G , J. 8. E E ■A t Cer( i 3 nr McKmiiirray’s old stand ?(•!’ Kine WJ.’iski*!;-: Brsilli , Krtbi tisvi (jin anu i-DiEeroi Oro E very thing at Macon The White is King. OVER 7000,000 Now In Use. t mmmm ” <jaS&SH^m mSESSSmB mB 'Ji 3 fi b; J ; » 1 1 K. 'J m -grii— mttwh iww- ♦3 jBgggL P dfjfSjp Gcutlcmon, do ^teu want to please your wives? Ladies do you desire to lighten yourlabors? Dealers do you wish to satisfy your cus¬ tomers ? If so, Buy THE WHITE. Tho one and only verdict of the people at large is that the White fills the bill in ev respect. \Ve Know You Want Tho "Best. A Golden Oppovtuhity For Dealers. ADDftoS. . (joL-.-iy'.; •A Al^iaace <L , «j*aF.»a5tf.«e. *; Tim , committee sop iT'.tcu •• arrange :br • m, HI: ki- J» eat court Alliance he tee, tiin.-ier Th-we tard. item on C. turdfty ’{4? tj. McElmurray. ebsdrnmc A. .J. Daipellv, John Cteclirar- ( nr E-Tiight, J. JP. Biaaingame, J, B. J’a: ’• , S grove wrsi •• '.he depot tv at select edhtp t o place for the dinner. Tha marshals appointed aie; IHckoiy Grove lodge, \V. H. Ham mack. Cfck Grove lodge. Dock Visage. Ores lodge, T. A. Bo won. AVoods Academy, J. Id. Smith. Independence;' Greene Aultmau. ililljJ. Bay Springs',' Stantnor#' Gunt'er, '' Plersant M. QravM. tnoxville, S. A. Long. Jt ih agreed that the committeemen and marshals shall v.-e.-w badges to designate thdJr official position*. Every lady shall have control of her basket, and they aro requested to tag the baskets before leaving home AN ALLIANCE FAIR. •' The citizens of the county are iv-qiwsfed to .bring samples of minerals and farm products to be on exhibition. There wili be * place prepared for them. The committee and marshals aro fe qqpted 2:.(Monday), to meet at the depot on August at 9 o’cloek. Editorial Comment -.— The grounds selected for this most important occasion are exactly one mile from the court bones It is a level, pretty place, but the public is -not pldaseu . at the choice of a locatich vvbjeb mads. v The writer hr.e heard was more than a hundred Alliatiriemen from va0buB portions of the county express no Iittlp displaisure at tha. action of the cora mfltee in this matter. They say that the Comity Alliance selected Knoxville os the place for' having the celebration, and the committee transcended their authority !* chjjpsnig wekncWn a place so far off. Never ba"e so much dissatisfaction over a tiling of this kind Numbers of them they will not go to a dinner at the p'ae». Lecturer Terrell writes that he will bo ere. ; This will make twice this summer we will have . had , this . distinguished ,. .. ° , , ,. — rik , people from Taylor -grea many cotiaty will come, and it is probable that will be three thousand people in on the 14th. John L. Sullivan, “the slugger,” has arrested. He and others of his ilk be made to know that they cannot upon the dignity of the law in the without .punishment, . ■ „ ASK F0R IT) THE SEL^-THREADING 1 “B” In it are com bind the fin¬ est mechanic¬ al skin, -the* most useful! 5" a -jj known ad vantages that ®* ke a - - Sirkblelo & aell or usa. ELDREDGE W1FC. ©O. fwtory and Vhcleiote Cfflca, BalvAaie, «a 271 Wabash Ate., Chicago. 99 Broad Street, Koto York. I t '1’}! '- - < THE . BEELLEANT . 7 . '3 ‘-’ SALOGN fie ND EE’STAU RANT £5; ' owmqfi‘ixfi 32231::9 lifJN‘ ‘ " IS BY ‘ . . » 3.. IR. ”EfiiCKS, ‘4 _ - , Whenever you come to Maxim and want safigi’fiizig 266d ta” eat axid'IsorfeiHing ggad to‘driuk.y§axi Will find the B&L‘iant the beat. ylace in'lown ofihe‘kind.‘ '.; fine ‘- "I‘ Q, i; 3. AW » 'VMVKU 2f; 'VaxaMn rear, us that in a: 1 r,: ' • • '.-.'ii; ,n t? it C ' ; .*s d I iu ihu-rast twelve , v,' I ir.peri;. laieii so hw i or fhe purpose ■J'c, nvc the .lota? .t-poticS of n.’opem- r.turriea for taxation. This will ccrtiiu'e to be the case until a board cf ta:; r.sttssors simli be appointed, the iienef.ta of whose work l.i one year will last tea or twenty years, Ll^itiniss;. luring the tlmoderstortn on Monday afiarnoon a bolt of lightning struck Col. Itobley Smiih’s new residence. The cur¬ rent struck the central chimney and ran down the roof to the front ell. The hall window upstairs was knocked askew, and the weather hoards on the front near the bay window were thrown off with the corner post, A ccuple of chairs in the parlor were set on fire, a curtain burnad and a hoi* burned in the carpet. It will take about $50 or more to hire the damage repaired. A few minutes later, the jams evening lightning struck the telephone wire and broke it down near tha depot. The current followed the wire into 'Wright & Allen’s stora, where it playfully knock¬ ed soma dishes around, which were upon a table near the instrument, but doing no damage. DIZZINESS, nausea, 'drowsiness, dis¬ tress after eating, can be cured and pre¬ vented by taking Dr. J. IT McLean’s Liver and Kidney Filletf (little pills.) The most delicate constitution can safely ues Dr, J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lur.g Balm. It is a sure remedy for coughs, less cf yoioe, and all throat and lung troubles. SICK headache, bifionsuess, nausea costivefless, are promptly aLd agreeably banished by Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver aud Kidney Fillets (little pills.) Wrapping paper for e?Je at this office at 4ets per pound ‘ Oi D IkM’s lEFfi'-iA (fsofn'ag Posfjgrt) ^-, broken • SSany Persons r ^ aown from overwork or bousehoM rebuilds the B-ystcia, aids digestion, removes ex cess of bile, and cures malaiia. Uet the genuine. XT’ TOUR RACK AC IT EC Or yen are all worn out, realiv ^ood for nothin? it is general debility. Trv T. BROWK ’.S mox RITTERS. witl care you. anil give a good appetite. by all dealers iu medicine. •rtBjt ERsuouifft ‘sBOusnopja 'uoiissSipuj esinb SU3J1J3 MOV! S.MAOUil *Jg8 ^lUtiv Jk J _ j > , '»<*»Miu , yv miwTinitNidiEM 22 I___l TOR-VSAVe-jiBY “"‘•tAS.TEX. J. VV. Blasiijg.tuttt, jvnoxville, (ia. ,, HICKS ¢-;.MAM, & LLABKER, { , ' 6A., DEALERS 11%.“: .' 5 f , fix " " Wm ”WW ~ 3.3., , W ' IL, «- “ " 1? 03 L M360 J ‘ ‘ 820 A - Havmg _ bought - Cut'Mr’. 4 Homendmf’s , ‘ / bugmess, 9‘; V - pared to 31:13ny friends with the best Liquors [cigars we are’pltg and our ’fcbaacos the marketpaffords 3+ Hz’iz‘sg prises. "Now ys’heueV'ex’: , V0“ come to town acme to see (321: m kiiffk-S; 3‘ - 7 ‘ f^EORfrlA, ■X sold before Crawford the court county—Will bouse door be in. {hour Knoxville, Georgia, within tiie legal P Tuesday in Au I fiu: ih%; ■ - to wit: lo , .re . ..ivy a v :■ land. more I or leas ' ig : : - of , ■ -u ncis 141 i r«tj, iui , i;'U; . ij-t> i, ’ ;!f : county, ih ■ by . Harris, lands ey. ■ to e . of Hid— - by f.S Tr • T defendant ?!, li is: : the >upe ric : \Ul *<va t* t> favor of M. U. Ba. : avis against Racial \’,y .1 1889* B. ! v Shkuiff _. —: ---rrr IF. Ians. ..1 1 in:- s ■/' '.he c<r ms pund¬ er it it possible that’ a’.I !:.-;, h, or are they like Rip V-'uV'-’i'.il:. ■ Vf :--g ve to sleep tor t'-veutjr y : - s '. c, Bi Ridge. Ceres, Kickury Grove an.) Ealter Cake Bill, let Vour ligii:: :-.-j shiue rUers seeing y h .s' hiy your naiue.K I Pio i.z .'-hue n ripen R, :l ad the talk up hare is about i-bla Aitiaiiee diiuier amf Lie osaabuig suits to bs Worn at it. Laj us all carry osnaburg table cloths to spread' upon the tables and osnaburg towels to wipe out hands upon. There has bean a good deal of sickness iu otu- neighborhood, and it ham put Dr. Smith to his trumps to get around. The time was when the Doctor never, was be¬ hind, ITa never started too late to get there, but his old steed, Green, happened to the rib- fortune to gat his fore ieg broken, 1 and of course there is vs horse to he found ‘hat can compare with Green. Old Green will be buried., Johnathan Wilder anrl gam Mathews' say that if rise seven year locusts comp in th-3 shape of iusuraace agents they arc upon us now. Flint. a» SB A •p Cn Wednesday night Miss Laura Uliap-' man breathed her -r.-t. She will be buried' near her home in the Snl district in this county, so we hear. , WWTiCJB : journal Ne^ceys Session hereby given that at the ad-' of tbp Legi.d-.tuve which will meet on the first Wednesday in July noxi, a bill will^>e introduced to provide for Tax Assessors foe,Crawford.county. May 3lst 1889. ; I” health and life are worth anything arid you are flip ng out of sorts and tired out, tone up four system by taking Dr. J H. McT-can’r Sarsaparilla. I NDIAN WEED (Female Medicine) Ins' proved a great blessing to the weak,deli¬ cate, over-worked women of our large cities for it is that ,-.ii who use it keep robust and healthy. Pimples,blot;Ires, scaly skin, ugly spots-' sores and ulcers," abieesses an,! tumor?, unhealthy discharges, other such as catarrh, ec¬ zema, ringworm, forms of skin dis¬ eases, are symptoms of blood impurity TakeDr. J. IL McLean’s Sarsaparilla. No need to take those bigcat.hartic pills; oneofD". J. II McLean’s Liver and Kid¬ ney Fillets is quite sufficient and moro agreeable. 0m .. ‘ : i __n mi } SWIFT m jt r N'-- SURE ji I S1MFLE SILENT t STRONG ,H.A i § VI E richly entiefaction. ornamented, fiend nickel far plated, and elves circniars. M&GHm&GO, C SIS Broadway, 3few York.i mm oily „ l C-BCK, ra;?5fJ('KT,CfgTAJH CURE Foil %! ^or or ifsevoxopja^nt* Paused by icfii-rcrotians. *»*.«>:hsch, «to OanoCt«in >, u*3 ; Oorurt x«;-jnlfy wrtWr. awiChri., ,Ko IlGCHpl-lcu nr ^Quackery. .Vswdrlvo Broe»>, full ditssidptiouand m r R£LSBL£ PKSSI SELF-CUBE noted A and favorite aacceaeful prescription specialists of in one the of U. the S. zr-GL' (now retfrud) for the euro of Sorvatzm Manfocoil. einpc#Voc. WccJei*G»*E.nd Mt>*oa&. Sent en\ Dmgglatacan All iu DR VJARD & CO.. Wo. t H i ntei ^si inp iiq - ^ r ' u tTya «U Ty t D'Wiitl rod-nvf M tejialna sh'Uti'iiLatbBi'-: tiuf*. On the tslatjkriiiaa’fe . tmi I’sf’t*- j»i«* v»ry ■ r V V. ttf'i(s' in . ' *.■■•; ■■ ■ > .,y 1*4 Kiv.’.ty't '■ (( Qm-I.] U-Vi. .Ii.7:rt.i?;.urr ' teblrtr. >siij IltA, ~!r r'r' i U g r * 1 a , - ojjy I f.j- M* p Gotlege <1 Best Business Cci'sge in the World. Vtvrnr.r und Mp:(ip»io¥LV GoUe^tt, jGxi»krt<!l!on. Ktiu«*tlou. for of f Wfdliiatcs -Kocpiaaf fla ifutaiitw* eiuyluv«<>. of Veil lOTaaohtir* ultif*arrjr inoJudliu; Tuition. 8 »n<* Board,»t«out